Love Bites! ( A Vampire!Matt...

By TaeGodd

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I know the title sucks but, coming up with names has always been a bit of a challenge for me and this my firs... More

Ready for The Night...
Teens these days...
Choked by my sins.
Left in the Dark
You're Mine
For Comfort
Early Mourning
Hey Guys!


5.2K 54 273
By TaeGodd

   Hey guys , Its ya boii.... SKINNY PENIS . Jk it's just me . Here's some more Eddmatt and also some zesty lime in there but , you know my chapters are long so , you're gonna have to sit through it . (Heheheeh - gonna cause people to get in trouble because , there parents might walk in at any moment ) 

     Egg's POV -

          "Matt ... stop . ", I whined to groggy to push , what I believed to be Matt licking my nose . I really didn't want to open my eyes because , well ... I'm a bit of a couch potato . I felt a rough , tongue start to lick my temple leaving a puny bit of saliva there . "Matt .."I whined even more, touching what I believed to be hair . I just got a bite on my forearm in return . "YOU MOTHERFUC- ", I jolted awake to see a surprised Ringo huddled up in my lap. Ohh... I gave a sheepish grin at Ringo hoping she'd forgive me . "Ringo , come on. I didn't mean to ...", I practically begged . Ringo stuck her nose in the air , hopped out of the bed and sashayed out of the room. "Dang, cat !", I muttered under my breath rubbing my forearm. I stretched hearing a popping sound and smacked my lips to get the taste of slumber out of my mouth. I looked at the side of the empty bed  , feeling a twinge of sadness come over me. Edd , Matt's his own person . He can't be with you every second of the day.  "Matt!", I called not leaving the bed . Silence . "Matthew !", I bellowed once again. Silence answered again . "Matthew Benjamin Lee Allen Issac ' Edd's Property ' Harvey the III , get your rectangular butt in here ! ", I yelled . Still no answer . I huffed . 

         All of a sudden , a large bat flew in with a necklace on. I squinted at the creature ,trying to understand it's purpose. I saw that the necklace was made of beautiful four o'clocks and periwinkles and in it's claws was a necklace or crown made of wonderful white  Daisies and gorgeous green Delphinium accompanied by some Belles of Ireland . The bat swooped down and placed the adorable crown on my head making me flinch then , smile . He then went to Matt's bureau and draped a large bundle of Wisteria flowers on my shoulder . I really did feel like a princess , even though I probs had bed hair . "Thank you , I will cherish your gifts and I'll make sure Matt gives you a treat. ", I thanked the flying Mammal. The bat tilted his head and squeaked . I gave a confused face and stared , trying to comprehend his squeaks and whistles . I didn't get it . The bat seemed a bit agitated and flew towards me , making me back up to the head of the bed . The bat gave me a little peck on the lip and I stared wide eyed at the creature. "Wow , Mr.bat . I'm flattered .", I stated bluntly , not sure of what to do . I swore ,I saw the bat chuckle until he started flapping around widly. He kept darting back to me and the door as if he was trying to get me to follow him . "You want me to follow you ? " I queried with a cocked eyebrow and tilted head . The bat squeaked out in joy , happy that I understood . I cackled at the joyous creature and swung my feet over the bed . My feet touched the warm marble making a pitter- pat sound . 

      It was spring time now , actually. It was a lot warmer now and the snow has melted , making the animals and vegetation come out , free to roam as happily as they pleased . I sorta , envy them. They get to be with there loved ones without a care in the world . They didn't really have to deal with a loved one , who your other loved ones disliked or dubbed 'dangerous'. But off that sad , sappy note , Matt and I have been just peachy together. As you know , Matt and I are both boyfriends and honestly , I feel like I'm in a book or something . I would wake up to him , us doing cute things and just gushing over each other , it's just 'wow... '. Whenever , I'm around that big lug , my heart just turns to puddles like the snow outside .My heart quickens and it always feels like I'm gonna explode .I've lost track of the dates and how long , I've been here but , I don't mind. Hearing Matt's sweet honey- dew voice and just staring into those green , caring eyes would due to pass the time . That was corny wasn't it . 

     The bat led me down the dim hallways to the foot of the steps . He turned around and squeaked out something like a 'follow me' , I guess and he flew up the flight of stairs . I followed , holding on to the railing because , the stairs felt like they could collapse at anytime . The bat sat on the door knob of the bats' bedroom waiting patiently as I took my time , trying not to fall to my demise or some shit . It was to early for this crap. "What ? You can't open the door or something ?" , I asked the bat as I neared to the top of the steps. The bat shook his head , no. I rolled my eyes and lightly shooed him off of the door knob so , I could twist it. I pushed the gnarled door open to be blinded by rays of sunshine . "Crap." , I muttered , shielding my orbs . I cupped my hands over my eyes so , I could at least see what was so , important in here . The huge , black bat darted pass into a shady area and hissed at the puddles of sunlight on the floor . I giggled at the actions . He was strange because , he was up very early. All the other bats were on the ceiling huddled up together and sleeping peacefully. "You're not a regular bat , are you ? " I asked positioning all of my weight on my right leg. The bat made a spidery - laugh and I was shocked. Definitely , not a regular bat. Out of no where , a cloud of purple smog formed around the bat and a 'POP' sound was made . Then , a very excited Matt popped out , sticking his face out of the smog in a face pace to scare me. I yelped and took a step back . I could hear Matt's laughter and I crossed my arms , annoyed . "Y-you should of seen your face !", he wheezed . Then , out of no where he snorted . That turned the tables , making me laugh and him , the embarrassed one . "Yeah, Yeah . Laugh up a storm , will ya ?", he stated bitterly. "I'm s-sorry ", I guffawed , and with that another uproar of laughter came in . Matt rolled his eyes and pinched me so, I could stop laughing. "Oww", I whined and glared at the male . I then realized what , he was wearing. The four o'clock and periwinkle necklace was now a crown and it was neatly placed on his soft , ginger locks . He also had on the black tux T- shirt , I bought him from when we fled from the police , a snazzy black pants and some polished white and black shoes . "What's this cute , get up for ?", I asked both interested and confused. " It's your birthday , silly!", he chuckled before, pulling me in a tight hug , possibly crushing the Wisteria . May the first , already ?!?

