All Aboard

By EricSanderson

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This is a little creation from watching the below deck series. This story is about a fancy boat crew that ser... More

Episode 2: Oh NO!


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By EricSanderson

Description: We open up with a yatch and see Captain Sandy standing in the bridge reviewing the maps of the ocean in Italy. As she awaits her new crew. Now we see the Chief stew Eric walking on the boat. 

Eric: (Interview). Hello, I am Eric this is my first ever time being a chief steward and excited to be back in Italy. I have been here yatching before and it was specular. 

Description: Eric walks into the bridge and sees Sandy. They both sit down in the bridge. 

Sandy: Hello, you must be Eric, welcome aboard the boat Talsman. I am your captain for this season. What is your position? 

Eric: I am Chief Steward. 

Sandy: (Interview). I am so excited to work with a male Chief Stew. I am excited to see how he will mange and show is leadership skills. 

Eric: I have been in Italy before working on boats. I have, been second steward for the last two years. So I figured why not get into a chief steward role. 

Sandy: I like that attitude. (Moving her arm.). Here are your Stews CV's. You have Emily and Renae. Emily has some experience I would put her as your second. Then I would have Renae as your third. Let me show you to the main saloon, where you can get everything all set up crew uniform wise. 

Description: Eric and Sandy walk down to the main saloon, and shows Eric where everything is on the boat. 

Sandy: As you can tell, the ship wasn't properly stored so re-organizing everything as well. Set up the bags and place them on the tables. Then you can do the cabin arrangements once the chef gets on board. 

Eric: Perfect! Thank you! 

Description: Sandy walks up to the bridge going through paper work and binders regarding the boat. Now we see Angie walking on board who is the chef. We see her walking through the main saloon. She see's Eric setting up everything. 

Angie: (Interview). Hello, my name is Angie. I am from PR, I am freshly just getting off a boat and looking forward to the boat's atmosphere, and crew. Excited to impress everyone. (Smiling). 

Eric: Hello....(Shaking Angie's hand). Position? 

Angie: I am the chef. You? 

Eric: I am the Chief Steward. Sandy is our captain, she is just right up the stairs if you want to pop in and say hello. Then I can bring us down to the crew mess and cabins and let you pick. 

Angie: Perfect! (Walks out of the main saloon and heads up to the bridge were we see Sandy all excited to meet Angie). 

Sandy: Angie! You must be the chef.

Angie: Indeed I am the chef. 

Sandy: Your creations, pictures and everything are just hands down amazing. I am so excited to see the things you create on this boat. I am going to have Eric show you the galley, we have a pretty massive on this boat. 

Angie: Perfect.... I am excited to get right into work. 

Sandy: Great! 

Description: Angie walks down from the bridge and walks into the galley. She is impressed with the size, and Eric and her walk down to the crew mess and cabin area. 

Eric: (Interview). One of the most dreadful things cabin arrangements. 

Eric: I was thinking about putting you in Cabin 1 closest to the stairs to the galley. I am planning on having you bunk with our second stewardess Emily. 

Angie: Perfect. I am choosing the top bunk due to her height. 

Eric: Nice. I am going to be in cabin 2 with our bosun whenever he shows. 

Description: Angie and Eric are unpacking in their cabins. Setting up their radios, and then now we see Hans the bosun entering the bridge where Sandy is sitting drinking her coffee. 

Hans: (Interview). Hello, I am Hans from Berlin Germany. I have been in yatching world for the last seven and a half years. I have been bosun for the last three years, and loving it. This is my first time doing the med season so I am excited. 

Sandy: Your experience I am in love with it. You have the right leadership skills and mind set to run a deck crew. Here are your deck crew's CV's. (Hands them to Hans). Pretty much a green crew overall, Mike has some experience, so he could be lead after you potenitally do some assessment on all of them. Lily is pretty green and Matt has little experience. Eric and Angie are in the crew mess and cabins. 

Hans: Perfect. I am excited to see where my deck team is at mentally and physically. What positions are Angie and Eric? 

