St. James

By SynfulObsession

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When Callie moves from her rich surroundings in Georgia to California, the last thing she expected was to fal... More

Chapter 42


185 9 5
By SynfulObsession

      5 a.m. came too quickly and Brian just about had to kick me out of his bedroom in order to get me back to my parents' house in time before anyone noticed. "Go on baby, I'll see you in a couple of hours at school okay? Get home before your parents find out you were with me all night and they really murder me" he whispered before kissing me quickly and releasing me to climb back out his window. All too soon I was climbing back in my window and while I was tired from the lack of normal sleep I was happy I had successfully snuck out to Brian's house for the night and vowed I would do it again. I quickly got dressed before heading downstairs for some quick breakfast before my parents became suspicious of where I was. As I sat down at the kitchen island I could hear mom and dad talking about another upcoming trip they would be taking when suddenly dad turned to me and smiled "How about coming with princess? There are lots of things to see in New Orleans that will keep you entertained while we're at meeting and such. I think you should come along" he stated with what I knew was almost an order; time to put an end to this right now I thought as I smiled sweetly at dad. "No daddy I'll be okay here, I really don't want to go" I stated with a big smile. Dad frowned and shook his head "Callie I think it will do you some good to get away from Brian for a bit. You're too attached to him" he gruffed.

      Immediately I tensed myself for a fight as I stood up and grabbed my book bag from the counter "Brian is my hu-boyfriend and he makes me happier than I've ever been! I'm NOT GOING!" I yelled theatrically before storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me. I had almost slipped and called him my husband but thankfully caught myself in time

      "I'm not going! I don't care what he says!" I snapped out loud as I started walking towards school, completely forgetting to wait for the guys as was our normal routine.

      "GEORGIA! HEY GEORGIA WAIT UP!" I heard Jimmy bellow out behind me as him and Brian both came jogging towards me.

      "Whoa baby what's wrong?" Brian asked as his smile dropped into a frown and he took hold of my hand.

      I quickly relayed what happened between dad and I as we walked on towards the high school making Brian sigh heavily and pull me in to his side as we walked through the doors.

      "Maybe you should just go baby, just to make him happy" he said gently as I popped open our locker.

      I stomped my heeled, knee high boot down on the floor angrily and flung my hair around my shoulder "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I bit out like a spoiled brat making Brian instantly laugh and pull me in to him.

      "Okay baby okay, don't go...I mean I don't really want you to go for the weekend either. I was just thinking about making your dad happy" he said softly.

      "Why should I?! He doesn't care about what makes me happy! I'm NOT going!" I stated with determination as the first warning bell rang.

      "Come on Jimmy, I don't want to be late for homeroom" I snipped and without a further glance at Brian I grabbed Jimmy's hand and dragged him along with me, my mood now completely sour. I hadn't meant to get in a fight with Brian or bite his head off but I just couldn't seem to help it.

      All through History and Math I was in a foul mood partially because of my fight with dad this morning and partially because of how snotty I was towards Brian, so foul was my mood that by the time lunch arrived I figured Brian wouldn't even be there because of how nasty I was towards him. I sighed with relief as I spied Brian's dark head of hair next to Jimmy's at our table making me both happy and nervous to approach him all at once, I had been so damn snotty to him and he didn't deserve it! Finally near the table I stood nearer to Jimmy, unsure if I should sit down in my usual spot or if I should just go to the library for the period. Brian finally lifted his face to me and slid over slightly, giving me room to sit where I usually did; still I stood next to Jimmy as a nervous lump filled my throat, "Brian...I...I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that" I said quietly as I hung my head, unable to meet his gaze and to keep my tears hidden. Everyone at our table sat in complete silence, waiting to hear Brian's response but I couldn't manage to stand there any longer, I opened my mouth to say something further but my tears choked my throat and I stumbled off towards the doors to the school so I could take refuge in the library.

       I only made it a few feet from our table though before I felt Brian's arms go around my waist as he turned me in to him and cupped my head against his chest "Come on baby girl...come sit down" he said softly before pulling me back towards the table. Wordlessly I sat down in between Jimmy and Brian and while normal conversation returned to the table I was unable to eat anything and threw everything out, untouched. "Baby" Brian stated sadly as he watched me toss my food away.