          "Oh , close your eyes . I have something special for you. " , he whisper - shouted . "Matt, I swear to god . If this is a picture of you , like you got me for Christmas , I'll beat the immortal out of you!", I threatened playfully as I calmly closed my eyes ."Pfft, don't act like you didn't like it .", he shot back. I rolled my eyes , even with it closed . "Okay... You can open your eyes now. ", Matt stated in a bit of a hushed tone . My eyes fluttered open to see Matt cupping something in his palms and out - stretching it to me . I held out my two hands and Matt gently placed the small gift in my hands . I looked down to be met with red eyes . A cute , tiny Albino baby bat stared up at me with wide eyes . My heart literally melt . "Omg !", I exclaimed , frightening the poor thing . "Oh , sorry", I apologized to the vulnerable creature. I held him close to my chest with one arm and hugged Mathew with the other . "Thank you, Thank you! I love him so , much !" , I spilled to Matt , still gushing over the white bundle of fur in my arms . "I'm glad you love him , his mother abandoned the coop a few weeks ago , sadly. " Matt muttered looking own at the poor bat with sympathy in his pale , green eyes . "Poor babe .... We should give him a name .", I suggested with glee . "Well , that's up to you Eddie ,"Matt said before , flicking my cowlick . "We should give him a Vampire name like , Vlad or something . " , I listed . "Vlad , no.", Matt stared sternly , saying the name with disgust. "Ok ... How about Nosferatu (it's an old vampire movie from the 1970's , if you didn't know.)", I teased . "Vlad , it is then", Matt quickly shot up . I laughed and petted the top of Vlad's head with my middle and pointer finger . The bat nestled into my touch and gently closed his eyes . 

          "Oh yeah , I heated up some waffles on the stove . Let's go downstairs and eat .", Matt quickly proposed . I nodded my head and Matt intertwined his fingers with mine and led me .............................That is until , he got burned by the blaring , rays of sunlight coming in from the large , hole in the wall. "Gah", he hissed and yanked his hand out of mine . I looked at him with worry waiting for his heads up. He rubbed his forearm  where he got burned and winced slightly at the bruises and boils that had popped up. "I'm.. fine ", he muttered . "How about you turn into a bat and I shield you from the sunlight , hmm? ", I recommended . He nodded his head and spun and levitated in the air , slightly. The same purple smog swaddled around him and with a familiar 'POP' , he was a bite - sized bat. "Heh, look who's short now ?", I teased . Matt hissed in reply and swooped into my arms . I carried both him and Vlad down the steps and into the kitchen , gently placing him down and keeping a bundled Vlad in my arms . He transformed again and set a huge plate of Eggo waffles in front of me . I made sure picked up things that cannot spoil and only have to be heated up . "What , no syrup ?",I asked Matt , like he was some type of housewife . "Um, I think I remember collecting honey from the bees a few days ago .", Matt retorted . He then, proceeded with digging in the cupboard and pulling out a clear jar of honey. He grabbed a spoon and drizzled the honey all over the plate . I took a whiff of the sweet scent and started to devour the dish in front of . Matt just sat in the corner laughing . "Hey , don't eat it all here . I still have another surprise . ", he injected before , I could wolf down my plate . He grabbed Vlad from me and held my free arm , leading me to the staircase. "We just came from here ..", I whined . Matt ignored me and bent down at the foot of the steps . I bent over his shoulder to see what he was doing . He pulled up three large marble stones and placed them aside , exposing a secret passage way . "Grab a torch and follow ", he commanded . I nodded my head and went to get a torch from the hallway . I placed my waffles on the kitchen table and went to give Matt the torch . He took it from me and handed me Vlad before, taking my hand again. We walked down a creaky , twining spiral staircase down in a dark abyss. I held onto Matt tightly as I listened to sounds like scurrying and other creepy things . We finally , touched solid ground and walked over to something which was surrounded by candles . I squinted my eyes to see what it was . It was a huge dusty organ , surrounded by cobwebs on the pipes and dust bunnies played across the keys. Near the organ was a tiny tombstone shaped like a cross , with lots of wilting flowers . I frowned , knowing who it was . "This is a sacred and special place for me , Edd. And since  you are so dear to me , I decided to bring you here . ", Matt solemnly whispered. I nodded my head and pinned my mouth shut . "Welp ..", Matt started pressing one of the organ's keys . "Here's a tune for you , Eddie boy ", Matt said with a sudden burst of glee . He then proceeded to play happy birthday on the organ . I just sat there , mouth wide open . The sound of the organ was just beautiful and it filled my ears . Every harmonic tune clustered together to create such a melodious sound . I sighed dreamily. That's my boyfriend ... Then a twang of sadness hit me , that organ reminded me of my father's church and my mother who I missed greatly.

            "You liked it?", Matt asked panting , pulling me out of thought. "I sure did , Matthew !", I responded quickly placing a smile on my face. I walked up to him and hugged him. I He hugged back , kissing my forehead. "So, kiddo ... What do you want to do on your sixteenth birthday ?" , Matt asked . I scrunched up my face in thought . Maybe , I could get him to take me to see my mum? But, you have to trick him , Edd... "How about we go to the arcade in town ? ", I proposed . Matt's face lit up with shock. "TOWN! Edd, don't you remember what happened last time ?" , Matt asked , trying to wrap his head around , why I would ask such a question. "C'mon , it will be fun ... " , I urged . "Edd , no! What if I get caught . What if I lose you.." he lectured with a face of hurt . I was moved a little but , I stayed strong . "Matt, nothing bad will happen . Please ...", I pleaded , fluttering my eyes trying to make me look like the most innocent person on this earth. "Oi, you're not gonna get me with that .."Matt quickly added but , I knew he was cracking . "Besides when we get home , we can do something .", I added in seductively. "Something , like what ?", Matt asked oblivious to everything . "Something special that only boyfriends can do with other boyfriends ", I said trailing a finger down his chest . He sat there confused for a minute or two then , his pale face bursted into a fit of grey and gulped finally, catching on. I giggled at that. "So, is it ayes ? ", I asked with a spark of hope in my voice . "Y-yes ? ", he answered with more of a question . I hugged him tightly and placed a kiss on his lips .

      "Oh yeah . By the way, what is an 'arcade '?", he asked . I just grinned widely. 

   Tordy's POV-

       I awoke at sound of bass pumping in the distance  and dogs barking wildly. "What the fuck?" , I groggily asked myself. I sat up in my blood red sheets and wiped the sleep off of my eyes . I looked at my digital clock on my nightstand . The bold , digital green numbers read 'I:O6  A.M ' . That was four hours earlier than I usually woke . A dog started to pick up the pace of his barking and that pissed me off . I trudged to the window and unlocked it and trying to find the source off the nose . I squinted my eyes in the dark to see , a large pile of dogs barking at a house . "IT'S 1 o'clock IN THE MORNING !SHUT UP!", I barked . The dogs seemed to ignore me so, I grabbed one of my small handguns and started shooting near them. The dogs scattered away and coward with fear . Yes , they shut up . My head started ringing . That dang , bass . I looked at the house , where the bass was coming from and of course it had to be Tom's . I grumbled and threw on my black hoodie and red bedroom slippers . By the way, I only had on my communist boxers . I shut my front door slowly, making sure it didn't make a noise . I didn't want my parents and Pay to wake up and have a cow .

