The Unexpected Roommate.

By _YourFavoGay

24.3K 1K 309

Moving in with 3 gays shouldnt be that bad for a newly single 30 year old, Corey, trying to figure out his ne... More

My New Short Story


2.9K 137 37
By _YourFavoGay

4| Falling Out.



"Who the fuck is it?" I thought to myself as my door started getting banged on again. I hopped out of the bed and rushed down the hall. I slung the door open and it was Donna and Albe.

"Surprise!!" Donna said as she came in with morning celebration cake and Albe, her husband, held the balloons. They walked in and placed it on my kitchen counter.

"You are done with training and after break you will return to us ready to save the world." Albe told me. I smiled and was really excited with working with this small yet powerful branch in government, especially being a gay man. I came here many months ago like 9 months and was hated by everyone. Donna and Albe took me under their wing and its been nice and I got this nice ass apartment in Portland during training.

"So what are you going to do first when you are back in the real world Aladdin?" Donna asked as she started cutting the cake. Yes, Portland is in the real world but we are cut off from society and cant talk to anyone...anything can compromise the job.

"Well, first my clique and I are going to do a bar crawl. I havent had alcohol in months. Gosh, I missed them. I called Oakes last night and told him I was coming home." I told them Albe went over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass.

"When we stepped off the boat here. It was all surreal. We havent been to the states since we was recruited by the Commander. However, we made an exception to come and see you one last time before you go off to break, because you know once you return you will be on the island working with us...cut off entirely from this world. So make this break count. Taking a look back when we was offered the break...we would have took it but sadly it would have been hard to return." Albe told me. He poured orange juice and I asked, "Why? I didnt even know yall was offered a break. Yall are so secretive." Donna laughed and I was being dead ass. Ever since I met them all I have gotten is their names but they been in this organization for 18 years.

"We left behind something precious. Thats all. Now come on Commander allowed us to drop you to the airport. Plus, we have to vacate and wipe this apartment clean." Albe told me. After about 1 hour and a half we was finish wiping it all down and they dropped me to the airport.

Donna rolled down the window and said, "See you July 27th. You will recieve a call with a location to meet to be transferred to the island." I blew her a kiss and walked inside. They have been like parents to me. Truly have. Better than the ones that are living the lavish life in Beverly Hills who couldnt deal with having a gay son. Well, maybe I shouldnt have been fucking my moms assistant, but who cares. I still remember and feel freaked out that they caught me naked with her assistant riding my dick. I was 18 and full of horny rage. Just thinking of fucking has my dick jumping in my jeans. I have had zero sex during training. Like not even a blowjob...handjob. Nothing. That is about to change.

6 Hours Later, I got out the cab and stared up at the loft. My entire body got happy. I rushed inside pulling my bag behind me. I rushed passed the guard and pulled my elevator card out and tapped it. It went red. I tried it again and nope. I turned around and walked over to the guard.

"Hey...where is Rocky?" I asked him...speaking about the old guard.

"He is off today. What can I help you with?" He asked. I exhaled, "My elevator card isnt working. I havent been here in 9 months so maybe thats why but I can assure you I live here." He squinted and went behind the door and I followed.

"What is the name under the Loft?" He asked.

"It was Aladdin Gurdire, but when I left we changed the head leaser spot to Oakland Reyes."  I told him. He sat down in the chair and typed away. His nice latino body filled out that uniform just right. He must have seen my checking him out and I turned my head to the computer.

"Its 4 Elevator Keycards under Oakland Reyes. Ohhh I know who this is. The mean men who always wears black. Yeah, its definitely four keycards to that loft. I see all four of them everyday. You sure you stay there?" He asked me. I laughed, "You are funny. Its no way."

"Yes way. Oakland, Rome, Kaiden, and-and-and-

"ALADDIN!" I snapped.

"No. That doesnt ring a bell. Its----Corey!"

"Who the fuck is Corey?" I snapped as I rushed off and ran for the stairs. These bitches didnt kick me out of my own loft. Are they dumb?"

