The Unexpected Roommate.

By _YourFavoGay

24.1K 1K 309

Moving in with 3 gays shouldnt be that bad for a newly single 30 year old, Corey, trying to figure out his ne... More

My New Short Story


6.5K 211 163
By _YourFavoGay

Authors Note: This is my first Short Story. All 6 Chapters are finished. Enjoy.

1| So Yall Gay?


"Are you sure you wanna move out?" Uncle Robbie said from his sofa. He said it with so much hurt and anguish in his voice. I understand why though. We are the only two left in our family. Legit. Like no cousins across US not even a prostituting aunt from down the block.Nothing. My mom and Dad has been missing at sea since I was 12. Their ship sunk. I guess I dont say that they are dead, because its not confirmed even though its more than likely the truth. I then moved in with her brother, Uncle Robbie. I graduated from High school, went to UCLA. Got my degree in Physical Therapy and now I work as P.T at a gym. I make pretty good money.

I felt as if the only way to honor my parents was succeeding and the only one who was my rock during it all was Claudia and my bestfriend, Ryan. We was set to get married by the end of this year...two weeks ago I came to our house and find her legs up and Ryan between them fucking her into next week. That brings me to this moment two weeks later discussing to my Uncle that I found this AD for a roommate online. With Claudia helping me pay for that overpriced as Apartment it was good...but with us now broken up I have to move. Plus I heard she is keeping it and moving Ryan in.

"Unk, you know I promised you I would stop being a burden for you when I  I turned 18--" He slapped his thigh and it cut me off.

"My sister was my life. I always had to take care of her and when she left off to college and when she came back she didnt need me. She had your Dad and was pregnant with you. So I got to raise her boy after the disappearance...You will never be a damn burden. Just tell me the truth, you want your own privacy." He stated. I laughed and said, "That too. Look I have to go meet with the guy for this room before I lose this option and be back here."

"In that case bring my asthma machine." He joked and we clapped up. I had to go meet this guy at the Loft.I already paid for the room, I just didnt want to tell my Uncle at that moment. I rushed out of the house and down the pavement and found a paper being forced in my face.

"Save the animals..." A soft male voice said. I snatched the paper and looked at it. It was a rainbow across the top and it read: Save The Animals fundraiser at Davids Inferno, Saturday. Thats a gay club. I know this because its most talked about on Social Media elites around here.  I said,"Sorry. I am not going to make it, but Ill be sure to let people know."

He laughed, "Sure you will. Its people like you thats the problem." I stared down at his short self and examined him. I will break his ass in two.He had on ripped short jeans and a tank top.

"What the fuck does that suppose to mean, because I dont --"

"Oh I get it. Ohh Look at me im a straight male and anything gay got to be wrong. Those animals at that damn farm needs help. But you know what fuck you." He snatched the paper and went to walking down the street. And was headed to the next house. This is really serious to him, so I left him off easy. I climbed into my Maybach and pulled off to the loft.


"Coming." I heard a deep voice say. The door unlocked and a tall, slim, light skin male stood before me. He wore a black hoodie and black jeans.

"You are Corey?" He asked.

"Yeah. Im the one moving in." I said. He nodded his head and told me to follow him.

"As the AD said. Its four rooms here. We was filled until like 4 months ago Aladdin left to go work for this government job. Anyways, its me, Oakes. Then you have, Kaiden. And, Rome. Im the only one here right now. You will meet them tonight at Happy Hour.You drink right?"

I laughed as he continued the tour of the nice ass loft and said, "Yeah I understand that laugh. Im a fish when it comes to alcohol. Now your room is here. As you know we replaced the mattress, but everything else is up to you. Romeo tries to make everything about his style so dont let him punk you--" For Oakes to be so damn mean by appearance he really cool. I looked around the room and it was perfect for this new chapter in my life.

"This is good. I am going back to get my boxes and Ill be back later--" He shook his head in agreeance and went into his pocket and pulled out some keys. He tossed them to me and responded, "Down that hall is the shower. Its like a gym and its a door in it that leads to the you may catch one of us showering, you will get use to it."

"I played Football in high school and a semester or two in college. I seen more dicks than I would have liked." I told him and he finally cracked a smile.

