Fight to survive

By helenr28

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Life isn't fair. It never was and will never be. That's something Alex and Marty know from a very young age... More

Chapter 1: How it all started
Chapter 2.5: The Phone Call
Chapter 3: Visitor From The Past
Chapter 4: She Is A Badass

Chapter 2: Bad news and challenges.

151 6 9
By helenr28

Regular days are different for every person on Earth. Some people wake up moody, others don't even wake up. Some go to work or drive their kids to school. Regular days may be hard for some people while easy for some others. But a regular day at the Stevens' residence goes like that...

Sebastian goes downstairs and just like a regular day he starts preparing Alex and Marty's lunches for school. Marty just like every day stands outside Alex's bedroom trying to make him turn the music off, and find some peace. Alex just keeps annoying him while getting ready.

"Alex, for the love of God, turn the music down! Every day you do the same, just stop it already!", Marty shouts.

Alex on the other side of the door laughs his heart out as he listens to his cousin's rumblings. After a good amount of time of having Marty shout at him and almost breaking the door he decides to get out and face his angry cousin.

"Did you miss me so much from last night that you had to knock the door so hard? You almost broke it. I hadn't realised  you missed my handsome face that much in the extent of breaking into my private area.", Alex says smirking.

"Too cocky, cut it off. Good morning to you too, by the way.", Marty responds raising an eyebrow at his cousin and emphasising the good morning ironically.

"Ohh stop complaining you love me any way.", Alex rolls his eyes as he replies and then starts walking towards the stairs leaving Marty behind. 

"That doesn't mean that I don't find you annoying, idiot.", Marty catches up with him.

"Yeah, I know it smartass. Love you too by the way. Now get moving, we are running late."

"How could you not love that handsome face?", Marty mimicks Alex's cocky morning salute.

"That's even cockier than mine, it's awful. The last one to get downstairs is a rotten egg!", Alex calls and starts running.

"That's unfair!! Come back you are faster than me!", Marty shouts as he starts running too.

The two boys run down the stairs, Alex arriving first at the bottom and Marty following not too far behind.

"You cheated, you are faster and you started running earlier than I did.", Marty complains as he catches up with  his cousin.

"Whatever, Marty. You just don't like losing. I didn't cheat, but of course I am faster. I don't have all that muscle of yours."

"You'd die to have my muscles Alex, you'd die.", Marty says while he kisses his biceps.

"Seriously Marty? You just did that? Too jerky and stupid.", Alex says wrinkling his nose.

"You're right, that was too much.", Marty admits turning a bright shade of red something that causes Alex to burst out laughing.

"You look like a tomato!", he manages to utter beneath his laughs. His comment doesn't make things easier though, because Marty turns even more red, if that is even possible.

"Boys that's enough!", an austere voice says and the cousins turn to see an angry Sebastian.

"Alex stop making your cousin uncomfortable! I mean do you like him walking around looking like an apple?", Sebastian teases and then starts laughing as well.

"Sebastian, you are supposed to rebuke him not team up with him!", Marty exasperates.

"I really can't when you look like that! Have you seen yourself in a mirror? Go have a look!", the old man justifies himself.

Marty takes out his iPhone and opens up the camera app. He turns it into the selfie mode and when he takes a glance of his face he almost drops the phone. Not even a second later he begins to laugh hysterically, joining Sebastian and Alex. 

Once, everyone calms down Marty goes to the restroom so he can wash his face with some cold water. A minute later he arrives, his face being in a normal state. He motions Alex to get moving, so he grabs their backpacks and heads to the kitchen to take their lunches. When they finally are ready and about to leave the house Sebastian stops them. 

"Alex when you finish school you come here right away. You have some reports to conclude and you are not really welcome at the office after what happened.", he says while giving Alex a judging look.

"Don't look at me like that! He was asking for it!", the boy exclaims.

"You put pins on Dunn's chair and spilled his hot coffee all over his car seats!!", Sebastian shouts.

"He was asking for it! I wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't bothered me!", Alex defends himself.

"Wait, you really did these?", Marty asks shocked.

"Well, yes. He literally threw away my reports and said that I never handed them in! I just reacted! After all payback is a...", Alex stops mid-sentence when he sees the look Sebastian is giving him.

"I dare you to say it. Then, you'll be punished for the whole week.", the old man warns him.

"After all revenge is a dish better served cold, in that case pretty hot. What did you think with that perverted mind of yours, old man?", Alex winks.

