A Secret Service [NOW PUBLISH...

By joymoment

24.3M 1.1M 716K

Now available in paperback! "I LOVE IT!" - CarniaHolmes "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like... More

Would you look at that cast?!
An author's note. 🙄 Wow, I'm so surprised.
Chapter 1 - "So enters wonder boy."
Chapter 2 - "You really have no boundaries, do you?"
Chapter 3 - "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like your face."
Chapter 4 - "Owens, do you ever shut up?"
Chapter 5 - "This won't hurt you one bit."
Chapter 6 - "I convey a moody persona?"
Chapter 7 -"Try to keep up, old man."
Chapter 8 -"I never pegged either of you as the skittish type."
Chapter 9 -"You're kind of cute when you're flirting."
Chapter 10 - "Funny one, Carter."
Chapter 11 - "Why did you lie to me?"
Chapter 12 - "There's nothing to say for now, Carter."
Chapter 13 - "I can't ever lose him."
Chapter 14 - "How did you know?"
Chapter 15 - "Why I do favors for people is beyond me."
Chapter 16 - "I prefer a swift punch."
Chapter 17 - "You look nice, Sarge."
Chapter 18 -"Play nice."
Chapter 19 - "How can he be so clueless?"
Chapter 20 - "Get. The. Hell. Out."
Chapter 21 - "People fail you."
Chapter 22 - "You want to crash here on the couch?"
Chapter 23 -"She can't just show up and do this to us!"
Chapter 24 - "You don't have to talk to her."
Chapter 25 - "Were you waiting for us?"
Chapter 26 - "Don't assume you know everything."
Chapter 27 - "You don't have to say it."
Chapter 28 - "I didn't think I would see you again."
Chapter 29 - "You look hot."
Chapter 30 - "How badly did I screw up?"
Chapter 31 - "I said it was fine."
Chapter 32 - "I know it's not a date, it was a slip of the tongue."
Chapter 34 - "Do you ever regret it?"
Chapter 35 - "She knows, Jay."
Chapter 36 - "Does it look like I'm joking?"
Chapter 37 - "Donovan, just talk to me."
Chapter 38 - "Don't punch me if you lose."
Chapter 39 - "I do not want your pity or sympathy."
Chapter 40 - "Let's go find Link."
Chapter 41 - "Split up."
Chapter 42 - "Get out of my way."
Chapter 43 - "You ready?"
Chapter 44 - "Who am I speaking to?"
Chapter 45 - "You got my message."
Chapter 46 - "It doesn't mean it's okay."
Chapter 47 - "Then I can kiss you again."
Just one minute, that's all I ask of you.
A Secret Service Special Surprise
Chapter 1 (Donovan's POV)
Special Scene Snippets
A Cross-Over Special
The secrets behind A Secret Service
Don't hate me! It's only a cover gallery.
Duck and cover gallery!
Take cover gallery!
The Story Continues!

Chapter 33 - "Look, I can't tell you."

420K 19.4K 9.6K
By joymoment

The murmur of voices filled the classroom like the bright morning light that found entrance through the windows. Mr. Miller stood over a neighboring table, helping a pair of confused students.

Carter stared out the window, onto the football field. But she didn't see it or the line of students as they made their way around the track, none of them giving it their all. There were hints of circles beneath her eyes. Link sat beside her, scribbling away on the latest project. A project she had already finished.

When he finally finished, he looked over and noticed Carter sitting immobile, her fingers drumming on the desk. He nudged her elbow with his. After not receiving a response, he spoke.


It was only after another nudge and a call of her name that she looked over at him.

"Hmmm?" she said, her thoughts still not completely focused on him.

He pivoted in his seat so he faced her, a frown of puzzlement crossing his face.

"What's going on with you? You've been, I don't know, distracted or something all week."

Her lips twitched at a smile, her focus settling on him.

"I'm surprised you left 'Maddy and Link world' long enough to notice that."

Link fidgeted, his gaze betraying him as it darted to where Donovan sat. She gave a wry chuckle and glanced back at Donovan. He was leaning over his calculus homework, the chemistry project already completed and forgotten. He ran a hand through his hair, a flash of irritation flickering across his face. He paused, feeling Carter's gaze and looked up.

Their eyes met for a split second before Carter looked away. She couldn't stand to see the question his eyes were holding. The question that she had ignored ever since Link and Maddy had their date.

A question even she didn't know the answer to.

"Well, what did he say?" she asked, crossing her arms and resting on the desk's edge.