Sandy: Eric is Chief Steward and Angie is chef. 

Hans: (Interview). A male chief steward this is going to be interesting. 

Sandy: Any questions come see me! 

Hans: Thank you! (Shaking Sandy's hand. Then he walks down to the crew mess and meets Angie and Eric). 

Eric: Hello....(Shaking Hans' hand). You must be the bosun you will be in cabin 2 with me. I am Eric I am the chief steward. Angie is in cabin 1 she is the chef. 

Hans: Okay. I got the top bunk? 

Eric: Yes dear. (Laughing).

Description: We see Eric doing the walk around on the boat. Hans cleaning out the beach club and Angie. Now we see Renae walking on the boat. 

Renae: (Interview). I am Renae I am the third Stewardress on this boat. This is my first boat I am working on since passing my course. And I am in my homeland Italy... 

Eric: Renae hello......(Shaking her hand). I am going to walk you down to the crew mess here is your uniform. You will be in cabin 3 with our female deckhand Lily. 

Renae: Good. 

Eric: Have you worked on boats of this size before? 

Renae: This is my first boat ever. I just pasted my STCW course in order to get on the boat. 

Eric: (Interview). Great, a green stewardess this is going to be fun. 

Eric: Oh this is going to be your cabin. Choose your bunk and get changed quickly and meet me in the main saloon for your list. 

Description: Lily, Matt and Emily all walk on to the boat. They are seen walking around. 

Angie: (Cleanning the cabinets). Oh hello, I am Angie. (Shaking Emily's hand). Your name? 

Emily: I am Emily. 

Angie: You are my roommate. Let me radio Eric..... (Calling him on the radio). 

Description: Eric comes walking in with Emily's bag along side with Lily and Matt. 

Eric: Hello, here is your bag...(Handing it off to Emily). Emily you are in cabin 1 with Angie. Lily Cabin 3 with Renae. Then Matt you will be in cabin 4 with Mike our other deckhand. 

Description: They all walk down to the crew mess, where Hans is cleaning it. See's everyone walking down to their cabins. 

Hans: Lily and Matt. I am Hans the bosun, get changed and get up to the main deck. 

Lily: (Interview). I am Lily I have been on one other boat prior to this. I am excited to see where this adventure in life takes me. 

Emily: (Interview). I am Emily, this is my third boat. I am the second stewardess and I have been doing this for the past year non-stop. And loving it hopefully going to work my way up to Chief stewardess. 

Matt: (Interview). I am Matt I am typically quiet love working on boats excited to be a deck crew member... 

Description: Mike walks on the boat and walks down into the crew mess. Eric guides him to his cabin. 

Mike: (Interview). I am Mike, this is my fourth yatch I have worked on in my life. I love being on deck and working. 

Description: Eric, Emily and Renae all sit down in the main Saloon dinning table for their stewardess meeting. 

Eric: (CV's out in front him, list and scheduling). Hello, welcome aboard the ship I just want to get  out of the way of your experiences. 

Emily: This is my third boat, I have been working non-stop this past year. Been loving it. 

Eric: You will be my second stewardess. 

Renae: This is my first boat. 

Eric: You will be in the third stewardess position. Emily if you can assist me with training her that would be amazing. 

Emily: (Interview). Training someone great.....(Rolling her eyes). 

Eric: So basically the steward role is guest service and working with the guest....We will make sure their cabins are cleaned daily, morning and night. Then attending to them on service. We all will rotate for this first charter, Emily I will have you on mid-day, Renae you will be on early's and I will do lates. Someone from the deck team will always be up and alert while you are guys are on lates. Any questions? 

Emily: I think we are good. 

Eric: Great. Start doing turn downs in the guest cabins. Emily if you can so Renae how to do that it would be amazing! 

Description: We see a bunch of cameras, now we focus in on Hans talking with all fo the deck team on the main deck. 

