The Lost Prophecy: Book 2: Br...

By TheQu1etOne

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After a narrow escape from death, Ravenpaw only wishes to earn his warrior name. But he soon realizes that da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

522 25 39
By TheQu1etOne

A dark fog seemed to hang over the camp at the news of Bluestar's sickness. It had been a day since she had fallen ill. The first thing Ravenpaw saw when he emerged into the clearing that morning was Willowpelt leading Yellowfang into Bluestar's den, and it only intensified his concern.

Tigerclaw had taken Longtail and Sandpaw on patrol, giving Ravenpaw more time away from his mentor. He settled himself next to Dustpelt, and surprisingly the brown tabby warrior didn't shift away. They watched Bluestar's den in silence, united in their concern for their Clan leader.

Ravenpaw stifled a cough. His throat must have been sore from the achingly cold air.

But it wasn't just his throat that was sore. Even though he had slept well the previous night, his whole body ached as though he had run across the whole of ThunderClan territory. Ravenpaw stretched his forelegs. Caring for the cats with whitecough must have been more tiring than he'd thought.

Dustpelt was still watching Bluestar's den; he squinted, obviously trying to glimpse their Clan leader, but gave up soon after. "She has greencough," he meowed abruptly. "Yellowfang told me."

"She was fine just a few days ago." Ravenpaw let his gaze fall, remembering Bluestar's fury at his return from the Moonstone, and recalled how he had witnessed Bluestar die to the rat attack on his first visit there. "What if..." he began haltingly, "what if this is her last life?"

Dustpelt narrowed his eyes. "Don't talk like that."

They fell quiet again. Ravenpaw frowned. "I wasn't sure, but I noticed Yellowfang starting to use more tansy and feverfew yesterday."

"It came on pretty quick, apparently."

Ravenpaw watched as Willowpelt padded past the fresh-kill pile, glancing at the entrance to Bluestar's den. It was odd; he would never have expected this would be how he and Dustpelt would start speaking again. Perhaps I can try to convince him I'm telling the truth about Tigerclaw... Ravenpaw shot a sidelong glance at Dustpelt. The brown tabby warrior was staring straight ahead, giving no indication that he noticed Ravenpaw's discomfort. Should he say anything?

Suddenly Longtail burst through the gorse tunnel, his tail streaming behind him like a leaf as he bounded into the clearing. Ravenpaw's tail fluffed out in surprise; the pale tabby was dashing directly towards them.

Longtail skidded to a halt next to Dustpelt and Ravenpaw, panting. "Tigerclaw has scented ShadowClan on the Thunderpath. He has Sandpaw waiting at the spot, by the burned ash tree." He swiveled his head toward Ravenpaw. "He wants you to join her."

A chill ran down Ravenpaw's spine. "Me?"

"No, I meant the other Ravenpaw," Longtail hissed cruelly. "Of course you."

Ravenpaw shrank back. "But I'm not allowed to leave the camp!" He looked hopefully at Dustpelt, but his littermate seemed unmoved. A growl was rumbling in the brown tabby's throat; Ravenpaw guessed he was angry about ShadowClan's trespassing.

Longtail twitched his ears. "Well, if you want Sandpaw to guard the place by herself, fine." Ravenpaw's fur stood on end. The border with ShadowClan was not a place for a lone ThunderClan apprentice. Sandpaw would be in serious danger if a ShadowClan patrol noticed her. "Tigerclaw thinks we might have to send a raiding party into their territory to send them a message. He wants you to tell them if enough cats have returned from patrols for an attack when you arrive."

"What is Tigerclaw doing that he can't guard the place?" Dustpelt meowed; Ravenpaw swallowed back his bitterness at Dustpelt's calm and accepting tone. After everything, no cat thought Tigerclaw was capable of treachery.

"Patrolling the rest of the border," Longtail mewed. "He thinks there might be some other places ShadowClan trespassed." Dustpelt curled his lip, and although Ravenpaw shared his disdain for ShadowClan's intrusion, worry was sparking his pelt. He knew he couldn't leave camp by himself; it would be going against Bluestar's orders, and he didn't understand why Longtail and Dustpelt could be so accepting of it just because Tigerclaw told them something else.

Just then Yellowfang slid out of Bluestar's den, and stalked up, her tail twitching urgently. "Dustpelt, I have a mission for you." Dustpelt sat straight up, his tail tip twitching and eyes narrowed. "Have you ever been to Twolegplace?"

He shook his head in disgust. "Why?"

"I need you to go there, and find some catnip. It's uncommon in the forest, but Twolegs occasionally grow some in their grass patches by their nests." Dustpelt looked at her as though she had grown a second head. "I need it for Bluestar," Yellowfang added at Dustpelt's expression. "It's an herb I haven't used for moons, but I think it will help her."