"a dick is a dick. And you do looked built under that jacket-" I lifted my shirt and showed my chest and abs and stated, "Yeah. Its my job. I am a P.T." He took a deep breath and said, "I have to go. Again, see you tonight and thanks you are really helping us out. He rushed off into one of the rooms and slammed the door. What was that about? I shook my head and went out to go get my boxes and shit.

3 Hours Later

I placed my picture frame on my bedside table of my mom, dad, and I. It was my last picture with them ever. I reached on the bed and wiped my face with the shirt I took off. I looked around the room and it was complete.I checked the time and it was 7:34. Oakes had txted me the bar address and what time to be there.And its a VIP table. I grabbed a towel from my fresh stack and headed to the bathroom to shower. I walked in and Oakes wasnt lying. They have 3 little 5 feet walls that seperate four showers. I guess mine is the one with the empty rack.

I walked over and placed my soaps and other things in the rake. I turned the water on and started showering. I tried to make it quick, just incase Kaiden or Rome comes home and my first time seeing them is naked. I aint trying to give these niggas the wrong impression. Suddenly, I heard the door slam and I heard a soft familiar voice,"I dont give a fuck!" I turned the water off as I heard it again,"You lying ass pussy." I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist. I know this voice, but I cant pinpoint where I heard it at.I slowly walked into the hall and I didnt see anyone.

"And your point?" I heard him say. I walked down in my towel as I heard another male voice.

"Rome, he isnt worth it. He cheated. Thats it."

"Kaiden, I am going over there and I am going to stab that pussy right in his chest with a damn corkstrew. Im from Jersey I dont play games, I make them." Rome snapped back. I pursed my lips and kept going towards the situation. Suddenly, I realized it was from the kitchen. I tried to not be seen, but they seen me right when I came around the corner.

"Oakes finally fucks a cute nigga. I am shook. Too buff to be a bottom dont you think.l Kaiden said. Romeo reached across and slapped his arm.

"Do you ever read your messages? This is our new roommate. Oakes txted us." Rome corrected him as he came around the corner and our eyes met and it all came back to me. It was the fucking dude from earlier today about the save the animals shit. And another revealing just came to me. They are all gay. How the fuck I didnt see the signs? Well Oakes doesnt look gay at all.

Rome snapped, "Oh My God! Its you--"

I completely disregarded that and asked, "So yall gay?" Kaiden and Rome laughed.

"Duhh, did you not see the AD. It said G.R in the fine print." Kaiden stated.

"G.R . Yeah, Great Roommates." I stated and they burst into laughter. Kaiden said.
"Chillddddd, G.R means Gay Roommates. I was skeptical when we seen your RoomOnline profile. You seemed very hetero, but maybe you are fluid."

"OAKESSS!!" Rome screamed. Oakes room door opened behind me and he rushed in and said, "I just seen your message. Fuck, Carter. He is a fuckboy, but im down if you want to set his car on fire--Oh I see yall met Corey."

Rome added, "Yes we did. Very straight, didnt know he was joining a gay loft club." Rome got some beef with me. I replied, "It aint like that. I actually voted for gay marriage. It just hit me off guard. Thats all. And are you always on ten first the animal thing and now this."

Rome argued, "Yes, but the funny thing is I always get my way...because my lovely roommates are helping me out with setting up and guess what you are one of them now."

"Fine. Ill be there." I told him as we stared at eachother. He eyes shined at me with such energy. He didnt want to back down and hell I wasnt either. His top lip twitched and I took a deep breath.

"Good. Now go and get dressed.  No one wants to see your damn body." He said as he turned around and Oakes interjected, "Im taking it you are staying."

"I paid for atleast a month...if I havent slit Rome's throat by then I should be here. I have no problem with yall being gay." I confessed. He replied, "Good because you was the less creepy guy we met for this room. And no offense you are sexy but you arent mine or Kaiden type. So you dont have to worry about waking up with your dick in our mouths."

"And Rome?" I asked. He laughed all creepy like and walked back into his room. I went into mine and started getting ready for Happy Hour.

Happy Hour at OneNine

"4 Patron Margs--oh wait--" Rome looked back at me and said, "Straight boy, what are you having?"

