After Shock (#2 - Semper Fi S...

By caffrey1974

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Amanda Vickers is a Detective for Grubbs County Sheriff’s Department in Grubbs County, GA. She is widowed, ha... More

After Shock
5 Years Later
Who said going to California was fun?
Unbreakable Bond
Closer to the Truth
Preparing to Face the Enemy
Fraction of A Second
Heaven's Role
What Next?
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Planning a Wedding and maybe a Funeral
Grace and the End
Happy Beginning

Fear Has a New Name

1.8K 54 9
By caffrey1974

Amanda, Marie, and Alyssa arrived at the hospital and called Paul to let him know they were there. He walked outside to greet them. The two ladies smiled, but were preoccupied with what could be happening.

“Let’s go in. I will take you to the private waiting room so we can talk without being overheard.” Paul said, not really explaining anything.

 The thought: ‘This cannot be good’ went through Amanda’s mind over and over, and Marie and Alyssa’s faces both said they were thinking the same thing.

Paul sat with Amanda on one of the hospital couches, but she was on edge so didn’t relax with him like she wanted. Alyssa and Marie took another couch.

“Okay. I was at my house and finished the calls I needed to make so I made my way back to your place. I saw a very fancy car drive past too slowly. That sent an unnerving feeling into my being. When I got there, no one answered the door.” Marie took a sharp breath. “I tried the doorknob, and the door swung open. I rushed through the house, searching anywhere and everywhere they might be. I remembered the playground, so I headed towards it. I searched and searched. I saw the same creepy car I had seen riding past your house. They were nowhere to be seen.” Alyssa’s face showed the horror of what he was beginning to say, and she was on the verge of crying, screaming, and fainting all at once. “I saw a double stroller by the bathroom, so I went in. Mig and Ed were both unconscious. Ed had a laceration on the back of his head, and Mig had multiple bruises and cuts. They put up a good fight, but I am guessing they were outnumbered. The kids were nowhere to be found. I’m sorry! I wish I had more news. We have a lead, and are following up at the address of the registered owner of the car. We suspect it’s none other than Roger, Allen’s dad.” Alyssa looked on the verge of collapse. Marie was not faring any better. Amanda looked mad as the devil. “I didn’t know Ryan Jameson was a police officer. He’s assigned to this case.” Alyssa’s face seemed to relax a little bit. “We also have the California team heading back to the airport and an APB out and an Amber Alert has been issued. Unfortunately, the hardest part is waiting. Is there anything you need before I take you to where Ed and Mig are?” Both ladies shook their heads “no” and just stood to follow Paul.


Mig awakened to that sterile smell that accompanied every hospital he’d ever been in before. His head hurt like crazy. He hurt all over. No one else was in his room. “Hello? Is anyone around?”

An older, but not elderly, nurse came in and checked his vital signs. “You, sir, have some pretty good cuts and bruises. You looked like you received the raw end of the deal.”

“Yeah? You should see the other guy! I made sure he remembered me. And there were three more with him. We were outnumbered, but an old soldier and an old Marine gave ‘em what for! Did anyone find the kids? Some older guy came in and wanted them, but we made them sit in the bathroom stall and hide.” The nurse turned and left without saying a word. Paul and Amanda were approaching the desk when they heard her make the call that some children were in the bathroom stall. She must’ve known about the Amber Alert.


Paul called Ryan, kissed Amanda, asked for the keys from Marie, and headed back to the park. He was pulling up as Ryan’s patrol car was. He was out before Ryan and ran into the bathroom. “Lakota! Are you in here? It’s Paul. It’s safe to come out.” He’d not seen stalls that went ceiling to floor in a long time. He listened for a few minutes, then heard a little voice whisper, “Where’s Poppie Ed and Mr. Mig? They got hurt by those bad men.”

“The doctor at the hospital is making them all better. Can I open the door to make sure you and Laramie are okay? “


Paul slowly opened the door and just peeked in. Laramie was asleep on the bathroom floor, emitting a strong odor, probably from his diaper. “Ryan’s here, and we’re going to take you to Mommy, okay?”

“NO! Not Ryan! NO!” Not the reaction he’d been looking for. Ryan nodded and whispered, “That’s okay. I’ll just put the carseats in your car.” He left the restroom and Paul opened the door more, whispering, “Why don’t you like Ryan anymore? He’s a good friend to your mommy.”