"How do you know there's catnip in Twolegplace?" Dustpelt meowed, his eyes narrowing.

"I don't," Yellowfang replied. "But it's the best chance we've got. It has soft leaves and an irresistible scent," she continued. "It's very difficult to describe if you haven't experienced it yourself, but you'll know catnip when you smell it; it's impossible to ignore and you'll want it for yourself. I need as much as you can carry, and fast."

Dustpelt nodded.

"But Tigerclaw..." Longtail trailed off.

Yellowfang retorted before Longtail could finish. "Tigerclaw will have to deal with whatever it is on his own for the moment." Ravenpaw winced even though Yellowfang's anger wasn't directed at him.

"Deal with what himself?" Cinderpaw, who had been watching the exchange by the tree stump, bounded up to the group, her tail waving excitedly.

Dustpelt silenced her with a hiss.

Longtail turned to Yellowfang, looking subdued. "But this is important. Tigerclaw scented ShadowClan on the Thunderpath. Sandpaw is waiting there now." Longtail flattened his ears. "He says Ravenpaw should join them to guard the spot so ShadowClan doesn't try anything, and if there are enough cats to form a raiding party to send word."

Yellowfang scoffed. "Why would he ask for Ravenpaw?! He knows Ravenpaw is not to leave the camp alone!"

"He said we don't have enough cats to be picky about it. It's more important for the camp to be defended by warriors."

Yellowfang snorted. "Then they'll just have to wait then. There aren't enough cats to guard the camp right now, let alone send a raiding party!" She scowled, deep in thought. Ravenpaw wondered if she was going through the cats that were out on patrol, and how many were in camp. "When Tigerclaw finishes checking the border, he will return to Sandpaw. That is what any warrior would do in this situation."

"She can handle watching the border for a bit, but we can't have an apprentice so close to ShadowClan territory for so long; she's a sitting duck right now." Dustpelt's eyes gained a nervous sheen. "There just needs to be another cat there so Sandpaw doesn't look alone. They'll be less likely to attack what looks like a patrol."

"I could go," Cinderpaw piped up.

"No," Dustpelt snapped. "He ordered Ravenpaw to join Sandpaw, not you."


Longtail interrupted her. "He specifically asked for Ravenpaw."

Ravenpaw bristled, his tail beginning to shake with fear. Longtail and Dustpelt were going to force him to go! "B- but I can't! I'm not allowed!"

"Well, some cat needs to inform them," Dustpelt pointed out.

An idea popped into Ravenpaw's head, and he turned his head to Dustpelt hopefully. "What if we both went to the Thunderpath? Once you got back from Twolegplace, we could go meet Tigerclaw and Sandpaw and hear what they have to say."

"There's no point doing that," Dustpelt argued. "We'd save time if you just went straightaway and gave them the message yourself."

"Darkstripe might be out there!" Ravenpaw protested.

"You'll be fine," Dustpelt snarled. "We chased him off!"


Dustpelt cut him off. "You know what, Ravenpaw? Maybe we'd have better luck if you didn't have to be looked after like a helpless kit-"

"Enough!" Yellowfang spat. She jerked her head as she spoke to each cat in turn. "Dustpelt, get the catnip! Longtail, stay here and guard the camp!"

But Dustpelt was still arguing. "What about Tigerclaw and Sandpaw? Some cat has to tell them-"

"You can tell them yourself once you've brought back the catnip!" Yellowfang spat, reminding Ravenpaw of how ferocious she had looked when he first met her as a rogue.

Dustpelt let out a low growl before backing down. "Okay, fine. But they're going to have to wait a long time then." He flashed an irritated look at Yellowfang before turning and disappearing into the gorse tunnel. Longtail stalked off, curling his lip.

Ravenpaw padded alongside Cinderpaw to the apprentices' den, still shaken by Dustpelt's jibe. Was that really how Dustpelt saw him: a pathetic, useless kit, unable to care for himself? Settling himself in his nest, Ravenpaw reflexively kneaded the mossy bedding. Should he have volunteered to give Tigerclaw and Sandpaw the message? That was what a warrior would do. Perhaps I'll never become a warrior. I'm not brave enough. Ravenpaw blinked. Dustpelt was right- they all were. He was a coward and a mouseheart.

Ravenpaw shuffled his paws, nervousness spreading through him from ears to tail-tip. This whole situation was bad. Aside from the fact that Tigerclaw was possibly plotting to kill him, he was supposed to meet Sandpaw, and that meant she was in danger too. Ravenpaw didn't know what Tigerclaw was planning, but he knew it would bother the dark tabby if another cat was around to witness it.

