And If... {completed and edit...

By CissyItsMe

562K 21.1K 4.2K

Tinashe Kash and Richard Willkingston were once in love, but their relationship suddenly had to come to an en... More

And If...
And If... I hadn't told him ?
And If... You let me live ?
And If... We agree on it ?
And If... You could stop talking please?
And If... You tell me what is going on ?
And If... You simply let me help you ?
And If... It was just a dream ?
And If... We stop there ?
And If... We forget about it ?
And If... You mind your own business ?
And If... You just stop there ?
And If... You stop lying ?
And If... You go somewhere else ?
And If... You give me the answers ?
And If... We die ?
And If... You get out of here ?
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 1
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 2
And If... I let you know ?
And If...You listen to me ?
And If... He had NEVER done this to us ?
And If... I come with you ?
And If... We help each other ?
And If... We just chill ?
And If... He stayed away ?
And If... You paid attention ?
And If... You keep your head up ?
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 1
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 2
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 1
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 2
And If... I shock yall again ?
And If... You spend the rest of your life with me ?
And If... We stay together forever ?
And If... I thank yall ?

And If... You just let me go ?

18.6K 670 117
By CissyItsMe

•Chapter 5.



Being arrested for a crime that I didn't commit wasn't something I planned to accomplish in my life. Can you even call it an accomplishment to begin with ? I don't think so. An accomplishment is usually something you can be proud of, and a crime --except if you were a psychopath-- wasn't making me feel proud of myself or anything of this caliber. In less than a minute, my whole life changed for the worst. I couldn't believe it and couldn't help but wonder why it was happening to me.

I knew I wasn't perfect. Nobody is. I knew I was no angel and I made some huge mistakes in my life, but I didn't deserve it. This whole situation was making me feel so many different emotions, and all at the same time. I was confused, scared, angry and worried about my family, mostly my son. I was glad he didn't see the scene because I didn't know if I could survive it. In life, I wanted nothing else but the happiness of my son. I also wanted to make him proud to have me as his father. Now, this could change everything and I didn't even do something for this to happen.

It must be a joke, I thought as I wiped my face.

It was the next day and I spent my night in a jail cell. I really thought that I was dreaming, and it was mainly because I didn't want to accept this reality. It couldn't be possible. I did nothing, so why was I here ? I'd never been claustrophobic before, but jail had a way to make you feel that way. I could go nowhere, couldn't eat what I wanted, had to take my shower with strangers and the bed was so much different to the one I had back home. After this rough night, I was grateful for all the things I had and made sure to thank God. I didn't know I took them for granted until I had to go through this experience.

Who was behind this masquerade though ?

I had my ideas, but I needed access to a phone before to jump to conclusions. This man fucked up my life years ago and here he was still doing everything to mess my life up.

But maybe it wasn't him.

I stared at the wall in front of me, nervously tapping my foot on the floor. I needed to get out before to lose my mind. I couldn't stay here another day. I didn't know what my lawyer was doing, but he needed to do his job quicker. I wasn't paying him a lot of money just to spend my checks on him.

Did Tinashe change her mind and decided to let me rot in hell for breaking her heart six years ago ?

No, she wasn't like that. She wouldn't do that to RJ. As myself, the last thing she would want for him is pain. We each would do anything in our power just to guarantee a smile on his face.

My cell's door suddenly opened, cutting off my train of thoughts. I looked up at the guardian, who had a smirk on his face, making me instantly uncomfortable. I heard a lot of crazy stories about jail and I wasn't about to live one.

"Seems like today is your lucky day, Willkingston. You're getting out."

I let out a huge sigh of relief.


"Mommy, why the police took my daddy away ? " RJ asked for what seemed to be the umpteenth time. There were practically the only words that were getting out of his mouth since yesterday, after he found out what happened to his father. And he wasn't giving up until getting the answer he was waiting for. The truth, which I couldn't give him. But I didn't want to lie either, so I stayed silent. But I could tell he was getting him irritated, "they're slandering his name on TV."

I frowned, looking at him crazily. "Where did you learn this word ? " I asked, stopping what I was doing.

