Love in LA • a Ross Lynch Fan...

By Crazy_Girl_SA

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Tori and Ross have been through a lot together. A psychopathic stalker, suicide, rape, court trials, deaths... More

Love In LA
Chapter 1
New Book!
31 (preview)
Butterflies Against Cyberbullying
New Story
38/The Wedding!
39 (part 1)
Very Important
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 (Final Chapter)
Third book


531 23 13
By Crazy_Girl_SA

No your eyes aren't deceiving you it's an update.
Lot of time skips 😉

*Wednesday the 16th of August 2017*
Ross's POV

"Babe," I heard soft whispers in my ear and I groaned in annoyance, thinking it was Rocky again.

Yesterday morning he woke me up pretending to be Tori. I really do miss her and I didn't find that joke funny. all.

"Go away, Rocky. It's not even light outside," I said as I noticed the buss was still moving and tried to fall back asleep. A soft giggle sounded through my ears and my eyes immediately snapped open.

"Baby. You're back," I breathed out in relief as I saw my wife standing outside the bunk. I quickly slipped out of our bunk, ignoring my sleepy haze, and pulled her into a hug.

Her familiar sweet scent of Yardley Lace filled my senses and I immediately felt at home again. I buried my face into her neck, expecting to find her hair there, but I guess it was in a bun.

"I missed you," I whispered into the pitch black darkness and hummed contently as she massaged my scalp with her small hands. "I missed you too, Ross," Tori whispered back and I held her even closer.

"How's my baby doing?" I asked and she pulled away. She walked out of my grip, leaving me confused, before she turned out the lights, but only to create a soft glow in the bunk area.

I could finally see her properly. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a loose black and white striped shirt, a leather jacket with an infinity scarf and ankle boots. Her hair was up in a messy, but still pretty, bun and her makeup was done to perfection. She was definitely going to be one of those stylish moms.

The cold air enveloped my body and, only standing in boxers, shivers racked through my body. It was abnormally cold as we drove to our next destination.

That reminds me: why didn't the driver wake me up when we got to the airport?

"I have to show you something," Tori said as she walked closer and stood in front of me. I gently nodded, slightly confused, and she took a hold of the hem of her shirt.

Slowly, she started lifting her shirt and a gasp caught in the back of my throat as I looked at her stomach. The smallest bump was forming perfectly in her belly, making this a thousand times more real.

"You have a bump," I whispered in awe, my voice cracking slightly from the lump in my throat as I knelt down in front of her. "I saw it this morning when I was getting dressed," Tori whispered softly, breaking the silence as I placed my hands on her petite hips.

"My baby's growing. Our baby's really in there," I whispered as a tear slowly ran down my cheek. A burst of proudness ran through my body as I stared softly at the most beautiful bump I've ever seen. It was exquisite. Knowing that my baby's in there. Healthy and growing.

"Our baby really is in there, honey," she whispered as she placed her hand on my head and softly massaged my golden locks. I closed my eyes and placed a gently, loving kiss upon the bump.

Our bump.

Our baby.

"I really don't wanna interrupt, but this photo is hella cute," Rocky voice suddenly came from nowhere and Tori jumped from fright. "Rocky scaring Tori isn't good for the baby," I scolded him and the both looked at me shocked.

"I read it in a baby book, okay?" I mumbled shyly and Tori chuckled. "Do me a favour? Stop reading them. They're only going to make you paranoid," Tori spoke gently and I immediately nodded to her request. "Okay I'll stop," I said and heard Rocky cough 'whipped'.

He walked closer and handed us his phone that was opened on a photo. One that was taken seconds ago. The photo showed me, eyes closed, kissing Tori's stomach. She had her right arm, the one closest to the camera, holding up her shirt to just below her breasts and her left arm was on my head. The small round ceiling lights gave the room a soft glow and it captured that magical and exquisite moment.

"Could you please send us the photo?" I asked Rocky and he nodded before grabbing his phone. After a few seconds both mine and Tori's phones went off. "You have a bump. Hello, baby lynch," Rocky cooed as he bent down and spoke to Tori's belly. She giggled softly and I smiled at the sight.

"It's a magical moment isn't it?" Rocky asked me with a genuine smile and I nodded with a grin. "Exquisite," I replied and he grinned in agreement. "I really am happy for you guys. You deserve all the joy you can get and even more," Rocky said and Tori suddenly sniffed. "Thank you," she said with a cracking voice as she hugged Rocky.

Over her shoulder Rocky saw my concerned face and mouthed 'hormones' to me with a reassuring smile.

*that morning*

"Is Tori still sleeping?" Shay asked me as we all stood backstage and I nodded. "Yeah she has jet lag," I chuckled softly and Shay grinned. "Well I'm glad she got here safe. Are you excited for the baby?" she asked and a huge grin took over my face as I thought back to very early this morning.