                     The cold air hit me and blew my horns along with it . The pale moonlight accompanied me on my short walk not judging me at all. The streets were of course , empty and the dogs were now , in there respected owners yards . The bass grew louder and louder with every step I take . I was now , in front of Thomas' house and I grumbled in annoyance . "Tom ! ", I shouted . I was expecting to see a head pop out from his bedroom window but , I saw one pop out from the top of the roof . Tom narrowed his eye sockets trying to make out , who it was . "OH , HI..TORDY "Tom hailed with a goofy grin and slurred words . Shit , he's drunk . "Tom , get your drunk ass down here and open the door . ...AND DON'T JUMP .", I yelled and specified the last part because , Tom can be an idiot when he's under the influence of alcohol. "sUre , thing cutes .", Tom giggled before , climbing into the window , almost slipping . my heart dropped to my stomach , when I saw that . "Nailed it .", I heard Tom mutter . I sighed in relief and tapped my foot on the grass below , waiting patiently for the ol' drunken to get down here.

            I heard thumping and small crashes as I heard Tom make his perilous journey towards the door. I finally, heard a click sound and the door opened to reveal a staggering Tom . He answered the door wearing a checkered tie around his head ,  a white dress shirt accompanied by his blue blazer and some calf high white socks that were dirty at the bottom but , the funny thing was that he was just wearing some checkered briefs that was revealing all his shape . I was beyond speechless. "Heyyy... Tordle !", Tom greeted in his drunken state. He slung his arms to the back of my neck and tried to give me a kiss on my lips but , it just landed at the corner of my mouth . "Tom , why the hell or you drunk at one o'clock in the morning , ON A SCHOOL NIGHT . " , I asked him with a tone of anger . "What are ya ? My mum", he joked. I gave him a light slap cross the face and looked him in the eye. My hand was on my Kimber and my eyebrows were furrowed. I was not impressed. "Answer . The . Question, Tom.", I worded out . I was tired and this bullshit wasn't cutting it . Tom held his cheek and huffed. "It's Edd's birthday and I'm sad .", he said , sounding sane for a minute . I relaxed . I could see the hurt in his voids and that hurt me. "Oh , Tom.." , I sighed pulling him into a hug. I placed his head on my chest and I stroked his  spikey locks . He hugged back. "Edd wouldn't want you to be doing this on his birthday. He'll want you to be happy and junk. "  I heard a few whimpers , then a sigh. Tom's body slouched forward . He was obviously too tired to start a fight. "You're right Tord ... He wouldn't want this. ", he yawned . "Hey . To celebrate, we could go to the arcade , after school in Edd's honor." , I suggested with hope . Tom let out a sleepy chuckle. "Yea... that'd be nice ."he trailed off . "Okay , Tom. We're gonna get you a glass of water , turn off that blasted reggae music and go to  bed .", I smiled leading him to the kitchen. "Sure thing , sunshine lollipops and by the way , it's SKA MUSIC not reggae . They're two different genres ,Tord. Get with the program.", Tom sassed . I just rolled my eyes and continued walking . 


      It's now 8:00 on the dot so, that leaves 45 minutes to get to school without being late . Tom and I sat on my couch , watching everyone else scramble to get ready . Well, just me because , Tom has a headache and still a little bit tired . "Paul , have you seen my red sweater?", Pat yelled still in a towel. "Yeah, it's on the bed ! Have you seen the next foot of my boot ?" , Paul shouted back . I hear Thomas grown on the side of me so , I placed his head on my lap and started to play with his crispy , Chestnaut brown hair . "No and thanks ", Pat added . "Dad , can you please , put on some clothes . " , I whined . "We really need to get to school . "I really am trying to hurry , Tord . You can ask Pay to drop you . I sighed and nodded my head and he disappeared out of the living room . I look down at Thomas . Today , he was sporting  a checkered print V- neck , a black collar with a moon charm attached to it , black jeans with rips around the thigh and a pair of blue Addidas tennis with two black stripes on them. His navy blue bag with stars scattered across them , was laying on his lap . I had on my Red Nike sweatshirt , black track pants and  black vans  . I also had one of those black ankle bracelets that guys wear on their leg . "Tom ... Do you mind if Pay dropped us to school?"I whispered. Tom shook his head , no . "Okay , I got to ask him so , you gotta get up .", I said keeping my voice to a hushed level. Thomas complied and got up slowly . He groaned before , he curled up into a little ball and placed his head in his knees . I chuckle. "Get better , my sweet Tom ." , I sighed petting his head. He slapped my hand away. "Can you go hurry up and get Pay ?!?", he grumbled . "Okay , sheesh.", I playfully shot back . 

        I walked on the fine white carpets over to Pay's room . His door is decorated like a teenage girls own . You know , chrystal door knob , 'KEEP OUT 'signs and those hanging colorful beads . "PAY ! ", I shouted and knocked . He was blaring  a vulgar song that kept talking about 'who's your daddy?' . "PAY", I yelled louder .  No answer. I sighed and walked right in. Pay's room was actually storage room before , he moved in so, it's the smallest bedroom in the house . His walls were painted pink with sparkles and glitter. The floors were carpeted with a fluffy white , miscellaneous food items  and clothes were scattered and caught in it . He had a queen sized bed with a pastel purple comforters but, you couldn't see those under the large pile of clothes . Pay's room was quite messy , actually. There was even , a lepord print thong slung across his flat screen TV. "PAy!", I yelled over the music . He turned around from his mirror. He was doing his hair in a high ponytail . "Ever heard of knocking , dipshit ? ", Pay said harshly . He had on a white polo shirt , tan khaki's , lavender sneakers and a dozen wristbands . He also had on his work uniform , a green apron . "Well , I couldn't hear you over your shitty music . ", I shot back taking a seat on his bed . "It's 'Who's Your Daddy ?' by Benny Benassi and I'm pretty sure your shit , she's not ."Pay sassed applying some mascara . I rolled my eyes . "And done . ", Pay announced , while eyeing himself up and down in the mirror . Having Pay , is like having a 10 teenage girls in one body . "Okay ,twerp. Why are you still here ?", he questioned finally , focusing on me . "Dad , wants you to drop Tom and I to school ." , I muttered pulling out my phone to check the time . 8:19 "What why can't he do it ? ", Pay whined . I shrugged my shoulders . Pay rolled his eyes and grabbed his black and white backpack purse . "C'mon , let's go . " , Pay grumbled.  I smiled and got up to walk to the living room . 

