
By obsession_tc

322K 10.2K 1K

To a human, werewolves don't exist, and you're crazy if you believed in the myth. That is what Alana thought... More

Before you begin...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Alana Smith
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Its been a while...
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Nine

9.2K 336 63
By obsession_tc

Here is chapter nine! If you like the chapter and/or the story, please make sure to vote, comment and share. Would mean heaps to me :)

I appologise if there is any spelling or grammer errors. Feel free to point them out for me to fix.



There was no anger at all, no unpleased looked showing on his features and not even a slight growl of disapproval from him. His face stayed blank, but it wasn't the blank that was hiding emotion. It was just blank.

'I anticipated you say that, which brings me to the next thing we need to talk about.' Michael said. 'My rules.'

By now my jaw was practically on the ground. It wasn't necessarily him saying he will be having rules, but his whole calm act he has going on. Every other time I mentioned or even hinted at leaving, he would turn all possessive and angry. But not this time.

'Your rules?' I finally managed to squeak.

'Yes. My rules.'

'And what would they, ahh, be?' I managed to get out.

'You have to give us a chance.' He stated simply. There was no unspoken add on's to the rule, no underlying meaning, just simply to give him a chance.

From the look on his face, my confusion and hesitant expression didn't please him at all.

'Alana,' he firmly stated, stopping me from protesting. 'I understand this whole situation is difficult for you but you have to understand. I was raised with the idea of mates and the unconditional love our relationship will have. I was raised solely on one purpose; protect and love my mate. I don't know any different. This is what is deemed right by wolves.' He explained, his eyes boring into mine.

Michael's expression slowly morphed into a small frown when he noticed me visibly flinch at the word 'wolves.' The whole idea of werewolves existing still confused me so much, and I didn't know how to feel about the situation.

Yes, it's obviously incredible how a person with the right genes or right something can shift their whole body and change completely into another living thing naturally. But at the same time, it was horrifying. I've seen what he looks like. And it's scary. The amount of damage he could do to me while he was looking like a human would be severe, but as a wolf? I would be dead in seconds, less even.

'Humans are raised with the concept of finding their mate and slowly building up the relationship with them. But what they realise is that they practically never choose the right one. Every human in the world had been paired with their other half, it's just there to damn lazy to go and find them.' He explained, spitting the last part.

'And if they do, they have to get to know the person better and slowly work on the relationship. Wolves had the same process but it's just sped up to keep the population constantly increasing. The mating pull is much stronger for a wolf, so-' he kept explaining but I quickly cut him off.

'Mating pull?' I asked in confusion. This was all so much information and I was having trouble keeping up with it all.

'Yes a mating pull.' He nodded his head slowly. 'It's the invisible pull I have to you that makes me so attracted to you, and you me.' He explained. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion wondering what the hell he was talking about.

'You don't feel it do you?' He asked in disbelief, just wanting me to say that I did and to prove him hypothesis wrong. His whole posture visually slumped down and his eyes held hurt. His eyes were desperately searching mine, trying to find some sign of affection from me or any sign at all but confusion.

'No. I don't.' I said quietly. I looked down at my feet that were covered by my converses and started drawing circles in the sand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michael throw his head into his hands and let out a huge sigh. Not knowing what to do, I Awkwardly sat there saying nothing.

Do I say something? Or do I just stand up and go? I questioned myself.

Stand up and go. I decided after a minute if debating in my head. As soon as my hand went to my side to push myself up, a low growl made me freeze.

'You're not leaving.' Michael angrily spat. Wide eyes and scared, I slowly nodded my head, removing my hands from the sand to show that I wouldn't move.

'It's because you a human!' He muttered angrily. I was too stunned to ask what he was talking about until he turned and faced me. 'Humans don't feel the pull. Not even if paired with a fucking wolf!' He snapped.

'Well I'm sorry.' I spat back at him, but instantly shut my mouth and lowered my head when he growled at me again.