      "You didn't eat angel" he crooned sadly to me before pulling me off to the side into a recessed doorway. "Please don't be sad, I didn't take it to heart this morning. I was just trying to think what was best for you and I thought maybe if your dad got what he wanted he might be easier on you...but I really don't want you to go" he said softly as he held my face in his hands.

      "Brian can we just start over? I'm not even sad about dad...I'm sad that I was so snotty to you, you've been nothing but wonderful to me and I was such a bitch this morning. How can you stand me?" I lamented as I dropped my eyes to his throat since he still kept my face captive. "Because" Brian said softly with a grin "You're my wife that's why" he stated with a goofy smirk on his face as he said the word 'wife' before leaning in to place tender kisses to my lips over and over again.

      "And because I love you...and because you're amazing in bed" he teased as a smile broke across my face making me giggle softly. "Come on, we have to get to Biology" he said softly and pulled me out from our hiding spot and down the hall where Jimmy stood outside the door waiting "All better now Georgia?" he said with a smile as we walked back to our lab table. "All better" I said with a smile as we sat down and Brian placed a soft kiss to my cheek.

      Later that night at home dad and I got into a huge argument over Brian mostly "Ever since you got with him and started hanging out with those guys your attitude has changed and I don't like it one bit!" he bellowed at me.

      "Well I don't like how you control my every move! I'm 16! You can't tell me who to be friends with and who to date! And my grades haven't slipped one percentage so you can't say they're affecting my grades either!" I yelled back at him.

      Mom had given up trying to be the voice of reason between us a long time ago and just sat back sadly with tears in her eyes as we continued to yell at each other.

      "You are becoming way too involved with Brian and it's not healthy! You don't have a life apart from him anymore! You two act like a married couple but you're just teenagers!" dads loud booming voice rang out over the living room, I bit back a nasty smile as I almost told dad we were married but knew that would just make the situation worse so I left it be for now.

      "You just can't stand to see me happy I swear! Heaven forbid I don't follow the life map you have planned out for me! Now I see why Wyatt hated you sometimes!" I screamed and with that I stormed out of the house in a flurry before I said any more cruel words.

      As I took off running for Brian's house I could hear my dad bellowing for me to come back but I just ignored him and kept running. I didn't stop until I reached Brian's house and without further thought to the fact that my make-up was running from crying and my hair had come loose from my long ponytail I walked up and knocked on Brian's parents' door. A moment later his dad was opening the door with a smile on his face until he saw my heartbroken appearance then suddenly his smile dropped, he opened the door wider and called for Suzy.

      As soon as Suzy saw me and I saw her I started crying all over again "Oh honey what's wrong?" she crooned as she pulled me down on the couch next to her. McKenna came skipping out just as we sat down and started to come over but Brian's dad scooped her up and told her we had to have women talk first. "Why can't my parents be like you guys?" I sobbed softly as I twisted the ends of my shirt in my hands "Honey why don't you tell me what's wrong okay?" Suzy said softly as Brian Sr. came back in the living room. Slowly, bit by bit I told them everything that went down between my dad and I tonight which led me to telling them about Wyatt and what happened to him.

       By the time my story was done, Suzy pulled me in to her side and lovingly stroked my back "Oh honey no wonder your dad is so uptight about you dating, he doesn't want to lose you too. What an awful thing to go through" she mumbled quietly as tears once again filled my eyes. "He can't keep me from Brian, I'll run away if he does!" I spit out as the hate for my dad's actions built again in my gut. "Shhh none of that talk" his dad said "You can always come here if things get bad, you're always welcome here but I have to let your dad know at least that you're okay" he said gently before standing up and patting my shoulder.

       "Daddy will just be an asshole and come over and try to force me to go back" I muttered sadly as I listened to Brian Sr.'s side of the conversation "Yes she's fine....well right now she's determined she's not coming back tonight...I understand she's your daughter sir...I will tell her...excuse me if I'm stepping on toes here but if you just listen to her, hear her side of things she's liable to not storm off again...of course I will...goodnight" and with that Brian Sr. hung up the phone and came back in by us. Shooting me a look he flopped down in the recliner "Your dad is a formidable man even over the phone" he stated with a huff before smiling "Luckily I don't scare easily, he of course wants you home right this instant but realizes that probably isn't going to happen and he's willing to listen calmly to your side of things" he told me.