       "Hi , Tom. " , Pay greeted . Tom made finger guns and shot them at Pay as a way to say hi . "Ok, you guys got everything ?", Pay quizzed us . Tom nodded as I got my black duffle bag from the foot of the couch . "Good. PAUL ,PAT ! I'M TAKING YOUR SHIT STAINED SON AND HIS HOT BOYFRIEND TO SCHOOL , BYE !" , Pay bellowed , making Tom chuckle and me wince. Tom would always be in the mood for Pay . "Okay , kiddies . Let's roll!" Pay added nicely before , closing the front door . Tom and I climbed in the back seat of Pay's pink Honda Accord . Tim bought him that for Christmas . The car seats were lined with a zebra print cover along with the steering wheel. Fuzzy  dice hung from the rear view mirror. "Tord , you better not get any of you ugly on Sharpay . " , Pay spat . Sharpay was the name of this pink nightmare . He named it after , his deceased son , of course . "Shut up , dickwad ! ", I fired back. "Demon child..", Pay muttered . "Can we PLEASE go ! We literally haven't left the driveway yet . " , Tom growled . "You're lucky, that I atleast like your boyfriend , Tord ", Pay mumbled under his breath as he reversed out of the driveway . If it was up to him , I would be walking everyday to school . Don't worry , we still love eachother , this is just us being bros . I sinked back into my seat as Tom and Pay started to have a random conversation. We were stuck in traffic, making me wish I could just throw a grenade in the crowd so, it would clear but , you know... Self - control . I looked down at my phone . 8:41... FML Then , out of nowhere I heard Pay screech and Tom make some unholy sound . I looked over to the two males to see if they were chocking or something but , that worry soon wore"" off. "HOLY SHIT , THIS IS MY JAM ! ", Pay squealed turning the radio up to the max. "Hell, yeah!", Tommy raved . I looked at the two boy in disbelief as they sqwauked the lyrics of 'Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time ' by Panic!at the Disco. Why me  ...

       "Thanks for dropping us to school , Pay ! Even though , it's 9:15 ..." , I muttered . "No ,thank you Tord for making me late to my JOB at STARBUCKS which is , LITERALLY ACROSS THE TOWN !", Pay sarcastically sassed .  Tim wanted Pay to stop being a Rentboy and have a better life so, he pleaded him to get a better job and Starbucks it was. That explained the green apron and the horrible khakis . I rolled my eyes . "Anyways , bye guys ", Pay waved . "You know , Pay you shouldn't wear your anal beads in public . " Tom stated while , pointing to the jewelry on his wrist. I died of laughter , while Pay's face went red from embarrassment . With that , Pay gave us the middle finger and bid us good day. He zoomed out the parking lot . "Wow , thanks ", I thanked Tom . "Anything for you , forkhead .", Tom tesed before , flicking one of my horns . "Look , who's talking ", I said pointing to his spikes . 

 ''''''''ANOTHER TIME SKIP ''''''

         Tom and I just walked off the cafeteria line after , getting a tray of food. We sat down at our table .... which, we also shared with our enemies . "Hey , fuckface .", Todd greeted I . "Todd , don't you have a dick to suck?Maybe , Jon's ?", I questioned . Tom hit me on the back of my head . Todd glared at me , while Jon turned fifty shades of Red. "Be nice " , Tom warned me. "Fine.", I grumbled . "Aww, Tom put little Tordy in his place . " , Mark butted in. He was currently eating a huge ass chicken. "Butt Out , Butt chin." , I told him. He growled , exposing his sharp teeth , actually making a 'grrr' sound . "Heel , Boy!", Jon shouted . He then , patted Mark's head making him pant like a dog . "Pfft, butt chin here is still a werewolf . " , I guffawed . Mark threw his chicken bone at me . "I will shoot you.", I threatened making Mark whimper . "Yeah, poor boy . He can't control it . " Jon added sympathetically as he started to pet Mark some more . Mark had been bitten by a werewolf a few years back and has to deal with the consequences . Todd and Jon even, have to take him to get Distemper shots and he once, had to wear a flea collar . "Welp, that BITES  ', I said making a pun . Everyone at the table glared daggers at me even , Tom . I just chuckled nervously and continued to eat my wings and fries . "Speaking of Puns ... where is Edd? "Todd asked , his Russian accent thick with his speech. Tom looked down gloomily. "Yeah , isn't today his birthday or something ?" ,Jon asked curiously. "Sorry , guys . But, Edd's been kidnapped ...", I said breaking the bad news . Tom leaned his head on my shoulder looking upset. "Wow , that's sad. I thought he was just sick or something .", Todd trailed off .

                 I looked at all three of them good seeing they really did feel our pain. Mark had on a purple turtle neck sweater , pale blue denim jeans , white vans and also, a pair of square glasses .  His blonde hair was slicked back neatly .There was discomfort  in his blue eyes.Jon ,who sat in the middle of Todd and Mark, had on a long sleeved baby blue shirt, dark blue jeans , dirty black sneakers and a baby blue baseball cap that covered up his brunette locks. Todd, that dweeb ,  had on a black T-shirt with three dollar signs flying across it , maroon jeans and some red converse . His strawberry blonde , auburn  hair was in his same everyday hairstyle : a split in the middle of his bangs and a tuff of hair sticking up in the middle . That dipshit , stealing my style ...

         "Hey , didn't it use to be four of you turds ? Where's Eduardo ? "Tom asked spoiling the mood . He pushed his apple away , not wanting to take a bite due , to his braces. All three of them flinched at his name . Jon's lip quivered and he hugged Todd. Todd hugged back and patted his back , trying to calm the blue boy . "Eds went to a party with his OTHER friends and got mangled by some Vampire .", Mark stated coldly but, you could hear the pain in his voice. I think he was hurt because , Eduardo had other friends.  "He's dead . " , I questioned . "Yeah.."Todd trailed off. Then without hesitation , I started whooping and cheering . Finally, that dipshit was gone . "Tord!", Tom yelled launching his apple at my head. "Ow ! What ? He was annoying and a huge dick to us !" I defended myself. Tom shook his head in disapproval . "What to soon ?" , I asked . Tom sighed and muttered something about 'I'm not drunk enough for this ' and proceeded to pull out a silver flask. I slapped the flask out of Tom's hand before , he could open it. "What the heck ,man ?" , Tom exclaimed . "No bad Tom , Alcohol bad", I said in a scolding tone. "Oh , so cigars are okay ,then ?", he asked with tension. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention back to the three dickheads in front of me . But before I could open my mouth to speak , the bell rung sending us packing .