"Does it really matter right now ? My father is in prison and he did nothing. They put innocent people in prison now ? I thought only the bad ones were going there." From the tone of his voice, I could hear the frustration building up. His face was even changing into a mix of his natural light brown skin tone with a bit of red. It actually looked like he got a sunburn.

I sighed, as he started pouting. This situation was fucked up and I didn't like that it was affecting my son this way. I knelt down to his level and put my index finger and thumb under his chin so I could lift his head. "Listen, baby, we're going to get your dad out. Mr. Ignito is there, defending your father. He's not going to stay in prison for too long." Of course, I knew Richard didn't commit this crime. He dealt with anger issues before, but he wasn't a murderer.

"You promise ? "

I hesitated at first, but Mr. Ignito told me that Richard was getting out today, no question asked. He said, there's no other way this day is going. He was well known to do a wonderful job in all his cases. He was someone you could trust if your life was literally in his hands.

I nodded, "I promise."

I straightened up, then continued to gather my files. I was supposed to go back to work today, but with this happening, I had to make sure everything was under control with Richard first, for the sake of RJ.

"You're going to stay with Nǎinai today. You're not going to school, but it doesn't mean that you're on vacation."

"Okay. You're going to help daddy ? "

"Yes." After I answered his question, someone rang the doorbell. We both went downstairs to answer the door.

"Hey, dad. I didn't know you were coming." I said, moving on the side to let him in.

"I told you this guy was bad news. Arrested for first degree murder, that's a shame." He shook his head.

"Grandpa, my father is innocent ! " RJ said, raising his voice.

"RJ, go help Nǎinai in the kitchen. I have to talk with your grandfather. Give me a kiss, I'm leaving now or I'll be late." I picked him up real quick, so he could reach my cheek. We hugged too, then I put him down.

"He's innocent." He repeated before to walk away. I sighed, then gave my dad a glance. It wasn't a secret that my father had a big dislike for Richard, but he didn't have to do that. Did he not see RJ standing there ?

"Really, dad ? " I walked out as he followed my lead, then locked the door behind us.

He shrugged, "what ? The kid needs to know what kind of father he was cursed with."

"Stop. Richard murdered nobody and you know it. Why are you even here anyways ? I know it's not to show your support." I asked as we walked to my car in the driveway.

"Are you going to see him right now ? "


"Oh, then I'm coming with you."

I frowned, "for what ? "

"To support you through this hard situation. It must be hard to know that you made a baby with a murderer." He explained, buttoning up his suit jacket. I couldn't remember the last time I saw my father with regular clothes on. He was a business man and wanted everybody to know.

I heavily sighed, "you are definitely not coming."

"Tinashe, I am your father and if I said that I'm coming with you, then I'm coming with you. I'm the parent, you're the child."

"But I'm not a child anymore."

"Whether you take me with you or I'm following you with my car. Either way, I'll be there." Not wanting to waste more time and not in the mood to argue with him, I let him come, even though I knew it was a very bad idea. We got in my car and were soon on the road. "Do you still love him ? " He asked after a moment of silence. We'd been driving for ten minutes and with this traffic, I had even more to go before getting to my destination.

Before I could answer my father, I received a message from Mr. Ignito that was telling me that Richard was getting out. I replied with an okay I'll be there, then put my phone down as the light turned green.

"You didn't answer my question."

I sighed, refraining myself from rolling my eyes. "No, I don't."

"Are you sure ? You dropped everything to come to his rescue."

"I didn't drop everything. I'm picking him up and once I'm sure he's okay, I'm going to work."

"Once I'm sure he's okay." He repeated getting me annoyed, "alright. After what he did to you, I don't know why you want to help so badly."

"Dad, he's the father of my child. I'm mainly doing this for RJ. I don't want him to be deprived of his father. He doesn't deserve that. Plus it's in my job's description to not let innocent people go to jail."

"But you're not his lawyer though." He kissed his lips, shaking his head. "You should have cut him off like I suggested it. You would be much more happy if you listened to me."

