(UP FOR ADOPTION) What if...

By Reptillia94

26.1K 415 203

What if...Order 66 never happened? What if Anakin didn't fall to the Dark side and Padme didn't die and still... More

Chapter 1-The Mission
Chapter 2- The Mission part 2
Chapter 3- Getting to Know You
Chapter 4- Family Decisions
Chapter 5- An Old Family Reunion Part 1
Chapter 7- New Masters, New Padawans
Chapter 8-Progress and High Numbers
Chapter 9- When the Darkness Seeps In
Chapter 10-Is When the Light Shines
Not an update(sorry)
Chapter 11- Similarities and New Friends
Chapter 12- Mission Briefing
Thank you all!
Chapter 13- Danger Around the Corner
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Chapter 6- An Old Family Reunion Part 2

1.7K 29 7
By Reptillia94

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, including the image.

Note: There will be some swearing

Link to image: https://renny08.deviantart.com/art/Just-Anakin-and-Ahsoka-245276579

Ahsoka's P.O.V

Anakin was staring right at me. I was going over the decision to run until I felt something on my arm. I looked and saw Ezra giving me a comforting squeeze and kind smile. I could feel the comforting waves coming off him, even though he may not know that he was actually doing it. He really does have a lot of his mother in him. I took deep breath and walked in front of Kanan so all the Council could see me. I slowly raised my shaking hands up to the rims of my hood. I exhaled deeply and removed my hood. I could feel them stop breathing. All their eyes even more on me now. After a while a spoke.

"Hello, Masters," I said a little hesitant when I said Masters. After that they just stood there, not moving. I was going to put my hood back on until I heard footsteps. My head was down the entire time we were here, I couldn't even handle seeing them, even before I showed them who I was I couldn't handle looking at them. I heard the footsteps stop and a shadow over me. Though the Force already told me who it was. I kept on looking down, until I felt a gentle hand on my chin and slowly tilted it up to look into the eyes of...Anakin Skywalker. I almost forgot how to breath. Then he did something that made me hold my breath, hoping it wasn't a dream. He hugged me.

Anakin's P.O.V

I hugged her. I hugged who I would call my best friend, my sister, hell even my daughter. I kept hugging her as though if I let her go she'd disappeared into thin air. Then I felt a pair of arms around me and saw that she was hugging me as well. I could feel tears in my eyes and saw there was some in hers as well. After a while we let each other go, I looked into her eyes and could see some of that snippy attitude blue in them, but I could also see something else, was it joy or sadness? I was finally able to say something.

"It's, great to see you again, Ahsoka," I said. I saw her smile a little but then it returned to a neutral expression.

"You as well Mas- I mean Anakin," she said. She almost said Master. I said softly in my head. I was going to say if she would rejoin the Order until she said,"Do I, still have the permission to, rejoin the Order?" she asked, hesitant with every word. I felt a smile on my face. I looked back at the other Council Members, many of them nodding. I turned back at her.

"Of course you do," I said,"Snips," I added. She smiled at her old nickname.

"Thank you... Skyguy," she said. I smiled when she called me that. I remembered when she first called me that. When I learned she was my padawan and in front of some Clones on Christophsis. I remembered how surprised I was, learning that I had a padawan. At first I thought a student would just slow me down. Now every time I remember that I had that thought I wished I could've traveled back in time and tell old me that was wrong thinking and I would've punched him in the face with my right hand(if you guys remember or from the image Anakin's right hand is his mechanical one). Though there were some thoughts going on through my head. Some that I would have to take to the other Masters. Time to think up an excuse.

"Though, right now, we need to think about your position and your, new friend," I said pointing at the child in orange rags. She nodded, and headed back to Kanan and the kid, Ezra.

"We'll call you when we made something up," I said to them as they walked out. When they left I let out a breath I didn't even know was holding and went back to my chair.

"Little' Soka has returned," Plo Koon said happily.

"You know you can't call her 'little' anymore you know," joked Obi-Wan.

