By theauthorAW

452 171 101

She was living a lie and didn't even know it. Secrets and revelations threaten to tear everything apart, but... More

|The Before|
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|

|Chapter 4|

29 20 2
By theauthorAW

Penelope began ruffling through her crate of clothes.

       She knew the day would still be quite chilly since the cold front came through, so she opted for her long sleeved, dark blue dress with a brown apron covering. She decided to cover her Afro in a dark blue bonnet, to protect it from the damaging weather as well. Once she was dressed and freshened, she left the barn quickly, heading towards the back of the house.
       She hummed quietly as she strolled through the semi-high grassy land. It was a beautiful, crisp morning. The sun was shining lightly, it's rays twinkling against the drops of dew.  She could her Mama M's scattering in the kitchen, mixing in with the sweet calling of nature. Her eyes danced around her surroundings. She couldn't help but smile at nothing at all. She was just happy and soulfully satisfied. Her dream's complexity behind her. Replaced with peace.
      The back door swung open, as she got closer to the house. She watched as Mama M tossed out some old burn logs, knowing they must have been from last night's fire. She greeted her.

"Hey there Mama, fine morning!"
      Mama M looked her up and down, stopping at her hair before smirking.
" Sure is, and I see you're handling it pretty well missy"
      Penelope made a funny face, before stomping on in to the kitchen as the door closed.   She let out a breathe rubbing her hands against her upper arms as she searched for the coffee pot. She sniffed the air,* no coffee*. She of course confronted Mama M.
      "Mama M?"
      "Yup?" Penelope gave a chuckle and squinted her eyes.
        "Where's the coffee?" Mama M turned to look at her with confusion.
       "Coffee?" Penelope nodded her head sarcastically.
        " I don't know what you're talking about dear"
     "Sure you do, it's what you have ready every morning"
     "Couldn't be"
     "It's brown and hot" Penelope said in monotone. Mama M still shook her head.
     "It's brewed"
      " Made with grains and water"
      "Made in a pot"
       "Sorry dear, but why don't you make some?"
          The face of the young woman widen in revelation, she couldn't believe the con in front of her. Her mouth closing and gaping several times. Mama M laughed heartedly, shaking her head; all while commenting on her facile victory. This made Penelope finally speak after a few seconds.
      " How can you live with yourself? Creating an illusion against my love for the thing that sustains my very existence! Are you mad, or just straight juvenile....I'd say both. And for not-"
       Mama M raised a hand to hush the rambling drama queen. She then reached for the coffee pot, holding it out to Penelope.
     "Make the coffee Nelly" a brow shot up causing Penelope to sigh as she grabbed the coffee pot. Mama M hummed in delight, suddenly making her way out the kitchen. She turned.
      "And make enough for a village dear, the Richmonds are expecting company", then she was gone. 
       Penelope rolled her eyes in annoyance as she granted attention to the coffee pot in her hand. She shook her head and gave one more sigh before following orders.

A inexperienced 20 year old making coffee shouldn't be that hard, *right?*


        Mama M slowly and quietly made her way down the front porch steps. Her eyes wildly look at her surroundings, making sure she's not being watching. Once her feet meet the grass at the bottom of the steps, she scampers towards one of the cabins located on the property, knowing her husband would be there. Her heart racing with worry and doubt.
        She really hoped that Penelope wasn't caught making the coffee by the Richmonds. She knew what her duties were as a housemaid, and she felt bad putting Penelope in jeopardy like she had. The young girl was already getting into bits of trouble as it was, Mrs. Mosley had no other choice though. She needed to use the time she'd normally be making coffee, to touch base with Mr. Mosley on things. She had to stay in the loop. She wanted no surprises.
      She soon reached the cabin and quickly pushed her way inside, eyes meeting eyes with 35 years of familiarity.  She leaned against the wall to catch her breath, talking with hast.
           "Well? Is everything still happening?"
  Mr. Mosley nodded his head, reaching in his pocket to pull out a folded piece of paper. He handed it to his wife. She furrowed her brows.
          " Read for yourself"
  Her hands shakily, yet with rushed determination, unfolded the piece of paper and began to look over it.
  ' Dear John Mosley,
           How are you my dear friend? I certainly wish we were communicating under rather more sound circumstances. I am terribly sorry for your loss. I'm sure he was a fine chapman. It just so happens me and the boy were just headed your way to rest and conduct the next master plan. Of course, it seems you already have one and it sounds mighty fine. The reward is plenty and should be more than fulfilling. The boy is more excited than ever, frankly it's been too long. You'll love to see the man he's become. We'll all get a chance to chat and catch up, if that lovely wife of yours doesn't still have you tangled in her web! Expect our arrival fairly soon, greatest regards,

                                    Ellen Ernie x'