Hans: Hello everyone I am Hans the bosun. I wanted to call to order this little department meeting. I know you all vary in experience with working on deck. So I am going to be assessing you all the first three charters to then possibly declare a lead deckhand. We will clean the boat daily, rinse it daily covering the deck furtineure and docking is a big part of what we do. Then lastly, anchor watches, will be from 11pm-7am. So please show up on time to them. Now any questions. Lily. 

Lily: Include me in the guy talk please. Don't excluded me since I am a girl on deck. 

Matt; We won't honey. 

Hans: We will make you feel comfortable.

Lily: Amazing. 

Description: Now we see Eric, Angie and Hans all in the galley. 

Eric: Here is a copy of who will be free and on service during the first charter. On the stewardess rotation. 

Angie: Thank you. Hans I will need a deckhand in here for dishes during the night time. 

Hans: I have schedules right here. 

Angie: Perfect. I will put these here in my binder. How are your teams? 

Eric: I have an experienced Stewardess and a green one. Should be interesting but both team players. 

Hans: Two with experience. One with little to none. 

Angie: Overall good feeling about this crew.

Eric; Same....

Description: Sandy calls everyone down into the main Saloon for their staff meeting. Everyone comes walking into the main saloon and sitting on the big couch. 

Sandy: Hello everyone, welcome aboard the Tasman. I am Sandy your captain. And standing to the left of me is first mate Mario and engeriner David. They have been working on this boat for years so they know the boat in and out. First things first, the chef I am looking into you alot to make sure food is well prepared and up to standards. 

Angie: (interview). No pressure. 

Sandy: Then to my interior crew please....please focus to detail and focusing on guest needs is critical to the position. Please fallow preference sheets. Deck crew docking is critical and safety of guest in the water at all times. Lastly, representing the boat is major during outings and events. If I wake up thinking about you in the morning, it will be your last day on the boat. 

Mike: (Interview). Shit. She means business. 

Renae: (Interview). Not scared at all. (Terrified face).

Sandy: I have a great feeling about all of you so get back to work. Radios have to be on channel two and don't forget your radios.... 

Description: Now we see Sandy calling Eric, Hans and Angie up to the bridge for their preference sheet meeting. 

Sandy: Hello department heads our first charter guests. Buddy Valatro is our primary charter guest bringing some of his baking staff on a nice well deserved retreat. Joining him on this charter is his brother in laws, Mario and Joey. Then his best friend and head baker Frankie. Then rounding up the group will be his friend Ralph and Danny. 

Eric: All want drinks in their hands at all time. Then an Italian style themed dinner night one. Then on the last night of charter is going to be texan style. 

Hans: Water toys out and ready to play on. 

Angie: Lots of pasta and baking in my near future. 

Sandy: Then having a tour on day two of the island. I will need you guys to send one person from each department. 

Eric: I will send Renae. 

Hans: I will send Matt. 

Sandy: Perfect. Break team. 

Description: Night time falls now we see Emily, Angie, Renae, Eric, and Matt all sitting on the main deck. Drinking wine and smoking. 

Angie: Charter one is going to be one for the books. 

Matt: I can't wait til the guest are on board and experiencing Italy. 

Eric: How was everyone's first days on the boat. 

Renae: Learning the role is alot of work. Laundry is going to be a pain in my ass though. 

Eric: (Interview). Third stew basically is laundry central. Darling look up the description of the job. 

Emily: Excited to make some magically moments. 

Matt: (Interview). Emily is actually cute I can't wait to try to pressure something with her. 

Emily: Well I am going to bed. Night everyone....(Exits).

Matt: How do you all feel about Mike? 

Eric: Very quiet, yet seems to know what to do on a yatch. 

Angie: Had a conversation with him earlier very quiet. 

Eric: We should all hit the hay.... we pick up charter tomorrow afternoon. 

Description: Now we see them all going into their cabins now we see Matt and Mike in their cabin. 

Mike: Where were you at? 

Matt: Talking with Emily, Renae, Angie, and Eric on the deck. Getting to know them. 

Mike: Oh fun, are you ready for charter in the morning? 