I arrived to the door and knocked, viciously. Didnt even attempt to try the keys because they may have just changed the locks. The door slid open and Oakes stood before me.

"Heyyyyy." He said all fake-like. I walked in and said, "No need for that. My elevator keycard didnt work. The cat is out the bag. Why the hell was I bumped off my own lease?"

"Aladdy, I am so sorry...but we needed help with the rent and you wasnt here. To be fair when you left you said you was never returning..I mean soon that is." Oakes told me. He had a point and I bit my inner lip. Suddenly, I heard Rome from down the hall.

"Oakes, I have a plan. We can just say Corey is an immigrant that you married so he wont be deport--" Rome and I eyes met and he said, "Ohhh..Myyy...Godddd...Aladdin is that you?" He asked.

"Yes it is." I told him. He rushed over and we hugged.

"I missed you and dont be mad. Corey is mad cool. Kaiden and him are grocery shopping right now so yeah. We was going to cook your favorite and ease you into it." Rome confessed. Oakes walked over and I said, "Its fine. I am only here for the summer, so I guess this is fine but since Oakes didnt tell me...I will be sharing a room with him."

"Thats going to be kind of hard being as though Gordon is here everynight." He told me. I took a stepback and laughed, "You are in a relationship? Whattt? Next yall going to tell me Rome and Carter broke up and Kaiden is fucking a straight man." Rome and Oakes stared at one another and pursed their lips. I hit it on the fucking nail. I cant believe all this shit has happened.

"You will be in my room, bae. Come on. Lets get you unpacked." Rome told me as I followed him down the hall. We went into his room and he said, "Carter? What happened?"

"It happened months ago. He cheated. We crashed his party and Corey headbutted his ass into the next century." He told me as I threw my luggage on to the bed to unpack.

"Damn. Fuck him. He had a little dick anyways. In the words of Kaiden: Everyone needs--"

Rome joined in, "A great big dick. Big dicks makes the world go around. Big dicks makes you crazy. Big dick make you just want to talk to it." We both laughed and Rome came over and hugged me again.

"Ugh, I have missed your ass." Rome told me.

"I missed you too." I told him as I remembered their gifts I got. I went into my bag and pulled out the white tote bag. It was filled with shirts to wear tonight on the barcrawl.

"Its matching shirts for tonights Barcrawl." I told him.

"Ohh I would love to, but we have signed up for a group karoke thing downtown. Its an event to get Kaiden new gallery some buzz." Rome told me. I exhaled, "Shit. Lots have changed." We heard Kaiden and Rome said, "Lets gooo. They are here." As we walked down the hallway we seen Oakes setting the table. Kaiden turned and seen me. He dropped the Great Foods bag and rushed over and jumped on me.

"Aladdy Pooh! I cant believe you are here." He said all happily. I spun him around and replied, "Kaid, this ass is getting fat. Cornbread?"

"Yes actually. Corey has his Uncle Recipe and its bomb. Ass been getting fat." Kaiden told me as I placed him down and walked over to Corey.

"You must be the new me." I told him as he stared at me. His brown hazel eyes looked familiar. As if I seen him before.

"And you must be the old me. I found a couple of your dildos you left in the closet."Corey told me. Ohh, he can be a shady queen I see.

"Oh that was a parting gift. How did you enjoy them?" I shaded him back. He chuckled, "Thats didnt even know you was getting the boot. And sorry I give dick not take it and besides none of those dildos compare to my real thing...BUT I fully understand now why you needed them. You have on skinny jeans with no print. Now will you excuse me Ill get dinner started and sadly enough its no meal to grow dicks." He read me and walked off. Rome and Kaiden burst out laughing. They walked over to me.

"His reading skills are lethal. He have only gotten sharper...hanging around me." Rome boasted in his little student glory.

Kaiden added, "And here is the last plot twist of the night...he is straight."

"Sure he is." I mumbled. I walked over towards the table and took a seat as Oakes was still getting it ready.

" How is everything with the government?" He asked.