 =======YET,ANOTHER TIMESKIP========

 It was after school and Tom and I were sitting on the grass waiting for Pay to arrive . "Hey, wanna ditch Pay and just walk to the arcade. "I asked , a peaceful looking Thomas . "Yeah but , text him first so , he doesn't get his thong in a know when he sees we're not here ."Tom advised. I rolled my grey orbs , imagining Pay ranting about how we caused him to waste his gas to an angry looking Pau and Pat. I took out my gold IPhone with a communist logo on the case and unlocked my phone and started texting Pay.


  Hey, Tom and I are going to walk to the arcade so, don't pick us up. Ok.


Yay! I don't have to see your ugly face for another 3 hours! 

      I grunted at the comment and started to get up off of the itchy grass and dusted myself off. Tom mimicked my actions and we started walking down the hot sidewalk.

      We stopped in front of a large building made with red bricks . It had a huge ass sign that read ' Gary's Games ,Food and Entertainment' in bold flashing letters that blinked. I looked over at Tom , who was grinning widely . His braces flashed with the sun's light . I was then , tugged harshly into the building by an over joyous Tom. "TORD ,OMG! WE HAVE TO PLAY ALL ", Tom squealed. I giggled at his childish behavior and walked over to the ticket counter , leaving Tom to marvel at all the games and prizes . "Welcome to Gary's Games and blah , blah, blah", said a bored looking teenage girl sarcastically . I would be in a sour mood if they made me work in that uniform. "Yeah , can I get two free passes , please.", I asked her . "Yeah , sure thing dweeb.", she mocked. I gave her a glare and she shuffled slowly to get the cards. "That would be twenty bucks.'she stated boredly. I handed her the twenty dollars and yanked the cards out of her hands. I then flipped her the bird. "Have a nice day, dipshit !", she called after also, flipping the finger. I smiled and went on with my life. 

     Tom was staring at a zombie game , almost drooling like the zombies in the game . "Sheesh, you that eager.", I questioned playfully. I swiped both our cards through the slip and stepped on the platform along with Tom. Tom's face looked so, eager  with his furrowed eyebrows and soldier face on. The game was about to start and Tom and I picked up two plastic guns. Mine a pastel red and Tom's a light blue . The game started as a white screen and blinded both Tom and I then , it dimmed down to reveal we were in an insane asylum filled with Zombies filled with blood guts. I heard Tom's childish giggles as he blew off a Zombies head and the brains exploded . We were know on level three and I noticed Tom wasn't playing so , I took that opportunity to beat him . The screen lit up to indicate the game was over. Player 2 - The Final Survivor - 37680 points, the screen boomed. "Yes ! In your face you bitesized little twerp!" , I gloated to Tom , who wasn't even looking. He still had the blue plastic gun clutched tightly in his hands and was looking off to the distance. "Um, hello? Earth to Tom . I just beat your ass , games over !", I said trying to get his attention. "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING AT?" , I shouted, Tom didn't even flinch. He lifted his scrawny arm and pointed it towards the Dance Dance Revolution machine. I narrowed my eyes to see it and my mouth flung open.

   "Edd?", I questioned out of shock. He was wearing a pastel green long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up , Tan long pants and some black boat shoes. He was teaching this tall , pale guy  dressed in a purple hoodie , black pants and polished black shoes ,how to play the game , moving his foot on the arrows while, the other was confused. Wait , PALE. That's the creepy guy who took him. "I'm going to kill 'em ", I heard Thomas growl under his breath. I pulled him back and he protested. "TORD ! What the fuck , man? Can't you see I'm trying to help my bestfriend? ", he shouted. I shook my head. "Thomas , if you go over there and cause a racket , you'll be clobbered and I'll have to shoot up this entire arcade. We should just follow them , see where he takes him and call the police . Ja? ", I lectured. Tom looked over and huffed. "Fine but, I swear I'll get em. ", Tom muttered . "We gotta lay low so, duck down."

Mattaton POV-

       "Edd, this game doesn't make any sense ." I whined. "Matt , it's easy just follow the arrows with your feet . C'mon, you're not even trying ." Edd tried to egg me on. I stepped on another wrong arrow while , Edd kept getting 'PERFECT' to flash across the screen. "Edd...", I whined in frustration. "Matt! I'm trying to concentrate so , HUSH!", Edd shushed me . I sighed and continued to hold Vlad and look around. We had him all day , actually. Edd had become a mother , feeding Vlad bottles of milk , showing him sights and always hovering about the poor creature. To be honest, I was freaking out. The constant flashing of light and loud noises scared me but , Edd comforted me telling me it would be ok. I was surrounded by humans and was truly afraid of getting caught  and couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched . I then ,looked to corner of my eye to see two spikey haired dudes giving me the stink eye. I licked my lips with nervousness. "Hey, Matty", Edd said making me focus on him. "We should take these to the ticket counter and get our prize.", he suggested while , holding a bag of tickets  in my face. "Sure , we need to get out it's gonna rain soon. ", I added. It really was , I sniffed the air and the earthy scent of rain was present. "Matt , C'mon before , the line gets to long .", Edd tugged me. I looked back to where the boys had been staring and shivered . They're gone. I allowed myself to be pulled by the short male to the ticket counter. The girl there snarled when she saw Edd , obviously thinking he was a twelve year old but , perked up when she saw me . "Hey  , Welcome to Gary's Games , Food and Entertainment . What can I help you with my fine , sir . "The girl said in a silky , sweet tone. "He doesn't need you to tell him he's fine , he's got me !", Edd retorted all of a sudden getting defensive . "Hey, I was talking to the hunk..."The girl spat back. I growled , flashing my canines . "DO.AS.HE.SAYS ..." I hissed making her skin go pale . I could see Edd wearing a smug grin at the corner of my eye. "What do you two gentleman want?", she asked in a bored tone . "Yeah , can I get that Purple unicorn , please ."Edd asked . "Sorry, bub . But you don't have enough tickets . ", she sighed out , which was meant to be sarcastic, of course. Edd looked sad. I glared at the woman and changed my orbs to the bright , red we all are familiar with and hissed at her . "FINE , FINE . JUST TAKE IT!" , she scurried and threw the plush toy at us. "Heh, glad to see , we're on the same page ..." I interjected while, turning my red headlights off. "You  should learn to keep your attack dog down." she spat at Cola boy. "You should learn some manners "Edd fired back as we made our way to the exit. 

