Fallen from Grace

Af xStarrymoonx

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Sasha's problems began after her boyfriend died. During this time depression began taking over, but a suppose... Mere

Chapter One - Fallen from Grace
Chapter Two - The Day I Fell from Grace
Chapter Three - Just like Heaven
Chapter Four - Jake
Chapter Six - New Guy
Chapter Seven - Aw shux ... I'm In Some Deep Stuff Now
Chapter Eight - Filler

Chapter Five - Like David Beckham and Trey Songz hot?

375 9 0
Af xStarrymoonx

As I walk through the halls, I give a small smile to everyone I pass. A nod, hello or a hug every now and then. Taking three minutes, rather than fifteen seconds, to get to my destination, I hurriedly stride to my desk, sitting down right when the bell rings.

"Good morning class!" Mrs. Potrice shouts from the back of the class. All our heads turn to her, staring in awe. She's wearing a rainbow, zebra print dress with black platforms. I swear this women either is doped on whatever she put in her coffee this morning or went to Woodstock and still has the drugs in her system from the 60's. Whatever it is, she's on some heavy sh-t to wear that to school. I love Mrs. Potrice; God save her.

"YOU GO GIRL! WAY TO BRING IT BACK MRS. P!" encourages one of my classmates. We all burst with laughter. Mrs. P just laughs along with us. The kids might think she's gone gonzo, but I know she wore it to entertain us. She's not senile, you know.

Mrs. Potrice begins doing what teachers do at the beginning of class- collecting extra credit work, getting together classwork, calling role, drinking coffee (Still!) and other stuff like that. While, she's doing all her teacher stuff, I pass a note to Breighlynn asking what she wanted to tell me. Since that would take too long to write, and I was filled with excitement I decided to write simply, "spill it!"

She responds back. after a while.

@Sasha: Well there's this new kid here. And so I've been told by some sources, he's hot! His name is Jason and he's going to be a starting football player too! Popular already! But not only that, but they say he's Mr. Smarty pants ;) . Abs and brains... what more could a girl ask for!!!! Jenna, the slutty one...Jennifer's sister..yea her...well she said he's good in bed but I don't believe they did it...because why would a hot, smart guy want THAT thing?...Anyways. He starts today, but no one has seen him yet):

When I get the note back, I'm a bit taken back at it's length. Damn, new kid would have been suffice. I decide to respond.

@Bre: Sounds like someone has a crush already ;D haha don't think Blake will be too happy about that. New kid coooooool, another Pop to run the school. Great, just what I need. A smart, jock with girls drooling over him -_-"

@Sasha: Don't be such a Debby downer :P And I don't want the new guy for ME, Blake is my baby((: . I want him for YOU! C'mon you're the straight A, cheerleader, basketball player, track runner, Student Council President, Beta member and plus you're pretty! You're one of the most popular girls in the school! Kids don't just like you for your looks, but for your kindness! You're the only cheerleader that hangs with the band geeks...and basically ever other misfit! I see you with Jucifer (Jake's new nickname, nice right?:)) and I can tell you're not happy. What happened to that outgoing, happy, hyper, feisty but chlled awesome chick I met in 4th grade? Wherever she went, I miss her!):

@Bre: I don't know, but I'm tired. Going to sleep. Night(:

I rest my head on my desk, and begin drifting into a deep slumber, WHACK! I lift my head up and see my math teacher standing with a ruler in her hand. Did she seriously just hit my desk to wake me up? I give her a - what the f()ck, are you serious look. Did I say I love her? The feeling is mutual.

"Time to wake up!"she says in a fake cheerful tone.

I put my head back down and mumble a low whatever into my arms, and go back to sleep. 

Next, I feel someone shaking me..then they begin tickling my sides.

"What the hell!?" I say inbetween my laughter.

"Wakey. Wakey sunshine! It is time to go." Breighlynn says to me.

I groan in frustration. "Why didn't you wake me earlier?"

"I saw the look you gave Mrs. P. Not ever going to wake you up unless it's an emergency. Like now!" she says smiling. "And oh my goodness Sasha you missed the new guy! He was mouth watering sexy!"

"Like Jake hot or David Beckham and Trey Songz hot?"

"I meant hot like attractive; not burning in an eternal inferno like Jucifer. But totally David Beckham and Trey Songz hot! Don't worry, he has science with us,"she says with a mischievous grin upon her face.

With that being said I jump out my seat and head for the door.

"HEY SASHA, WAIT FOR ME!" Breighlynn yells.

"Sorry Bre, but I have to see if this new guy is all you say he is!" 

She finally catches up with me,and we walk to science class together. I make sure to take a route where we won't come into contact with Jake. I know I'm going to have to face him later, but for now I'm going to enjoy my peace and happiness.  

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