"Only that you've been distracted and I should see if I can find out why."

"Did he mention anything about subtlety in your approach?"

Link gave a careless shrug. "Yes, but I figured you would see through it and would prefer if I was straight forward about the whole thing."

For the first time in the last four days Carter smiled. Link shrugged again and looked down at the desk, fiddling with his pencil.

"Are you going to tell me?" he asked, twisting his head to look at her.

She shrugged. "It's nothing."

He nodded, his expression speaking his skepticism. "Should I believe that without question or do you want me to push past it?"

Carter laughed, the sound drifting over the murmurs of her fellow students. A few heads turned to look at her with puzzled expressions. Donovan glanced over, but she didn't notice. Mr. Miller turned around to look at her.

"Miss Owens is there something you find amusing about the project?" he asked, his hands falling into his pockets.

"Besides the misspelling on the second page and the way in which it was frustratingly easy to complete? No, not at all, sir."

Mr. Miller's face seemed caught between amusement and annoyance, the result ending in a scowl.

"If that is the case please remain quiet as the rest of your peers lack your frustration."

Carter nodded and Mr. Miller returned his attention to the students in need. A half smile was waiting for her when she looked up at Link.

"It seems you're learning from dating Maddy," she said, her lowering her voice.

Link gave a low chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck, squinting at nothing.

"Yeah," he said, matching her volume, "she is really confusing at times, but I have learned the response 'nothing' actually means there is something going on."

Carter nodded. "Then the next problem is figuring out whether she wants you to accept it or not."

"Yeah. I still don't know that one." He glanced down at the pencil that revolved in his hands then up at her. "So what's it with you?"

Carter didn't speak, the stiff conversations with her father and his impassive expressions flooding her mind. Her face fell into an irritated scowl. Link shifted, frowning at the look that overtook her features. Letting out a frustrated breath of air, she met his gaze.

"I don't know," she said. "But you don't need to worry. I haven't really been paying attention, how has it been going with Maddy?"

He stared at her for a long moment, his expression doubtful.

"Are we dropping the previous subject then?" he asked.

She nodded. "For the time being."

"Okay," Link said. "Well, it's..." an embarrassed smile filled his face, no matter how he fought it. "It's going well. She's not mad at me about what happened Monday. The date seemed to take care of that."

"She looked like she had fun," Carter gave him a sly smile, "buried in your shoulder."

Link's face went red and he made a face at the floor, his smile conquering.

"Uh...yeah, it was good," he said. He looked up at her suddenly. "Did you know she smells like sunshine and peaches?"

The words seemed to come crashing out of their own accord. Carter let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "No, I was not aware of this fact."

Link leaned partially on the desk, his arms crossed and his face intent. "Yeah, and when she's excited about something she'll hold onto my arm as if to make sure I'm actually listening. She also does this thing where she plays with the end of her hair when she's studying. She tied it into a knot once without even noticing..."

Carter rested her head on her fist, listening as Link ran through a list of Maddy's habits. His eyes didn't really see her as he spoke, a smile always on the edge of his lips.

His tirade of all of Maddy's aspects was brought to an end when Mr. Miller called for the class's attention. Link blinked and looked around like he didn't remember he was still in the classroom.

"Alright, if you're not finished with your project, take it home. It will be due Monday," Mr. Miller said. "For those of you who did manage to finish, drop it on my desk on your way out."

The bell rang and the room stood. Students tucked papers away and departed, their expressions showing who had finished and who hadn't. Link looked back at Carter, his face showing his embarrassment.

"Sorry, I kind of...lost track of my thoughts."

"I'm guessing Donovan doesn't thoroughly enjoy bit by bit break downs of Maddy's every movement."

Link chuckled. "I've never even bothered to say anything."

"It's not really his thing. And don't worry, I'm glad you're happy, Link. If anyone deserves it, you do."

He bent over to grab his backpack. "Thanks."

Carter turned away from him and packed up her bag. They rose and joined the exiting crowd, depositing their papers on Mr. Miller's desk as they went. Beyond the door was a sea of uniforms, the sight blurring into bands of navy blue and khaki.

Students bonded to each other as they walked while other formed huddles around lockers, speaking to their friends as their eyes followed other student's paths. Some students hurried by, searching for the safety of classrooms so their 'alone' status wouldn't be brought into such stark light.

Carter took up her normal spot against the lockers as they waited for Donovan. Their wait was short lived when he appeared a second later. He stopped outside the door, quickly finishing up a text. Carter glanced at the phone and then at him, her curiosity sparked. He pocketed his phone and looked up at them.