Supposedly she was waiting by the burned ash tree, but what if it was a trap? Where was Sandpaw? Could Tigerclaw really be using her? Ravenpaw shook his head to himself. Tigerclaw wouldn't try to kill him in front of another cat, would he? He wouldn't do that, Ravenpaw thought. But Sandpaw is waiting for me.

A new horrifying thought materialized: what if Tigerclaw killed Sandpaw? Ravenpaw's pelt spiked. Oh, StarClan no! Perhaps that was why Tigerclaw had asked for Ravenpaw- to frame him for murder, and make sure that his word was never trusted again, even if he was exiled. Anxiety was making Ravenpaw's mind whir with terrible possibilities, but he couldn't make it stop.

Guilt flooded through him. This was all his fault. If he wasn't such a scaredy mouse he would have jumped at the chance to help his Clanmates. Instead he was cowering in a corner while Sandpaw waited by a stinking Thunderpath in the cold.

But maybe Dustpelt was right about one thing- Darkstripe probably wasn't around. Ravenpaw fought his instinctive fear of the dark tom. Darkstripe is gone, and Tigerclaw won't try anything with just Sandpaw there, he told himself. Would he? Ravenpaw realized that he was shaking. The image of the pale ginger she-cat burned his mind. He would never forgive himself if Sandpaw died because of him.

Feeling as though he was observing his actions from outside his body, Ravenpaw heaved himself to his paws. He would just sneak up to the burned ash tree and see if Sandpaw was okay, tell her that a larger patrol was out of the question before the end of the day, and then he'd leave. Tigerclaw would never know he was there. He'd snuck out before, and he could do it again. His belly twisted; his insides were screaming at him to stop, and it took all his strength to ignore his reservations.

Ravenpaw crept around the back of the nursery, squeezing through the gap in the camp barrier. Hissing as thorns caught his pelt, he began to head toward the Thunderpath. Hopefully he would be back before Dustpelt brought the catnip to Yellowfang, and then his brother could make the trip across the territory without coming across him and snapping at him about how he wasted every cat's time.

Shivering, Ravenpaw crept onward. Although he tried to stay as silent as possible, his paws sounded like thunder when they met the ground in comparison to the noiseless forest. Ravenpaw picked up speed, keeping his body low.

A crackling sound met his ears. Slowing down, he felt his heartbeat thrumming in his chest. This was how it had started when Darkstripe had snuck up on him the first time. He quickened his pace, unsure what he was aiming to run for in his panic. The pawsteps continued behind him.

After a moment of frantic sprinting, his mind cleared; he needed to find a way to get back to camp. If that meant outrunning Darkstripe again, that was what he'd do. Paws thrummed closer to his now, and the sound of rustling leaves met his ears. He spun around.

Cinderpaw was watching him. Ravenpaw nearly collapsed in relief. "Great StarClan, Cinderpaw! I thought you were Darkstripe! What are you doing here?" Shaking, he sank to his haunches.

Cinderpaw answered without hesitation as she caught up. "I'm coming with you."

"Dustpelt told you not to go." Ravenpaw got up awkwardly, wondering if Cinderpaw would listen to him if he told her to go back. His heart was still pounding.

Cinderpaw shrugged. "But it'll be faster this way. Some cat needs to give them the message or they'll be waiting all night."

"You're not allowed out alone," Ravenpaw argued. He frowned. "And I'm not either for that matter."

"We're not alone- we're together," Cinderpaw pointed out, her blue eyes wide and mischievous.

Ravenpaw sighed, the cold air triggering a coughing fit. He cleared his throat, while Cinderpaw tilted her head. They were both apprentices, he figured. He couldn't order her . . . It will take too long to bring her back anyway.

Ravenpaw continued onward, and Cinderpaw, taking his silence as an invitation to join him, gave a delighted mew and trotted up to walk at his shoulder. Perhaps this is a good thing. Tigerclaw would have a more difficult time killing a cat if there were more witnesses, Ravenpaw reasoned; surely the sight of Cinderpaw would make him second guess himself if he was planning anything.

The familiar smoky scent of the Thunderpath hit his nose as they neared the edge of the forest. Throat tingling, Ravenpaw let out a barking cough.

"Are you preparing yourself to face the Thunderpath by channeling a dog?" Cinderpaw teased.

Clearing his throat, Ravenpaw straightened up. "I don't know where that came from. The Thunderpath smell just burns." His throat felt oddly scratchy; he wondered why the Thunderpath wasn't having the same effect on Cinderpaw.

The Thunderpath opened up in front of them, a stinking patch of rock covered in fog. Ravenpaw ducked down at the edge of the gray stone path, peering out at the verge. There was no sign of Sandpaw.