"You better run boy, because now you are in deep trouble.", Sebastian warns the boy once again.

"I'll be waiting at the door, Marty", the boy says while speeding up to the place mentioned.

"You should Alex.", Sebastian replies, "As for you Marty, you should go to the office of NCIS:RA, they want to talk to you. It is important."

"Okay, I will. Goodbye Sebby! Say hi to miss Madilyn for us!!", Marty answers smiling and running off to meet his cousin.

"I will! Now go!", the man ordered.

The two boys leave the house and start walking towards their school. Silence spread among them, which Marty eventually broke.

"You really did what Sebastian said you did?"

"No, you too! I said I did, yes! But it was not my fault.", Alex mumbles.

"Boy, he must be so angry with you!", Marty expresses his thoughts.

"Yeah, I figured. What do we have first period?", Alex changes the subject.

Marty notices but still goes along with that.

"Algebra. A good start don't you think?"

"Yeah, thank God. I'm really not in the mood of anything else. Algebra is excellent."

"We finish school earlier today, remember?", Marty informs his cousin.

"Really? Why?", Alex wonders out loud.

"Well, it's Valentine's Day today. Prom is on Saturday and preparations need to be done for that. So we leave at 12 and tomorrow we are free too! No school!", Marty says excited.

"Valentine's Day really? So what the school will be full of those stupid red hearts everywhere?", the boy says with a disgusted face.

"Probably. Now we should start walking faster or else we are going to be late!", Marty checks his iPhone for the time.

"Wanna run?", Alex suggests.

"No, you are faster. I can't keep up with you.", Marty admits.

"I will go according to your pace then.", Alex smiles.

"Fine. Ready? Go!", Marty signals and they both begin to run.

Ten minutes later they are standing in front of the school's gate. Alex checks the time and they have at least fifteen minutes before the start of their first class. Which means they have enough time to go to their lockers and mess around a bit.

The cousins enter the building and their gaze falls right in the middle of the corridor where a huge heart shaped piñata is placed. Alex gives a "Really now?", face at Marty who fakes a gun and points it to his head, causing Alex to start laughing. Slowly, they notice that the whole corridor is decorated with small hearts, flowers and pink angels. A huge pink banner is hanging just above their heads saying with black capital letters "JUNIOR PROM 2015". 

"Thank god we are not juniors.", Alex says.

"Yeah but we can be asked to come by junior girls. I have one in mind that probably is going to ask you.", Marty says winking at his cousin.

"Don't be stupid, no-one is going to ask us. After all we aren't renowned, and that's something I'm thankful for."

"Alex you are at the soccer team and you are the best player. YOU ARE FUCKING RENOWNED"

"Language Marty!", Alex snaps at him.

"Whatever Alex, you just don't want to admit that you have quite a reputation here."

"Who cares if I have a reputation or not? Is it going to matter when we grow up? No! Our bosses won't ask us what are fame status was back in junior high! It doesn't matter! Plus, you are in the basketball team, you are popular too. The thing is, and you know that since elementary school, we are known about our athletic capabilities but we are also despised because of them. People are often jealous, so it doesn't matter whether we are good at it or not. They will always hate us."

"You're right about that but still girls will ask you to take them to the dance. And I'm gonna be there to see your reaction and tell you that I was right.", Marty answers sticking his tongue out. His attempt to reduce the tension in the atmosphere is successful and Alex smiles a little. 

Without saying anything else they rush to their lockers, grab their books and head towards the Algebra classroom. Once, they are sitted on their chairs the bell rings and kids of their age enter the room. When everyone has taken their seats the professor comes in as well and the lesson begins.

Time passes and the school day finally comes to an end. The two boys find themselves for one last time in that day at their lockers. As soon as they open them a bunch of pink heart-shaped cards fall to the ground. Immediately, they exchange glances and then pick up the cards from the floor. Alex looks around at the corridor and notices that they have drawn some attention.

It is a matter of time until the whispers start and two girls approach Marty and Alex.

"Hello", the girls say in unison while playing with their hair.

Marty gives Alex an "I told you so" look which makes Alex roll his eyes. The girls just stare at them the whole time, while waiting for an answer that the figure they will never get, unless they speak.

"So the prom is in a few days", one of the girls say. 

Alex and Marty don't reply. They just watch the girls hoping that they will get the message and leave. But this is not happening.

"And we were wondering if you'd like to be our dates.", the other girl adds

"Sorry, we can't.", they said at the same time.

"Nice! Thank....Wait, what did you say?", one of the girls ask.