Matt: You know it. 

Description: Everyone is sleeping in their cabins as the cameras are all shown in their rooms. The next morning at 6:30am we see Angie, Matt and Hans all waking up early for charter. Now we focus in on Hans and Matt uncovering everything on deck. 

Hans: (Interview). The first day of charter nerves is always exciting. 

Matt: I am excited for this group coming aboard. I have watched cake boss most of my life..... 

Hans: Oh nice. This is my first time hearing about this man the cake boss. I looked up an episode last night. 

Matt: Amazing cakes he makes.... Angie has some impressing to do. 

Description: Now we see Angie in the galley joined by Emily and Eric. 

Angie: I am preparing the little nuts and veggies for when they first come on board. 

Eric: Great. I am getting the champion ready for them, and Emily I am going to have you join Renae down in guest cabins. I will be doing a walk through in about twenty-ish minutes. 

Emily: Great I will head down there now.....(Exits). 

Angie: I am nervous about the cake I need to make tomorrow for them. 

Eric: It is going to be alright. Just relax and breathe it is charter one.... 

Angie: (Interview). How am I supposed to be calm and relaxed. I need more alcohol....oh wait a second I can't drink while on charter. (Laughing). 

Description: Now we see Angie getting everything ready in the galley. We see all the deck hands on deck cleaning. Now we see Eric doing the cabin checks with Emily and Renae. 

Eric: They all look good and up to standard. 

Renae: (Interview). Oh thank god. I was terrified doing them since I have never worked on a boat before. 

Emily: Great! It was easy to put everything in. 

Eric: Once guest are on board, I am going to have you guys unpack their bags and put their stuff away. Or I may get one of you and deckhand to do it. Let's get into our whites. 

Sandy:(Voice on the radio). Guest will be here in 20 minutes everyone into their whites. And on the main deck. 

Eric: (On his radio). Copy for the interior crew. 

Angie: (On her radio). Copy from the galley. 

Hans: (on his radio). Copy for the deck team.

Description: Now we see everyone changing into their whites and heading to the deck. Now we see Emily holding the tray with the six champion glasses and the crew all standing in a straight line. 

Mike: (Interview). The pressure is on waiting for the guest.....

Sandy: I think I see them walking down the dock now. 

Eric: (Interview). The cake boss in person. I am so star-shocked. 

Lily: Here they come, game faces on lovely crew members..... 

Description: The guest walks aboard the ship and shakes the crew's hands and talking with all of them. Everyone excited to get the charter on the way. Now we see Sandy give her speech to the guest. 

Sandy: Welcome aboard, to Talisman we are excited to have you on board. We are going to get away momentarily. Eric our chief steward is going to give you a tour of the boat. 

Buddy: Amazing. We are all excited to see how everyone is going to be and fun to start. 

Eric: If you all can follow me please....(Motioning them to follow him around the boat). 

Description: Eric starts his tour of the boat, by showing the main saloon, all the different decks, and the master cabin, and the guest cabin. 

Buddy: The big one is mine baby. 

Everyone * Laughs*. (walking through the boat). 

Eric: (Brining the guest upon the sky deck). Right here is the sky deck, most of your meals will be served here weather permitting. The hot tub is a constant 85 degrees daily. Any request at this time? (Wondering). 

Buddy: A round of lemon jello shots. 

Eric: I will get right on that......(Pulling out radio). Emily.....Emily.....Eric? 

Emily: (Talking on the radio). Go head.... 

Eric: (Talking on the radio). Round of lemon Jello shots to the sky deck.... 

Emily: (Taling on the radio). Copy.... 

Description: Camera one is showing Emily at the bar making the lemon Jello shots. Camera two shows Angie and Renae in the galley where we are focusing on.

Angie: Made them a tray of nuts and fruit. 

Renae: Looks amazing! (In pure shock). 

Angie: (Interview). I love preparing out-of-the-box food and presentations of it. I live for it. 

Description: Now we focus on deck the crew getting ready to move away from the dock. 