Once again, I let out a sigh. "He will always be in my life, whether you like it or not. End of the conversation."

"I'm disappointed." He blurted out, stabbing me in my heart. I prevented myself to cry, but it was hard. Hearing your parent say that you disappointed them hurts a lot.

And the worst part was that it wasn't his first time telling me this. He'd been expressing this feeling since I told them about my pregnancy. But even after all this time, it was still hurting like the very first time. I just couldn't get used to hear this. Honestly, who could ?

If I had RJ with someone else, he wouldn't be that harsh with me.

Hm, not too sure about this.

"How was your date with Patrick ? Are y'all getting married anytime soon ? " He questioned, breaking the silence and causing me to almost get in a car accident.

"We are NOT getting married ! He has a whole girlfriend. We set on just being friends. And you have to accept that. You promised to leave me alone after this date if things didn't work out."

"Him and this slut are not going to last. All she wanted is his money." He fanned the air off.

"No, she isn't that type of girl." I defended Angela, remembering the night we met. She wasn't a gold digger. You could see in hers and Patrick's eyes that they were both truly in love with one another. I mean, the girl was even willing to be hidden for two years. Who would do that if they weren't in love ?

"Dad, you and Mr. Dohnson have to stop. Patrick and I are grown, let us live our lives."

After that, the rest of the drive was quiet. Thank you sweet baby Jesus ! Arrived at the prison, I parker the car and we got out. I tried to persuade my father to stay in the car, but he wasn't hearing me.

We walked in and immediately spotted Richard and Mr. Ignito at the entrance.

"How are you hooligan ? " My father asked as we approached them.

I smacked my teeth, "please, stop." I could already see the frustration on Richard's face and I didn't need him to lose control and go crazy on my father.

"You should be in a cell. That's where you belong. Look at you, you're such a shame. Your son--"

"Don't talk about my son ! " Richard got in his face.

"No, don't do this. Stop. Please, you two stop." I placed myself between them to prevent an altercation. It wouldn't be their first time and last time it happened, it wasn't pretty to see. My father must have forgotten how messed up he was after Richard beat his ass. Richard was younger, faster, taller and stronger. My dad had more weight on him, but it wasn't to his advantage.

"He's guilty ! Look at him ! "

"Dad, stop ! "

"I'm going to ask you to leave, before I get you arrested." Mr. Ignito intervened.

"What ? Do you know who am I ? "

"Dad, just leave ! LEAVE ! "

"He's guilty." He said, then left.

"Why did you bring him here ? You know how he feels about me." Richard said, raising his voice at me. I could understand the frustration, so I said nothing.

"He insisted. Believe it or not, but I didn't want him to tag along. He showed up at my house unannounced." I finally answered.

"Whatever, make sure to keep him away from me." He added with a warning tone of voice, causing my eyebrow to arch as I put my right hand on my hip.

"Or what ? "

"Or you won't have a father anymore."

"So, you're actually a murderer ? Don't threaten my family, Richard." By now we were both in each other's faces as the tension was building in the atmosphere.

"Okay, you two. We have some things to take care of." Mr. Ignito told us, placing an arm between us. I saw that he pushed Richard a bit, as if to tell him to back up.

I turned my attention towards his lawyer, then backed up a bit as well. "What proofs they have against him ? "

"Nothing really, except an anonymous witness. I got to get him out, but they're not letting him go that easily. He'll be on house arrest until trial. He'll have an electronic bracelet and his house will be guarded. He can't go anywhere and electronic communications are limitedly allowed. He can only use the house phone and all his conversations will be recorded. Visits are allowed too, but they'll be supervised."

"So, I'll still be in prison, but in my own house ? What kind of shit is that ? " Richard kissed his teeth, looking down at his right foot, where the bracelet was.

"You stay their main suspect until I completely innocent you. I'm sorry, but don't worry I'm getting you out of this situation real soon."

"Fuck that shit, man." He angrily mumbled. After he said that, his escort came and handcuffed his hands for the ride. We could do nothing because it was the procedure.

It wasn't going to be easy.

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Thanks for reading !

CissyItsMe 💋

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