WWE-The Challenge-Free Agents

By SinnaMonnBun

47.7K 1.8K 2.8K

What would happen when 30 people get put in a house to compete for the same prize of $125,000? Stay tuned to... More

Author's Notes/Rules
Meet the Cast Pt 1
Meet the Cast Pt 2
To the Thirty!
Challenge 1: Auto Body Rally
Winners and Rumors
1st Nomination
Elimination 1
Challenge 2: Sausage Party
The Viper Strikes
Elimination 2
Paired Up
Challenge 3: Buried Alive
Crying In The Club
Panty Cake
Challenge 4: Curry Up
Team Meeting
Elimination 3
The Newbie
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 1)
Challenge 5- Laps of Judgment (Part 2)/What's Mine is Mine
Alexa vs Charlotte
The Deal
The Proof Is In The Footage
Elimination 4
What Happens In The Backseat Stays In The Backseat
Challenge 6: Too Clingy
Whatever It Takes
The Secret's Out
Elimination 5
Challenge 7- Give Me Some Slack
Separate Ways
Don't Hate The Player
Elimination 6
Challenge 8- Smarty Pants
Truth or Dare
Doing What's Best
Fight Night/ Elimination 7
Challenge 9: Wrecking Ball
Calling You Out
Elimination 8
Challenge 10: Crossover
What Happens in Chile
Finals- Part 1
Finals- Part 2
Reunion Special: Part 1
Reunion Special: Part 2
Season 2

Im Going Home!

745 29 46
By SinnaMonnBun


VC-Carmella- So im on the losing team and that makes me really paranoid. The first challenge, I won and sent Alexa into the Chamber. Now, Alexa has a chance to return the favour so why wouldnt she do it. She's so manipulative and im sure she'll end up getting the whole team to vote for me to go into the chamber. But...i have a plan. Its not the most appropriate but...i need to do what I need to do. Colin, I hope you understand.

It was 7pm at night. Enzo was in the hot tub with Dean and Xavier. They were the only ones hanging out outside in the waters under the moonlight.

"Is anyone else getting irritated from all the crickets chirping?" Dean said as he scratched a mosquito bite.

VC-Enzo- I dont have a hot tub back home, so while im here im making the most of this thing.

VC-Dean- There isnt a moment when Enzo isnt in the hot tub.

Carmella changed into her bikini and went to join them. She came in with a beer in her hand.

VC-Carmella- I see my first target. Enzo Amore. The easiest guy in the house. I got my game plan and im sticking to it.

"Hey boys." she said as she made her way in.

"Hey Carmella." Enzo said.

"Yes, hello Carmella."Xavier creepily said as she raised his eyebrows.

"You guys mind if I join you?"

"Well you're already here so its a bit too late to say no." Dean said.

"Yea but we werent planning on saying no. Please, join us." Xavier said.

VC-Enzo- All the girls in this house are just gorgeous. But theres two that has my attention. Sasha and Carmella.

She sat herself next to Enzo and offerered him some beer.

"No thanks sweetheart. Im all good."

"Why are you even out here? Its just us men hanging out?" Dean asked.

"So what, I cant hang out with you men​?" She said in air quotations.

" No one usually wants too." Dean replied.

"Whatever. I just needed some time to relax. That house and those girls got me so stressed out. I need some unwindng." She winked at Enzo.

"Alrrrrrighty then." Dean awkwardly said.

"Enzo, Im feeling a little tense in my shoulders. You mind massaging them?" she asked.

Xavier almost spat out his orange juice.

"Uh sure. No problem ma." Enzo said as he came in front him and he started massaging.

"I couldve done it if you wanted. Im known to have some pretty soft hands." Dean said.

"No Enzo is doing so-" she moaned, "So good. Dont stop."

VC-Xavier- What the hell is going on here? All of a sudden she wants a massage? Out of all the guys she couldve gone too, she comes to us with our wet soggy selves and asks Enzo for a massage? Out of all the guys, Enzo?

VC-Enzo- She wants a massage. Aite. Thats innocent. Thats not a big deal. Until she starts moaning. Daddy's hitting the right spot!