Mrs. Mosley folded the paper back in her hands. She looked up to her husband. She half chuckled.
        " The letter was awfully short, wasn't it? He clearly didn't plan on giving anything away..."
   " You don't give much away when you know there are eyes everywhere....have to stay low"
   Mrs. Mosley sent a half smile to her husband, making her way up to him. She then placed a gentle touch to his cheek.
      " I can't believe we're actually doing this, after all these years....we're changing the whole set up. John, we've been loyal to this family... and they have been loyal enough to us. They've given us a place to stay and-"
      " That's just it Marie, they've given us a place to stay and all these things we thought were in good....just so we wouldn't know what was going on outside of it all. People could be hurting because of this family, if we don't help them..."
    Mrs. Mosley leaned in to kiss her husband, his arms circling around her; she had his back and he was very grateful to it. They soon parted.
     "I better go, I left that gal of ours by herself to make the coffee. Don't want the Richmonds to ruin things before they start."
     He nodded and let go of his wife as she made her way out.

Nothing could be ruined. Or it'd be over, for them all.


        Penelope poured her coffee into a green mug, and starred at it for a minute. She really wondered if it was worth putting into her mouth, her mouth never did anything to deserve cruel punishment. It's looks weren't horrid but she was well aware this was her first batch of coffee. As often preached, can't judge a book by it's cover. A sound of feet distracted her from her inner battle. She looked up to see Mama M rushing in, and she glared.
     "Well well, where did you have to go so bad?"
Mama M chuckled at the girl.
     " How's the coffee?"
Penelope scoffed and held the green mug towards the woman.
      "Try it and see"
  Mama M smirked at the girl's sass and grabbed the cup right as Sir Nathan walked in. He noticed the mug in the woman's hands right away.
     "Good Morning Ladies, I see the coffee is ready" he grinned as he took the mug from Mrs. Mosley. Their eyes widened as they discreetly sent looks to one another. They watched as he took a sip. Once it was clear her swallowed, Penelope closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. She was meet with nothing but silence. Her mind went wild with possibilities, her shut eyes tightening. This was pure torture.* Why did I have to make the stupid coffee? *, she questioned.
   She heard the man clear his throat.
     He sent Mama M a tight smile, giving Penelope the side eye. Once he saw her demeanor, he giggled to himself knowing full well Mrs. Mosley must had pushed her duty onto the poor girl. He decided not to make a big fuss, for Penelope's actions were of enough reward.
    "A little heavy on the grains there Miss Penelope, not too strong for my likings of course, but I'm sure the Richmond women won't take to kind to it. Start a new batch quickly, and let's each do our own jobs from now on, right Mrs. Mosley?" He raised a brow in warning; to which she didn't hesitate to nod eagerly.
  Sir Nathan grinned and held his mug up to the pair before dismissing himself from the kitchen.
    The air was still and silent for a few more moments, both individuals just staring at each other in shock; Penelope more so to find her ability to consume oxygen. Soon, after it sunk in, both women burst out into fits of laughter, reaching to grab each other.
     "I can't believe he didn't complete hate my coffee, I'm a legend!" Penelope threw her hands up in the air as if she was sworn in for presidency.
    Mama M nodded giggling with her, reaching her hands to pull Penelope's down. She gripped them tightly at her sides, looking into Penelope's big brown eyes. It soon became a serious moment. The young girl waited for her to speak.
    Mama M smiled sadly, face full of guilt.
      " I'm so sorry sweet pea," Penelope twisted her face in confusion, " I shouldn't have thrown my work on you like that. Even that little of a task." Mama M chuckled sadly.
   " I was wrong."
Penelope looked down and signed with a small smile.
     "I already forgave you Mama M, it wasn't that serious of an issue. I sorta learned how to make coffee-"
"Grainy coffee dear." Penelope rolled her eyes.
   "Fine, *grainy coffee*, and the look on Sir Nathan's face was more than satisfying."
  Mama M mumbled a 'bless you' before pulling her in for a bone crushing hug. Penelope closed her eyes, cherishing the embrace. Mama M reminded that there was still work to be done so the hug was ended. Mama M went over to the coffee pot and started to pour it out into the sink while sat to think of something quick to fix herself to eat. She quickly remembered something.
  "Mama M?" She tested. The woman hummed in response for her to continue; which she did while fumbling with her fingers.
   "Where did you run off to that was so important?"
  Mama M stalled from the inside, while her body language remained calm and collected. She knew what to say after a few raddles of her brain.
     "Mr. Mosley had a sweet surprise for me. Wanted to do something special since it's been so hard on us. Sweet lover of mine." She made sure to add a sensual sigh at the end for bonus points. Penelope gushed as predicted.
    "Awww, you guys are the cutest I've ever known. Mr. Mosley will definitely be getting a kiss from me. I just-awww!" Penelope continued to talk giddy about the lovers, letting her breakfast time fly away.
* Ha. What a hopeless romantic*, Mama M mused.

Note: So I started to get boredom again, no surprise, and decided to post chapter 4. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you to all of the beauties who have voted and commented on my works so far. You guys are so lovely and kind, please know that! Anyways,enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️


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