"Those are fine. And if you like you can throw in a Green Apple Martini too." I retorted before licking my lips and his eyes got wide. The waitress took the order and left. Kaiden asked, "So Corey...whats tea? Why are you here at this point in your life."

"Im 30. I thought I had my life figured out, because I have always been the type to always have to know whats coming and how was I going to get thru it...I guess I never actually dealt with the disappearance of my parents. I went to sleep safe and loved to waking up being told the cruise ship with my parents on it sunk and though it aint any bodies...everyone is assumed dead. That really changed my wiring and Claudia said she wouldnt ever leave my side and I guess she was right she never left my side because she was sitting right on my bestfriend dick the whole time. Her cheating on me after all the years we put in made me feel as though I let my parents down because I didnt see that coming and didnt know how to cope with it. So you asked me what brought me here and my answer was going to be starting a new chapter...but as I was explaining I feel like the perfect answer is starting an entire new book." I looked over at Rome and the stare he had for me before my little story was gone. It was changed. Something totally different. He was showing sympathy towards me. Kaiden exhaled, "Well I am honored to be apart of your new book, Corey." I smiled and laughed, "Thats whats up.

"Same for me too." Oakes added. They all looked over at Rome and he said, "Yassss there she goes with our drinks." I shook my head and the music started playing as the drinks got passed around. Oakes leaned into my ear and said, "Its a Jersey thing. He is more mob crime family Jersey and I am more rich family Jersey."

"Thanks for bringing that up...whats yall background? How did this trio happen?" I asked.

Rome sarcastically replied, "Sorry. I cant hear your question about how we became a trio the music is loud." Kaiden laughed and explained, "Rome and Oakes goes back to age 12. Summer camp for conversion the gay tweens and teens back to straight. Well, we all know that aint work--

"Anyways after leaving that we stayed in touch thru AOL and all that. He was the only person that got the mean looking bully kid to talk. When I went to college up north, I met Kaiden. He was being jumped by these frat boys at a party and I clocked one across the head with a gin bottle and lets just say we been friends ever since. Even became roommates the next semester. We graduated and ofcourse college didnt have jobs waiting for us so we moved in with Aladdin in this Loft. Kaiden worked his way from drawing on anything to having his work displayed at a rich ass gallery downtown. I am the manager at a movie theater uptown. 4 years ago Rome called me and said he was leaving his family and he needed somewhere to stay. We been tight as a group ever since."
Wow, thats a mouth full, but its cool. They are so different than how I thought they was. I grabbed my drink and we tossed.

2 hours later and 15-20 glasses later we finally was leaving. We all drove inside Kaiden Rangerover. I climbed in the back with Rome. He was gone so far. He drank so much more than us and he was taking shots. I was in this very spot 2 weeks ago. I ran thru 4 bottles of Remy Martin in my Uncles Living room all over Claudia. Dick was rock hard and no one to nurse it. Dark liq always gets me horny ass fuck.

He closed the door and snapped, "Take me to his house!! I got to get all my stuff I had there."

"Nope. Not in this condition. We are going to be locked up." Kaiden argued. He stared over at Oakes in the passenger seat and Oakes didnt say anything. Kaiden dropped his head and said, "You two are crazy!! If we end up behind bars I aint sucking no dick for orange slices. Yall doing all the sexual acts because I didnt agree to this."

"I know im new, but I dont think we should--" Rome placed his index finger over my lips and said, "You dont get a vote yet. You havent been here long enough. Take me Carter house right fucking now." Something told me this wasnt a good idea at all. However, my inner self didnt want to get into it with Rome anymore tonight. Plus, I didnt want to get any of the anger he had towards the ex that was cheating on him.

We turned on a road and it was packed with cars. Rome laughed, "Ohhh so this son of a bitch threw a party...6 hours after we break up. Park this damn car." Kaiden found a park and slid in.

"Am I taking Lucie or not?" Kaiden asked. Oakes replied, "Bring her just in case." They all
hopped out and I followed behind them as Kaiden pulled a wooden bat from the trunk.

