The Broken Girl

By Asterizm

185K 5.8K 422

... I didn't know what to do... so I did nothing. There I was, sprawled onto the ground. Just looking at the... More

1 ~ Zara
2 ~ The Bully
3 ~ Smell
4 ~ Rogue
5 ~ Fight Club
6 ~ Hiram and Markus
7 ~ Waiting
9 ~ Beloved mate
10 ~ Abomination part 1
11 ~ Abomination part 2
12 ~ Wayne
13 ~ Lightning
14 ~ Emotionless
15 ~ Sick Note
16 ~ Savage
17 ~ What?!?
18 ~ Did I Mean It?
19 ~ The Going Away Present
20 ~ Pine
21 ~ It's not acting it's called dying
22 ~ Suffocating
23 ~ The Alpha
Author Note ~ Happy New Year!
24 ~ Crazy Jane
25 ~ Accidents Happen
26 ~ The dress
27 ~ The Problem With Heels
28 ~ Ceremony
29 ~ The Prank That Went Wrong
30 ~ The Sleepover
31 ~ Batmans The Best
32 ~ Whisper Thank You
33 ~ Don't be stupid
34 ~ Who Are You?
35 ~ Inevitable
36 ~ The Phone Call
37 ~ The Phone Call: Part 2
38 ~ The funeral
39 ~ Doves
40 ~ Buried Alive
41 ~ I was Home
42 ~ The Piggy Back Ride
43 ~ We Gave It our All
44 ~ One Man's Weakness Is Another Man's Strength
45 ~ This Means War
46 ~ Tranquillity
47 ~ The Truth
48 ~ The First Battle
50 ~ My Biggest Enemy, My Greatest Fear
49 ~ Wasps Nest
51 ~ To be Selfless or Selfish
52 ~ The War to End All Wars (Part 1)
53 ~ The War to End All Wars (part 2)
54 ~ Fairy Tales Aren't Real?
Hello Readers!

8 ~ Found

5.7K 180 34
By Asterizm

~Dean's POV

How did she get here? What happened to her? No all that matters at the moment is that she's here. Go to mate. I knew Crowley was desperate to be by her side, so I went down to her and crouched by her side. "Zara, it's me Dean. Do you remember me?" She slowly nodded and I could see tears rising up in her eyes. That was enough to make me pick her up bridal style and bring her to the house, not the pack one as it's full with people, I don't think Zara wants to be around very many of them at the moment. Besides I want her as close to me as possible.

We recently moved to a bigger house that was also nearer to the pack house. I have the whole of the top floor so I have my own kitchen bathroom and bedroom up their as well as a medium sized living room. Our family is quite wealthy, another perk of being an alpha.

As I was going up the stairs I could tell that Zara was asleep her head resting gently on my chest. It's hard to believe that this small girl was anything else. I finally reached my room and laid Zara out on my bed. Then I immediately linked the pack doctor and told him that he had to get here now.

~ Zara POV
Before Being found

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was in the woods. Being in England in the winter made everything so much colder. My feet were bare and my clothes almost ripped to shreds but I couldn't stop. One second break and I was sure to be found.

I couldn't run anymore I had crossed a river but now my body was so cold that it couldn't function properly. Being a werewolf makes the cold more tolerable than if I was a human, but it can still kill us after time.

Suddenly a branch snapped I froze and looked around I couldn't see anyone then out of nowhere a massive grey wolf jumped on top of my and looked like it was going to kill me. Along side him was a man the two stood together and towered over me in the most intimidating way, I was convinced that this was the end. Instead the man tied me up an threw me on the wolf's back. Well that's was... rude.

Zoë are you there?

... still no answer. I haven't been able to talk to her since the day I was captured by those cruel humans! I haven't been able to shift since either. I felt pathetic, I could barely do anything since.

When the wolf started to slow down everything seemed familiar. This was the last town I had been at, the smell of the woods was exactly the same, just thinking about that everyday gave me hope as well as Dean. Dean! He lives here he can help me! A single tear slipped down my face as I remembered the terms we left on, he had probably moved on, I didn't exactly prove that I was Luna material and I wasn't. Nor am I right now.

I was thrown into a jail cell with bars made of silver. Not that it mattered anymore it doesn't effect me just one of the many 'alterations' those crazy scientists made to me. I just sat in the corner, I was scared but who wouldn't be I haven't been outside that lab in who knows how long and now I'm here!

Another smell hit my nose, it was so familiar. But what was it? No... it couldn't be could it? For the first time in a very long time the Moon Goddess seemed to pity me and bless me with my mate. He looked shocked I know he was trying to comprehend my disgusting appearance. He came over to me and crouched down besides me and looked into my eyes " Zara it's me Dean. Do you remember me?" I nodded and tears filled my eyes of course I remember him how could I forget my own mate. Just like that he picked me up bridal style and finally I felt safe.

~ Pack Doctor POV

I rushed to the alphas house after receiving a very distressed message from the alphas son, Dean. He was rambling on about how he had found his mate but she's hurt or ill I couldn't quite make sense out of it so I brought my kit with me.

When I got there I was let in and led up the stairs by one of the omegas, I had reached Dean's room and knocked, Dean swing the door open and let me in. He looked a mrs and had obviously been crying. "She's on the bed." I walked up to it and what I saw was very upsetting it was a girl she looked around 18. She was mainly skin and bones so she was obviously of deprived of food and water. There were scars all over her arms and looked as if she had been torn apart and thrown back together again. "What happened to her?" I asked, Pitt in my voice.

"I-I don't know. Is she going to be ok?!" He was really panicked. I took a minute to think what had to be done.

"She needs to be taken to the pack's hospital so I can do a full assessment on her, then we will be able to know the full extent of her injuries and how we should treat her." He nodded and picked her up. We all got into my car and I drove us to the pack hospital.

~ Dean's POV
1 Week Later

The doctors have managed to locate all of her injuries. I know there's something else they're not telling me all they say is she's different.

All of a sudden a familiar voice called from down the hospital corridor. "Hey, Dean! Why all the doom and gloom? I've been gone 8 months and when I get back everyone is at the hospital, care to explain?" I could tell from her voice that this was my crazy cousin Kaelynn, she had been gone the last 8 month due to her dad going to pack meetings abroad for my dad. I had forgotten that she was supposed to be coming back this week.

"Well kaelynn I found my mate."

"Wait really the one who has been missing for like 2 years! I thought she wasn't real! Never mind it doesn't matter! When do I get to meet her?!? We can go shopping and-" I cut her off.

"No you can't! She is ill and keeps slipping in and out of a coma." I sighed, her enthusiasm drowning me.

"Oh. Can I see her?" She replied a lot calmer than she was before.

"There's no point but sure you can She right through that room." There was no hiding it, I was depressed. Finally after 2 years I have my mate back but she was still so far away.

~ Kaelynn POV

I was so confused where everyone was so when I found out they were at the the hospital I was even more puzzled.

When I passed the rest of the family, well everyone except Dean. I asked what was going on and they told me to ask Dean, he was on the first floor.

After a short explanation I found out that he had his mate back but it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine.

I wanted to meet her so I went into her hospital room. On the bed laid a beautiful girl I knew in that very moment we were going to best friends.

She started shuffling and I panicked. I'm not a doctor I don't know what to do! Then the most unexpected thing happened she opened her eyes!

"Um... Hello there, i'm Kaelynn."


Sorry this isn't my best chapter😢 but it's more of a filler for the next chapter🎉 Also we will have more of Kaelynn 😁 see u next time👋
Saturday 28th October 2017

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