"We said we can't. Now we have to go.", Marty answers and motions Alex to get going.

"No,no no you aren't going anywhere. Why can't you? You are sophomores, you can't go to the dance alone."

"And you don't have dates either. So what's your excuse?"

"We don't have an excuse. We just don't want to come. Find others to take you there.", Alex says blantly. "Marty let's go"

The cousins start walking towards the exit and once again they get all the attention.

On their way home they discuss what happened back there.

"I told you that something like that would happen, tho", Marty breaks the silence.

"I don't care Marty.", his cousin replies

"You were also rude. You could be kinder."

"I would be kinder if I cared.", Alex answers.

Marty stops Alex from walking forward and looks at him with a worried and angry face.

"What's gotten into you? You're acting weird since 3rd period!"

"I'm fine, okay? I just didn't like their actions. They were being possessive and we don't even know them!"

"Alex, what happened? Their actions is just an easy excuse. Believe me this is the worst lie you've said so far. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, okay? Go to the office and I'll go home. We'll talk later."

"No! We'll talk now. What's going on?", Marty demands an answer.

"Everything is fine. I'm just not in a good mood! You always dramatize things."

"I don't believe you. In the morning you were cocky, you were sarcastic, you were YOU! Now, you're just a miserable kid."

"I won't curse Marty if that's what you're trying to do. You can call me miserable and whatever name you want but I will not curse.", Alex emphasizes.

"At least I tried.", Marty gives up and sends a toothy smile to his cousin.

"What?", Alex wonders.

"Nothing. It's just that you act tough most of the time and like you don't care about rules or anything. But when it comes to Sebastian's rules, you don't dare to break them. Hell, you have disobeyed the government but you always obey Sebastian. It's cute."

"Did you just call me cute? I'm not cute. Also, I owe my life to Sebastian. He saved  and takes care of us. If obeying him and his rules makes him happy, then that's what I'm gonna do. Nevertheless, we live in a world where cursing seems normal, but it's not. Using cuss language doesn't make anyone tougher or badass, as some people claim. If anything it is rude and makes the person using that language disgusting and despicable. Plus, some people curse in order to hurt someone. When there is so much pain around, why create more? Is it bad that I don't want this?", Alex finishes.

"You have quite a point there, I have to give it to you. But you still care about Sebastian's feelings and it's cute. Now as you said I have to go. Don't get into a fight while I'll be gone! And when I get back you should tell me what's wrong."

"Yes, okay."

"Is it a deal?", Marty checks for one last time.

"God, I said yes! Now go! You're going to be late!"

"See you later Alex."


And the boys split up to different directions. Marty went to his office to check what they wanted to tell him, while Alex got home and finished his reports. Both boys had the feeling that something would happen. They just didn't know what and whether it was good.

The time went by a bit too fast for Marty's liking at the office. He got some great news and he couldn't wait to share them with Alex. On the other hand, Alex was wishing time to speed up. He needed a break from his overwhelming thoughts. The information he was given was occupying his mind and didn't let him at peace. It took him a great amount of time to finish his reports and his homework. He needed the truth, he needed Marty to come back and tell him if what he heard was correct.

Five hours later someone enters the house. He checks around but no-one is nowhere to be seen. He lets another person to walk in while he calls his cousin. At that time, Alex has been able to relax a bit. He's playing piano at his music room which helps him calm down. At the sound of Marty's voice, his heartbeat accelerates though. The previous thoughts and worries make their appearance once again.

He rushes out of the room and runs down the stairs. Marty's calling him again and he shouts he's coming. Alex though comes to an abrupt stop at the top of the second stairs. He sees a person standing right to his cousin. He starts to study that person. She has dark wavy hair that end just below her chest. A mesmerizing part of her appearance are her eyes. Each one has a different colour. The right one is black like the abyss while the left one is grey like the clouds when rain is on its way. She's wearing black clothes paired with black boots. 

The girl stands next to Marty as confident as she can. Though Alex can see how nervous she is, the evidence being her clutching over her shirt. He also notices that she stands an inch or less behind Marty. Like she wants to hide but at the same time show that she is right there. She looks Alex directly at his eyes, which he interprets as her being kind of brave or a bit more confident about herself. He notices a bunch of stuff but when Alex decides it's time for him to speak up Marty stops him.

"Don't you dare utter a word.", he warns him.

"But I didn't do nor said anything wrong!", Alex exclaims.