"Corey meet Lucie." I waved at the bat and said, "I hope you wont be used tonight." We followed Rome thru the grass and he opened the door. This party was packed with people and they moved and made a line as Rome yelled for Carter. Suddenly, the music cut and I heard a deep voice snapped, "who the fuck cut the music off?" I looked over and Oakes was spinning the cord in his hand.

Rome snapped, "So what is this...a party for what exactly...for cheating on me with a fucking thot in a damn bathroom at iHop. His dirty bussy having ass. You fuckin--" He pushed Carter chest and Carter started laughing and for him to find this funny boiled my damn blood. Suddenly, he pushed Rome back and he stumbled back and I quickly moved and caught him. We shared a look for a milisecond before I brought him back up to his feet and Carter started approaching him and I stepped in front of him.

"Hold up. Watch out. He just here to get his shit." I told him as we started a damn stare contest. Kaiden yelled from the second floor.

"Where your shit, Rome?" He asked. Rome took off upstairs after him to aid him. Carter wiped his mouth and whispered, "Oh so you must be already the new dick he done slid down on. Loose huh? I mean I guess thats my fault being this dick so fuckin--" I headbutted his ass and he fell on the floor wincing in pain.

"Shut your stupid ass up." I warned him. The party crowd all said ohhh.Rome showed back up and said, "I got everything. Lets go--oh wait one more thing." He rushed over and kicked him in the damn stomach.

"Pussy!" He snapped as he walked pass me. Oakes added, "Sorry about the music folks." He plugged it back up as we walked out of the party.

Back at the loft in the front room, Kaiden said, "Bitch, when Corey headbutted I was shook to my inner inner core. Wig snatched. Edges gone."

"What did he even say...I was just like please dont get back up and swing because Lucie was going to go work...Perrit." He added. He stood up as I lied, "He said fuck me." Kaiden exhaled, "I have a meeting at the gallery tomorrow, so Im out." That left Rome and I out there alone. Oakes got company over. He supposedly met some dude in the bathroom at the club during Happy Hour.

Rome exhaled, "Just because you stepped up for me or whatever dont make us friends."

"Cool. Wasnt looking for anything like that. Its just him smiling about breaking your heart sent me situation considering. And could I be honest?" I asked. He sipped his corona and shrugged his shoulders.

"He didnt say what I told Kaiden. He actually thought I was the new dick that you was already fucking and he wanted to know if it was loose because he had a big dick..." I confessed. Rome burst out laughing.

"You are lying? First off this bussy stay tight and with that 5 inch dick he had...he barely scrape the damn surface. Delusion is one hell of a drug. But why?" He explained and asked. He sat up indian style and I rose my eyebrow behind my corona bottle signaling him to explain his question.

"Why you lied?" He asked.

"Oh because it was dealing with you and you should be the only one hear it. Plus, 65% of the real reason I headbutted him wasnt to defend you it was because he tried to say my dick was small." I told him and he laughed, "Sure you wasnt defending me...and that last statement is up for speculation. I never seen it." I stood up and saw his eyes grow big as if I was about to whip out.

"You saw that mussy print earlier. Thats all imma say. Now goodnight, Roommate." I told him. He smirked and said, "Night. Im about to stay up and watch some Dexter episodes and chill out."

"You sure you wanna be alone..." I asked him.

"Boy byee! You protect me one night and now you fear for me being alone. Its cute, but cut it out. I have dealt with way worse. Im from Jersey." He told me. I walked down the hallway and went into my room. I closed the door and laid across the bed...I woke up like two hours later and didnt even know I had went to sleep. I quickly grabbed my towel to go and shower. I felt so damn dirty. I walked down the hall and heard water running. Who the fuck is showering at 4:30 in the morning?

I turned and walked in. I heard a slight moan and stopped in my steps. I heard a feminine guy moan again, "Oaklanddd." I feasted my eyes on Oakes naked ass pounding some guy up against the shower wall as water ran down their body causing a slapping sound to commence as he grabbed hold of the boy hips and fed him that dick from the back. My eyes was wide and my feet felt stuck and glued to the floor. I slowly backed up and went back into my room. My mind was completely gone and my dick was hard ass fuck. I was confused. What the fuck does that mean?

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