“He beat up Poppie!” What?

“Okay! I’m going to take you and Laramie to where Poppie is so you can see he’s okay. Come on!” Holding his breath against the odor coming from the tyke, Paul picked him up and carried him to the stroller, then placed him in it, all the while not waking him, and pushed the stroller to the car. The seats were there, and Ryan looked quickly at the children from his squad car to satisfy the report that they were unharmed, and Paul held his breath while attempting to change the stinky boy.

“Ryan- Can you follow us to the hospital? I need to talk to you, but my first priority is getting these two into their mother’s arms.” Paul hesitantly asked.

“I’m right behind you!”


Laramie was awake and screaming! He was screaming “MOMMY!” over and over again. Paul thought his eardrums would burst. He was thankful as he turned into the hospital parking lot. He’d called Amanda and had Alyssa meet him in Emergency.

She checked them in, explained that they were the reason for the other two men looking like they’d invited the beating. The nurse took the two children to a small curtained area, and went for the doctor.

“I wanna see Poppie and Uncle Mig.” Lakota whined.

“Poppie! Poppie!” Laramie chanted.

The doctor could hear the kids before he made it to their area. It sounded as if they were in good spirits. “Let me check them quickly, so they can go see him.”

After a few minutes, the doctor was finished with his check up on the children. There were no signs of injury, though he worried that being left in a bathroom unattended, through no fault of the caregiver, might be a bit traumatic. The little girl knew who attacked her grandfather. She may need to be recommended for counseling or play therapy to help with the emotional issues that could arise from that event. The baby seemed to be okay as long as he was with his sister.

“Mrs. McDonald,” the doctor addressed Alyssa. She didn’t bother to correct the fact that she was no longer married. “From the looks of the kids, they are doing fine. They need a good bath and some tender loving care. If any unusual behavior arises, I suggest a play therapist for Lakota. This was a very traumatic event. I don’t have any other suggestions, so they’re free and clear. Take them to see their grandfather. Please let us know if there’s anything else you need, okay?”

“Thank you.” The nurse brought in a wet washcloth and a towel, on the doctor’s request, so Alyssa could get the kids cleaned up and changed. After a few minutes, they were ready to go see Ed.


Ed was awake, but he felt as if a truck had run over his head, backed up and did it all over again several times. Marie hadn’t left his side, even when Paul came with the kids.

She heard the voices of her darlings and breathed a prayer of thanks for their safety. She still couldn’t wrap her brain around a three year old protecting a one year old in a bathroom for three hours. Marie had never seen one, but she certainly believed in angels.

“Grammie! Poppie! Poppie, what happened to your head? Did those bad men do that? Want me to kiss it and make it all better?”

“Lakota, baby, I would love for you to kiss Poppie’s cheek and make me better. I have to stay here until tomorrow, but I bet your kiss will heal me quicker. Come here, baby.” Marie helped her sit gently next to Ed, and she gave him a big kiss on the cheek. “I feel like a new man. Thank you, baby girl. Where’s Lare?” As if on cue, Laramie started calling out, “Poppie!” and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

The nurse walked in after a few minutes. “We will be moving him to a room soon.” Marie offered her thanks to the nurse.

“Dad, Mom, I think I’m going to get these two back home and fed. I am sure they’re hungry. I will come back later.” Alyssa was ready to relax. To say the day had been trying was an understatement.

She kissed her dad, with a tear threatening to spill, and picked up Laramie. Taking Lakota’s hand, she walked to the waiting room where Paul and Amanda had been.

“I think we’re ready to go back to the house, if you’re okay with that. These two need to eat. I want to relax for a bit.”

In all of the craziness, Paul forgot that he wanted to talk with Ryan. He really wanted to find out what had Lakota so upset about Ryan. As they headed for the car, Paul glanced at their surroundings. Amanda seemed to be doing the same. Had they been so caught up in each other that they’d let down their guard? He wanted to pay attention to her, but he had promised to protect this little, broken but mending, family, and he would. He and Amanda would talk about it later.

The squad car was gone. He hoped his hunch about Officer Jameson was wrong. He didn’t see how it could be. “Hi, Alyssa. Hey kids.” Ryan walked up to Alyssa. Lakota started screaming. Alyssa looked apologetic and puzzled about her daughter’s reaction to her friend.

