There's Beauty in Simplicity

By Onedirection_llnh

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This is a fanfic about Louis and Harry in a time resembling Tangled. They live a tranquil life that is until... More

Chapter 1- Bringing him Home
Chapter 2- The Morning After
Chapter 3- What the future holds
Chapter 4- Unforeseen Circumstances

Chapter 5- The Making of a Family

125 8 1
By Onedirection_llnh

Harry and Louis never thought they'd have kids, being gay and all, but boy are they overjoyed that they have not one but three kids now. Life just seemed to be getting better and better for them...

On the way back from the village, Harry and Louis make small talk as they hold their children. Liam seemed calm being held by Louis  and Zayn seemed at ease in the wagon. Everything happened so fast but all they knew was that life was about to get a whole lot more interesting for all of them.

"Hey Lou can you check on Niall, I haven't felt him move in a while" Louis does and notices how the little lad is still asleep on his papa's back.

"He's fine Haz, he just fell asleep is all" Louis replied with a fond look on his face.

The walk took longer than usual, but they didn't mind at all. Their home was finally coming into view and they were so excited. Louis was thinking about how fun every day is going to be, waking up to children laughing and running around. Then when nightfall fell upon them they would wind down and cuddle until the kids went to bed.It was all so surreal for them.

As they walked closer to their gate, all their animals started to make their way over. And all the commotion also woke up Niall who slowly blinked his eyes open to get them accustomed to the sun's rays. He noticed that he was no longer in the arms of his favorite person in the world but on the back of his new papa. He sat up a bit and made his presence known when he rubbed his eyes with his little hand.

"Well hey there baby boy, are we finally awake now" questioned Louis, Harry tried to look behind him but was unsuccessful so he just reached back and rubbed little Niall's back as a show of affection.

Louis leaned down and kissed Niall on the cheek, a gesture he often does to reassure him that everything is alright. This made Niall smile shyly and lean against Harry again.

Once at the gate, the animals start approaching the newcomers, which made Liam quite nervous. However, Zayn was quite curious cause he'd never really been around them but always wanted to.

Both Louis and Harry bend down to deposit the boys on the ground and squat near them. "Okay little lads, I'm gonna introduce you to our animals real quick before we go inside. Here we have some chickens, they're the ones pecking my ankles. Over there we have some cows, they're the ones you hear say 'moo'. These right here are some sheep, they're real soft and their babies are called lambs. We also have pigs, donkeys, horses, cats and dogs. They are all so sweet and I'm sure you'll love every single one of them." Harry said smiling, looking at the boys and Louis.

"Do they bite?" Zayn asks, reaching out a hand towards a lamb hoping it'd let him pet it. "They are able to bite but never have before. So as long as y'all treat them nicely, they won't". Harry answers truthfully.

From the looks of it, Zayn was pretty fearless and Niall had already seen them before so he wasn't as anxious around them. But Liam seemed the most hesitant, his little fingers tightly gripping Louis' shirt and bottom lip quivering as if he'd start crying any second. Of course Louis notices and adjusts Liam so he's in front of him. "It's okay honey, they're real nice you know. They won't hurt you, I promise. They like to get real close but that's just because they like smelling us and they know we got food for them" Louis whispers to Liam, hoping to ease his worries and it works because not a second later Louis spots a little grin on Liam's face when one of the pigs comes up to them and starts sniffing them in hopes of finding food.

As Harry stands back, he just smiles at the sight of his little family all getting acquainted with each other. He really doesn't want to ruin the moment but as dusk approaches he knows that there's a lot to do before putting the boys to bed. "Well Louis, what do you say about giving them all quick baths and getting dinner started?" Harry says, getting everyone's attention. "I say, that's a wonderful Idea Haz. Come on munchkins, let's get clean!" Louis says excitedly while Picking up Niall and taking a hold of Liam's hand. With one hand, Harry takes a hold of Zayn's and with the other he continues pulling the wagon towards their home.

With all their animals in tow, the Styles reach their door and usher their kids inside. Harry lets in the cats as well but makes sure the rest stay outside.

Looking around the spacious house Liam and Zayn are suddenly hit with the overwhelming feeling of warmth. The closest thing they've had to a home was the orphanage but it looked nothing like this. Their last placement was all dark colors and metal, whereas this place is all warm tones and wood. With a tentative step Zayn touches the couch, he's never seen a couch look so inviting and comfy. And Liam follows closely behind.

Watching the boys roam around Louis and Harry can't help but smile. Louis with Niall in his arms and Harry with an arm draped around Louis' shoulder, all they can hope is that the next couple hours will be smooth sailing.

"Zayn and Liam, how about a bath? Bet it'll help make you feel better, huh boys." Louis gently interrupts their wondering. They both turn back and with cheeks flushed, they nod. They know they must look dirty, they can't remember the last time they bathed, let alone felt clean because no one ever bothered to help them. "Harry babe, do you mind holding Niall while I get the bath started?" Louis asks Harry, taking his attention away from the boys and putting it onto himself. "Of course Love. Come here little guy, lets cuddle for a bit" Harry tenderly takes Niall from Louis, his large shoulders and arms pretty much engulfing Niall's little body.

