CodeLyoko: Season Five (Compl...

By minkswriting

14.8K 343 50

Xana has been defeated and the Lyoko warriors; Odd, Yumi, Jeremy, Ulrich, and Alieta, can live a life with ou... More

CodeLyoko: Season Five (Editing)
Watching For Xana's Sign
Back On Lyoko; A Sign
Chapter 6
Xana Attack; William
Stuck on Lyoko; The New Girl (Edited)
Xana's Strength
New Program; Xana's New Lair
Volcano Sector
Part 2 of the Volcano Sector
Xana's Attack
Day Of The Test
Battle of The Bands, Practice for the Dance
The Guardians and The Imposers (Edited)
Saving the Warriors
The Mission
Final Chapter B4; Season Six
Message to The Reader

Xana Here

630 16 0
By minkswriting

A Cow! To the right! Not really just the first part of the first part of the show code lyoko. Lol sorry the video comes in parts on youtube. Check it out if you haven't seen the show and remember:

All copyright for Code Lyoko  belongs to Moon Scoop I own none other characters or locations such as "Lyoko" the "lab" the "doratories" ect. 

Give a :-) if your reading in the comments or in my inbox. Thanks to my readers and fans


I awoke early for some reason feeling scared. I then remembered the voice of Xana in the back of my head.

Ok a little freaked out I panicked. There was a weak laugh in the back of my head.

Xana, why are you here? I thought. This was just to creepy, Xana was in my head. At least he's not possesing my body though.

I'm merly just surviving the voice replied.

Why couldn't you just have been destroyed by the anti-virus

I modified my virtual program so the anti-virus that cursed Jeremy created would not effect the small part of me that had excaped. Don't you remember my dear boy, when I possed you just before they launched the anti-virus. Part of me tried to flee, but was destroyed, and the rest of me found saftey in you. I can't be harmed! Muwahahahha! Xana explained. I shook my head unhappy. Might as well go on with my day I thought. Xana was silent making me feel relaxed though I could still feel his presence. I left my dorm happy that I had a room to myself, and headed to the boys bathroom to shower. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water run down over my shoulders; I tried to relax and ignore that I had an evil computer virus inside my head. What if Xana takes over my body? What if I go bezerk and attack people? What if I hurt Yumi. I sniffled. I'm no baby, I don't cry I thought sternly Manning up, manning up.... I sniffled again Ok maybe girling up... I sighed and left the shower to get dressed. My usual clothes were dark brown boots, jeans, red t-shirt, and a black long sleeve shirt over it. I grabbed my things for class from my room and headed down to get breakfast. I sat down at my usual seat, and ate quietly.

"Hey William, do you mind comming over here?" Aelita said. I shrugged and got up and walked towards were Aelita, Jeremy, and the rest of them sat. I flashed a quick smile at Yumi; although, she didn't return the smile since she was to busy talking with Ulrich. Ulrich I thought angrily.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked Aelita curious.

"You can feel Xana there can't you, its why you seem so down isn't it" she said.

I sighed, leaned on the tabe and looked away "Yeah i guess"

"I know how you feel. When Jeremy was able to materialize me here in the real world Xana took away part of my memmory so I was linked to Lyoko, in a way I was linked to Xana" she said. Hearing that someone felt the way I did felt comforting.

"It's nice to know someone understands, but its not like you can hear his voice" I whispered.

"Its allright William, we'll figure out something"

"Perhaps a new anti-virus" Jeremy suggested. I shook my head disagreeing. As long as Xana was still in my head there wasn't any hope. Jeremy and Aelita talked to each other in low voices about Lyoko and Xana.

"No need to look so down" Ulrich said. I looked up at him with cold eyes.

He held up his hands "Jeez no need to be so cold either" he said managing to crack a small smile.

"I better get to class" I mummbled. I took my tray up and left for class. I put my hands in my pockets and looked down as I walked through the halls. I sat down in the back of the class. I was early so I took the chance to try and sleep though it seemed useless.

"Are you allright?" Yumi asked. I jumped slightly, she had startled me. I hadn't realized class had begun. I nodded my head without saying anything.

"Aelita told me aboot the thing with Xana" she said softly.

"I feel Xana in my head. It's not a comforting feeling" I said softly. My head ached dully, I could ignore it for a while but it won't go away. My eyes closed shut; I must have fallen asleep.

The bell rang and it startled me, I nearly fell out of my chair. I bolted out the class room, my legs a blur; in fact I think I ran right through the door. I looked back at the class room; the door was still shut. Yep I just phased right through the door I thought bitterly. I ran to the bathroom and right through the door. I puked and looked into the mirror at myself and gasped. My left eye changed; the pupil of my left eye changed into the symbol of Xana. My right eye however stayed the same.

William my boy Xana spoke in my head. I can feel your love for that girl, Yumi Xana said, he managed to choke out the word "love"

But you can't understand love I thought.

Oh but I have learned much since I escaped Lyoko and when you were my most trusted servant. You remember don't you? Flashes of me serving Xana came to mind. Xana gave me a black flying manta ray to fly around on, Xana let me ride on the tarantrula monsters he created; The Rorkal, my virtual submarine made specially for me; the powers like supersmoke and a few others he gave me.