"She seems more, and I can't believe I'm using this word to describe her, mature, very different," Shaak Ti said.

"Stronger, she has become. Carries the wounds we inflicted on her, she does." Yoda said, his voice getting sadder. Reminding us that we were the reason why she left the Order. After that the Council has been doing its best to be more empathetic.

"Us not trusting her and one of her closest friends framing her, has made its scars," Mundi said. We focused so much on the Republic, that we abandoned the ancient ways and traditions of being Jedi. She lost faith in the Order because we were so focused on the Republic. How stupid of us. We casted her out for something we know she would never do, but we still condemned her. Even Plo Koon, and he was the one who found her! Turns out she was even smarter then any of us if she knew what we did. And I would've done the same. She was with us for over 10 years! We saw her grow and we just threw her under. Ever since she left, we looked back at the codes and thinking if Barris was right, that the Order strayed from its purpose and the ideals we were supposed to represent. I sighed deeply.

"I know Ahsoka said she wants to rejoin the Order, but we still need to make amends with her." I said.

"And how are supposed to do that? She lost her devotion to us because we didn't trust her after all the time she's been with us, and not only us, but her friend placed her in that situation. I don't think a simple sorry will fix that," Windu said. Then the gears turned in my head.

"Or maybe," I said. The members looked at me. I told them my idea. At first they were surprised, but after some more consideration they all finally agreed.

"Though now we also have another matter," I said referring to the child and that video.

"Darth Bane. Where have I heard that?" I thought. I think I saw some archives on that name but it was really foggy.

"Master Yoda, do you have any ideas on who this 'Darth Bane' is?" I asked. Master Yoda was looking solemnly at the ground.

"That name, have not heard it in long time, I have. Idea, I do have," he said in his mixed sentences.

"So who is this Darth Bane? He sounds vaguely familiar," Depa said. Master Yoda didn't say anything until,"The name of the first Sith Lord, it is," he said. All of us gasped, finally remembering why that name sounded so familiar. All younglings were taught the history of this. They never knew why, though they always told us it would help in the future. I learned that Darth Bane was not only the first, but the most powerful Sith Lord ever. Though he lived thousands of years ago. If that man is the Sith Lord, Darth Bane, then how could he be alive? His voice wasn't that of an old mans, yes it was dark gravelly, but it wasn't like Darth Sidious's.

"But how could he be alive? He lived a millennium ago!" Windu said.

"Well lets count the fact he's dead. There aren't any records that he had children or siblings, and if there were, then we might've never heard of them," explained Shaak Ti.

"Maybe it's someone from the Sith Order, who took up his mantle," Depa reasoned.

"What if he was somehow resurrected?" asked Fisto.

"It could be possible, but there aren't any records saying that it could be done," Obi-Wan argued.

"Shouldn't we try to focus on how to stop whoever this, new Darth Bane is? If this guy is as strong as the original Darth Bane, then it's going to be hard," I reasoned. Everyone took a moment to think about what I just said. We all then heard coughing and saw it was Yoda.

"A vision, I have had. A child, it showed," he said. I already knew what he was thinking about.

"You think the child in your vision was that child Knight Dume brought in, Ezra, don't you," I asked. Though Yoda just looked down.

"Maybe, maybe not," he said.

"So we're taking the kid in?" Fisto asked. We all looked at each other and gave each an uncertain nod.

"Well then, who is he going to train under?" I asked.

"Actually I think I know who can train him,". We looked at Depa and saw a genius smile.

Third P.O.V

Kanan couldn't tell why he felt scared. Was it because of the future decisions the Council had in for Ezra, or was it that creepy video, with that guy Darth Bane? Or was it because Ahsoka's feeling through the Force? Kanan and Ahsoka were both worrying and Ezra was, well, not. Instead throughout the entire time they were walking Ezra was looking around. Admiring how tall the halls were and how spacious it was, intrigued of seeing dozens of species, some he read about, some he met or some he's never even met before. Whenever they passed a window, Ezra always looked outside to see either one of the Temples many gardens, landing pads or the skies that were filled with speeding cars. After a while they reached Kanan's quarters. When they entered they saw it filled with normal house items and pretty spacious. There was a couch with a small table in front of it, along with a T.V, there was a small kitchenette with a stove/oven and fridge. There was a door on the right that was closet and a hall on the left that most likely led to a bathroom and bedroom. On the table was a holo-projector and for some reason, a plate that had 3 sandwiches.

