Dean Winchester ⇝ Supernatural

By fanfics4spn

585 27 1

❝Don't Run. Don't move. Don't even breathe. It's what Dean taught you to do if you were ever trapped with a m... More

Off Limits
Finding you self harm
We'll be fine
The last apple pie
Whatever you need

Element of suprise

70 5 0
By fanfics4spn

by Supernatural-Jackles on tumblr

Dean x Reader

Word Count: 2, 233

Request: Can you do a dean x reader where he wants to go to the road house and know one knows why but it's so he can purpose and after he does Jo gets extremely jealous and loses it

Warnings: angry/ jealous Jo, fluff

No hate against Jo!

"Come on Dean, why can't you tell me where we're going?" you begged. The three of you had been on the road for hours. There was no hunt, nothing out of the ordinary, hell it was quiet out there. Here we were, driving down the open road, not a single car in sight and neither you or Sam, had any idea where we were headed.

"I can't do that Y/N, it's a surprise," he responded, his signature smirk taking over his expression. You crossed your arms over your body in defeat.

You and Dean had been dating for the past two and a half years, the longest relationship you have had with anyone in your entire life. You and him were best friends, you had been since you were both nineteen. You met him on a hunt just outside of Wichita. It was a simple salt and burn, at least that's what you thought. Dean on the other hand, had what they called bad luck. The spirit was going after people who've got issues with their families, specifically their fathers. Dean was a prime target. You managed to get there just in time, burning the bones before the spirit could get to him. Needless to say you clicked instantly.

He was the one to confess his feelings for you after a rough hunt in Chicago, you got injured pretty badly, as in hospital badly. The demon had captured you before you all could go in guns blazing. Thankfully, they managed to get to you before the demon killed you. You were beaten up pretty bad, you lost a lot of blood, your skin was different shades of purple, and you had broken your wrist in the process. You were out for several days, Dean never leaving your side the entire time. When you woke, he broke down, tears made their way down his cheeks. He was terrified of losing the only girl in his life that made him feel good about himself, the girl he saw a future with. He let those three little words slip as he rambled on. You couldn't have spent the last two and a half years any better. Dean was the best thing to ever happen to you.

His hand reached over, taking yours and squeezing it in his own. A smile spread over his cheeks, one that you only saw every so often. The day you told him you "accidently" put your red shirt in with Sam's white's, New year's when you both got drunk and decided it would be a good idea to run naked through the halls of the hotel in Vegas you were staying at, or the time he walked in on you playing his guitar, singing a song that was clearly about him.

His eyes that have seen such horror, such evil, cruelty, somehow managed to look like the most precious thing in the world. The beautiful fanfiction green that looked at you with such adoration, such love, that melt you in more ways that one. He makes you feel beautiful, just by the way he looks at you.

"Can you at least tell us how much longer we have to drive. I'm starting to get hungry," Sam groaned from the backseat.

"We have another twenty minutes, tops. Okay Sasquatch," Dean said while pressing his foot down on the gas.

He turned into a bar, not just any bar, the Harvelle's bar. Dean had brought you here a few times before. He wanted you to meet Ellen and Jo, they were considered family to him and of course you wanted to meet them. Ellen loved you, she thought you were great for Dean. Hoping that you would nag him to come visit more often, and you would, if it weren't for Jo.

She didn't like you, to say the least. You had no idea why either. You were nothing but nice to her when you came to visit, but she gave you the cold shoulder, she treated you like crap and no one seemed to notice. You hated come to this bar because of her.

"Bar's closed," Ellen yelled as you all walked in.

"That's no way to treat your favourite people, Ellen," Sam stated as he took a seat at the bar. Ellen flashed us all a big smile before grabbing three beers.

"It's about time you guys came around. I was beginning to think you were dead," she said as she opened up the beer, handing one to each of us, "So what brings you to town?"

"We just hadn't seen you or Jo for awhile, figured since everything is quiet in the hunting world, we'd come and drink you dry," Dean smiled as he wrapped his arm around you.

"I see you two are still together. I didn't think she would be able to stand you for this long," Ellen joked as Jo walked out from the back, her eyes immediately focusing on Dean.

You always had thought she had a thing for Dean. It was completely obvious to everyone but Dean himself. He would let her flirt with him right in front of you. She would touch his shoulder, lean in and kiss him on the cheek. Her hugs would linger longer than necessary. It was quite ridiculous, this school girl crush she had on him. Dean said she was a sister to him, nothing more ever, but you can't help but wonder.

"Yeah, well what can I say. I love him to death, most of the time," you said as you pressed your lips to his quickly, he smiled into the kiss.

"That's actually why we're here actually," he started as he moved away from you. You looked at him in confusion. He wasn't going to break up with you was he? Your heart began to race, unsure what was happening. You looked around and everyone else's face was plastered with the same reaction, except for Jo, who was probably in hope he was breaking up with you.

"Dean?" you said quietly.