"Is that James?" Link asked, nodding to his phone.

"Yeah," Donovan said.

"Who's James?" Carter asked.

Donovan looked at her.  "One of my older brothers. He's in town and I'm seeing him this weekend."

Carter nodded but found her own storm of thoughts drawing her attention away from getting more information beyond what he had given her. The flicker of a frown passed over Donovan's features as she looked away. Link looked between them.

"Want to go to History?" he asked.

Carter turned her head back to him. "Why? You feel like ditching, because I'm okay with that." 

He tugged her off the lockers.

"Not today," he said. "Come on."

He slung one arm around her shoulders causing her to smile and something to dart through Donovan's gaze. Neither of them noticed, Link already guiding Carter into the mass of moving. He removed his hold a second later, as someone jostled them.

They cut a path up the stairs and down the packed halls. They were rounding the corner to the history classroom when someone shouted out Link's name. Instantly, a smile appeared on his face. Maddy bounced forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

"Hey you!" she said.

"Hey," he said.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Carter moved around them, seeming to not really notice their interaction. Donovan took the vacated spot by her side, his eyes taking her in. He opened his mouth but the bell rang, cutting off his words before they had the chance to see the light of day. Link and Maddy broke apart and followed Carter and Donovan into the classroom. They slipped into their seats. Mr. Philips sent a look over the room, quieting last minute words and stiffly giggles and flirty looks.

"Before we get started," he said. "I am to remind you that career day is a week from today." His eyes roamed over the group before him. "I know some of you are thinking of skipping school. Know that if you do I will be docking fifteen points from your current grade. This is something to help benefit you. Don't waste it."

He turned back to the white board and started writing. "Now, let's move on with our study of the last five Presidents."


The bell rang shrilly causing the room to jump into motion. Carter stuffed her notebook into her bag and followed the group out. The hallways were ringing with voices as everyone moved to the cafeteria. She slung the strap over her head, as Donovan moved along side her. Link and Maddy took her other side, their hands joined.

"What is the deal with career day?" Link asked.

Maddy jumped on the question. "It's one of the reasons Hamilton Prep is the top school in the country. We don't get just average visitors. They've had senators, top defensive attorneys, tv news casters, ambassadors, FBI agents come. It's a big deal."

As Maddy continued explaining how it all worked, Donovan leaned close to Carter.

"That sounds like a security nightmare," he said.

She looked up at him as he shifted back.

"Hmmmm?" she said, as if she hadn't heard a word anyone had said.

Donovan studied her and then she shook her head.

"Oh, yeah," she said, realizing what he had said. "Normally, yes but they been doing this for the last fifteen years, so they know how to handle it all." She waved her hand around. "It's the reason there's been a few more people moving around. They are just the prep for the prep team that will come next week."

He nodded. "Should be interesting."

She gave a vague shrug. "Sure."

They moved into the noisy cafeteria and broke apart. Link, Maddy and Donovan headed to the lunch line and Carter found an open table by the wall. She settled her bag on the ground and slid into a bench. Tucking her hands into her pockets, she rested her head against the wall. She took in the ever-changing scene, but didn't really see it. The chaos before her seemed to only heighten her storm of thoughts. The volume of voices crashed against her ears, but she was deaf to the words.

Maddy's friends took their normal spots, as always shooting Carter looks but not saying a word to her. Laughter collided with the sound of slamming trays, adding to the chaotic noise. Carter focused on a spot on the far wall, a crease appear between her eyebrows. Her thoughts turned over and over the previous few days searching for clues to make sense of her father's distance. She replayed every conversation, trying to find the thing she was missing.

She was jolted from her thoughts by the sound of her name.


She jerked her head to the side. Donovan was looking at her. His face was blank, holding his thoughts back from her behind a wall of determination. Link and Maddy had taken spots at the table and were deep in conversation, as they shared food. Donovan sat beside her, his arms crossed.

"What's going on with you?" he asked.

She shook her head and looked away. "Nothing."

Donovan settled back against the wall, facing the cafeteria.

"Alright. Don't tell me."

They didn't speak, the roar of the scene around them doing a good job at filling the silence. Carter fell back into her thoughts. But the longer she thought over her problem the foggier her brain got, until it was a tangled mess. She let out a sigh of annoyance, drawing Donovan's gaze. She met his gaze. He seemed to read the state of her mind in the line between her forehead and the downward curve of her lips.