Sandy: (Interview). Disembarking with a new crew for the first time is very high anxiety written. And this is gaining their trust. 

Hans: (On the radio). Everyone radio silences as we leave the dock. 

Sandy: (On the radio). Matt, you can pull the anchor. 

Description: Matt starts pulling up the anchor on the boat. 

Matt: (On the radio). Anchor is home..... 

Sandy: (On the radio). I need distances. Fenders up, and I am starting to move slowly out of the docks. 

Lily: (On the radio). Clear to swing, on the port side. No boats in sight. 

Mike: (On radio). Clear on the starboard side as well. 

Sandy: (On radio). Perfect! We disembarked perfectly. 

Hans: (On the radio). Deck crew, deflate the fenders, and go down and change out of your whites into your casual wear. 

Mike: (Interview). Now we are off on this exciting charter. 

Description: Now we see a clip of Sandy in the Wheel House looking at maps as she's driving the boat. Now we focus in on Emily serving the Jello-shots to the guys. As Matt is walking from behind the outside bar.

Emily: (Placing the tray on the table). Here are the Jello-shots you all have requested. 

Mario: These look amazing! 

Joey: Time to let loose. 

Ralph: Drinking vacation! 

Buddy: Our wife's best be jealous! 

Emily: Any else for you fine gentlemen? 

Buddy: We are great for now thank you! 

Description: Now we see Emily walking to the bar where Matt is stand. Matt can tell Emily isn't feeling right! 

Matt: (Interview). Emily looks like she is about to throw up. She is trying to hide the fact she is holding her head. 

Emily: (Holding her head). It's killing me.... 

Matt: What is killing you? 

Emily: My head is killing me. These haven't happened in years.

Matt: Do you need to radio someone? 

Emily: Yes please. Call Eric. 

Matthew: Okay.... (Pulling out radio and speaking into it).Matt....Matt.....Eric... 

Eric: (copying the radio call). Call for Eric. 

Matthew: (Over the radio). I need you to come the deck now! Emily isn't feeling good! 

Eric: (speaking over the radio). Coming... 

Eric: (Interview). The sounds of this call don't seem good.... 

Description: We see Eric running up the stairs to the deck. As Sandy is following him up the stairs. They walk over to Matt and Emily behind the bar. As we focus in as the guest start to look over. 

Eric: Matt go check on the guest please.... 

Matt: Will do....(Walks towards the guest). 

Sandy: (Interview). The way how Emily is holding her head isn't good. 

Eric: Are you having a headache or sea sickness? 

Emily: I get very bad migraines. This one is very intense where I need to go to the hospital to get fluids.... 

Sandy: Okay.... I am going to call a water taxi to come get you. I do need to send another crew member with you. (Pulling out her radio). Hans....Hans....Sandy come up to the deck now please..... Urgent matter. 

Eric: (Interview). I am out to be a stew down.... 

Description: Hans comes out on the deck to Sandy, Eric and Emily. 

Hans: Yes captain? 

Sandy: I need you to send someone to the hospital with Emily. She is having a migraine attack and needs to go with someone from the crew. 

Hans: I will send Lily with her... (Pulls out the radio). Lily....Lily... Hans.... I am sending you to the hospital with Emily ASAP. Sandy is currently calling a water taxi now.... 

Description: We focus in on Angie, Lily and Renae all sitting in the crew mess. 

Lily: I am going to the hospital with Emily. (Replying to the call). Copy. Does she need anything form her cabin? 

Hans: (over the radio). Pack her small pink bag please. 

Lily: (Over the radio). heard... 

Renae: I hope she is fine.... 

Angie: She will be fine...

Renae: (Interview). If Emily, has to leave the season not even through charter one. I am screwed. Since I am not experienced as her and Eric. 

Lily: (Getting up form the table and putting the dishes in the sink). Running to her cabin. 

Sandy: (Interview). This is bad.... Going to be down a second stewardess, and going to be short staffed this is going to be one hell of a charter season..... Cheers to us! 


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