"No but you were going to.", Marty answers him giving him a pointed look.

"I wasn't going to say anything bad but whatever. So what's up?"

"Oh yeah! Alex I got a partner!", he motions the girl besides him.

"Yes I can see that. What's your name?", Alex asks the girl.

"I'm Everley", she answers him politely.

"Everley what? Just Everley?", Alex asks her.

"No, it's Wise...Everley Wise.", Everley mutters.

"Okay.", Alex nods at significance at the girl and then turns to his cousin. "Now Marty where are they sending you?"

"Wait what? How do you know about that?", Marty asks him suspiciously.

"I know people. You didn't answer me."

"They are sending me in Iraq."

"Nice, you're not going.", Alex tells him as he enters the kitchen and hops onto the kitchen island taking a seat there.

"Why so?", Marty asks him angrily. He didn't like Alex's behaviour at all.

"Let me think about it", Alex acts likes he's thinking about something, while tapping his chin. "Oh yeah, I don't know maybe because it is a war zone?"

Alex's ironic and sarcastic remark agitates Marty, who now starts to shout at him.

"Seriously, do you have to be sarcastic every single minute of your life?"

"When you make idiotic questions, I'm afraid yes I have to be sarcastic.", Alex answers him while casually laying on his back.

While Marty opens his mouth to rebuke his cousin, Everley catches up with him and tries to reason the boy.

"I don't want to intervene, seeing this is a family matter..."

"That's what you do though.", Alex interrupts her. His comment takes the girl aback but in milliseconds she regains her composure.

"But there's something you probably haven't thought about. Whatever Marty's decision may be they are sending him there. It's his job to obey them after all!", Everley continues.

"Exactly! Thanks Everley!", Marty ejaculates.

"You can always decline though! You always make me decline my missions!", Alex complains and sits up again.

"And you never listen! Just like now! They want ME to go for a reason, and that's why they don't take 'no' as an answer!", Marty exasperates.

"But you can't go there! You are gonna get killed! I don't care what they want, you stay here!", Alex raises his voice once again.  That seems to get to Marty as he remains silent, thinking how he could get back to his cousin.Meanwhile, Alex's lips turn to a smirk knowing that he won the argument.

"You can't be sure about that.", it is Everley who speaks and surprises all.

"Why not?", Alex asks back raising his eyebrow. He's interested to hear what the girl has to say.

Everley seeing she has his full attention now, and he doesn't ignore her,continues.

"Being certain about Marty's death over there means that you don't believe he could make it. A priori you are understating his abilities. You don't know how he will do if he doesn't try first.", the girl concludes.

Now it's Marty's turn to smirk as he observes his cousin's reaction to Everley's speech. He is happy that there is finally someone to argue with Alex and give him a hard time at it. Alex is the king of arguments. He always has something to say and there is one thing sure... he always wins. So seeing him struggle finding a comeback fascinates Marty.

"Cat got your tongue?", Everley smirks now having a victorious dance inside her mind for her achievement.

"Alex speechless, that's new", Marty mocks his cousin.

"Haha very funny." the boy sneers. "To answer you, I am not underestimating Marty. I know what he is capable of and what not. But..." Alex says before being interrupted by the girl.

"But you think that he is not strong enough nor capable to manage this mission?", Everley challenges him. The situation is entertaining to her and she wants more. She likes having the upper hand which is something Alex notices and he swears he won't give her the satisfaction she wants.

"No, I didn't say that. What I said was..."

"You didn't said that but you clearly meant it. Am I right?", the girl asks knowing that she is pushing the subject a bit far. But her excuse being her curiosity to figure that mysterious boy out keeps her going.

"No you really aren't.", Alex mutters angrily. "What I meant is that he may be the best of the best but he doesn't know how the others play. They can catch him on his sleep, anything that is against the rules!"

"How do you know?", the girl asks. She can't stop but think that he's right. It's not always how we play the game, it's about how others play as well.

"It has happened before, it may happen again. Especially there. People are scared for their lives. It's either them or the people who are against them. Plus, they don't know who they should trust! When you trust no-one, you see everyone as an enemy.", Alex concludes.

"Talking from experience?", Everley whispers.

"That's none of your business.", Alex sends her a death glare.

"And what makes Marty's decision your business? Is he your brother? What?"

"No, Alex is my cousin.", Marty informs the girl.

"Then why do you look so much alike?", Everley questions.

"Twins married brothers.", Alex clarifies.

"Oh, that's cool though."