He breathed in the air, and choked on the fumes from the Thunderpath. If Sandpaw was here, there was no way he would smell her. He'd have to see her. Waiting for a gap in the stream of monsters, Ravenpaw took a tentative step onto the Thunderpath. He shot a quick glance over his shoulder at Cinderpaw. "Stay here."

There were no monsters now, and an eerie silence hung in the air. He looked back at the edge of the path where Cinderpaw was waiting.

"See anything?" the younger apprentice called.

Ravenpaw shook his head and continued forward. The ash tree hung over the center of the path a distance away. Ravenpaw pricked his ears. That could be where Sandpaw was waiting.

The air was foggy and dense, and the smokiness made it difficult to breathe. Many monsters must have passed by here to make the air like this. Ravenpaw crept closer to the ash tree, cringing every time his paws touched the sticky path. He wondered why monsters stayed on Thunderpaths; were they so heavy that they would sink if they stepped on regular ground? Perhaps that was why-

A roar broke through his daydream. "Ravenpaw, look out!" Cinderpaw yowled.

Ravenpaw turned his head mid-heartbeat. Two enormous, glowing eyes stared him down.

He was back in the nursery.

Robinwing was resting outside, along with the rest of the nursery queens. Even in the midst of their conversation she gave Ravenkit an encouraging glance, motioning with her tail for him to join her. After a moment's hesitation, he nosed his way outside.

There was thin bramble thicket by the nursery wall, one of the bushes that surrounded the camp. Ravenkit eyed it curiously. He wondered what it would be like to look down on the camp from its branches. It would be like being taller than every other ThunderClan camp. He knew he could climb it. Dustkit could climb trees by now, and he wasn't afraid. Ravenkit wouldn't be afraid either.

Gathering his courage, Ravenkit padded up to it and scrambled up its side. He came to a rest at a thin tendril just a whisker beyond the height of his mother's eartips, and looked down. This was how the camp would look when he was a warrior.

"Look, Robinwing, I'm flying!" Balanced precariously on the spindly bramble thicket, Ravenkit fluffed out his fur.

His mother turned her head toward him, purring. She got up, took a step toward him, and gave him a swift lick on the head.

Ravenkit narrowed his eyes at another clump of branches, and soared across the tiny gap. He was flying...

The eyes blinded him.

"Ravenkit, from this moment until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ravenpaw," Bluestar meowed. "Tigerclaw will be your mentor."

Cheers erupted from the ThunderClan cats as Ravenpaw made his way toward his new mentor. The tom's eyes gleamed as their noses touched, and Ravenpaw barely prevented himself from shrinking back. He had to make a good first impression. But from the dark sheen in Tigerclaw's eyes he could already tell his new mentor was disappointed.

The roar swelled in his ears.

He was in the forest now, watching as Tigerclaw sank his teeth into Redtail's throat. With a startled gasp, he turned and began to run. It couldn't be. It couldn't have happened.

The monster inched closer...

Ravenpaw was at tree climbing practice at the Great Sycamore. He looked down through the leaves at Lionheart. "Shall we come down now?"

"You seem to know what you're doing," Lionheart called. "Let's see if you can reach the top." Ravenpaw looked up. Even though he was halfway up the tree already, the top seemed further away than it had when he had been on the ground.

And closer...

He was in a clearing, his pelt soaked with rain.

"Please, Dustpaw! I'm telling the truth. Wait, no!" Ravenpaw scrambled after Dustpaw as he began to pad away. "He's going to kill me," Ravenpaw whispered, frantically kneading his paws against the ground. Dustpaw turned back, his eyes cold. "It's his plan, Dustpaw. He knows I saw! He's going to kill me, I swear it. Dustpaw, please. Please don't leave." He fell into a crouch, begging, his eyes round. "Please."

"Are you going to follow me into ShadowClan territory?" Dustpaw's icy mew pierced Ravenpaw's heart. "Although I suppose you don't need to, since you probably know your way around there by now."

And closer...

Darkstripe was chasing him, his eyes furious green slits.

"Traitor!" Ravenpaw heard Darkstripe's hiss from behind him, frighteningly close now. "Thought you'd meet with ShadowClan tonight?" Suddenly he was thrown off his feet and onto the ground.

"No! Please! I was just hunting!" But it was no use.

Was this really happening?

Bluestar watched him with pitying eyes. "Ravenpaw, you've been under a great deal of stress lately, and now hearing about how you perceived the battle, I'm concerned. Why would Tigerclaw do such a thing?"

Was he really about to die?

The light of the Moonstone glowed as he touched his nose to it.

The bright white light enveloped his vision, from not the Moonstone, but the monster's eyes.

"No!" A small gray shape slammed into him from behind, and at that same moment the monster clipped his side. Then everything went dark.

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