      The outside was grey and raindrops splatted against the roads of London. The streets were empty and the air was cold and chilly. The streetlights were on because, the sun didn't dare to peek out. "Matt, I need your jacket to protect Vlad.", Edd said , not wanting the poor Albino bat to get a cold. "Sure ', I said as I pulled up my sweater over my head and handed it to Edd. Edd swaddled the bat in the cloth , made sure to cover his head and that he had enough air to breathe and with that we left the dry comfort of the arcade and into the gloomy streets . 

    "Wow ", Edd said looking at me in awe. "What ?" ,I asked looking around trying to figure out what was so amazing . The rain continued to pour and we walked in the middle of the streets. Edd liked the rain. He kept jumping in puddles and catching the rain drops on his tongue . "You really are from Twilight , aren't you ?", he said pointing to my skin. My pale , pasty skin was now sparkling . It made me look like a walking , talking disco ball  and made me practically glow. "Twilight , what's that ?", I asked the short boy. I was confused about many things , today. "Nevermind.", Edd brushed off. "Oh... I was wondering..."Edd said biting his lip. He fiddled with the jacket , Vlad was wrapped in . "Hmm?", I questionably hummed . "Can we go to see my parents?"Edd's voice grew smaller with every word . "ARE YOU MAD ?", I asked Edd , gripping the sides of his head . "That's ABSURD. " "I know , I know but , I miss my mum . I just want to see her one last time . I don't plan on speaking to her , just to look at her face so, I could remember it." He said with saddened eyes. Was he trying to guilt trip me ? It worked because , my still black heart had twinge of pain when I looked at him. "Fine but , make it snappy . ", I groaned , I'm making regretful choices . "YES ,THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" , Edd rejoiced dancing about. It was quite adorable actually. "C'mon , let's go ." Edd cried out before , running ahead . "Slow down, shortstop !",I cried using my Inhuman speed to catch up with Edd and Vlad. 

         Edd stared at the house. He probably was having Nostalgia or something because , he stood there smiling . His fluffy hair was now soaked and limp and was covering his beautiful , hazel eyes and his skin looked pale but , about 5 shades darker than mine . "Can you help , me ?" Edd asked , pointing to the a window on the second floor . "Yea, let's make it quick", I sighed. I was agitated because , my nerves were on end . My mind was running through every possible scenario.  Edd jumped in my arms and I held him close. We then started to float to the second window . Edd pressed his face against the cold glass and peered in the building. He sighed , "I don't see anybody ." He looked truly down. "Maybe , we could try a different window." I suggested. I really hated to see my lover down in the dumps . "Yea, float down , they may be on the first floor. I did as I was told and dropped Edd down in the grass peacefully but , remained suspended in the air above the window. Edd thanked me then, focused his attention to the window . Edd's hazel orbs went wide and his breathe quickened . "What's wrong ' , I asked , truly concerened for my love one . Edd mouthed the words 'MOM' with his mouth. I looked through the window to see a woman with the same expression as Edd peering through the glass. SHIT. "Matt , let's go !", Edd screamed out , already taking off. I  flew down and grabbed him and propelled us right above the air . "She saw us .", Edd  said in worry . He hugged Vlad tight to his chest. "Don't worry , my love. She can't reach us . " , I kissed his forehead to reassure him . He smiled as the forest came in sight .


        Matt and I had just arrived home . We quickly fled to the room to change our damp clothes and change into warm ones . I put Vlad in the baby crib in the Bat's room and fed Ringo so , it was just Matt and I now . "Hey , Matt~" , I purred seeing Matt take off his wet shirt. His skin was still sparkly so , that added to his muscles . I want to rip him to shreds , right now . "Yes, my Edd", he peered up with a smile. He was clueless. I laid back on the bed , throwing my arms up , making a little piece of my stomach show . "I'm cold and need someone to warm me up.", I said , in the most seductive voice I could muster. I saw Matt's face burst fifty shades of grey ( hehehe) and he took a large gulp. "And the only person who could do that is you  .~", I added giving him bedroom eyes. Matt started to crawl on the bed slowly , like an animal stalking his prey and licked his lips. "Edd..." , he whispered now hovering me. "Yes , Matty..." , I answered back. "Once I start , I can't stop. You know that right ?", he sighed out looking me in the eye. That made the crimson red blood flee to my cheeks and start to get nervous. Edd , what the fuck are you doing ? We about to get wrecked by this beast ... We've never been touched by a human , who knows what he can do ....  I swallow and nodded my head . He looked me in the eye and then dove right in.

                       He attacked my neck with kisses , leaving traces of him everywhere. Nips , nibbles , bites and scratches from his sharp canines were all I could feel ."You sure ,you want this , Cola Boy ?", Matt teased . My heart rate staggered as Matt was devouring me . The sting had me hooked and my breathing was unsteady. "Y-Yes", I squeaked out. I was letting out low pants as my face flared a fiery red . I barely could control the sounds I was making so, I bit my knuckle. I just let out muffled moans and groans as Matt feasted upon my skin. He sucked on my nape , breaking the skin and lapping it with his long ,  black tongue . Licking and biting , licking and biting bite , bite , lick , lick , it was driving me mad . I bit into my white knuckles harder .Pure sensation leaving my somewhat lithe body with goosebumps .  "Edd , c'mon it's no fun if I can't hear that pretty voice of yours . Now sing like a good bird and I may make you scream later. ", Matt halted for a second . He whispered that in my ear lobes and bit it before, going back to work. I slowly let my hand drop down and grab some part of Matt's shirt . "Good boy .", he chuckled before ,he bit down harshly on my collarbone . I moaned out loud and gripped Matt tighter . He stared at me in shock and replaced it with a smug look.  AT that moment , I knew I fucked up . He attacked that same place over and over making me a moaning , sweaty , vulnerable mess. I then , felt another jolt of sensation rush over me . Matt's cold pale fingers were now messing with my nipples . "You still sure ...", Matt asked .  I shyed away at first at the tingly feeling of his steady hands but , melted into it . "Y-yup!", I yelped. I  gripped him tighter , now drooling from the ectasy I was feeling. He rubbed strong , steady circles into my left nipples and had moved on to the other collar bone . My eyes were growing heavy and disoriented but , I could catch a glimpse of Matt. His eyes were a familiar dull red haze , I was getting him rilled up. I smirked at that. 