"Yeah whatever.", Alex mumbles, gets off the kitchen island and opens the fridge door.

"No, no go away from the juice. I don't need your hyperactive ass running around the house at midnight!", Marty declares and walks towards his cousin.

"God, you're annoying.", Alex mutters and then closes the door fridge and grabs an apple from the fruit basket.

"No, put the apple down too. Eat normal food first and then the apple.", Marty scolds Alex.

"God, chill a little! It's an apple not ice cream! I'll eat dinner later. Now, when are you supposed to leave?", he questions while taking a bite out of his apple.

"Oh about that...", Marty trails off.

"When are you leaving?", Alex insists on asking.

"Tomorrow.", his cousin says. His statement causes Alex to choke on his apple and start coughing.

"Tomorrow? Are you serious?", he shouts.

"Unfortunately, I am 100% serious Alex. I am leaving tomorrow morning.", the boy states with an unreadable expression.

"For how long will you be gone?", Alex asks, hopeful for an answer that he would like.

"I don't know Alex. I just know that you won't be alone here.", Marty informs his cousin with a smile.

"I'll be with Sebastian, Marty. I know I won't be alone.", Alex responds while raising his eyebrows. He is wondering if his cousin has gone nuts because Marty is shaking his head negatively and has a creepy smile on his face that keeps on growing.

"I don't mean Sebby nor his wife Madilyn. Everley has agreed to keep an eye on you until I return.", Marty smirks as he sees Alex's surprised face.

"I don't even know her and she's gonna keep an eye on me? I don't even need a babysitter Marty. I'm fifteen, not four.", Alex exaggerates.

"You may be fifteen but I am sixteen.", Everley pops into the conversation again. "Also, as his partner I need to check up on you."

"His other partners aren't even aware of my existence. So why are you any different? Just act like you never met me. I'm old enough to take care of myself.", Alex

"My other partners are either at their early thirties or mid- twenties. Everley is in our age! You can hang out with her. You know make a friend.", Marty butts in.

"You didn't even ask me if I want to hang out with! Don't try to ask now, I do not want to hang out with her. I don't even need friends. I'm fine being with myself." Alex bites back.

"Hey I'm right here you know! It's not nice to talk about me like I'm not listening when I clearly do. Now I do not care if you want me to be your friend or not but Marty asked me to keep an eye on and that's what I'm gonna do. Whether you like it or not. We won't be friends, I'm just going to stick around for a while. As soon as Marty returns you will rarely see me.", Everley concludes.

"Do you promise that I will rarely see you once Marty comes back?", Alex asks Everley eagerly.

"I do promise. Is it a deal?"

"It's a deal.", Alex agrees and pulls hand towards the girl for a handshake.

"No, no, no this is not how it works. When you give a promise and you want it to last you shake pinkies. Give me your pinkie.", the girl orders him.

"This is dumb and for kids. I'm not shaking pinkies with you. I've never done this thing and I'm not doing it now.", Alex answers.

"This is not dumb. You want the deal or not? Give me your pinkie!", Everley fights back.

"I do handshakes not pinkie shakes or whatever its name is shakes.",

"For fuck's sake you're unbearable! You want me to spend my free time around him?", Everley exasperates and turns to Marty.

"He is opinionated, as you see. He's not that bad you know. He can be nice sometimes.", Marty admits.

"I'm right here! Now you're doing what you said it's not a nice thing to do Everley. Kudos to you.", Alex mocks her.

"Alex please stop with the irony. I'm getting a headache. Okay I'm going to shower and in the meanwhile you two sort this deal of yours out.", Marty announces and heads upstairs to his bedroom.

When Marty is out of Alex's point of view, he walks past Everley and towards the living room. Everley gets mad at the boy for ignoring her and follows him.

"Where are you going? I'm not done with you!", she shouts.

"I'm though and I'm going to one of my favourite places in the world. The sofa.", Alex's mocks her again.

"It's couch, not sofa.", she responds wrinkling her nose.

The boy sits upside down on the sofa and then answers back.

"Maybe for you. I call it sofa."

"Are you British?", Everley wonders out loud and takes a sit further away from the boy.

"From my mother's side yes. But I've lived in Britain for some years.", he answers sincerely.

"That explains your accent. Marty doesn't have one.", Everley thinks out loud.

"I guess it does. Marty has only lived in Canada and NY, that's why he doesn't have a similar accent to mine."

"Awww look at you making conversation.", Everley mocks him.