 I can give you what you desire; I can give you Yumi, I can help you become better that Ulrich Xana promised. Xana was tempting me and it was working for my body was weakening. My other eye was starting flash between my pupil and iris to the sign of Xana. My knees wobbled, and I clutched the bathroom sink for support. Pain abrupty shot through my forehead. I gasped and looked up. The mark of Xana flashed on my forhead and in both my eyes. In one surge of power Xana, even in his weakened state, took control of me.


I entered the bathroom since I had a few minutes before my next class. William stood clutching onto the sink for support.

"You okay William?" I asked about to touch his shoulder.

"Grrr..." he growled, his eyes pulsed within his eyes. I back away slowly; he lunged forward, arms outstrechted like he was going to strangle me. I dodged quickly and kicked him hard in the back sending him flying into one of the bathroom stalls while I also pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I texted I typed the autotype button for 'Xana alert ' and then typed my location. Williams body lay on the floor, it blurred like a hologram and then stopped. He jumped to his feet and faced me again smiling. He tackled me to the ground and raised a fist above my head. I caught one punch and then another. I was lucky, and managed to kick him off of me. He flew right through the bathroom door. I left and to my relief there was no one in the hall to see the fight going on between William and I, I mean Xana I thought correcting myself. Jeremy, Odd and Yumi came running around the corner struggled to restrain William in his Xanafied state.

"William no! You mustn't obey Xana!" Yumi yelled at William She ran towards him trying to stop. I moved to keep her away though. Williams eyes widdened; something in them flickered like a light switch. The sign of Xana faded into his eyes pupil and Iril, and the mark on his forehead disappeared, too.

"I-oh" William muttered. He fell to his knees. Jeremy and Odd helped him up.

"William?" Odd asked, and pinched his arm painfully.

He winced, "Ow what's that for?" William asked. I chucked quietly.

"Just making sure your not still Xanaified"

"I'm so sorry" William apologized. He's apologizing to me! I thought slightly shocked.

"Xana started promising me things, saying I'd be stronger and then he just took over. I was fighting Ulrich then" William explained quietely.

"But don't Xanafied people usualy pass out and not remember a thing?" I asked Jeremy.

"Yes, but William's case if different. Xana in Williams head" Jeremy explained. William moaned. I can't help, but feel bad I thought.

"Can't we extract Xana through the scanners?' Aelita suggested.

"I don't believe its worth it" Jeremy said "I highly doubt it would work and-"

William stood up and faced Jeremy "Can we please try it, I'd do anything to get rid myself of Xana" William pleaded.

"Allright" Jeremy said after thinking for a bit. The bell rang, we just missed our entire Science class. Great, bad grades for me. Woo hoo! Another reason for my dad to yell at me.

"Lets go then" We ran to the gyms seperate storage room and down one of the 3 passage ways we knew of to get to the factory. Once at the factory we entered the Lab were the computer was. Jeremy hopped onto his swivel chair and began activating some sorta complicated computer thingy. The wires leading up to the computer crackled and jumped from the wires a little, all directed towards William. Willaim backed away until the electricity stopped leaping towards him, but then the wires behind him crackled loudly. William moved away towards the elevator, sat down, and pulled his legs tightly to his chest. Once more I sort of felt bad for him. Although, no it's really not his fault I thought symphetic.

"Allright William go down to the Scanner Room" Jeremy said William nodded without a word. Somehow I can't help but think this won't work.

"Scanner, William" Jeremy said and began to type quickly. One could get dizzy watching Jeremy type as fast as he did. On the computer screen it showed William on the screen. The computer made a buzzing noise and an arrow pointed at Williams head on the screen. Jeremy typed something and some program started loading. The screen buzzed and a exclamation point in a red circle appeared on the screen.

"Ugh it's not working!" Jeremy complained. The screen changed showing the scanner William was in start loading.

"Oh no!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"Why's the virtualization program activating?" Aelita asked.

"It's Xana!" I said. William was being virtualized onto Lyoko for some reason.

"But why?" Odd asked.

"Well it's Xana, it's not for the good of humanity or good for William" I said. "What do you expect?" I added.

"Love and charity" Odd said sarcasticly. He cracked up laughing.

"This no time to joke around Odd" Jeremy snapped. "All three of you down to the scanners"

"What about me" Aelita asked. I didn't hear the rest of what they were saying for we were already heading down to the Scanner Room. I stepped into the Scanner and watched the door slowly close until it was almost closed it slammed shut. There was a bright light and a whooshing sound. I felt myself rise, like levitating.

"Transfer Odd, Ulrich, Yumi" Jeremy said. My short hair that slightly fell to the side of my face raised as if there was a fan below me.

"Scanner, Virtualization" Jeremy said. There came the familiar paralizing feeling as well as the feeling like my body was evaporating. Suddenly I found myself suspened high above the ground and then falling. Used to this, I landed easily on my feet next to Odd and Yumi. The Ice Sector I thought. Same as usual.

"Oh no, i can't virtualize you in the mountain sector!"

"We'll have to get out selves there ourselves" I Yumi said.

"Can you call up the-" Odd started to say as the vehicles virtualized. "Taxi... Never mind Einstein!" Odd said doing a flip in the air and swiftly landed on the overboard. And off we went to save William and somehow stop Xana. 

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