"Good, but cant discuss anything and have you finally applied to Pollie?" I asked him. He have been trying to get into this school for ages now and never apply.

"Not only did I apply. I got in. Start in the Fall." He told me. My jaw dropped and I grabbed him, pulled him in and kissed him dead on the lips.

"I am proud of you bitchh!! Now thats the best news I have gotten all day. Today have been pretty shitty from sleeping between two fat fucks on a plane and finding out my room was stolen." I said extra loud for Corey to hear me. Corey changed the subject, "Guys the girl that gave me oral this morning...from Tinder...wants to do Karoke tonight. Is it cool?"

"As long as she know this isnt amatuer hour. This is real competition. I dont like to lose." Rome snapped.

"Well she knows hows to work her throat if you know what I mean." Corey retorted. They all laughed except me. After we all ate. We was drinking wine and they was catching me up.

"So Corey..." I said as everyone went quiet and stared at me. "How has it been here?"

"Its been cool. They took me right under their wing. Rome and I got off to a rough start, but we came around all that." He explained as I picked up my ice tea and sipped it.

"So I translate that to he have rode your dick...Jersey style." I bluntly said and they all gasped and Corey  replied, "Is he in a wheelchair? I dont think its no possible way he did that. Besides like they told you I am straight."

"How do you know you are stra—."

"Thats enough, Aladdy." Rome butted in and Corey added, "Its alright. I am straight because I love women."

"So kiss Rome..." I urged him and my lips
smirked. He chuckled, "What?"

"If you are so comfortable with yourself it shouldnt matter." I told him. The two stared at one another as Rome spoke, "Dont listen to him. He was dropped on his head as a child, TWICE." Everyone laughed and Corey
hopped up from the table and exited towards his room. They all stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders. I stood up and said, "Imma shower and start getting ready for tonight." I walked into Rome room and started to unzip my luggage at the door opened and slammed.

I turned around and seen Rome.

"What the fuck is up with you? You use to call yourself are gay father but up in here acting like a jealous ass 12 year old." He snapped.

"Dont start with me Romanio...yall sat up here and basically kicked me out of my own loft and family for some straight pussy eating son of a bitch. And for you out of all people to even go along with a plan like that is crazy." I argued. He took a deep breath and retorted, "Aladdin, I was against him for weeks, but after my birthday in the Palms we just clicked. I always had and will always have your back, but you have to respect him. And you are so cute when you are jealous." He walked over and charged me into the bed and we both laughed as we rolled in the bed. He kissed my forehead and said, "Now can you fix your attitude for tonight...we just want to get some pubilicity out to some people about Kaid opening."

"Where is this at?"

"Downtown Square...its going to be like 200 to 500 people." He told me.

Downtown Square

"You in the parking lot? Im on the way to you." Oakes said before walking off from our picnic blankets. I noticed how Rome, Kaid, and Corey entire mood change. I slapped Kaid arm and said, "Whats that face about?"

"His boyfriend...lets just say we dont like him." Kaid explained vaguely. Rome stood up and started singing with the duo on stage singing Shawn Mendes x Treat You better.

"The things ill do to his young ass!" Rome yelled. Corey stood up and chuckled, "Im going to the lemonade stand. Ill buy a pitcher to put this vodka in it." He walked off and I decided this was my opportunity to get us off on the right foot...I did try him like alot. I stood up and followed after him telling him to wait up. He turned around and said, "If you want me to kiss anyone else...Im telling you know it aint happening."

"No-No. I just wanna apologize. We just dont invite people in our inner circle. I took care of these boys thru heartbreak, laughs, and family issues. And if you are filling in my shoes you have to know what comes with that." I told him. I was being serious. We are a family. I love them like they are my damn offspring. Leaving them to go work for the government was the harder than I thought. And I know leaving them for good to join the associates on the island is about to be tougher.

"Look Aladdin. I dont wanna fill in your shoes or take your spot in their lives. They talk about you literally everyday. Trust me you will never be forgotten." He told me as I smirked and replied, "Good. I dont wanna have to cut your throat." We both laughed as we got in line.

