
By artist1in1work

182 4 2

parts well come soon More

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Lost: part 2
Lost Part:3
Lost: part 4

Lost: part 1

72 1 1
By artist1in1work

As the alarm went off and i nearly fell off my bed, i woke up feeling like crap as always, i know i know dont complain about life ehhhh. But really how couldnt you? *sigh* god help me heh...Anyway i got dress, got all ready for school the same old same old. But two more days ontil summer. why arnt i happy? i gotta hang with my grandparents thats why,my parents are going to canada, wow i know right? But my dad said that him and mom need to have *alone* time, right now they are kinda in a bad place with each othere, they fight all the time and i know if it doesnt stop they are going to split. *sigh* hope canada can make them happy, anyway where was I? oh ya, i got on the school bus, headed to school, chatted with my good friend caz. Funny name huh? maybe i dont know, we all got off, headed to our classrooms all the same old same old stuff. ''PLEASE LET THERE BE PIZZA FOR LUNCH TODAY'' funny huh? u say that now but wait ontil you try the soup here *as I smile* the bell ring school was over. Me and caz headed for his house for the day, got there and his parents are gone ''yes!'' *as i smiled* we can play M rated games wooohoooooo! I know im a dork, but what can you do when your in school all day?

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