Kanan's P.O.V

I saw that my table had a plate with 3 Coruscant Sliders. I smiled at the homely lunch.

"Hera." I thought. Me, Ezra and Ahsoka sat on the couch and began to eat. Ezra immediately began eating, but Ahsoka was just sitting. She kept her hood on the entire time we walked back to my room. Ezra also noticed this and grabbed her arm. Ahsoka looked at Ezra and smiled. She then took off her hood and began to eat her sandwich. After a while I heard a knock come from the door. I gave Ahsoka time to put her hood back up.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened, revealing it to be Hera and Chopper. Though there were some clothes and boots on top of Chopper's dome.

"What's that?" I said, with some of the sandwich on my mouth. Hera smacked me upside the head.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting!" she said. I heard Ezra and Chopper laugh and Ahsoka giggle. When Ezra finished his Hera picked up the things on Chopper's head. They were folded clothes, though when I took a closer look at what they were, I choked on my lunch. It was white and tan colored padawan robes, along with that was a Jedi cloak, similar to mine and new brown boots. Ezra didn't notice my episode and picked up he clothing from Hera. She told him where he bathroom was, since she's been here a couple times, and Ezra went to go get changed. Once I knew Ezra was out of ear-shot I walked up to Hera.

"Hera, what are you thinking?!" I said.

"I thought you wanted him to be here?" she said in a questioning tone.

"Well, yes, I do, but-" I said but I was cut off by Ahsoka, who had her hood down.

"But you believe that if they make him a padawan, he won't be your padawan," she said. I stared at her, wondering how correct she was.

"How did you-?" I began to say but she cut me off once more.

"Your constant worry for him, they way you are always backing him up, somehow you have already created a deep bond with him," Ahsoka said.

"Wait, are you saying that me and Ezra have already Force bonded?" I said. Though the idea was impossible. Force bonds only happen between Master and Padawan, and it takes a minimum of months for it to be forged.

"Somehow, yes, though it's not a complete one, the bond between you and Ezra is strong," she said. I remembered that the only quickest way a Force bond could be created was when it happened during near or normal death situations, like Jedi Knight Aayla Secura met her Master Quinlan Vos. Before I could say anything else I saw Ezra come back into the room, with his old clothes in his hand and wearing the symbolic Padawan clothing. He was fiddling the collar of his robes. He looked up at me and said,

"Did I put it on right?". I smiled and walked over to him and helped smooth his collar.

"Yeah, you did," I said. Well that settles my completely irrational plan of leaving the Order and training Ezra if they decline him. Soon the door to my apartment opened, revealing it to be Master Windu.

"The Council has made its decisions," he said, looking at not only Ezra, but Ahsoka as well. I could feel the same anxiety welling up inside her when we first got here. Ahsoka put her hood back on and we started our trek back to the Council Chamber, but Hera and Chopper had to stay behind. Made Windu returned to his seat and now all the Council members were all staring at us. Ahsoka now had her hood down and her nervousness was making its mark in the Force. It was all quiet until Anakin's said,

"The Council has made its decisions,".

AN: CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Sorry guys, I didn't want a really long one like the last one. By the way, I'm going to make a TF2(Team Fortress 2) fanfiction, so I hope that story will do good. Anyway, what did you think of this one? Good, bad, middle? And if you have questions then don't hesitate to ask, I'll gladly give my best answer to them in the next update! Also don't forget to vote if you liked it, and share it with others who you think would love this stuff! So until the next update, SEE YA!!! And also Happy Halloween! 🎃👻💀☠️🎃❤️💕⭐️🌌🌠

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