'Don't talk back to me.' He snarled. 'I am the male. You don't disrespect me.' His eyes locked with mine and I once again increased the distance between the two of us when his eyes started glowing red once again.

Noticing me retrieving, Michael shut his eyes shut tight and rubbed his hands on his face in attempt to calm himself down. 'Sorry.' He muttered under his breath.

'I will control myself, but you will still learn to get used to this. Wolves have a very short temper.' He assured me once he had calmed down not even a minute later. 'After all, you will abide by my rule correct?' He rhetorically asked me giving me no choice.

I stiffly nodded my head in agreement with him, not trusting myself to say anything. If I did, I would talk back to him and I didn't want to anger him. There's no way in hell I will die at the age of 23, I won't allow that.

For the first time since I met him, a grin broke out on his face. His eyes lit up with joy and he was clearly pleased with me agreeing. In his happy state, he failed to realise the hesitation and the fright on my face. He was too blinded by his joy.

'That's great Alana.' He grinned down on me. Michael lifted one of his arms up to wrap around me, but I quickly sprung to my feet.

'I've agreed to your rule. You have to keep your promise and stick to mine.' I stuttered. The happiness quickly vanished into thin air and I found myself wondering if I would ever see that breath taking grin on his face again anytime soon.

I hate to admit it, but even though Michael scares the crap out of me, he is drop dead gorgeous. His eyes are such a dark brown they pretty much drew your attention in and made you stare into them. Unless your me and get awkward and look away after 3 seconds.

'Alana,' he started but I cut him short.

'No. This is new to me. Until I adjust, I won't feel safe with something touching me that could rip me to shreds in seconds.' I stated firmly. Once again, I got the usual reaction a low growl rumbled in the back of his throat.

'I need you to understand, I will never hurt you.' He stated so firmly I almost believed him. 'It's physically impossible. If I hurt you, I hurt myself twice as much. I won't be able to stand seeing you in any type if pain.'

He continued. 'I'm here to protect you and make you happy, not hurt you and make you miserable and scared of me.'

'You're doing a pretty bad job at it so far.' I mumbled under my breath barely audible.

'Only because you don't know what's going on.' He replied, making me gasp. How could he hear me say that? I could barely even hear it.

'Being a wolf, my hearing is 5 times better than a humans hearing.' He explained my unasked question. I raised my eyes row in disbelief, not believing what I was hearing.

'Prove it.' I challenged him.

A small smile played on his lips but it was only noticeable if you really looked. 'The couple standing behind us are talking about wanting to have a kid.' He stated.

Even though he hadn't turned around, surely there was a young couple slowly strolling up behind us, hand in hand and having a conversation that was making them grin ear to ear. Michael and I stood together in silence while waiting for them to walk past and catch some of their conversation.

'The male wants to name it Lucy if it's a girl.' Michael lowered his height down to whisper in my ear. A warm puff of breath touched my ear, making a small shiver run down my spine.

'Lucy, what a beautiful name!' The girl exclaimed loudly enough for me to hear them.

'Beautiful name for a beautiful daughter.' The man said looking lovingly down at the woman making her blush and hide her face in his chest. The man wrapped his arm securely around her waist and whispered something into her ear.

I looked over at Michael with wide eyes, in shock from his hearing when I noticed him looking at the couple with envy. Was he jealous of their relationship?

'The humans found their mates.' He said so quietly I almost missed it. The look on his face was heartbreaking, his eyes holding so much emotion I didn't even think it was possible. As soon as he saw me staring, his expression sobered up and it went back to hiding his emotion.

'There mates, or as humans call it, a soul mate.' He explained when he saw my questioning look. 'What a stupid word, soul mate.' He pronounced the word as if he had never heard of it before or like it was from a completely different language.

'How do you know?' I asked him confused.

'Humans don't mark one another, but if they complete the human mating process, the scent of the couple changes.' He explained to me as if I were a five year old. I mentally cursed at him for treating me like a kid.

