My Protective Vampire ✓

By bjorghalla

42.1K 1.5K 92

{Book 2 in the Vampire series} Emma is now gone but is she really gone forever? The last thing Emma remember... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}

{Chapter 6}

1.7K 67 0
By bjorghalla

|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 6|

I feel this very angry emotion at the person who did this to him. The tears just keep coming down my cheeks and I just let them. Nothing matters now to me except Jason, he has to be ok. I check his pulse to know that his heart is still beating, I feel his heartbeat which makes me relax a little bit. I lie down with my head on his chest, and just feel his heart beating. Suddenly he moves."Emma" I hear his husky yet weak voice say. I lift my head up to see him awake. "Jason" I say happily as I hug him very tightly. "I thought you were gone" I tell him still in tear but some of them are happy tears. I can not imagine life without him and now my life is changing and becoming something unreal, I need him to help me. But of course I just need him and call me selfish but that is what I want.

He is all mine and no one's else. He laughs as he wipes every tear from my cheeks. He sits up and takes me in his arms. I don't care that I get blood on my dress, it can always be cleaned. "Emma, I am a vampire, the only way for me to die is for a wooded stake in my heart. Trust me when I say that I will never leave you, that brings me to that question, where did you disappear? They couldn't find you, and I couldn't sense you" he says. Of course how can I forget that he is a vampire that can not die. I knew they couldn't find me in the ocean, they probably think that I am already dead, I guess they would be very surprised when they realize that I am still alive. I laugh at my self. "What did your pretty little mind come up with this time?" He asks and chuckles. I blush in embarrassment, I can not believe that I just laughed out loud. Now I am so embarrassed.

He always knows when I am thinking something and he always wants to know what I am thinking all day long, sometimes that gets a little annoying, but I push that feeling aside since this is Jason, I would get annoyed forever if that means he is annoying me. I love him so much. "I was just laughing at how funny it will be when they realize that I am still alive" I tell him, I can see his face fall. I knew that this would turn out just like this since he is always worrying about me and telling him that I almost died. Telling him something like this is not easy and I am pretty sure that it will be a problem in our future. Our future. That has a nice ring on it, I hope that will have that. "What does that mean?" he asks and I sighs, this is going to be a long talk.

I knew that someday I would have to tell him but I did not think that it would be right after my life became upside down. I take a deep breath before starting. "I had to jump down a cliff an-" I got cut off by him. "You did what?" He says in a low voice but it holds a lot of power. I can tell by looking at him that he is hurt by this, I never wanted to hurt him. That is the last thing I would do and want. "Please let me explain before you do anything" I tried to tell him but he is stubborn like me and isn't listening to me at all. "No, I have had enough of you doing rash and unthinkable things that only put you in danger, no more I am never letting you out of me sight, I am never letting you go" he says but this time he raises his voice.

That hurt a lot, I never knew Jason could hurt me like this. He is juts like when we first met, cold and cruel. I don't like to say it but that is the truth, I feel like I want to cry right now but I need to be strong, for everyone's sake. He stands up, completely ignoring that he is in pain. He takes me wrist and drags me somewhere, probably back to that house. I hope my mom's all right, I can not lose her again. Does Jason feel like this when he becomes all protective over me. I know he only wants to protect me with everything he got but sometimes his decisions do hurt a lot and his words. Like right now, he is taking out his anger out me when he should be taking it out on all of the bad guys.

When we get to the house I see that the beautiful house that I saw this morning is ruined, the house is completely destroyed. It is like it was blown up, what in the world happened here while I was in the ocean? I really want to know but I guess I'll ask Jason later, he isn't exactly calm right now. I am a little afraid of him when he is like this, it is my fault that he is angry so it has to be me who makes it up to him. The only problem is that I have no idea how to make it up to him, he has never been angry with me, ever. So this is all new to me, just like everything in my life right now. It is like I can never get back the life that I once had. I hope that Jason will cool down soon, this is hurting me that he is hurt and angry because of me.