"I probably will think thats bittersweet. I will finally get to see my parents." He told me. Aww, Damn his parents dead. He must have saw my sad face and continued, "No need. They been gone since I was 12. They went missing on the VoyageDéman like 18 years ago." My entire heart dropped into my briefs. I gave him a smile, but how fast my heart was beating..I know for a fact he could see it. The only VoyageDéman is the one that was a mission to get Commander and his level 9 ops over to the island. It was only one Voyage because it supposedly vanished at sea. Donna and Albe was on it..they told me it was a 500 mile swim to the island. So many people died. Out of the manifest only 23 survived, but now after 18 years this organization has grew to 100K. I wish I can tell him, but I cant. I mean I dont even know what I would say. His parents could have died. Its a small percentage of people that made it.

We brought two pitchers and started walking back towards the blanket. We heard that we was next to go on stage. We needed to be ready in five minutes. We walked up and Rome threw us our shirt as Gordo and I caught eachother eye. I gasped. He looked at me like a deer in headlights.

"Gordo?" I asked. He chuckled and rushed me and we hugged. They all stared at us and I laughed, "I met Gordo a few years back in a bar...he was suppose to blow me in my car but he was drunk he threw up all over my dick and shit...I almost killed him."

Rome shady ass threw in a piece of unneeded dialogue, "Ugh, he wouldnt be here today—."

Kaid interjected, "Everyone get dress. Come on." Corey finally stared at the shirt names and said, "Dont yall think Kai-Pieces should be in the front...or are we performing backwards." We all stared down and Kaid exhaled, "Gordo you had one fucking job..."

"Dont worry. Turn them around. Its art. It will be funny as hell singing a Mariah Caret charttopper with backwards shirt." I said as all of them went to turning them around.

10 minutes later and they was awarding the top three teams. We literally didnt get a single applause. I guess it wasnt art. We was okay because we advertise the gallery and now its drink time. Corey called out, "Vicky." We all looked over at this girl that was brown in complexion and had a hour glass frame. Nice breast,probably fake. She was rocking a bad ass dress. Corey stood up and introduced her to all of us.

"Oh wow they really are gay? Thats cute of you." She said in shock.

"No it was cute of you to be screaming so loud this morning..." Rome said before sipping his cup. Vicky face got red and we all neglected Rome comment and sat her down and poured her a cup.

"How was the competition?" She asked and all of our heads.

"Girlllll....we did bad. We should have waited for you." Gordo told her.  I shook my head in agreeing with him and she said, "Aww." I looked over and seen this guy in a jumper checking me out. He was thick ass hell and his ass was pointing. I licked my lips and he poked his butt outa little bit more and my dick twitched. I think I found my fun for tonight. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned around and Gordo said, " staring hard at that ass. Its that nice. You seem hungry."

"And you seem jealous." Rome commented and the impossible...or shall I say the unforgiveable or could it be crazy...because Gordo dashed Rome with the vodka and lemonade mix right in his face. Rome grabbed the fohawk atop Gordo head and forced his head down as a quick ass uppercut came and Rome started going gully. We all hopped up and started breaking up. Corey grabbed Rome around the waist and snatched him away as he yelled, "Im from Jersey are you dumb? Ill wash your ass everytime,pussy."

Oakes argued, "Rome, grow the fuck up." Kaid pushed Oakes chest and snapped, "Dont fucking defend him. He threw a damn—." Oakes slapped Kaid. My eyes spreaded wide. I stepped between them as Kaid yelled, "DID YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME!"  He quickly walked off. This have gone left. This was not suppose to happen. I wanted all fun and laughs. I stared back and seen the dude staring at us crazy before walking off with his friends.  I snapped, "Fuck!" I stared at Oakes and he was going off to get Gordo. Vicky and I stood in one of those akward stance not knowing what to say or do.

"Welp...this just got big." She said smiling.

To Be Continued.

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