VC-Dean- We're all just sitting here listening to Carmella moan. I mean, I wouldve been happy if I was the one making her moan but im not. Im just sitting here like a turd feeling awkward.

After about 5 minutes into the massage, Carmella asked, "Enzo, I think we're making these guys a little uncomfortable. Do you wanna go further away?"

VC-Enzo- *Starts singing. * My minds telling my no, but my body, my body is telling me yes.

"Yea sure wherever you want to go. Im just concerned about relieving all your stress right now. Being stressed is NOT a good thing." he smirked.

VC-Xavier- Give me a break.

She took his hand and together they walked down onto the far end of the pool on the opposite side. He backed himself into the corner of the pool and she turned her back toward him so he could continue massaging. Suddenly, she slowly pulled down the straps of her bikini top. Dean and Xavier squinted and strained their eyes to see what was going on.

"Did she just..." Xavier asked.

"She fucking did. I see nipples. I cant believe it." Dean said as he stared their direction.

VC-Dean- My man, Enzo. Back home in Cincinnati they call me the titty master. Enzo deserves that title now. I mean, the titties literally just came to him.

They watched as Enzo's hand's were all over her, and her hands were down under the water in a jerking movement.

"Wait wait wait. She has a boyfriend back home. What is she doing?" Dean said.

"She's probably drunk."

"She took like two sips of the beer. She seemed totally fine to me."

VC-Dean- Id be lying if I said I wasnt jealous right now. I won the first challenge with her I should be getting some action.

Carmella pulled her straps back up and her and Enzo got out of the pool. Dean and Xavier watched as they went into an empty storage room that had a pool table, and locked the door.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me. Is it that easy to score around here?" Xavier said in shock.

"Lets go listen!" Dean said.

They raced out of the pool and made their way to the room that was located downstairs.

They rested their ears up on the door and listened. As expected, all they heard was moaning and the sounds of wet skin slapping against each other.

Xavier and Dean's eyes bulged and jaws dropped. They continued listening.

VC-Dean- I gotta say, im proud. Also a little jealous. But proud.

"Get it Enzo! Get it!" Dean yelled from outside the door and Xavier laughed.

"Go all in baby! Balls deep!" Xavier added.

VC-Dean- I dont understand. Why cant this happen to us? Why cant a girl just walk up to us and ask to give them a massage and let us feel their tits?

VC-Xavier- Anything can happen in this challenge house. Anything.


A producer of the show rushed into the house in desperate search of Sasha. She found her working out in the gym.

"Sasha," the producer approached her, "We need you. Now. Its urgent."

Sasha dropped the medicine ball, "What for? Is everything okay?"

VC-Sasha- A producer comes to me and tells me that they need me for something. Obviously, im getting worried. Am I in trouble or something?

"Come with me."

The producer lead and Sasha followed her.

She brought her too the area where the landline phone was connected.

"I need you to call your mother."

"My mother? What happened? What happened to her!" Sasha panicked.

"Just call. She'll explain to you."

Sasha, with trembling hands, dialled her mother's number and anxiously waited for her to pick up.

'Hello? Mom? Whats wrong? Why did the producer say to call you?'

'Hey sweetie. Hows it been?'

'Fine. Is everthing okay?'


Sasha's mom began telling her what she needed too. Her eyes welled up with tears. After their conversation, she hung up, threw her head in her hands and cried her eyes out.

VC-Sasha- I just got some heartbreaking news about my family back home. *Sniffles* I dont...i dont think I want to be here anymore. I need to go home.


VC-Carmella- So my plan with Enzo went smoothly. I gave him the va jay jay in hopes he doesnt send me into the Chamber. Now, onto my next victim.

Carmella spotted Randy having lunch on the sofa. She grabbed two beers and headed his way.

"Here. I brought this for you." she said as she sat beside him.

"Uh thanks." he chewed, "Why?"

"You seemed like you needed it. Cheers?"she raised her bottle.

He shrugged, "Cheers." and their bottles clanked together.

