Per nikkihershell

249K 15.6K 2.5K

Part Four in the Harper Trilogy. If you haven't already, I suggest reading Double Standards first followed by... Més

Heart Afire
Big Shoes To Fill
Little Miss Perfect
Cause And Effect
Making Of A Man
Mixed Emotions
Misery Of A Miss
Time Will Tell
Breaking The Silence
Just Call Me The Boss
All Hope Lost
The Healing Process
Hide And Seek
The Queen Breaks
Liqueur And Love
Finding The One
Don't Make Me
Hunter Becomes The Hunted
Story Of My Life
Sharpening My Blade
Finding My Wing's
Red Flags
Eye's Wide Open
Daddy's Home
The Rise Of My King
Reeling Her In
I'm A Mess
My Territory
Hiding My Crazy
In Mourning
Looking In From The Outside
Drunk As A Skunk
Is There A Pill For This
Just My Luck
I Go, You Go
I Always Won
It's Time
Last Kill
Guess What
Sending My Love


4.9K 296 63
Per nikkihershell

My life has been far from a fairytale. At eighteen I fell madly in love with Pedro Montez. At the time I had no clue he was involved with the Latino mob. By the time I did find out it was to late. I was so smitten with him there was nothing he could do to end my love for him. Everything he said, every word he whispered to me I believed. Even when he unleashed his fists upon me, I believed it was my fault, that I provoked him, I deserved the beating.

My father grew suspicious of my bruises, many that couldn't be concealed behind make-up or clothing. I withdrew from family and friends and didn't blink  without Pedro's permission. Finally my father found out about our relationship and new just who and what he was. Forbidding me to continue seeing Pedro, he seeked professional help for me. I tried to explain there was no leaving this relationship, Pedro owned me and would kill anyone that stood in his way, including me.

My father, loving me too much insisted that we would all pack up and leave, move to another state and hide. Before we got that chance, I was abducted from my room in the middle of the night. Pedro gave me the worst beating yet for my being disloyal and untrustworthy. He assured me that I'd never see my family again and forever remain his.

After his vicious beating I laid balled up on the floor. I no longer cried because I had taught myself to grow numb. My ribs hurt with every intake of breath. I felt the stickiness of blood on my face. Focusing on my pain I didn't realize what was coming next. Pedro squatted down, grasped my hand and taking his knife, sliced my pinky right off. To this day I'll never forget that pain. My screams of agony faded out as the darkness came for me, but I welcomed it. As long as I was asleep there was no pain, no fear.

Later, Pedro explained that he had my pinky delivered to my parent's and I was presumed dead. No one was looking for me, I no longer existed. I became a shell of a person and my time with Pedro only grew worse. Before my wounds from my recent beating healed, he was roughing me up again. I was forced to perform sexual favors on him as well as his friends, some even included other women.

Eventually the day came where Pedro finally tired of me and sold me at an auction to a man from California. I was relived at first but soon learned my life would be no better with him. Never once did he touch me other than to smack me around for not moving as fast as he liked. No, he forced me to strip and parade around group's of men as they groped me and did as they wished, all for a handsome price.

From there, I was eventually sold to another man who constantly shoved needles into my arm keeping me doped up. All the while filming the men who assaulted me over and over. Then I was told I was sold yet again. At this point I didn't care anymore. I prayed for death to rescue me. Many scars mar my body but I wear them as a cloak of strength these day's and I'm no longer ashame.

The man who bought me was none other than Conner Butoni. When he walked into my meager room to fetch me, I automatically let my raggedy dress drop to the floor revealing my naked body. They always wanted to inspect and in many case's test the merchandise themselves before leaving. That's right, merchandise. I was no longer a person, but a piece of meat, a item to be bought then tossed away to be recycled.

A alarming look crossed his face as the battered material hit the floor. Rushing to me, he wrapped a sheet around me. "There will be none of that where your going". He spoke so gently showing me the first kindness I had received in a long time. On the plane ride to New York I couldn't help but not to believe him. Trust was something I no longer had.

He spoke of my brother and how I would be treated with dignity and respect from here on out. I couldn't believe him. I assumed it was all lies, a cruel joke. I was brought to his home and placed in a lovely room by his kind wife Ela.

Within the hour my room door opened softly and in walked the most beautiful, refined lady I had ever seen.  Instantly I knew this was the lady Conner said was responsible for my rescue. Still not believing any of this I stood and let my dress fall again. I was so accustomed to this being the protocol, I didn't know any other way to be.

This lady stood there for a moment and it seemed as if her eye's glazed over. Finally she came to me and gently wrapped a robe around me. Setting me down, she took my hand into hers and said with genuine sincerity. "You no longer have to live like that. You are safe here".

I looked up into her caring eye's and I finally broke. I cried for all I've went through. I cried because I survived. I cried for everything I'd lost as she held me close and rocked me.

Once I recovered, this beautiful angel had a doctor come and check me over, had a hair expert come in and doll me up. Beautiful clothes was brought in, in abundance. Everyday she came bearing gifts, rather it be a little trinket or a sweet. Little by little she made me whole again. She made me feel loved and worthy. Her family treated as if I was one of them.

This lady was none other than Laney Harper.

And how do I repay her, by sleeping with her son in law. Miri's husband.

Miri has been nothing but kind to me as well. I tell myself everyday I've got to stop this, I can't hurt this family. I owe my life to Mrs. Harper. She even found me a job at her company.

It happened so fast and it wasn't my intentions. Cole was the first man that treated me with respect and made me feel important and I guess I just latched to him. I know the trouble our affair will cause but I can't help myself. The heart wants what it wants and my heart is set on Cole.

I have confided in Jax and he sent me a dire warning... don't mess with the Harper's. Tells me to stop this nonsense and it's still too soon for me yo fall in love. That I'm confusing my feelings of love with the first man that made me feel special. I'm not completely over the ordeal I suffered and vulnerable.

Yes, I believe some of what he says is true, but what if. I've never felt these emotions and maybe I'm overreacting to them. Maybe I'm clinging to him because he shows me that men can be kind, gentle, respectful. Whatever the reason may be I do know that I hate myself for betraying this family so. Many times I tried to say no more and even practiced what I would say to Cole, but once I look into those green orbs I can't recall anything other than wanting to be in his arm's. I understand why Miri loves him so, but so do I.

He's shared with me about their issues and how Miri is extremely nit  picky and he just can't live like that anymore.

The only thing I can tell you is that we are on a runaway train that's bound for a collision.

Continua llegint

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