“Just getting off duty?” Paul asked, sort of baiting him to see what he’d say.

“I didn’t have to work today.” He said, looking at Paul like he hadn’t seen him in ten years. “When’d you get back into town? How’s that D.C. job?”

Suddenly Paul remembered Ryan’s older brother. Jacob Jameson, only eleven months older than Ryan, could almost be mistaken for his identical twin.  A quick look at his hands revealed some slight bruising, like he’d been using a wall for a punching bag. Or, maybe a man’s face? Paul sent the ladies to the car. “The job’s great. I will only be here a few days, Jake. Look, it’s great to see you. Take care.”

“See ya.”

They walked, rather quickly, to the car. He dialed Ryan’s number. “I have a lead, but you’re not going to like where it takes you.”

“If it leads to my own mom, I will still follow it.” Ryan insisted.

“Okay. Your brother, Jake, just met us as we were walking out of the hospital, and Lakota’s reaction was the same as when I said your name in the bathroom earlier. Alyssa looked puzzled. Honestly, I’d forgotten about him. Ryan, I’m sorry to bear so much bad news in a day, but Jake’s hands looked like they had been in a boxing match. I’m guessing Lakota thought he was you. That’s what the reaction was all about.”

“I’ll follow it up as soon as I’m off this case. Thank you for the information, Paul.” As soon as Paul hung up, they felt a hard bump. He looked in the rearview mirror. The car slowed down, then revved back up and smacked into the bumper harder this time. He didn’t recognize the driver. “Alyssa, do you recognize who’s driving? I can’t see his face?” The old beat-up El Camino rammed again, making the kids and the ladies scream.

“I can’t tell. You have to outrun him, though. He’s freaking my kids out.” With that, Paul stepped hard on the gas pedal, leaving the car behind. He decided not to go to the Clark residence just yet. Paul was thankful that he was remembering his way around town. He drove in circles, but the El Camino followed.

Amanda spoke up. “Go onto the freeway. We’ll be able to speed up more and lose him. I’m calling the team to see if they’ve started this way again.” The phone rang twice, and Josh answered. “Hey, it’s Amanda. I just wanted to let you know that Mig is going to be discharged soon. We’re on the interstate trying to shake this old El Camino, probably a ’72, gray and blue in color. We’re not sure who the driver is. Also, Paul suspects Ryan’s older brother, Jacob, may be one of the men who assaulted Ed and Mig. The kids were with them, and Paul found them hiding in a bathroom stall. They’re okay.”

“We’re almost to Clay now. We’ll meet you at ... okay so I’ve never been there. Is there a local McD’s or something?” Josh said, with a laugh.

“Yes, and we’ll meet you there.” A backwards scan told Amanda that they were finally alone.  Paul saw her nod that they were okay, and he turned around on the next exit ramp and headed back for Clay.


Jacob couldn’t believe his luck. He’d go tell the boss about his sudden encounter. “Rog, you’re not going to believe this. I literally almost ran into Alyssa and the kids. There were two others I’ve never seen before. I followed them for a bit, tried to put some terror into them, but that guy with Alyssa is a great driver.”

“That guy with Alyssa is a federal agent. He probably has driving skills you only dream about. Don’t tell me what you see, just call me when you have the kids.” Roger hung up without saying goodbye. He was ready to take this gang of idiots to the firing squad and hire new, more experienced people who had a semi-working knowledge of what he wanted done. He sent Rob a text. You and your hired goons need to get a move on with getting these kids to California. I’m ready to take you all out to the woodshed and give you a good wallop. Get it done, and do it immediately!


Alyssa was thankful the new, or new since she’d been here, fast food place had a play area. The kids were restless. She wanted to take them back to her mom’s, but if Amanda and/or Paul thought it wasn’t safe, she wasn’t going to go. She was literally running out of places to go. She let the others order, and then ordered for herself and the children while they watched the kids play in the fun zone.

Josh, Ray, and Al all walked in as she was finishing her order. “Hey, guys. You made it! Thanks! It’s been crazy since we touched down. I’m starting to get a little weary of the whole affair.”