                             "Stupid clothes .." , I heard Matt grumble before , he savagely ripped the shirt off my body, leaving shreds . I gasped at that. He was turning into an animal. He dived back on me and started to suck my pink nipples . "Maaattt!", I whined , grabbing him by the shoulder . I bit my lip drawing blood om it but , the pain didn't bother me , I was having to much fun . His tongue swirled around my skin as his hand teased my chest.  That's when he brushed his knee against my crotch. Elation surged through me as I moaned yet another erotic moan . "Oooh , what's this I feel . ", Matt asked as he swiped a hand over my buldge . My simple , green boxers were tight and my groin just wanted to be free. "Nghh.." , was my natural response . Matt came back up and placed light kisses on my chest , my ribs , my torso , my belly button and finally , my v- line . Just when it was getting to the good part his dull re irises peered back up . "You still sure ?", Matt again asked . I was flustered and agitated , too things that don't go well . "MATT, JUST DO IT ! " I shouted making his pointed ears twitch . "Okay , since you have been a good pet , I'll give you a treat . " , Matt purred . His dull red eyes were now , a fiery red . My body shivered at his words and more sweat gathered on my forehead. He pulled down my boxers with his teeth  revealing my 5 inch penis . I blushed madly as it sprung up. The girthy , pink staff was right in front of Matt's face . "Wow , it's so .... cute ", Matt cooed . Matt touched my member lightly as if it was a delicate flower .  I groaned at that and tugged lightly on the bed sheets . He smiled brightly at my reaction . He grazed it again , this time with all 5 fingertips as his other hands kept squeezing my fat , supple thighs . "Matt-" , my voice trailed off . He delicately trailed his hands up and down the shaft . Then , he started to pump . SLOWLY , slowly , slowly drawing precum from my pink tip . My cock throbbed with excitement as my back arched slightly . Then , out of now where like a bolt of lightening , he went fast . I gasped as Matt's bony fingers worked magic on my appendage . "Matt, Matt , slow . please ." I screamed with broken language . He then , paused and smiled . His flame red eyes peered into my soul while , his mouth was twisted into a sadistic smile . "Who's gonna stop me ?", he asked slyly . I stared down in both horror and excitement . Who  was this beast ? He started to pump again making me my moans amplify . "M..a.. , please ", I cried in a weak voice . I gripped onto the bed as Matt swirled his black tongue around my organ . My inside lit on fire as his warm saliva treckled down onto my scrotum. He bobbed his head in a fast , rhythmic motion taking my girth whole . "S-slow , please " I whined as some tears started to gloss over my eyes . The warm entrance of those pretty blue lips are to die for . Matt sucked and licked my scrotum while , showing off his hand magic before , I felt a sweet fiery feeling in my core. "Matt!  I think .... I-I cum !", I slurred . Matt imediatley stopped making me whine . I was just about to climax . "Maaattt , please ! I was just about to cum..." , I cried . I needed him . "Your not gonna cum yet , my sweet, " Matt teased . He walked over to the drawer and pulled out a pretty purple ribbon and tied it around my cock tightly . I stared down at the item in confusion . Matt chuckled .

                    "It'll make you last longer .", he stated . He then , took off his shirt which , wasn't drenched with sweat at all and took off his belt from his jeans . I stared at his sweet abs and chest . Everything seemed to good to be true . He had freckles sprinkled lightly across his pecks and a six pack was clearly visible on his stomach and that V-line made me want to die .  I was to busy gawking and staring at my hot vamp boyfriend that I hadn't realized he tied the black belt on my wrist above my head. "Since , you started to stray away from being a good boy and started telling me what to do , you will see what happens to bad pets ..." he chuckled maniacly . I gulped at my state of vulnerability . He slowly unbuttoned his jeans as a tease and I drooled as he took off his pants to reveal his big buldge . His deep purple briefs were tight and he licked his lips with anticipation as he crawled over to me . I shivered as I stared into his red eyes that seemed to have grown lighter. He slowly positioned himself so , that we was between my legs . I stared wide eyed at the mad man as he loomed over me . He was going to devour me and feast upon my screams as I savour every moment of it .

                    "So , Naughty boy ..." , he started . He grinded slowly against my entrance . "Shit ..", I muttered out . Matt sarcastically gasped . "Bad language ! Where is this attitude coming from ? " , he teased rolling his hips slowly . My breath hitched . Matt clicked his tongue in a playful , scolding manner. "Guess we have to punish you then...", Matt sighed. He put three fingers in front of my face and groped my thigh harshly . "Now suck..", he demanded firmly . I nodded my head and complied , careful not to use my teeth . Matt rolled his hips again making me whimper . He gripped my fat thighs hard and I sure it'll bruise . After enough careful sucking , he slowly pulled his hand out of my mouth leaving a long trail of saliva connected to my lips . He stared at the saliva for a few moments before , without warning sticking a spit covered finger into my entrance . I yelped loudly at the new weird feeling . "How does it feel pet ? ", Matt asked . "N-not bad ", my voice strained . He started to move his finger and wiggle it around , exploring my insides . I surpressed the urge to move and decided to take it like a champ . But , that ended quickly until , Matt inserted another finger . "Gah ', I screeched as a new slick finger entered me . Matt chuckled darkly at my reaction. He started moving forwards and backwards and scissoring my hole . I squirmed a bit at the funny feeling and gave low moans  . Matt just found that delicious because , he added the third and final finger making me arch my back and gasp . It felt like my hole was gonna tear . "M-matt , it hurts .." , I hissed . "It's okay , babe. It'll stop in a few moments . This is just preparation . " , he reassured in his velvety voice . His red eyes still burned bright . In the meantime ,while were waiting he stroked my cock  making my inside scorch with flames . I really had to cum . "O-okay , you can move . ", I told Matt . He huffed . "Keep on telling me what to do , you're gonna get it ." , he whispered with a sweet , sadistic grin . I swallowed harshly at that. This definitely was not my Matt . He moved and repeated his actions before, withdrawing his hands . The whole time , I squirmed and tried to break free and let out low moans . 

