Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

427K 8.7K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
The Final Battle

Preparing for Battle

5.3K 134 72
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

Voldemort glowered at his Inner Circle. They all seemed to be irritated that they got called to the meeting room, at almost 1 in The morning, he didn't care, his precious children were missing, taken by the order and he will stop at nothing to get them back where they belong, even if it means death. Bella didn't bother to sit down, instead she was standing next to him and sobbed quietly, hastily wiping tears away so no one noticed her crying but they just continued to fall, so in the end she just gave up and let them dance on her cheeks until they fell to the floor.

"My Lord" Snape started the meeting "What is so important that-"

"Silence!" Voldemort barked at him, causing the Death Eaters to jump back. "Three things where taken from me tonight"

"I don't think any of us would take anything from you my Lord" Lucius said confused, Bella raised her wand and screeched at him.

"Shut up you pompous, snooty, prick" She screamed, her voice got shriller and higher towards the end "Crucio" Lucius fell to the floor and screamed in agony. No body acknowledged his and carried on like normal.

"As I was saying, Three things were taken from me" Voldemort growled. "They where taken by the order. The order Kidnapped my daughter Hermione yet again"

The Death Eaters cut him off with their cries of outrage, Hermione was loved by all off them , well when she wasn't in 'Bella Mode', where she acted like Bella and tortured somebody for no reason, or when she wasn't in 'Lord Mode' when she was calm, cool, collected and downright terrifying.

"SILENCE"  Voldemort shouted. "Or you shall be Snake food"

The Death Eaters shut up at once.

"Now, Not only have they taken my eldest daughter  but also my Newborn daughter and son" Voldemort said. Many eyes turned to Bella and eyed her stomach, most noticed that her stomach was smaller for the first time.

"Congrats on the Son my lord"A random Pureblood murmured "Shame about the gir-"

"AVADA KEDARVRA" Bella screamed before he finished the sentence. Narcissa's eyes widened and she scrunched her face up in frustration. It seems that the kidnapping was the straw that broke the camels back and they now had Crazy Bella back instead of Funny and Lovable Bella. It will take all willpower to keep her in check for now.

"There will be a battle today"Voldemort informed them. "Possibly the last one many of us will have"

"You WILL die" Bella whispered, her voice bounced off of the walls and echoed around the silent room.

"I may also die"Voldemort said after some hesitation. "The prophecy says so"

"But, My Lord, You cannot possibly believe that a 16 year old can ever match up to your power"A Death Eaters shouted out.

"If anything Happens to me and my Wife" Voldemort decided to ignore the comment "Caeli and Sirius are to be in the care off the Malfoys and Hermione is to take over Immediately, If Bellatrix is ok, she is to take over"

"Yes my Lord" Both Narcissa and Lucius bowed their heads.

"Listen to me" Voldemort stood, "I do not want or need your assistance, the Potter Boy is MINE, Keep on guard and protect the Dark Princesses and Prince with your lives"

"Yes, My Lord" The Death Eaters chorused. 

"For now, Go Home"He told them. "Do what you need to do to get ready, gather other Death Eaters, the rest of my army. Inform your families that you may not make it home for supper. I want you all back here for noon"

"Yes my Lord" They all stood and quickly apparated out of the Riddle Manor.

"Promise me that you and the kids will be alright Tom" Bella said quietly. Tom turned to face her to find the tears had begun to fall again. He shook his head as tears of his own threatened to fall.

"I cannot promise that I will be alright Bella" He whispered "But I will do everything in my power to make sure that Hermione, Sirius and Caeli will be alright"

"How stupid are we?" Ron said, placing his head in his head in his hands. The order was silent. Hermione and the babies are in the next room and the Order didn't know what to do now.

"We should go back to hogwarts" Harry said. "He's going to attack, I know he is"

"We need to Protect the students and the school" McGonagall said,

"We also need to protect ourselves." Percy snapped, Everyone turned to stare at him with shut up' expression on all their faces.

"Then its settled"  Alastor said "We are going back to Hogwarts"

"How fitting" Ginny mused "It all started at Hogwarts with the Philosophers Stone and it will finally end at Hogwarts, With Voldemort's death"

"Bellatrix is mine" Neville said suddenly "It was because of her i never knew my parents and I want my own revenge". Everyone was a bit apprehensive at this but agreed anyway.

"I shall make the wards stronger" McGonagall said. Harry furrowed his brows as he remembered something.

"What are we going to do about Snape and Professor Carrow, Alecto didn't return from the meeting a few days ago?" He asked. Everyone stopped to think.

"Well, We will have to somehow convince them that Hermione or Sirius or Caeli is in trouble" Molly said after a moment. "They will have to protect them, They are their masters children"

"We should warn all other students" Ron said "Get them to fight, we need all the help we can get"

"Then that excludes the Slytherins" Fred or George said.

"They support You Know Who and Hermione" The other twin said.

"Speaking of Hermione" Ginny said. "We'll have to put her in her dorm"

"Hermione is the heir of Slytherin" McGonagall said. "She has her own room"

"Well thats not fair" Fred and George said together.

"Well" Harry stood up, "We better get there and fast, he could attack at any given moment"

The two women stood to collect the babies and Arthur, who was silent throughout the planning, stood to collect Hermione. They all apparated out of the manor, with Harry, Ron and Ginny grabbing onto a random adult.

The final Battle was about to begin.

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