All three gave her a quick hug, but Ray lingered a bit longer. He was tough, young, and obviously a bit infatuated with Alyssa. “How are the kids doing since they were found?” he asked in a country accent. She’d have to find out where he was raised.

“Well, Lakota flipped a little when she saw Ryan’s brother. He’s a suspect. Otherwise, they’re holding up pretty well. Their mom, on the other hand” she said, pointing at herself, “well, you know. I’m ready to get Roger off my case and his accomplices as well, and get back to my life. This has gone on long enough.” She looked fighting mad. Maybe that’s what was needed to take care of them once and for all. She was suddenly hatching a plan to lure the henchmen, and maybe Roger too, and get them all in the custody of the local police so that she could go back to California free and clear of this irritation once and for all.


After they finished a late lunch, the whole group decided to head to Paul’s parents’ house. When he explained the situation to his mom, she was more than glad, and even had an area set up for the children. Paul’s sister was Active Duty Air Force, as was her husband, so they didn’t get back to Kansas with their kids very much, but his mom was always prepared.

Josh and Paul conferred as everyone else loaded into the cars. “We’re going to take a round-about way to get to my place, and then we’ll decide what to do from there. Mig should be released in the next couple of hours, so someone will have to go pick him up, and I’m driving Marie’s car. We may be able to go pick up Mig and drop off the car at the same time. I think we need to have a minimum number of people gone, though, so Alyssa feels safe. My Dad’s at work, and I think Mom said she’s going to go to the store so she can cook dinner for twelve people. I have no idea where you guys are sleeping tonight. We’ll figure that out after dinner. Mig stays in the garage apartment at Marie and Ed’s, but they might not mind the lot of you staying on the living room floor. It will make Alyssa feel a bit safer, too.”

“That sounds like a halfway decent plan. We’ll make it work. We can camp anywhere, as you know, and be perfectly comfortable.”

They belted up and started for Danbury Trail Road. So far, no others following but the guys, and Paul was glad for that. The upside to a small town was that they didn’t have far to go. The downside was that everyone knew where everyone else lived.


Paul and Josh settled everyone else in, and were ready to leave when Marie pulled in. “Hey, where are you heading?”’

Paul hugged his mom and kissed her on the cheek before explaining. “We’re taking Marie her car, and picking up Mig. There are seven people in your house, three of which you’ve never met, but they’re great guys! You’ll love ‘em. We’ll be back soon.”

“Why are Ed and Marie at the hospital? Are they sick? Thanks for letting me know what to expect. Have you made any more decisions about the wedding?” She lit up like a morning sky when she asked him that.

“We haven’t really had time to talk about it. I’ll fill you in when I get back. It’s been a strange day. Everyone is okay, thankfully, but Ed will be spending the night there. Again, I’ll fill you in later. Love ya Mah!” Paul said as he headed towards the car.

As he pulled out of the driveway, Paul spotted Ryan’s patrol car. “What’s going on?” He was glad Ryan wasn’t the one who attacked Ed, but he was still a bit leery of him.

“I’m just making sure everyone’s okay. I see the guys made it. That’s good. Let me know if y’all need anything. I’ll be off-duty in another hour, so I will be available if you need me.”

“Thanks, Ryan; I appreciate it. Well, I’ve got to get this car back to Marie. See you sooner or later.” He rolled his window up and drove on, saying to himself, “I don’t like that. At all...” He called Amanda. “Hey sweetie, I just wanted to give you a head’s up. Ryan is ‘watching’ out for us outside the house. I just don’t trust that at all. Be on your guard and alert the guys without upsetting Mom and Alyssa.”

“Okay, Paul. Thanks. I love you! Be careful and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“I love you, too. I’m still waiting to finish what we started. Was that this morning? Wow. It’s been a really long day, hasn’t it? Can we talk while I drive?”

“Of course, honey!”

“I like it when you call me honey. Did you get a dress?”

“I was checking out when you called me. It’s probably still in the car, but it’s wrapped in a package, so if you wanna bring it back with you, that’s fine. I don’t care if you see it, but if you want to wait, that’s fine too. I don’t believe in the superstition about not seeing the dress before the wedding. I even know some people who help pick the dress out, or pick it for her.”

“If the wedding’s tomorrow, I can wait!” Paul laughed.

“You’re too funny!”