I see my mom sitting on a bench outside the house since she or anyone can be inside the house now, since it is destroyed. She runs to me and hugs me, she kisses me all over my face. "My baby girl, I was so worried about you" she says between kisses, I really did miss her and I this day went by really fast. I guess I was in the ocean a lot longer than I thought. She has tears running down her face which is making me cry but I have to stay strong and hold them in. I try as hard as I can but I fail myself and tears run down my cheeks as well. We stand there hugging and crying. This reminds me of when I was young. Every time I had a nightmare she would hug me just like this and sing me a lullaby that I would always sleep to. I remember it by heart.

Into the sea
Pull you close to me
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves
Kiss me my love
Come rest in my arms
Dream your dreams with me
Slide beneath the sea
Come to me my love
Forgot the land above
Slide 'neath the waves
Down into the caves.

Wait this song reminds me of the ocean. Is that the reason she sang this to me? Did she know that I would be this queen of the ocean thingy? "Mom?" I ask her, still in her arms. Begin like this makes me forget every crazy thing that happened these past weeks. Where my life was normal, it wasn't perfect but I liked it just the way it was and sometimes it scares me that I will never get it back but on the other hand, if I would have my life the way it was I would never have met Jason and I would never have fallen in love with him. That is something that I will never regret, my old life wasn't perfect but this isn't either. It may not be everything that I wished it would be but I met Jason and when I have him by my side I am happy. The happiest girl in all the world. "Yes?" She asks calmly.

It makes me wonder if she lied about knowing that I am this queen, I hope not. Maybe she just picked this song completely random, maybe not. I have no idea what to believe anymore there are so many things in my life that I need to question or I would get hurt but the truth and I have been hurt enough so it is better to question then to take a chance. "Where did you learn the lullaby that you sang to me when I was little?" I ask her and I feel my self getting nervous but I ignore tat feeling. I need to get use to this whole begin brave thingy, it make take a little time but I will get there one day. She breaks the hug and looks at me, she sighs. "Emma I never learned on my own" she says, all right that makes me very confused.

I ask again, why doesn't everyone just tell me everything right away instead of begin with all of that mystery? That I somehow need to figure out myself. I don't really like mystery, like everyone have figured it out except for me. I may not be the smartest person here but I know more than you think. Everyone think I am this helpless little girl that needs saving and protection but I must show everyone that, the person they think I am is not who I truly am. I know I am making a big deal of this but who cares? The first step to that direction is to solve all of these mysteries that everyone is throwing at me. All right I must become detective Emma, and my job is to figure out what my mom meant. She said that she didn't learn it on her own, what does that even mean?

She did not make it, she just sang it to me. If she didn't make it that means someone else showed her or thought her that song, but who? I think I have solved half of this riddle, the only part I haven't solved is who told my mom to sing this song. I do have a list of suspects of who could have been responsible for teaching my mom that lullaby. The first person on the list is my birth mother or the internet. It's not really a good list but at least I am getting somewhere with this. I think that I need help with this, I have given up on solving this on my own, but I can promise you that I will solve the next riddle that comes at me. "Then who thought you it?" I ask her, after given up on solving this on my own, who knew that riddles can be this had work? Not me at least.

She smiles at me. "Few moths after me and your father got you and you were still a baby. It was at night sand your father had gone to sleep, I wanted to be with you mire, to hold my baby a little longer so I put you to sleep on my lap. You moved your hand and touched mine. We were hand in hand, I thought is was just adorable. You accepted me as your mother and that made me so happy. But then you showed me a vision, a vision of the ocean and this song. I never knew where that came from but when I started to sing this to you, I knew this song would calm you since it has been in your heart for some time. I never found out how you did it since no angel has ever been able to show visions but you were and are really special. You can see visions of the future and at the time you showed me that song you were actually showing me the future, your future" she says. So all those dreams I have been having, or nightmares are actually the future.