"Oh stop, I just thought that if I answered your questions you would leave me alone. I was clearly wrong.", he mutters under his breath.

Everley takes this as her cue to stop talking and she does so. But she soon gets bored and starts fidgeting and turning around in her seat.

"Stop it! It's driving me crazy! Can't you stand still for a moment?", Alex finally snaps.

"No! I'm bored!", she wines.

"Go home then!", Alex suggests but Everley shakes her head negatively.

"I can't. I want to say something to Marty when he comes down. So I stay until he returns."

"I'll tell him for you if it means that you'll finally leave.", he breathes out.

"Ouch that hurt Alexander. You're mean you know. Plus, I do not really trust you right now.", Everley teases him.

"Do not call me Alexander ever again, Ever. Okay?", Alex smirks at his selection of words.

"That wasn't funny Alex. My name is Everley, not Ever, don't call me that.", she glares at him.

"Too late for that Ever. Something is on your mind what is it?", he wonders.

"Oh so you care?", she says with a shocked expression.

"No but that expression you've got on your face is irritating me."

"At least you're honest.", she sighs. "Okay, what were you going to say before Marty stopped you? Was it something about me?"

"It was something about you, indeed. But Marty doesn't want me to share it with you, seeing as he stopped from doing so, and that's why I'm not going to tell you.", he explains.

"Was it something bad?", she asks bitterly and almost scared. Alex turns to look at her and he studies her face. She is definitely scared and anxious. Also, she is staring at her hands while she keeps playing with them.

"Alex? Could you please answer me?", she whispers while she's still not looking up.

"No.", he whispers back at her. Everley turns to look at him so fast that she could have snapped her neck doing so. Alex tenses up at her sudden move and hurries to add. "I mean that what I was going to say wasn't bad. At least I don't think that it was bad. Marty thinks otherwise, you may have thought otherwise and that's why he stopped me."

Everley relaxes at that and she nods. Then she turns her attention back to her hands.

"I've got one question for you too.", it's Alex who breaks the silence.

"Let me guess; What's wrong with my eyes, right?"

"It's, indeed, related to your eyes but I was never going to ask what's wrong with them. You wanna know why? Because nothing is wrong with your eyes. They're nice, they may be different but they're beautiful. Don't let people tell you otherwise."

"Wow that was deep. But wait! Did the great Alexander Stevens just compliment me?", she teases him.

"And she's back. I don't think that stating a fact is a compliment but you can interpret it however you want to. Now my question, were your eyes always differently coloured?"

"Yes. I guess it's a chromosomal abnormality."

"Or you were supposed to have a twin and you absorbed him or her. You may have eaten your twin Ever. And that's why your eyes have different colour each.", Alex states.

"Oh my God, Alex! Why would you ever say that? Is that even possible? This is mean!", she yells at him shocked.

Alex bursts out laughing at her reaction so hard that he falls off the sofa and lands on the floor.

"Hey it's not funny! Stop laughing!", Everley says but fails to stop a smile from forming on her face. She soon joins Alex's laughing fit. As soon as they both recover she can't help but ask him how he came up with it.

"I didn't come up with it! I've learnt it from a book. Colin Fischer to be exact. It was a good book. And you never know, I may be right! I bet your denying it because it's true. You murdered your twin before he/she was even born Ever. How do you feel about that? I only know you for an hour and I know your darkest secret.", Alex teases her again.

"Okay I'm done with you! I'm not staying here for another second. God what did I get myself into?", she announces and stands up.

"I thought you wanted to say something to my cousin.", Alex smirks. He knows he won and that she won't do what she was asked to.

"I can always text him.", she says while she heads for the front door. Alex stands up too and walks towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle. When he arrives Everley has just put on her leather jacket and opened the door. That's when she stops to glance at him.

"Oh don't you dare think you won. Marty informed me that people cannot stand you. I want to prove him wrong by sticking with you as long as he's gone. And I never lose.", with that she closes the door behind her, leaving a shocked Alex standing staring at where she once was.

"She's something else, don't you think?", Marty says from the top of the stairs. He's been watching them since their laughing fit.

"You think she's gonna be the end of me? Challenge accepted, Marty. She's going to wish you have never introduced her to me.", Alex chided and left for his room.

A battle has just begun...

So I know it's been quite a while since I last updated but school was keeping me busy. I don't know when the next update will be but I hope soon. Also, this is kinda unedited so if you see something wrong tell me so I can fix it.

Bye, Helen❤

Originally published on July 13th 2018.

5512 words.

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