         "Now for the moment , we've all been waiting for ." , Matt announced . My body ached but , I still wanted more . My cock throbbed because , I knew what he was talking  about .  Matt straightened up  and tugged slowly at his underwear . He was about to pull it all the way down before , he paused and sniffed the air . "Pineapple and Gunpowder ..." , he grumbled . He furrowed his eyebrows . "Matt , ignore it please !", I whined . We've come too far to just stop. Matt turned to me and lunged towards me . "It's MASTER now , and don't tell me what I should do with you . You got that ? ' Matt stated . He had his hand wrapped around my scrawny neck , making tears stream down my face . I was enjoying this . "Y-yes , Master .", I forced out. "Good.", he gruffly stated before, pulling down his pants . Low and behold , the sex god of all sex gods . His member was about 9 inches long with veins coursing through the shaft and a pretty pink head dripping with precum. "Beg for it now , Eddie .", Matt beckoned . I gulped not , knowing what to say . Matt brushed his long , hard dick against mine which , was still waiting for the sweet relief of release . 'Nghh..", I gargled. Matt against my entrance which , was throbbing . "I guess you can't handle it ..", Matthew teased as he stroked his own organ getting himself riled up .  I groaned . "Master , can you please fuck me ." , I blandly stated . He pushed the tip in making me jump with surprise . "Louder " , Matt drooled . His red orbs now , glowed a high red . He was restraining himself from ramming it in me . I could tell , his canines were sharp and drool escaped his lips . He gripped my thigh with claws now , making me wince .  "Master , please FUCK ME ! " ,I said with more enthusiasm . He pushed a little more cock in me , making me squirm . I gripped the bed sheets above and tightly shut my eyes . I bit my lip once again , making more blood spew out . '"Almost there but , not quite yet . ", Matt teased . His orbs scanning over my body like a piece of meat. He was slowly going inside . 'Oh , for the love of God !" , I shouted . I was fed up. I needed the dick , now . "MASTER , I WANT YOU TO FUCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF ME . I WANT YOU IN MY GUTS . I NEED YOU TO MAKE ME SCREAM SO ,LOUD THE EARTH SHAKES . PLEASE , MASTER. I BEG OF YOU !" I screamed to the top of my lungs . Face burning red from embarrassment .

                 And with that , Matt was in me , balls deep. I screamed and my eyes rolled back into my skull. Matt moved forward in a steady pace forcing moans and pants and cries to escape my throat . Hot tears streamed down my face as low grunts broke out of Matt's pretty , pale lips . "Ahh...Ma-... OH!" , I slurred , saliva now running down my neck along with sweat . Everything was peachy and I felt drunk with pleasure . Mat then , grabbed a hold of my waist and levitated us off the bed . He took us high , cock still inside me and harshly rammed us into the wall. I groaned out in both pleasure and pain as he went faster . I threw my bondaged wrist over his neck and stared down at my self and the action  below . Hickeys trailed from my neck to my V-line , bite marks were visible , pink and purple bruises and scratches could be seen from my thigh to my calf and sweat drenched down me as Matt kept going. I slowly , lifted my head trying to stop it from bobbing and stared at Matt .His hair was a mess and he was breathing heavily letting a few moans and grunts escape . His pointed ears twitched and his canines hung out of his mouth . He had one eye open and I was able to catch a glimpse of a glowing , foggy red iris and a small black pupil . He barely looked human and he screamed dangerous . "AHHHHHH!", I let out the longest , most drawled out moan I could muster . Matt halted and chuckled ."Found it ...", he chuckled . "Foun- Found w-what ", I asked clueless . "Your prostate ", he grinned and attacked that same spot multiple times . Everything was wonderful. The air was thin, the atmosphere was sweet , my body felt light and I was on cloud nine . I was basically , high from dick. My cock twitched below . I REALLY needed to cum . "M-Master ,let me cum , please ..." I choked out . Matt huffed and puffed ."In a little while , Cola Boy.", he grunted. He kissed my tears away. I whined and ached some more . Rolling my hips to the intense pleasure I was receiving . "Edd! " , I heard Matt yell as he gripped my thighs harsher than ever. I yelped in pain and both elation. I felt Matt's cock throb inside me a few times before , he emptied his hot load into my anus . I jumped at the feeling . "Can I cum , please , now master ? ' , I asked frantically . Matt nodded his head yes and tugged at the purple ribbon to lose it . As soon as the ribbon dropped off , my body felt a wave of bliss and I moaned the longest "Matt" ever . I jizzed all Matt and myself. I felt relaxed and slowly leaned my head on Matt's shoulder . I panted harshly as Matt slowly floated us down on the bed . He unloosed the belt and stared me down with his soft , green eyes . "A- are you okay ? Did I go to hard on you ?" , he asked in a truly concerned and caring voice . I turned my head slowly towards him. I was twitching with pleasure , as little waves still flown through me . "That was the best sex , I've ever had ..", I yawned out . "That was the only sex , you've ever had .", Matt joked . I gave a weak laugh before , closing my eyes . "I love you ", Matt whispered tenderly before , kissing me on the forehead and snuggling up to me . "I love you , too ." , I weakly stated . "Me too .", I heard before , everything went pitch black. I was wrecked . 

Tommo's POV- 

  "Tom , I can't believe your forcing me to chase after , this guy and have to give you a piggyback", Tord groaned out as he adjusted me on his back. We were now running through the woods . Clothes damp , skin wet and cold and prickles on our shoes . Light rain drizzled down from above and dew from the leaves of plants and trees on attacking us . "Look , he's going down . We should be almost there .", I pointed to the pale guy and Edd . I was really determined to catch this guy and free my friend from any punishment this guy puts on him. "Tom ... Tom , you gotta come down my legs are tired ."Tord panted out . "Aw , C'mon . We''re so close ." , I whined as I stepped off his back . "USE. YOUR. LEGS ."Tord ordered. I frowned and started walking , kicking rocks out my way and stepping on any form of vegetation. "Come , I think they went that way .", Tord pointed out . "Thanks , Captain Obvious ."I sourly sassed

    "Look , I think I see light ." , I said as we neared a few bushes . Tord pulled out a Machete from his pants leg and chopped his way through . Honestly , I'm not surprised . He pulled a war tank out of flannel before , on one of our dates (anyone saw that comic?) . We came to a clearing in the woods , where a huge dilapatated building stood. "Can this scream out 'horror movie' anymore ?" , I gawked . Tord scoped the area out before , we walked up to the building . "Waltzing up to a building is dangerous , Thomas ." , I squawked in a mocking tone . "Shut it ", Tord gruffly demanded . I sighed and rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut . "Do you see , any way to get in?"Tord whispered . "No , all the windows are either boarded up or the curtains or closed . ", I answered . 'Damn it .." , Tord grunted . Then , we heard a scream. I gripped onto Tord . "Was that Edd?" . Tord asked . "Y- Yeah , it was .." , I stuttered . "Let's check it out then ."he suggested . I followed close behind him so , nothing tries to pick me off from the back. We came to a boarded up window and listened . We could hear grunts and moans of pain . "OH MY GOSH , Edd is being eaten alive ! " I whisper shouted . Tord 's face was red for some reason. "No , he isn't ..." , Tord blandly replied . "Tord , now's not the time to be joking around . We have to tell the police and Edd's parents . Tord , shook his head and stood up. We then , fled home as the stars twinkled above us .

     PHIl's POV


    I legit forgot to press publish so , this was sitting here for 4 days and also , I apologize for the fact you had to see that...

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