      I just hung my head again and sighed heavily "I don't want to go home though...can I; I mean would it be okay if I stayed here tonight. I'll even sleep on the couch if you don't want me in Brian's room! I just...I can't go back...not tonight...I can go sleep at Jimmy's house if need be" I said with defeat. "Nonsense, you'll stay here" Suzy said with a small smile "And you might as well sleep in Brian's room honey because I know him, he won't allow you to sleep apart from him if you're under the same roof as he is." "No funny business though young lady or I'll sew you shut in a sleeping bag" his dad teased with a wink and a grin making me laugh lightly "Yes sir" I stated happily as McKenna came bouncing back in the room "Can you braid my hair? Mommy can't do the fancy braid" she said in a chirpy voice as she handed me a brush and a hair tie. I smiled at Brian's little sister as she sat on the floor in front of me while I brushed her hair before braiding it.

      Once her hair was braided McKenna pulled me by the hand into her room and began showing me all her toys and books "Dis one is my favorite!" she exclaimed happily as she held up a book about trolls and a little girl "Brian makes funny voices for the trolls! He reads it the bestest!" she exclaimed lovingly before pulling Candy Land off her bookshelf "Wanna play?" she asked sweetly, and so it was settled, for the next hour or so I sat on the floor of McKenna's bedroom with her and played four rounds of Candy Land before her excited squealing caught me off guard "BRIAN!!!" she screeched as she flew up from the floor and jumped at Brian standing in the doorway. My heart caught in my throat as I caught sight of Brian all dirty and disheveled from work hugging his little sister tightly.

      "Hey squirt" he said softly as his eyes bore in to me "I'm gonna steal Callie from you now okay? Mom and Dad said they want to see you in the living room anyways" he stated as he put her on her feet and pushed her towards the living room. Silently I picked up the game and its pieces before returning the box to the shelf and standing up "Hi baby...I heard you had a rough night" Brian said softly as I neared him. Silently I nodded my head as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "Mom and Dad told me everything...I really wish I could make your dad see reason, he just..." but I cut Brian's words off by placing my hand over his mouth "Can we not talk about him anymore tonight? I just want to be with you right now, can you just hug me?" I said softly as I stepped inside Brian's arms and hugged him to me, dirt be damned.

      Brian sighed heavily and wrapped his arms around me protectively "So I hear we're having a sleep over tonight" he said quietly with a hint of a smirk in his voice as he held me to him. I lifted my head from his chest to look up at him and smile "Mhm we are, but your dad said no funny business or he'll sew me up in a sleeping bag" I laughed lightly. Brian dipped his face down so his lips were next to my ear "Little does he know...I'll always find a way to make love to you, heaven and hell can't keep me from that" he whispered hotly in my ear. My heart thumped hard in my chest at Brian's usage of the phrase "make love" instead of our usual "sex" phrase, I had always hated that saying before, it always sounded so corny and cheesy but when Brian said it, well it made the butterflies flitter in my stomach. I smiled up at Brian as we slowly released each other just as his parents and sister were coming down the hall. "I have to jump in the shower real quick, good night Squirt" he said to McKenna before heading in to his room for a clean change of clothes. "Good night Callie!" she sang out as she reached over from her perch on Brian Sr.'s arm and hugged me tight "Night McKenna" I stated with a smile.

      Once McKenna was in bed and Brian was in the shower I headed out in to the living room with Suzy and Brian Sr. to wait until Brian was done showering. His dad flipped on Comedy Central and pretty soon we were all laughing, so much so that I jumped when Brian slid his hands over my shoulders and began rubbing my still tense muscles. "Ooh, you scared me!" I said with a smile as I craned my neck back to look up at him, instantly I felt the blood rush to my groin as I inhaled his clean, spicy scent and his shirtless torso, his black hair still very much wet but for the most part in place like usual. Without a word Brian slid down on the couch behind me so my back was to his front and continued rubbing my shoulders and back till I was almost lulled into a sleep. "Feel better?" Brian whispered in my ear making me shiver as his breath tickled my ear "Mhm, much better, thank you" I said with a soft smile.

      Soon enough 10:30 rolled around and Brian stated we needed to get to bed in order to get up for school on time, we stood up from the couch and said good night to his parents with me once again thanking them profusely for everything they did for me tonight "Honey it's no problem at all, any time you need to get away you just come here. No more talk of running away okay?" his dad said with a smile "Yes sir" I stated happily before Brian pulled me by the hand down to his room.

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