Oh my god. That means Jason is going to die, and very soon. Can't we have some days for our self before one of us dies. "But why can I see the future through these visions?" I ask her curious. Every time I think that I know everything about my life, I am told something else that makes me question and who I am or what I am. "I don't know, I wish that I knew but I don't. No angel has every been able to do what you can do, no angel has ever had element magic. I don't know the answers to this and I wish that I have them. My sweet baby girl, the magic that lives inside of you is something hat has never been seen before and I don't know how or why, but I do know that Daphne, your birth mother holds all the answers" she says with tears streaming from her eyes.

I hadn't realized that I had started crying too while she was telling me all of this. Why am I so special? I want to know. But I guess life has other plans for me. My life wants me to find the answers to all my questions when I am hurt and vulnerable, so I get even more hurt. Daphne holds all the answer yet she never told me. Maybe it is time that I figure this out by myself. I just hope that I won't be disappointed in the things that I am going to figure out. "It's ok, you don't have to have all the answer, mom" I say as we hug once more before wiping our tears away. I gaze at Jason and he has been watching us the whole time but that's all right, he looks at me with sorrow but I just look away, remembering that he hurt me before and just because I love him doesn't mean I can not be angry at him.

"I think you should head back, your tired, we all are. This has been a long day for us all" she says. Now that it has been said I kind of feel tired. Jason takes me to the car and we drive away, I wave my mother goodbye but stop as soon as I can't see her from the distance. I am trying my best to avoid Jason but that is super hard, I love him so much and it is very difficult to not talk, look and touch him. I really want to touch him but I must resist it as hard as I can. I don't know for hoe long I am going to ignore him, I will stop ignoring him when I can forgive him which will be in my own time. I need a distraction to take my of Jason for a second. I look outside the window and soon I close my eyes. I fall asleep thinking about Jason.

"Emma, Emma, Emma" I wake up to a familiar voice. "Emma, wake up" the voice says again. I open my eyes to see the owner of the voice. I get very excited. "Maria" I say happy and I hug her very tight. I have missed my best friends so much. She is the only person here who doesn't need to explain things to me and that makes me even more happier than I was before. When we break away from the hug I notice that I am in a bed, in Jason's bed, the bed that I slept with Jason the night before. I am in pajamas, I guess Jason chanced my clothes, since my dress was covered in in blood and dirt. "How and why are you here?" I ask her, I do love her as my best friend but it has been so long that I wonder why she hasn't made contact sooner."Jason called me, I have been busy and apparently you have to. Now get out of bed, you lazy head. I am taking you out" she tells me very excited and she nearly jumps up and down.

Oh, no. When she says she is taking me out it can not end very well, always when she says that we end in trouble. Like how in high school she told me she was taking me out and we ended up getting lost at night in the city where there were dangers everywhere. Thank god we got home safely over wise we could have gotten hurt or worse. Jason called her? That actually makes me smile. I guess he has my forgiveness after all. He is the best. Now I only regret ignoring him but I must remind myself that it was him who hurt me so that means he had to make it up to me and not te other way around."Where are we going?" I ask her. It is better to know where we are going before getting dressed or I would end up begin dressed in clothes that don't fit the place or the things we are going to do.

"Don't worry, I already have something picked for you. And you get to spend the whole day with me so prepare yourself to not get bored" she says as she hands me an outfit for me to wear. It is a light blue skinny jeans and a black crop top. I go into the bathroom to take a shower. After showering I dress up and put my hair into a high ponytail. I find Maria talking to Jason, Jason is holding a dish out for me with fruit for breakfast. I guess we are hurrying to get wherever we are going. After eating and chatting for awhile Maria literally drags me out of the house and into her car. Even if I did not want to go she didn't give me a chance to not go but I want to spend time with my best friend in the whole world.