“Well, unfortunately, this is a small town, and I’m pulling up to the hospital now. We should be back soon. I love you, beautiful!”

“I love you too! I look forward to finishing our morning, too; preferably on our honeymoon. You will find being married to a widow has its benefits.” She laughed a musical and mirthful sound, and Paul felt it in his whole being. He was blushing too as he stood up from inside the car, the insinuations of what she just said sinking in. “’Bye sweetie. See you soon!”


Josh and Paul walked into the emergency area, and asked for Miguel Rodriguez. The nurse pointed around a corner. “He’s in the recovery area to your left.” They walked on and found him.

“Hola, guys! Thanks for coming to get me. I don’t think I could find my way around this little town just yet, but I can point anyone to McD’s or the playground.” Mig’s greeting put Josh’s mind at ease. He was chipper and easy going by nature, but fierce if he had to be. “We ran those guys off. I guess I passed out. Ed’s got some fight in him. He really walloped those guys good. One of them was Alyssa’s friend, though. Not a good thing. She will be crushed when she finds out. He’s really got it for her, no?”

Paul answered his question. “Actually, that was Ryan’s older brother. They could almost be twins they look so similar. She knows about it. Lakota was really scared of him when she saw him walking towards her at the hospital.”

“No, you understand, Amigo. He was there, too. Ryan, his twin, and another guy were all there. Ryan was even in uniform. The people at the park really don’t pay much attention to anything around them.”

“Holy Lord.” Josh said, stunned at what had just been revealed. “Going to the police just became much harder.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll get in touch with John outside of the department and have him go to the chief. I don’t understand why they want her kids away from her, but maybe it’s only about money; maybe it’s because she chose Allen over him. This is an unpleasant turn of events. We trusted him. I knew something didn’t sit right. Lemme run up and give Marie her keys, and we’ll get back to the house.” Paul all but ran out of Mig’s curtained area, saying, “I’ll meet y’all at the car.” He went to information, asked for Ed’s new room number and took the stairs, not liking how slowly elevators were. He knocked, waited for Marie or Ed’s voice to say it was okay to enter and walked in a little out of breath. “Thanks for the use of the car. The guys from California are here now. We’re taking Mig back to my parents’ house. Call if you need anything, okay?”

“Thanks, Paul. He should be released in the morning. We’ll call Alyssa when he’s released and meet you at our house.”

“I don’t think it’s safe for you to go back home until we catch the guys behind all of this. There’s been another development that could prove to be disastrous if we don’t take care of this before too long. I will see you soon.” Paul hugged her, not allowing more questions from Marie. He was too mad to do anything but leave. He dialed Max and filled him in on the change in the case, then dialed John.

“John Houghton speaking.” His friend’s voice made him feel welcome.

“John! How are you? This is Paul Reinhardt.”                            

“Paul, are you back?”

“Well, yes, but not for too long. I’m helping a friend of mine. It’s a really long story. I was wondering if you’d mind coming over to my folks’ place so I can explain the whole situation. And, you’ll get to meet my fiancée, Amanda.”

“Congratulations! That’s great news. I will call Valerie and tell her not to expect me for a while longer.”

“Thanks, and tell Val I said hello. I will see you soon.”


The doorbell rang while Amanda was talking to the Sight Unseen team, so Alyssa answered since Lorraine was cooking dinner.

“Hey, Ryan, how are you? What brings you by?”

“I just wanted to check on you considering all the things that have happened today.”

“What happened? You look like you received the wrong end of someone’s fist.” She motioned for him to come in.

“No thanks. I was just stopping by on my way home from work. Oh, that’s nothing; just another day on the job.” Alyssa thought he looked nervous. He was looking around seeming to jump at every car or person passing by. How did he know where she was?

“Well, okay, I’ll see you later.” Alyssa, wondering what was up with him, smiled as she shut the door.

Ryan stopped the door before she closed it completely. “Before you shut the door, are you sure you don’t want to move back to Kansas? I’d be glad to help you settle in. You know how I feel about you...” He reached his hand toward her cheek as Lakota walked in and started screaming at the top of her lungs when she saw Ryan.

“I guess you’d better go now. She just doesn’t want to be anywhere near you for some reason.”

