My Shiny Knight (COMPLETE)

By kayapelwrites

780 35 7

He kissed her lips, a kiss so feather light, she had to open her eyes to believe it was happening. He pulled... More

Chapter 1-Rescue Me
Chapter 2- Tristan
Chapter 3- New Opportunities
Chapter 4- Revelations
Chapter 5-Home
Chapter 7- Pizza and Kisses
Chapter 8-Garden Party
Chapter 9-Surprise Visitor (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 6-Moving Up in the World

72 4 1
By kayapelwrites

They had fallen into a routine of sorts, alternating who made breakfast that morning. Lexi had to admit Tristan was a good cook too so she couldn't complain. Rosalie was also happy to have mornings off as she had more time to spend with her grandkids that way.

Lexi turned up the music that played on the radio. It was her turn for breakfast and they were having omelets. She swung her hips as she sang and flipped the first omelet. She grabbed the other pan and began to flip the other one in the air.

The sound of clapping hands startled her so much she almost missed the pan. She turned to find Tristan watching her, leaning against the opposite wall.

"Breakfast and a show," he winked at her as he sat down.

Lexi's face turned fire engine red. "Ham, cheese, and green peppers, I hope you like it," she said, sliding one onto a plate and handing into to him.

He took one bite and closed his eyes. He opened them back up, staring directly into her eyes. "It's amazing, thank you."

She smiled and got her own omelet and slid onto the stool next to him.

"So, I found an apartment. I can move in next month," she said as she chewed.

Tristan set his silverware down and was quiet. Lexi looked to him, concerned that maybe that wasn't soon enough, that maybe he wanted her out of the house sooner.

Lexi rung her hands together. "I can move out sooner if you'd like---"

"I don't want you to leave."

"What?" she said, almost choking on her food. She turned to look at Tristan.

"I said, I don't want you to leave. I like having your company here."

"Oh," she said as she looked him in the eyes. There was an intense amount of sadness in them. He really didn't want her to go. "I feel like I'm intruding though. You didn't ask for this and I feel like such a bother."

"Nonsense. This apartment was getting quite lonely and I really enjoy having someone to share it with."

"Are you sure?" she said.

"Absolutely. I'd really like for you to stay."

"Will you at least let me pay you rent then? I feel bad that I don't pay for anything. I feel like a leech living here for free."

"First of all, you're too pretty to be a leech. Second, I don't mind paying for things. But if it would quell you're kind-hearted mind, I'll let you start paying for some things. Maybe part of the rent some months and groceries occasionally?"

"Absolutely, whatever you want me to pay for I will."

"Alright then. It's a deal," he said, extending his hand in a true business like fashion. Lexi laughed and shook on it.

"Lexi?" Mary's voice came from behind her. She put down the mail she was sorting and turned her full attention to Mary. "Mr. Reed wants to see you."

Lexi was puzzled as to why Tristan would be calling her to his office in the middle of the day. "Thanks, Mary," she said. She quickly left the mailroom and headed to the elevators. 'I hope everything's alright' she thought quietly to herself as she patiently awaited the elevator to arrive. The telltale ding sounded and she hurried on. She pushed the button for Tristan's floor and tapped her foot as she rose further from the ground.

The doors opened and she was off, heading in the direction of Tristan's office. She was getting more nervous by the second. 'Did something happen? Does he not want me to live with him anymore? Has he found a new girlfriend and wants her to move in with him?' The last thought had her heart clenching in pain.

"Hey, Lexi, come in. Let me just finish this email real quick," he said, glancing up from his computer as his fingers flew across the keyboard. She sat down and patiently waited for him to finish up. He clicked his mouse and looked up to her. "So," he began, "I have a proposition for you. Marissa just informed me that she will no longer be working for me as she is moving across the country to help care for her ill mother. That means that I will be in need of a new secretary. Since I already know you are fluent in French, I was wondering if you would like the position?" He smiled at her and awaited her reply.

Lexi let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. This was a much better topic than what she thought they would be talking about. She visibly relaxed in her seat a little. "Oh, um, yes. I'd love to be your new secretary."

"Great! Of course, it's still the same hours, but it does come with a pay raise," Tristan said, seeming to relax a little too now that she had said yes. "Marissa still has a week left, so she'll show you as much as she can in that time period."

"Great. I can't wait to start," she said, excitedly. This means she would be seeing a lot more of Tristan.

Glancing to the clock, Tristan quickly rose from his seat. "I'm sorry, I have to get to a meeting now, I'll see you at five?"

"See you then," Lexi said, watching his retreating figure.

"Let's go for dinner and drinks? To celebrate your new promotion?" Tristan asked as they sat, waiting for the light to turn green.

"Yeah, that would be great," Lexi said, looking at all the amazing buildings that still fascinated her, no matter how many times they passed them. Tristan nodded and they headed into the city to a pub called Bros. They grabbed a booth and looked over the menu. Their waitress soon arrived and they ordered their meals. Tristan took Lexi's hand and smiled at her. They talked quietly to themselves and soon their food arrived. They dug in, savoring the taste-like-home-cooked meals.

"Tristan! Hey man, how's it going?" a voice called from the bar. They looked to find a man stumbling towards them. Lexi recognized him as the man Tristan was with the first night they met at the club. Jared was his name.

"Hey man," Tristan said, standing to give Jared a "bro" hug, clapping him on the back. He returned to his seat and pointed his hand towards Lexi. "Jared, this is Lexi: Lexi, Jared."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Lexi said, reaching her hand to shake Jared's extened one.

"Hey, you're the girl from the strip club!" he said, recognizing her.

"Actually Jared, she's my secretary at work."

"Ooo, banging the secretary, nice one dude!" Jared said rudely, raising his hand for a high five.

Instead, he got a fist to the face. Tristan knocked him out cold in one swing. Jared's friends rushed over from the bar and helped him into the next booth and were trying to slap him awake. Tristan threw a wad of bills on the table, grabbed Lexi's hand, and they were out the door.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Jared can be a bit of an arse when he's drunk," Tristan said, leading her to his car. Lexi could tell it was the alcohol talking, but it still stung. Tristan opened the car door for her and she quickly tried to blink away the tears that threatened to escape, but not before Tristan noticed them. He knelt down beside her with the car door still open and took her hand. "Hey," he said. "Don't let what he said get to you. You're beautiful and smart and funny and amazing. Don't let anyone else make you think otherwise okay?"

Lexi nodded and Tristan kissed her forehead. She swung her legs into the car and Tristan closed the door behind her. He climbed into the drivers seat and that's when Lexi spotted it. The blood. "Tristan your hand! It's bleeding!" she said clutching it to get a better look.

"Lexi, I'm fine, I promise. It's just a scratch," he said, returning his hand to the steering wheel. "We can play doctor when we get home and you can fix me up there," he said with a wink. Lexi's face blushed bright red.

Hi readers! I'm so so SO sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated this story.  I've had so much going on and so many stories that it's been hard to focus on just one.  I'm trying something new where I try to update at least one story per week.  hopefully I can keep up with it and you won't have to wait as long for another update.  Thanks for reading! Sending love to you all!


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