She starts the car and drives off somewhere I don't know, the only thing I know is that wherever we are going we are going to have fun and I am going to forget all the bad things that have been happening and to take my mind of things like the ocean and al the troubles that follow that. This could be the one day that there will be nothing but peace. I can finally relax a little, I don't want to be full of stress and lately that is all I have had. "So are you going to tell me where we are going?" I ask her, teasing her a little bit. She doesn't like it when I ask her many questions. "Emma, since I know you won't stop asking I'll tell you, I am taking you shopping" she says. Oh come on, she knows I am not a big fan of shopping. Nope I have never been that girl who likes to go shopping.

I am going to make this day fun so I must look on the bright side of the situation. Shopping could always become fun, I have never really looked at the bright side of shopping. The last time I went shopping with Maria there were only two problems, the first one was that I hadn't enough money but now that will not be a problem since Jason gave us money, trust me I don't like the idea of spending Jason's money but Jason doesn't take a no and wants me to think that his money is my money, I really don't think that is right since he worked for that money and I didn't do anything to earn it. I can't quite remember the second problem but I guess and hope that problem will not find it's way back to us.

I smile at Maria. "Sounds like fun" I tell her, she gapes at me. What is it with her? "I knew he chanced you but girl you have become someone else" she tells me, I guess my chance is noticeable. "What can I say? This is the new me" I tell her and smirk. She laughs which makes me laugh to. Soon she stops the car at the mall, We get out of the. We begin to look around in shops. Mostly does she drag me to some store. She brings me to a clothing store. I begin to look around at the clothes. Sometimes I find something that I like then I look at the prize tag and I walk away, I don't want to spend to much of Jason's money. When I see Maria I gasp. "What is all this?" I ask her, she is holding a hill of many dresses in all shape and form, colors and stuff like that. Is she going to buy all of these dresses?

Maria the the kind of girl who buy's to many dresses and when I say to many I mean too many, and usually she buy's dresses. "Here, come on" she commands as she hands me half of the dress pile she is holding on and drags me to the fitting room. Is she going to try on each and every one of these dresses? If so we'd be here all day. Maria literally throws me into one fitting room. "Here, try this" Maria says, as she hangs all the dresses up and hands me a red dress. Wait, she wants me to try on these dresses? I sighs, I can't really deny her. I take the dress and close the curtains so that I can get some privacy to chance. Maria waits for me while I chance. "What is taking you so long?" I hear Maria yell behind the curtains. I'm not sure if this dress fits me, I mean it is my size but it shows to much for my taste. It may look amazing on someone else but I don't like showing this much skin.

"I'm coming" I tell her as I walk out to show Maria the dress. She frowns. "No that's not it, besides it's not your color" she tells me and hands me another dress. Now I know she has something planned for me, or for us. She wants me to find a dress and I have no idea why, and if she wants me to find a dress that I like then something is about to happen soon but I have no idea what. I take the dress. It is a black dress. I try it on and to me it fits. It doesn't show to much and it fits me, and it is very beautiful. All right it is only a plain black dress it is still pretty. I step out of the fitting room. "Oh my god, this is perfect. I guess we don't need the other dresses" she says as she picks them up and continues to ramble on but I go back into the fitting room to take the dress off.

We pay for the clothes, or Maria as clothes. I only picked one top and Maria insisted that I bought that black dress for some reason. We get ourself something to eat, there is a pizza place in the mall and we order one and eat fast since Maria wants to take me to one place before we go home but that place isn't in the mall. We go to her place and she makes me dress up in the black dress and she dresses her self into a dark pink dress. She does my hair and make-up and then herself. I only asked for a light shade of lipgloss and mascara, other than that I do not like make-up. Then me and her get in er car and she drives us somewhere. When we stop I gasp. I have been to this part of the town yet or this place. "Where are we?" I ask her when we get out of the car. "This my friend, is called at bar"

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