"Yeah I really am. I honestly can't wait," I said happily and Shay smiled softly. "I'm happy for you guys," she said and I smiled at her. "Thank you, Shay. That means a lot," I said and she nodded and smiled before walking towards Ryland. He softly kissed her causing me to smile happily for my brother before I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi, Angel," I said as I turned around and pulled Tori into my arms. "Hi," she whispered in an exhausted tone as she buried her face in my neck. I softly rubbed her back and felt her yawn. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and she hummed. "I did, but I'm still tired," she said and I kissed her head. "You can still sleep, Angel. Nobody would mind and we're only rehearing," I said and she shook her head as she pulled back.

It was still cold and rainy outside and Tori had the same clothes on as early this morning.

"No I'm okay," I said and just then my parents walked into the room with Starbucks. "Hi, Tori!" my mom exclaimed as she walked to us and pulled my wife into a hug. "Hi, Stormie," Tori smiled before she hugged my dad.

Tori sees my parents more like her parents now too, but she still won't call them mom and dad. It's understandable after all she's been through with her parents.

"We have coffee for everyone. Except for you, honey, you'll have to switch to tea," my mom said and Tori smiled gratefully, but I could see the disappointment in her eyes. Tori loves her coffee so not going to be able to drink it will be a big transition for her. "Thank you," she smiled as everyone came to get their coffee.

The rest of those who haven't seen her also pulled her into hugs. "So how'd the photoshoot go?" Riker asked Tori as she sipped on her tea. "It went well. They'll have the photos by next month. Like in magazines and billboards and stuff, but I'll have to see it beforehand to make sure I want them to be seen," she said and Riker nodded. "My dream has come true I will see Tori in lingerie!" Michelle yelled jokingly and everyone laughed at her silliness.

After our rehearsal I returned backstage and saw Tori sitting on one of the couches. Her feet was on Ryland's lap and I noticed he was icing her right ankle.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly as I walked to her and they both looked up to me. "Nothing bad. I just stepped wrong and lightly sprained my ankle," Tori said and Ryland's head snapped to her so fast I thought I heard a crack.

"Lightly sprained?" he asked in a dry manner as I kneeled down by her feet. He removed the icepack for me to see and a soft gasp escaped my mouth.

Tori's foot was swollen, like a lot. It was like her foot plus another half of her foot. It was completely blue where her ligaments were, giving the impression that she either hurt or tore it.

"Baby, I'll have to take you to a doctor," I said as I looked worriedly at her foot and she shook her head. "No. I just sprained it," "Tori that isn't a sprain. Is the baby okay?" I asked and she immediately nodded. "Yeah I didn't fall," she said and I nodded before lightly rubbing her hand.

"Please let's take you to the doctor. Just to make sure everything's okay," I begged and she sighed softly. "Alright," Tori sighed and Ryland spoke up. "You can't take her. You're show is starting soon and you won't be back in time. I'll take her," he said and I looked at him hesitantly.

"I'll drive safe and I'll look after them. I promise to keep you up to date," Ryland said and I nodded. "Thank you," I said and he nodded with a smile.

Victoria's POV

"Thank you for taking me," I said as Ryland carried me into the tour bus. It turns out I've hurt my ligaments badly, but luckily I don't tore them although the doctor told me it was very close. I've been told to stay off my foot for at least a week.

"It's no problem. Can I put you on the couch?" Ryland asked and I nodded as he put me down gently.

I had to admit my trust in Ryland has grown. It's almost been a year since all the drama with the court case and with Ryland, like how he pushed me into the wall, but he's shown me that he's truly sorry and that I can trust him.

"What do you want to do? Something to eat?" Ryland asked and as I was about to kindly reject his offer my stomach growled. I blushed as Ryland laughed. "Seems like baby Lynch is hungry. Let's see what we're working with," he said as he opened the cabinet doors. "Ryland you don't have to make me anything," I protested and he smiled goofily.

"I'm making something for myself and baby Lynch. So do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Ryland asked as he started taking things out of the cabinets. "I'm not sure. It just still feels like a dream, you know? Although something did happen to make this seem more real," I said as a proud grin took over my face and he looked at me curiously.

"I have a bump," I said, my heart bursting with pride as Ryland grinned at me. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you guys," Ryland said and I grinned at him.

After the show Ross and I were laying in the bunks. He made sure to keep his feet away from my sprained one. "I wanna talk to you about something," Ross said and I looked at him. "When do you think we can tell the fans?" he asked and I looked at him in thought. "I don't wanna pressure you into anything, but I wanna tell the whole world that you're pregnant with my baby. I can't tell you how proud I am that you're having my baby," Ross said and I grinned at him.

"We can tell the fans," I said and he looked at me shocked. "Really?" he asked and I nodded. "I grew up in this life. I know how this works and I'm used to it. If you wanna tell the fans I'll be more than happy to," I said and he grinned wildly before straddling me and bending down to my stomach.