VC-Carmella- I havent slept with Randy.....yet. Now its time to work some magic and make that happen. All for the sake of the game right?

"So, what are you up too?" she asked.

"Eating." he said with his mouth full.

She moved herself closer to him. They were the only two in the living room.

"You alright? You need something?" he asked.

"Im just thinking that we should get to know each other better. I mean, its been like a month now in this house and we've barely talked."

"True but-" Randy was caught off guard as he saw Sasha march up the stairs still whimpering and sniffling.

"Sasha!" he called out to her but she ignored him and went her way.

"She's just crying....as usual." Carmella rolled her eyes, "As I was saying-"

"I'll be right back." Randy cut her off and went to find Sasha.

He went up to her room and found her packing her bags.

He knocked on the already opened door, "Hey."

VC-Sasha- Oh great. Its the last person I want to see right now.

She scowled at him and continued packing her bags.

"Why are you packing?" he asked.

"Can you mind your business." she said in frustration.

VC-Randy- After that night with Sasha, I dont know what it is but im feeling different towards her. In a good way. I hate this feeling. But its like I care for her or something.

"Whats wrong though? You're crying."

"Yea you dont think I know that!" she said and zipped her suitcase shut.

Randy watched as she sat on her bed and buried her head in her hands.

He finally came into the room and sat beside her.

"Listen if you think that we're going to have sex again you're wrong! Just get out. I literally cant right now." she said.

"No im just concerned as to why you're crying and packing your bags. What, are they kicking you off the show or something?"

"Why does it matter to you! Are you concerned that you wont get into my pants again!"

"Can you calm down."

"I knew we had sex okay and I just dont want to see your face. Im disgusted! Being here in this room with you makes me uncomfortable as fuck so just get the hell out!"

"It makes you uncomfortable? News flash, im the only one who actually gave a shit when I saw you crying! While everyone just stared from a distance and rolled their eyes,i dropped my grilled chicken to find out what happened to you. Notice, im the only one here in the room with you! And it makes you uncomfortable? Im sorry if being caring is making you uncomfortable! And FYI, that night we had sex, you came on to me. So dont act like its my fault!" Randy raised his tone.

VC-Sasha- He had a point. He was the only one concerned for me right now. I don't care if its a façade, I think I just needed to let it out.

Sasha sat in silence. Her eyes were red from the crying. She stared at the floor for some time before she took a deep breath and finally began.

"My grandmother passed away last night from a heart attack." she choked up on her words, "I-i just dont feel right staying to continue the game."

Randy's eyebrows raised "Oh damn. Im so sorry. But, you're thinking about quitting?"

She nodded.

"Sasha, look, what happened was unfortunate but being in this game is an opportunity that you were lucky enough to get. You're playing for big money and you're a strong girl, I can see you winning already."

"I know but am I really going to choose money over my family Randy? How can I focus on the challenges when my mind is like chaos and my emotions are all over. Im just going to be thinking about home. I dont think i'll be satisfied until I go back home."

" Sasha, as I said, this is a huge oppurtunity you're quitting on. Before you finish packing just think about it. You already lost your grandma, but you havent lost the game. I know money cant replace her but-just think about what she wouldve wanted you to do."

Sasha wearily nodded.

Randy walked out of her room leaving her inside with 1 of her suitcases already packed. She watched him as he left.

VC-Sasha- At this point im homesick and I think i'll be relieved when I get back home. However, Randy made a good point. My grandma wouldve wanted me to win this money. Thats all the motivation I need to do better and actually win this competition. I can either choose to go home now or go home at the end of it with the cash because if I stay im swearing on my dead grandmother that im making it to the finals. Aint NO bitch gonna stop me.

What do you think Sasha will do? Stay or leave the game?


VC-Carmella- All thats left is Finn and John. they're both very different from Enzo and Randy so approaching them would be a bit tricky. But I need to do what I need to do before deliberations.

She moved in closer to him and gently placed her hand on his lap.

Finn started looking uncomfortable.

"Sorry. I couldnt help myself. I just feel this connection with you y'know." she said.

VC-Carmella- Finn? Check. Enzo? Check.

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