Upon hearing Lakota’s screams, Lorraine, Martin, who was now home, Amanda, Al and Ray ran into the house, with guns drawn, to find out why the child sounded like she was being tortured.

“What...?” was all Amanda could get out before the door shut.

“That was Ryan. Lakota’s still freaked out by him. I don’t know why. Anyway, he looks like he’s been in a fight, and...”

“That’s because he has, Alyssa.” Paul said, upon walking in.

Lorraine spoke before he could say more. “Dinner’s ready and we can eat while you explain whatever it is you were about to tell us, Paul.”

He nodded in agreement, asking “Is it okay if John Houghton stops in? I need to give him the whole story too, and it’s easiest if I don’t have to say it more than once. Yes, it’s that complicated.”

The guys saw Mig and gave him high-fives, fist bumps, and light hugs. “Glad you’re okay, man!”

“You should see the other guys!” He laughed as they all went into the very crowded dining room for dinner. The bell rang, and a moment later John came in with Paul.

For a guy he hadn’t seen in more than ten years, he looked great. John was tall, lean, but not as lean as high school, and had grown a beard. He was losing hair, but it looked good on him. He was also a martial arts expert.

John hugged Lorraine, and said in his soft-spoken voice, “It’s good to see you, Mom.” All of Paul’s friends called her that.

“John, are you eating with us?” Lorraine asked. There was plenty of food, but she liked knowing who would be eating so she could set enough places.

“No, ma’am, Val’s at home waiting. Paul needed to speak to me about something.” He explained.

“Okay, well, at least have some tea or coffee while you’re here.”

“Yes ma’am; I could definitely use some coffee.”

John sat with the rest of the people at the table. The children were in high chairs in the kitchen, though Lakota protested and was still upset.

After Martin offered grace, Paul introduced Amanda to John. “So this is the one? Well done, Paul. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amanda.”

Amanda blushed as he took her hand and kissed it like a knight from times past. “Thank you. I am pleased to meet you, as well.”

“Okay, I hate to break up this sugary sweet exchange between strangers, but I need to get this briefing done so John can get home to his lovely wife. Everyone’s up to speed except you, so I’ll be brief. Alyssa contacted me a few weeks ago because she was receiving threatening letters. Max, my immediate boss in D.C. gave me permission to take leave, but he’s keeping tabs on the case. He also asked Amanda, at my request, to take this case because she’s very good at keeping people calm. Alyssa witnessed that first-hand when they flew from California to here. Anyway, we arrived in California, and the first day Alyssa received a package with a bomb in it. Then, that night, her car was set on fire.” He skipped the details about being injured. “She received a threatening phone call. Her mom picked the kids up in California and brought them here. Alyssa was kidnapped, and then suddenly released. We then came here. Yesterday, while Alyssa, Marie and Amanda went on an errand,” he smiled at Amanda when he mentioned that, “Mig and Ed went to the park with the kids and were attacked in the bathroom. Mig, why don’t you tell it from there?”

“Sure thing, Paul. Well, the people who attacked us definitely tracked every move. They knew who was where when, and made sure we were alone. Officer Jamison seemed to be in charge of this particular altercation.” Alyssa’s audible gasp followed by her fork clattering to the plate made everyone look up at her. She started shaking her head. When she stood to leave the room, Amanda followed with an apologetic look to Paul and then to Mig. Alyssa needed to hear this no matter how difficult. She needed to know who she was facing. “Should I wait for them to return?” Mig asked Paul, who nodded.

Amanda followed Alyssa into the room across from Paul’s. “He can’t be in on this. Not Ryan; he’s been too good to me. Why would he? What reason would he have to help them?”

“I don’t know. My only guess is that you didn’t return his affections. I don’t put anything past anyone. Money could be another reason. We’re thinking Roger is paying very well to get these babies to California without you. We’re not going to let them. Okay? We’re here, and we’re not letting our guard down for a second.” Amanda gave Alyssa a long hug.

“No wonder I was kidnapped. He kept Ray on the balcony long enough for Michael and that other guy, Rob, to grab me. He knew everything. Ugh! That doesn’t make me sad so much as it does angry. I want to beat him up for scaring my kids like that. I’m surprised he didn’t take them, but I think Lakota would’ve bitten him if he had. Well, thanks for talking to me, but I want to hear what else the guys have to say.”

