Jinx Academy

By SarahBethWood

38.1K 1.1K 114

Welcome to a world full of magic and mystery, with all sorts of creatures like faries, angels, elves, pixies... More

Jinx Academy
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twelve

1.4K 41 7
By SarahBethWood

          Selena's Point of View

          Leo found me in the library on Saturday. "I'm worried for you, Selena," he said, "I don't want you to get hurt." "I don't plan on it," I said. "None do," he replied, "That's why I got you this." He gave me a spear made of pure, solid gold. The shaft was five feet long, and from there extended into a twelve inch blade. "This is beautiful, and I bet it costs a fortune. Thank you, Leo." He smiled.

          "And it's amazing in battle. You can even channel lightning through it. Plus, the shaft is your exact height: five feet. I did a little research on faeries and found that your kind never grows past five feet, so you don't have to worry about outgrowing it. As for the rest it can do....I want you to figure it out on your own." I hugged him.

          "Selena, I want to ask you something very serious," Leo added once I pulled away. "Okay, what?" "Will you go on a date with me?" I thought for a moment. Leo was smart, mature most of the time, good looking, loyal, and a gentleman. But still, I hesitated. "I don't know, Leo. I should work on my spell. I want to get it done before Zane comes back."

          "Oh come on. You have to take a break sometime." "Alright." "Yes! Dress formally, and meet me in the courtyard tonight at seven o' clock." I chuckled. "Sure. Whatever you say, Leo." With that, I went to my dorm to put away my spear and to get ready. I was pleased to see Belinda was absent. After a shower, I got dressed in a simple, yet elegant black dress with matching shoes.

          Then I put my hair up and applied some light make up. Finally, once I sprayed on some perfume, I was ready. When I met Leo in the courtyard, I saw he had transformed the place. The trees had lights strung through their leaves and branches, which when combined with the balls of light floating around, lit up the entire area.

          A miniature waterfall that formed into a pond was near a table covered with a white table cloth. Enchanted violins played in the background. "Oh, this is beautiful," I said breathlessly, partly because I had trouble inhaling with a corset wrapped around me, and partly because I was momentarily stunned.

          "Thanks," Leo said with a shy grin. I noticed he was wearing a navy blue suit with black loafers. To top it off, a dark green tie brought out the green in his hazel eyes. "You look amazing, Selena," Leo added, handing me a single red rose. "My favorite," I murmured, accepting the flower with a smile and a blush, "But you knew that."

          "I also know your favorite food is lobster," he replied, gesturing to the plates on the table. We sat down together and began to eat. "So tell me about your family," said Leo. "Well, I never knew my parents, and you know how my uncle is trying to kill me." I laughed nervously and added, "I'm not sure if I have any other relatives."

          "Oh, right," said Leo, making a face, "I'm sorry Selena, that was a stupid request." "Just a little," I smirked, "What about you?" "Well, both my parents are angels. My little sister Jade is, too. She's sixteen, two years younger than me." "What's she like?" I asked.

          "Blond hair, like mine. She got her name because of her green eyes, though. She's smart, energetic, and quite determined," said Leo, "Jade can talk to animals, that's her power. She should start her first year here when we're in our third year." "I can't wait to meet her, she sounds great," I said. "She is."

          When we finished dinner, Leo and I decided to take a walk. "I should clean this up first," he said apologetically. "Allow me," I said, "Let the object of obsession become but a dream as I cause the scene to be unseen." Within a heartbeat, the courtyard was as it was before Leo changed it.

          "It doesn't seem as romantic now," I commented, "You did a really good job, Leo. Handy little spell though, isn't it?" "Very. Shall we?" Together, we walked around the now darkened grounds of the school. "Would you like to see the lake in the forest?" Leo asked. "There's a lake in the forest? Sure, let's go."

          As we walked through the woods together, we held hands, our fingers laced together. "You know, I can't remember the last time I was this happy," I murmured. "I can," Leo replied, "It was when you agreed to come tonight." Awwww, how sweet. We finally reached the lake, and I gasped. It was so enormous, I couldn't see the other side.

          "Wow," I breathed, "How did I miss this before?" Leo smiled as his arm encircled my waist. "Do you mean the lake, or me?" he asked. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. My purple eyes widened for a second, then flickered shut. I kissed back just as eagerly.

          His left hand gripped my waist tightly, and his right hand grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me forward to deepen the kiss. I certainly didn't mind that. When Leo's tongue requested entrance to my mouth, I denied him, deciding to tease him a little. Oh no, you have to work for it first, I thought. As if he heard, Leo groaned.

          Then, I felt pressure on my lower lip. I gasped, and Leo took the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth, exploring every corner. You sneaky angel, I thought. The kiss only ended when we needed air. "We ummmm....we should get back to the school now," Leo stammered. Reluctantly, I agreed, and we headed back.

          We parted ways on the forth floor, and I continued to my dorm room on my own. Once the door was closed behind me, I leaned against it with a happy sigh. "What got your spirits up?" Belinda sneered. After the night I had, not even she could ruin my mood. "Someone wonderful," I sighed.

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