"Y/N, you mean absolutely everything to me, and these past two and a half years have been fantastic, hell since I've met you, my life has only got better. I know that we don't live normal lives, and we probably never will. I know I can't give you what you really deserve and I'm sorry for that I am. All I know is that I love you. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life, our life, together; waking up to those beautiful eyes of yours, pissing you off to the point where you throw crap at me and make me beg for you to talk to me again. I want to spend the rest of the days I have left on this Earth with you," he paused, lowering himself down in one knee, your hand found your mouth, covering the shock that rose. Tears threatening to spill down your cheeks, "I brought you here today so that I could do this in front of the only family we have left, except for Bobby, he couldn't make it. You're the love of my life. Would you do me the honour of making me the luckiest guy in the world, will you marry me, Y/N?" he finished, a single tear made it's way down your cheek. He opened the box, revealing the simple but elegant silver ring. The pad of his thumb wiped it away before you pressed your lips firmly to his.

"Yes Dean, I would love to marry you," you smiled. Relief raced through his body as he stood up. He placed the ring upon your finger, kissing it before pressing his lips to yours once more. You'd never been more happy. Sam walked over to you, wrapping you in a tight embrace.

"Welcome to the family, sis," he smiled, "I approve. You make my brother happy. He deserves to have you for the rest of his life."

"Thank you, Sam," you grinned as you pulled away from him, wiping the tear that had escaped.

"Congratulations to both of you. I told you Dean, she was going to be the one to change your life. I'm so happy for you. You both deserve to each other," Ellen spoke as she walked around the bar, pulling you in for a hug, then Dean. You looked over at Jo, anger took over her face. She was not happy about this one bit. Her arms crossed over her body, and she looked at you as if you were a monster.

"Ellen, is okay if we spend the night here tonight?" Sam asked, you knew fine well he wasn't okay with sleeping in the back seat of the impala.

"Yeah sure, I'll go set up the rooms for you all," she replied with a smile

"I'll help you. Dean, do you want to grab the bags from the car?" Sam said as he walked with Ellen, Dean nodded.

Dean kissed you quickly before heading out the doors of the bar to grab our bags, leaving you and Jo alone. She glared at you momentarily, as if she was contemplating saying something to you. You knew she was just jealous of you, wishing she had Dean all to herself.

"You know he doesn't really love you right?" she spoke up. She walked around the bar, grabbing a glass and filling it up with vodka.

"What makes you say that? His actions and words say different," you told as you watched her every move.

"I turned him down the first time I met him, he's obviously just using you to make me jealous. Dean doesn't commit, and I can't see any reason why he would change that, especially for someone who looks like you. You're definitely not his type, a little overweight I would say," she said. You were not overweight and you knew that. Dean had spent many hours trying to convince you that you weren't. You weren't about to believe some jealous girl.

"I guess it's working, considering how jealous you are. You just can't stand the fact that Dean is happy with someone that isn't you. You turned him down Jo, you said no. He fell in love with me, something he told me would never ever happen between the two of you. Sorry sweetheart," you explained before you got up and walked to the door of the bar to go check on Dean. Before you got to the door, glass shattered in front of the wall in front of you, just missing you by a few inches.

"What the hell was that?" you yelled as you turned to look at her, a smug smile spread across her cheeks.

"You're lucky I didn't hit you," she said.

"You're crazy. You need to get over it. He doesn't want you, let it go."

Another glass came flying towards you, you ducked in time, hearing it smash against the floor. Her face was red with rage. She knew you were right, knowing she would never have the chance with Dean, but she thought if she couldn't have him no one could.

"You guys aren't even going to last you know. I see him in here, checking out other girls when you aren't watching. You're just an easy lay, someone he can screw whenever he wants and the second he realizes that you're nothing but an overweight skank, he'll come running to me," she yelled as Dean walked through the doors, his face filled with anger and confusion.

"What did you just say to her?" he raised his voice as he looked directly at Jo, "were you throwing glasses at my fiance?"

"Dean, you deserve so much better than her. She won't make you happy for very long. She's not good enough-" her words were cut off by Dean

"See, this is where you are wrong. No one has ever made me as happy as Y/N does. When I look at her, she is perfect in my eyes, even though she thinks she has a million flaws. She makes me want to be a better person. I look at you and yes, I saw someone who I considered to be family, a fellow hunter that I know. But this, the way you treat the woman I love, is completely unacceptable. She has done nothing but put up with your crap for the past two and a half years and we are sick and tired of it. It's been nearly three years Jo, you should move on," he told her. Her face went pale, she couldn't even look Dean in the eyes as he spoke, "Don't you ever throw anything, or try to hurt her in anyway again, Jo."

Jo waltzed out of the room in a hurry as Dean made his way to your side, his eyes checking over you, making sure that you weren't injured in anyway. He pressed his lips to your forehead before leaning down to kiss you.

"I hope you didn't believe a word she said to you, Y/N. You're the most beautiful, caring, fantastic, and strong woman that I've ever met. You don't deserve to be treated this way. You make me so happy, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life next to you. I love you so much, babe," he smiled.

"I love you too, Dean."

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