'Two questions,' I stated nervously and continued once Michael nodded his head. 'What's marking, and what does it, ahh. Smell like?' My cheeks flushed red at the last question but it would spark anyone's curiosity. If you've never met the person before how would you know if they smell different. Why would you even smell them in the first place?

'It's really difficult to explain. A wolf and a human have different scents, one that they all have in common with each other so it lets us wolves know what species we are dealing with. Wolves all smell strongly like a wolf or as you would say a dog, and have a nature scent as well. I'm presuming it because we are constantly outdoors and love nature.' He stated.

'Humans all share the scent of chemicals and just smell fake. Like perfume, cologne, moisturiser, sunscreen and all that. Even babies since they have baby powder all over there arses for the first year of their lives.'

As he continued, I noticed that we had walked back up to the wall diving the stone foot path from the warm sand to sit on the wall. 'Once mated,' he continued 'you get a slight scent of something else that I can never figure out what it smells like warning off all other wolves and males. Also, wolves have a sixth sense. We can just pick up on it like all of us can see, hear, smell, touch or taste things.' He shrugged.

'Ummm, should we be talking about this in public?' I asked him quietening my voice slightly. 'What if somebody hears our conversation?'

'Would you like to discuss this more privately?' he questions, his eyes lighting up. 'We could order a pizza, or some Chinese or stop at McDonalds and eat as well.' The amount of hope in his eyes was nerve racking, and made me feel extremely mean when saying no.

You know when a kid wants the latest model of the cool toy that every kid wants but their parents say 'no'. When they plead and plead with their parents, the hopeful spark twinkling in their eyes and their face looking like they would burst out in tears when the parents say 'no'. That's like now, apart from Michael wasn't going to cry.

Or at least I really hope not.

'No!! That's not what I meant.' I squeaked, my cheeks tinging pink from the unnaturally high pitch my voice was. I cleared my throat before talking again. 'I mean ah, no. That's not what I meant.' I repeated while making my voice sound deeper and more normal.

I looked down at my feet and played with the lace on my converses, untying and retying the laces multiple times until I got the perfect bow.

'But you said you'd give us a chance.' Michael said sounding slightly pissed off. His voice went a pitch lower and sent shivers down my spine. I had to control myself to not actually visibly shiver from the beautiful sound escaping his lips.

'I'm talking to you now.' I said quietly, moving onto playing with the next lace. A loud sigh sounded from the side Michael was sitting on and I felt slightly guilty.

'Look Alana.' He stated. 'I promise I will take this slowly with you but you need to understand. This is hard for me okay? I was raised to think that my mate would just accept me from the moment we lay eyes on each other. I've seen it so many times, this is just difficult.'

I slowly peered up from the shoe laces to be met with his brown eyes boring into mine. I truly had no clue on what to think and what to feel. I had no clue what was even going on.

'Sorry.' I mumbled under my breath averting my gaze back to my feet. Another sigh was exhaled from Michael. 'Stop lowering your head. I want to see those beautiful eyes.' He cooed to me.

When I shook my head 'no', a small growl filled our silence and I felt forced to lift my head. I looked into those beautiful eyes once more before looking to the slot in between his eyebrows.

'Is there something there?' He asked raising his hand self-consciously to feel if something was between his eyebrows catching onto my plan.

'No, no it's just I get awkward looking into people's eyes,' I trailed off.

'What?' his voice was extremely confused.

'Yeah. It's like a phobia actually. I just can't do it for more than around 3 seconds.' I stated. 'I don't know why, but I just don't like it at all.'

'Alana,' he slightly laughed my name and gave me a sudden urge to look at the person creating such a captivating sound. When our eyes met we held the gaze.

'It's because you've never looked into mates eyes.' He practically whispered.

1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds

4 seconds

5 seconds

6 seconds

Then our eye contact broke.

His beautiful brown eyes jumped from my eyes, down to my lips then back up again.

Very slowly, Michael started leaning into me, and I felt myself leaning in to.


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