“Are you sure? They’ll wait for you. I don’t mind staying with you longer, if you want a few more minutes.”

“Oh, I’m more than sure. I’m ready to go after him myself. Let’s go finish our dinner.”

As they came back, Ray stood and went to Alyssa’s side. “Are you okay, darlin’?” He asked, obviously concerned. With his youthful good looks, green eyes, dark brown, wavy hair, and southern accent, any girl would be crazy not to think he was a great guy.

“Yes, thank you, Ray.” Alyssa gave him a hug and a bashful smile. She didn’t mind him calling her “darlin’” either, considering she needed all the comfort she could stand that moment. He pulled her chair out for her then returned to his seat.

“Sorry for running off that way.” Alyssa’s apology was returned with sympathetic eyes and ‘that’s okay’ from everyone.

Mig continued after everyone was once again seated. “As I was saying: Ryan took the lead, but when he tried to grab Lakota, she bit his arm very hard, and so he was only able to punch us in the gut a few times before his arm was incapacitated. His brother, Jake, used his gun to hit the back of Ed’s head, and Ed still pommeled him a few more times before passing out. That left me with the other two, and obviously, they didn’t get the kids. I made sure they ran off.  I checked on Ed, and I passed out after that, I guess. I woke up in the hospital.”

Paul spoke then. “I have suspected Ryan since we returned from California. He has been different since coming home.”

“He came to the door after you left claiming to check on me and then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to come back to Kansas. Lakota went crazy with screaming when she saw him. That brought everyone into the room as he was shutting the door to leave.” She sighed, putting her hands over her face. “I can’t believe this. I’m baffled as to why he’d be in on it at all. He’s always been so caring. It’s just odd that he became so interested in us so suddenly. I thought he’d make a great dad until he became a little overprotective and even possessive of all of us. I’m glad I know. So, what do we do now? Everyone I’ve trusted, on the exception of my parents, and you, has become obsessive or tried to hurt me and my kids. The Arctic Tundra is sounding better all the time.” A raucous laughter went around the table.

Ray smiled at Alyssa, “At least you’re keeping your sense of humor about you.”

Alyssa smiled back. He was a handsome country boy. “If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry, and I’m not into being that wimpy woman men flock to because all she does is cry. I have kids to worry about!”

Ray walked around the table to the kitchen, where Alyssa was wiping down high chair trays and children, took the dishcloth from her hands and put it down, took her hands and said, “You are an amazing woman. You’ve been through more in your young life than most people have to deal with ever. Don’t underestimate yourself. You’re tough and bold and I am proud of you for standing up to these assailants. When this is all over, I want to take you out. I know you said you’re paying for our dinner, but I mean you and me, and those two babies. Yes, it’s a date, and yes we’re taking your kids on it with us. Maybe we’ll go to the zoo, or a park where they can run, and we’ll get to know each other better. I have thought you were incredible since the day I met you. Please don’t let one or two bad guys ruin how you see the rest of us. Most of us would die for our ladies, not try to kill them or force them into a life they hate. Okay?” After Ray was done, he hugged her. She looked at him and couldn’t resist the urge to kiss him. It was short lived for the toddlers sitting in their chairs making noise, but it was a well-received affection.

The others had magically disappeared, and Alyssa started laughing. “Everybody is gone. Hmm. I guess that means I can kiss you again.”

“No objections here, ma’am.”

Alyssa placed the kids on the floor, and Lorraine came in, without saying a word, took their hands and led them into the area where the toys were.

Ray wrapped one arm around her waist and placed the other on the back of her head. Alyssa’s response was to wrap her hands behind his neck. Her heart started pounding and before she could make the first move, which she wanted to do, he lowered his mouth to hers and almost literally swept her off her feet.

After a seemingly long moment, they awkwardly ended the kiss. Alyssa blushed and bowed her head. He lifted her head, admiring the cute redness in her cheeks, and whispered, “You don’t have to ever be ashamed or embarrassed. That kiss was so incredible, I am about to fall over, little lady. I’m also a gentleman, and I won’t force anything on you, okay?”

“Okay. We’d better go find the others.” Alyssa suddenly wanted to be around everyone. Ray brought a sense of security to her that she hadn’t felt since this whole fiasco began. She also didn’t trust herself to keep it at a kiss until everything was settled, and she wanted to really know Ray well before she jumped into the deep end feet first. She wanted to slowly wade into this relationship.