As Louis leads Zayn and Liam towards the bathroom he starts to gather all the items they might need. He goes to grab two of his own shirts, hoping they won't be too big on the boys. Then stops, he realizes he doesn't know if the boys are potty trained or not, so with as much thoughtfulness as he can muster he carefully squats down to bring up the subject, "Hey Liam, Zayn? Come here for a second, little lads." Louis asks the boys which they hurriedly comply to. "Now, there's no right or wrong answer. I won't be upset and neither will Harry at whatever y'all tell us. Are you boys potty trained? Or do you need help at night?" Immediately they both tense, Zayn grips Liam's hand tighter and Liam's eyes start to tear up. Louis is quick responds "Babies, remember I won't be upset. I just need to know what y'all use okay? I just don't want you to wake up icky if you were to have an accident". Both boys cast their eyes to the ground but Zayn quietly speaks up "Um, I don't have trouble anymore. It's been a long time since I've had an accident... but umm Liam, he has them often. He can't help it, he gets scared! I promise I'll help clean it up, just don't get mad at him!" Zayn is quick to say. Liam instinctively goes behind Zayn when he starts raising his voice. "Oh honey, don't y'all worry about a thing. It's no trouble at all. I'm more than happy to put some protection on Liam okay? I'll just grab some cloth nappies and that's that. No mess, no tears." Louis reassures.

Zayn and Liam can't believe it, how can Louis not be upset. They've always gotten in trouble in the past for it. But whereas Zayn learnt to control his need, it seemed to make Liam more afraid. They both look at Louis in awe, in their minds he must be the nicest person on the planet!

Louis is quick to fill up the bath and get all the needed things where they're supposed to be. He sets the boys up right next to it and starts helping them undress. Once that's done, he grabs Liam from under his arms and gently lifts him into the bath, doing the same to Zayn right after.

Both boys melt at how warm the water is. To their recollection neither of them have had a warm bath before.

With a sad smile, Louis is quick to start washing them. He starts with Zayn's hair then Liam's, tilting their heads back whenever needed. Then he grabs a washcloth and begins cleaning the gunk off both boys.

Now with both boys clean, Louis lifts them onto the ground. He wraps a towel around each of them and begins patting them dry "Pat-pat-pat, my mom used to say. We don't want to rub the water away, we want to pat-pat-pat it away" Louis says, while doing just that. He gently pats them dry one by one, until the only water left on them is their wet hair. He guides Zayn in front of him so he can help him put on his clothes. "Here buddie, I know this shift is big but it'll have to do for now. I'll make sure to make some clothes for y'all tomorrow" Louis tells Zayn, as he's helping guide his arms through the holes. "Now Liam, honey, I need you to lay down for me so I can put this nappie on you baby. I promise I'm not mad. I just need to make sure it sits on you right." Louis instructs Liam, as the small boy slowly lays down in front of him. With Liam now on the ground, Louis takes the cloth from the side and carefully situates it on Liam's lower half. And with as much tenderness as humanly possible, Louis then finishes dressing the small boy. "There! All done! I'm so proud of you guys, y'all did amazing!" Louis exclaims, scooting forward just a bit so that he can hug both boys. And with a quick squeeze and a little kiss to the tops of their heads, Louis gets up and takes a hold of their hands once again to guide them back to Harry.

"Oh my gosh, who are those two handsome fellas over?! Zayn and Liam, is that y'all?" Harry jokingly says, bouncing Niall who's perched on his arms. Niall, noticing Louis is back, brightens up. Sure he likes his new papa, but Louis is like a mama and he's always longed for one of those. Harry transfers Niall back onto Louis' arms, then scoops up the two boys as if they weigh nothing.

Now having Niall back, he cradles the little tot and smooths away the hairs that were covering his eyes. "Well hey there pretty baby, I missed you" Louis softly says, while rubbing Niall's nose with his own. Niall timidly smiles and closes his eyes when Louis' nose touches his.

The tender moment is interrupted by Liam's tummy grumbling. "Well I guess that's our queue to start cooking huh guys" Harry chuckles. Louis nods his head and goes to set Niall back down but a little whine stops him. He looks down and sees Niall's pleading eyes and frowny lips, "what's wrong baby? You wanna stay with me?" Nialls nods his head yes so with that confirmation, Louis starts putting the wrap around them both. Wanting to make sure Niall feels safe and loved he puts him on his front. "Haz, how about I make the food and you and the boys set up a blanket on the porch to eat on? I don't think we have enough seats for everyone right now" Louis informs him. "Sounds like a plan, Lou! Come on boys, let's have ourselves a picnic!" Harry excitedly says.

Fondly watching them go, Louis notices that it takes 2-3 of their steps to catch up to Harry's one.

"Then there were two, come on baby lets make some yummy food" with Niall secured to his chest and a hand cupping the back of Niall's head, Louis went to work fixing his family a meal.

The kitchen has always been Louis' favorite place in his home, he took after his mother in that way. He has so many fond memories of them two dancing around in the kitchen while cooking then getting to eat the food they prepared. And now Louis gets to do that with his own children.

"I win!" is yelled out loud, followed by a flurry of little feet following close behind.

Louis is startled by the commotion but soon settles once he notices it was only Harry and the boys.

"That's cause you're bigger!" Zayn exclaims, with a smiling Liam next to him.

"Be that as it may, I still won" Harry light heartedly teases. Shaking his head, Louis approaches "just in time, food is ready! I made tomato and mushroom pasta, and homemade lemonade." with that, the little family takes the food outside and sits down on the porch to eat it together. Louis with Niall on his lap, and Zayn and Liam in the middle of Harry and Louis.

The meal fills their bellies and now the next thing to tackle is farm chores and bedtime.

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