Sold For 90 Million Dollars

By ArzelleFerreras

35.3K 811 395

"90,000,000 dollars." And nobody dared to go higher. "Well, sold now to Ms. Jauregui." More

Chapter 1: Bought
Chapter 2: House Tour
Chap 4: Frickle Frackle

Chap 3: Wilmer Valderamma

7K 144 72
By ArzelleFerreras

"So, Ally, anything happening with your love life?" Lauren asked as she wiggled her eyebrows and chew her food.

"Why are you interested in my love life?" Ally rolled her eyes as she continued to eat her food.

"Because you're our bestfriend and you're the only single one." Normani said.

"Maybe you just never really experienced a woman who does it right, Als." Lauren said as she tried looking for napkins.

"It's because I am a woman who does it right." Ally smiled before throwing a napkin a Lauren's face and started eating again.

(if you watch iisuperwomanii, you'll know it ;) )

"Anyways, Camila, tell us about your self."

"Uh, well, I'm twenty years old. I was born on March third, nineteen-ninety seven. I was born in Cuba but my family and I moved to Miami when I was four." Camila smiled.

"You're Cuban? I didn't know that." Lauren said, slightly shocked.

"That's surprising considering you refuse to bring home a girl who is not cuban." Ally mumbled.

"How bout you tell us a little bit about yourself, Dinah Jane." Lauren said.

"Uh, umm, okay. Well, I'm also twenty years old. I was born on June  twenty-second, nineteen-ninety seven. And I love Beyonce. That's all." Dinah said.

"YOU LOVE BEYONCE?" Normani practically yelled and stood up from her chair.

"YES I DO." Dinah yelled and also stood up from her chair.

"OKAY. WE GET IT. YOU BOTH LOVE BEYONCE BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU YELLING?" Ally yelled, throwing Dinah and Normani a playful glare.

It became dead ass silent. Dinah and Normani looked at each other before sitting back down to their seats.

"I like Ally." Camila giggled but somehow that made Lauren jealous.

Dinah's phone rang in her pocket, signalling someone was calling her.

"Sorry." She said before getting out her phone and answering it.


"Help." It souded like the person was panting.

"Who is this?" Dinah asked.

"It's Demi. Please help me." She seemed like she was about to cry.

"Demi? Where are you?" Dinah panicked.

Even though she just met this girl hours ago, she still cared.

"I'm in the park. Someone is chasing me."

"Shit." Dinah muttered. "Stay on the phone. We're gonna get you." Dinah said as she stood up from her chair and walked to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Normani asked.

"To the park. Someone meeds me." Dinah rushed.

"I could drive you. The park is a five-minute drive from here." Normani suggested.

"Great. C'mon." Dinah pushed Normani out of the door to her car.

"Dems, are you still there?" Dinah asked.

"No. No. No, please. Don't hurt me."


"NO! AHHH!" Demi screamed and the call disconnected.


"Are we there yet?" Dinah asked.

"Yep. We're here." Normani pulled over.
Dinah got out of the car before it was even on full stop.

"Demi? Where are you?" Dinah called out.

She saw a figure lying down, unconscious and a girl trying standing, looking at the figure. Once she saw that it was Demi who was lying down, she rushed to them.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Don't worry. I helped her. I saw that a guy was hitting her so I punched the guy." The girl put her hands up in surrended.

"What's your name?" Normani asked.

Dinah examined Demi's body to see if there were bruises or scratches. There was a bruise on her arm and cheek.

"Miley. Miley Cyrus." The girl smiled.

"Your nose is bleeding and so is your arm. And you have a bruise on your eye." Normani pointed out.

"We have to get you both to the hospital." Dinah said as she carried Demi, bridal style.

"Whatever your name is, you're gonna sit with Demi at the back." Dinah pointed at Miley.

"Fine by me." Miley shrugged. "Also, my name is Miley."

They arrived to the hospital minutes later and they rushed Demi and Miley inside.

Demi was inside the emergency room while Miley was accompanied by nurses cleaning her cuts and bruises.

"Demi Lovato?"

"Is she okay?" Dinah asked.

"She's fine. Just a broken rib. Also, we noticed some cuts on her wrist that we think that was done purposely by herself." The doctor said.

Dinah and Normani gasped.

"Can we see her?"

"You can but just be careful with her. She might get some flashbacks from what happened to her." The doctor warned.

"Of course. Thanks, Doc." Dinah smiled before grabbing Normani's hand and going inside of Demi's room.

Dinah ignored the explosions that erupted in her stomach as she held Normani's hand.

"Not the time, Dinah. Not the fucking time."

"Dems? Are you okay?" Dinah asked, gently.

Demi looked up at Dinah and tears suddenly just came out of her eyes.

"What happened?" Dinah asked as she let Demi soak up her shirt.

"He r-raped me a-and h-he s-s-started hi-t-ting m-me." Demi sobbed.

Tears started coming out of Dinah's eyes. She felt so much hatred to whoever did this to the girl in her arms.
"Do you know who did it?"

"W-wilmer." Demi sobbed more.

Normani frowned. Then she gasped. Was it who she thought it was?

"Valderamma?" Normani asked.

Demi looked at Normani. She sobbed uncontrollably. She nodded slowly.

"Do you know him?" Dinah asked.

"Yes. I know that fucking bastard." Normani scowled. "He did the same fucking thing to me with my ex-boyfriend." Normani's blood boiled at the memory.

Normani hated Wilmer more than ever. She hated him for doing the same thing he did to her to another innocent girl.

"And I fucking hate that bitch." Normani spat out.

Demi sobs suddenly stopped and they heard steady breaths instead.

They both turned to Demi who was fast asleep.

"Can you find where that bitch is? The urge to fucking strangle him is real." Dinah said furiously.

"Actually, I can. I know somebody who can hack his phone and then we'll track him. If you'd like." Normani offered.

"Please. I would love that. Anything for Demi."

The door suddenly opened. Camila came rushing with Ally and Lauren  behind her.

"What happened?" Camila asked worriedly.

"This happened." Dinah pointed to a sleeping Demi.

"Some Wilmer guy raped her and I swear to god I'm gonna break every fucking bone in his fucking body if I ever see him." Dinah said angrily.

"Wait, Valderamma? Mani, as in the guy, you know?" Ally gasped.

"Yes. That fucking bitch." Normani spat out.

"I don't even know that girl in that bed but I fucking want to kill him for doing that to her and you."

"Ditto." Ally agreed.


"I am not fucking done with you bitches. The fucking game is just starting." He smirked.


I know. I KNOW. Wilmer is a good guy but it's just a fanfiction and I felt like he was perfect to play that character.

Alsooooo, did you guys like this  chapter??? Bc i feel like it's shit.

Thank you for reading this shit. No, but really thank you. You guys have no fucking idea how much it means to me.

I love y'all❤


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