In one smooth movement he stood and pulled her up with him. The table glanced at them, but he didn't give any explanation. Before she could protest, he took her arm and guided her a few feet away to an empty corner. Dropping his hold, he turned on her. The table and Link were still in his view.

"What's going on, Carter," he said, his voice gently prodding.

"I don't know."

He crossed his arms and stared her down. "Come on, there's something going on. You're distracted and you look like you need sleep."

"Look, I can't tell you," she said.

He studied her, his eyebrows inching together.

"Why not?"

Carter let out another frustrated breath and tossed up her hands.

"Cause I honestly don't know."

She pivoted and leaned against the wall, her hands tucked behind her.

"Captain is keeping something from me and I don't know what it is." She looked at him. "Every time I think he's going to tell me, he doesn't." As she spoke her troubled thoughts slowly lifted the burden from her chest. "I think Maggie is avoiding me but I can't tell." She shrugged. "She might just be that busy. I saw her leaving our apartment the other day but she never told me why she was there." She rubbed her eyes tiredly. "I'm not sleeping at all. It's like my brain is trying to puzzle out what's going on but its coming up short."

She looked away, staring at nothing.

"I keep going over everything Captain says and does and yet nothing comes of it. I'm not sure what to do."

Donovan glanced over at Link and the focused back on Carter.

"How long has it been like this?"

Carter gave a noncommittal shrug. "Since Monday." She looked at him. "Why?"

"Your father started physical therapy Monday, correct?"

She gave a nod. Donovan nodded to himself, processing something, his eyes drifting from her. The tornado of voices spun around them, words like bits of debris flying towards them. They ignored it.

"What are you thinking?" she asked.

He pulled his gaze back to her. "Okay, I'm not going to pretend to know what is going on with your father. I won't even say it has nothing to do with you because I have no authority over that situation. But I know sometimes soldiers struggle with shock after being shot. Your father could easily be dealing with that and not wanting to burden you with it."

Carter frowned. "But he could tell me."

Donovan shook his head. "Men usually find the need to face things like this on their own and in their own way. I've seen countless other soldiers deal with it. They all worked through it differently."

She spun sideways to face him, one shoulder resting on the hard, plaster wall. "But why now? He was shot weeks ago."

"Trauma hits at different times. He's started physical therapy and that could have triggered it. Especially with dealing with weakness and learning to do tasks that used to be easy only a short while back."

Carter nodded slowly, soaking up his words.

"I don't know if that is what's wrong," he continued, "but just know there are more answers than it being about you."

She let out a sigh. "Well, if that's the reason for his distance I wish he would just tell me. I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure what is wrong."

"That might not be it, but it is something to think about."

She nodded again, her thoughts buzzing with the new information. For a moment neither of them spoke. Carter distractedly looked at the ground and Donovan watched her. When there was loud crash and string of curses followed by laughter, she looked up.

"Thank you," she said, staring at him.

He gave a single nod. "Maybe next time you can just tell me what's going on and I can help you sooner."

A breath of a laugh escaped Carter's lips leaving behind a half smile. "I'll work on it."


Chocolate twist ice cream!
(Yup! That sounds amazing!)

Okay! What the what is going on with Captain?!? I don't even know how to handle it! What is going on?

On a happier note, how adorable is Link?

(He's so cute when he's talking about Maddy! Gosh I wish I had a guy that was that ecstatic about being with me!)

Rainy day by a fire or snow day in a window seat?

(Gosh those both sound perfect and I don't think I can decide! Don't ask me to!)

If you could dye your hair one crazy color what would it be?

(I think I would go with a true bright red!)

Tijd voor vragen! (Dutch) This question is from someone that I forget to screen shot their username and I'm so sorry! If this is roughly your question let me know. Anyways, what character of yours do you most relate to? And which one would you want to be?
(Let me know what your answer is!)

Answer: I definitely relate to Elliot. She's a writer. I'm a writer. She has major insecurities. I kind of do. It's crazy! It's like I wrote her or something! So weird!!!

The character I would want to be....it's hard to say because Carter is so freaking awesome and gets Donovan and Lennon (A Second Chance) because she gets the wonderfulness that is Kade Mathews, but honestly I think I have to go with Amelia (Every Second) because she gets Sebastian and has Charlie for a brother!

I'm out of interesting ways to say this so...
Vote, comment, follow!
(If you have any ideas let me know!)

Also freaking huge thanks to -itscalledreading- for making me this bombastic cover! What do you think??

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