The phone ringing brought Amanda’s attention away from her conversation with Paul. Lorraine answered, and called Alyssa. No one except Ryan and the present company knew she was here. Her parents knew, but didn’t try to call the house because they had the cell numbers Paul scribbled down before he left the hospital.

“Hello?” She answered with trepidation.

“Tell lover boy there that you’re mine. If he doesn’t keep his hands off you, I’ll come after him.”

“You know what?” She was mad! “I don’t care what you think, Ryan Jamison. I am NOT YOURS! I belong to God and my family, and if I CHOOSE to have a man in my life, it won’t be you! I don’t date jerks anymore. I look for gentlemen. If you had decided to be straight with me about your feelings instead of being a goon for my insane ex-family, I might’ve considered you a real possibility. As it stands, you’re just another butthead I have to deal with. Goodbye!” She hung up without waiting for a response. She was shaking, even though she’d put her foot down, she was scared. “He threatened Ray.”

Ray was next to her before she could crumble. She didn’t have feelings for him further than infatuation and gratitude, but she also didn’t want innocent people in harm’s way or threatened because of her.


Amanda and Paul knew from the phone conversation who had called. From the looks of things, Ray had her and she was in good hands. Paul did a backwards head nod toward the backyard. Amanda’s smile said she’d read his thoughts.

“It looks to me like a romance is in the making. Speaking of romance...” Her voice trailed off as she and Paul found the semi-private spot from this morning, “we have unfinished business, Mr. Reinhardt.”

“Don’t do that to me until we share that name.” He found her lips and wrapped his arms around her in a snug embrace. This time she had his back against the wall. It worked better the other way, but she liked being in control a little bit. Her hands found his hair and she massaged his head, and threaded his hair in for fingers. “Woman, you’re a temptress.”

“I’m not trying to be. I just want to give you something to look forward to. There’s way more to come as soon as we’re married.” She promised in a low feminine voice.

“When is that going to be? I can’t take much more of this starting and stopping. You’re driving me mad.” He whispered.

“Friday, if you think you can wait one more day.” She promised.

He groaned and bent to kiss her. As their lips joined into a passionate embrace, a loud bang rang out. “Holy cow! What was that...?” Paul registered the sound as gunshot as Amanda slumped in his arms. His shock made way to realization. He gently laid her on the grass, and hollered for help. “Someone go out front. I’m calling 911.” He dialed as fast as he could. “We’re at 1224 Danbury. My fiancée’s been shot. Someone will be out front to show them where we are.”

He gave the rest of the necessary information and the operator stayed on the line with him until she heard sirens in the background. Paul checked for vitals, and they were unsteady, but present, and he looked for the wound. She’d been shot in the side. This could be easy, but it could turn bad quickly. A bullet in the side had the potential of hitting or missing vital organs. He said a silent prayer for her. Now he knew why she was so worried when he was in the hospital. They’re possible life flashed before his eyes with images of her in a beautiful dress; of him taking that dress of and consummating their love finally; of her sitting in a hospital bed holding a baby in a blanket; kisses, hugs, and nights of love; dinners, breakfast in bed, and dates at the beach or dinner in a little restaurant. He saw them growing old and watching their children as they were married and began having their own children. He saw Amanda’s red hair with white in it as she held a grandchild with tears shining in her eyes. “Mandy; can you hear me? Mandy, don’t give up, baby. Our whole life is ahead of us. Stay strong. I see our grandchildren playing in the backyard. Don’t give up. I’m right here and I’m not leaving you.” Just as he finished saying that, an E.M.T. came into the yard with a stretcher. He put her on the stretcher, checked vital signs, and took her around the house, through the gate, and to the ambulance.

“You want to ride with us or follow us?” The emergency technician asked.

“I’ll follow. Thanks.” He mumbled. He went inside to ask for keys to a car, and his mom hugged him. Not one given to tears often, Paul sobbed on her shoulder. His dad patted his back and said, “Come on, son, let’s get you to the hospital.”

Paul nodded and asked Josh and Ray to keep an eye on Alyssa and the kids, with a promise to call as soon as he knew something.

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