"Hi, my beautiful baby. I can't believe you're really in there. I can finally see that you're healthy and growing and I couldn't be more proud. I know that you'll be born into a very busy and abnormal world, but your mommy and I promise to make you feel as normal as possible. Not that I want my kids to be normal because that's boring," Ross smirked softly as he talked to the bump and I giggled softly.

"The world is a nasty place, peanut. It's full of ugly stuff, but you're mommy and I will always protect you. We'll be there to guide you and love you and support you. You're gonna have the best mommy of all time. She's extraordinary. She cares about everyone and has a big heart towards her family and friends. Also she can cook so that's a big plus. She'll be one of the most important people of your life and she's always gonna be there for you and proud of you. We'll always be here, peanut. Things will be rough at times, but together, as a family, we'll get through it. I can't wait to meet you, baby," Ross said before gently kissing my stomach as tears ran down my face.

"Baby don't cry," Ross cooed gently and I smiled at him. "I'm just so proud of us. We've been through so much and got through it. I love you, Ross," I said and he grinned down at me. "I love you too, Tori," Ross said before softly kissing me.

Later Ross decided to post the photo that Rocky took with the caption 'She told me to stop reading the baby books'.

*Friday the 15th of September*
Victoria's POV

A heavy weight was placed onto my heart today. Today is my mom and Rose's birthday. They had birthdays on the same day.

Since I was getting sick of touring and since I had to come back to do work in the office and I had meetings I'm currently getting ready for work in our house. They house was beautiful, but very lonely when you're in it alone. The house's interior was completely done by now so as soon as Ross gets back from tour we'll start doing the nursery.

The fans and paparazzi went completely wild at the news of my pregnancy. #babyLynch was trending at number one for at least three weeks after Ross added the hastag to his Instagram post and Twitter.

The topic has been showing up in talk shows and everything. This meant the paparazzi wasn't giving me a break and it was pissing Ross off.

I've been at home for about three weeks and I was missing Ross desperately. Especially today.

My phone's ringtone sounded through the silent house as I finished my breakfast and Ross's contact flashed onto the screen. I immediately answered and his soothing voice filled my ears.

"Good morning, angel," Ross said. "Morning," I said while trying to sound cheery, but I failed miserably. "How are you feeling?" he asked and I could hear the sympathy in his voice. "I'm alright how about you?" I asked, trying to avoid the subject.

"C'mon, Tori. Talk to me please," Ross begged and I let out a shaky breath. "I'm fine. It's not that bad. I just- I don't really wanna talk about it," I said and heard my husband sigh.

"I understand that, baby. But I'm here if you wanna talk to me. Please take care of yourself today, okay? And remember you have our baby," he said and I felt my heart plummet as I knew what he was hinting at.

"You think I'd cut?" I asked in disbelief and the line was silent. "Baby-" "God, Ross! I'm not an idiot! I know and carrying your child so don't worry! Do you know when I last cut?! When I was tested for HIV!" I screamed, tears dripping off my face as my heart broke at his words. "I'm sorry," he said and I could hear the regret in his voice.

"Yeah so you say! That was an ass move, Ross, you know that? I have to go," I said as my voice cracked and I immediately hung up. I wiped away my tears before grabbing my keys and walking to my car. I quickly got in and started driving towards work.

I sighed as I remembered the phone call with Ross and quickly called him from my car. "Hello?" he said immediately after the first ring. "I love you. I forgot to say that I love you," I said as I felt my emotions going all over the place. "I love you too, angel. Is there anything I can do to make it better?" Ross asked and I shook my head as I tried to keep the tears inside.

"No. Just be here for me,"

"I'm always here, baby,"


"Is that everything for today?" I asked and my assistant nodded. "Yes. Also the rest of the work you can do from home. You only have a meeting in a month. So you can join your husband on tour again," she said and I nodded. "Alright thank you. So I'll see you in about a month?" I asked and she nodded.

After greeting her and getting my stuff I drove home. As soon as I got home I let Ross know that I was coming on tour again and he was over the moon. My bump has grown slightly bigger and honestly it's adorable. I'm so proud of my baby and he or she isn't even born yet.

*Saturday the 16th of September*
Ross's POV

"We interrupt this program with breaking news," the TV in the tour bus suddenly said and my whole family looked at it curiously. "Damon Degraw has been founded guilty of seventeen murders that occurred over the past five years," the news broadcaster said and I heard Tori gasp softly.

"Damon Degraw was sent to jail for a charge of attempted murder, two charges of breaking and entering and two charges of raping Victoria Kors," the woman said and a photo of Tori popped onto the to screen. I felt Tori tense besides me and I pulled her closer.

"The LAPD made a breakthrough in the case of finally getting DNA of mister Degraw. The LAPD spokesperson announced that mister Degraw will be given the death penalty,"

I'm evil

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