
De Supreme_Enchantress

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Charlotte's peculiar nature often keeps others at bay, resulting in few friendships. Orphaned at a young age... Mais

~ Charlotte ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Bella
Chapter Two: Bikes, Bars and Friends.
Chapter Three: The Truth Shall Be Told.
Chapter Four: The Truth Is Told!
Chapter Six: Alice!
Chapter Seven: Close Call!
Chapter Eight: The Cullens
Chapter Nine: Questions
Chapter Ten: Victoria
Chapter Eleven: Emmett
Chapter Twelve: The Slaughtered
Chapter Thirteen: Nomad!
Chapter Fourteen: The Witch
Chapter Fifteenth: Shifts
Chapter Sixteen: The Quileutes
Chapter Seventeen: Smell
Chapter Eighteen: Destruction
Chapter Nineteen: Medaow
Chapter Twenty: Graduation
Chapter Twenty-One: Party & Battle Planning
Chapter Twenty-Two: Training
Chapter Twenty-Three: Witchcraft
Chapter Twenty-Four: Here and Now
Chapter Twenty-Five: Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Six: Devoted
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Safeguard
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Battle
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Together
~ Epilogue ~
~ Important Notes ~

Chapter Five: Vampire Chick

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De Supreme_Enchantress

     The encounter between Bella and Jacob felt like more than mere chance; it was as if some unseen hand guided me to witness their interaction. Jacob's words about the Cullens being bloodsuckers lingered in my mind, but I refrained from confronting Bella about it immediately. I sensed that the revelation of their true nature as vampires would come in due time, and I resolved to wait patiently until Bella was ready to confide in me.

The days had passed since I confided in Bella about my witchcraft, and she seemed to handle it well. Bella spoke of her visit to Jacob and their conversation in the rain, but I sensed there were details she omitted. There was also another talk they had when he came to her house, again keeping some details to herself.

Though I chose to keep silent about what I observed between them, when in the rain. Her retelling it, and mentioning Sam, stirred a twinge of anger within me; Jacob had previously expressed fear of Sam and wished to avoid him. Nonetheless, I agreed to accompany Bella to see him, hoping it might bring him around, and tell us what was happening.

As we stood before Jacob's front door, Bella reached out to knock on the glass window, causing Jacob's father, confined to a wheelchair, to wheel himself over and open the door. His weathered face bore a mix of curiosity and weariness as he greeted us.

"Bella? Charlotte?" Billy Black's expression shifted to one of confusion as he registered our presence, his brow furrowing in puzzlement.

"We need to see him," Bella asserted firmly.

"He's not in," Billy replied, but his words lacked conviction, signalling to us that he was likely hiding something.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but we really need to see him," Bella insisted firmly, determination etched in her voice. She stepped into the house, and I trailed behind her, our footsteps echoing through the hallway. Ignoring Billy's calls, we made our way swiftly to Jake's room, passing by the kitchen on the way. With a determined grip, Bella pulled open Jacob's door, revealing him asleep on his bed, an arm lazily hanging over the side.

Bella and I exchanged a glance of relief, but it was short-lived. Bella's gaze shifted to something outside Jake's window, and I followed her line of sight, spotting Sam and his group emerging from the woods and heading toward the house. Without hesitation, Bella stormed out of the house, making me hurry after her, marching purposefully to the backyard, determined to confront Sam.

"What did you do?" Bella's voice was raised, her anger palpable as she confronted Sam and his group. They halted just inches away. "What did you do?!" She repeated, striding up to Sam and pushing on his chest, causing him to stagger back slightly.

"Watch yourself," Paul one of the boys, stepping forward as if Bella's presence was a threat.

"Easy," Sam growled, his eyes fixed on Paul. However, their focus shifted from Bella to me. My expression remained blank, betraying my confusion as I tried to comprehend what was unfolding before me.

"He didn't want this," Bella announced her voice raised, but I stepped forward to stand beside her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder and giving her a calming look.

"What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul demanded, stepping forward as if trying to intimidate Bella into revealing information. Bella shrugged off my hand and squared her shoulders, growing increasingly angry at them.

"Both of you, calm down!" Sam intervened, voice raised, attempting to restrain Paul by pulling on his arm to quell his temper. However, neither Paul nor Bella paid any attention to his efforts.

"Nothing. He tells us nothing because he's scared of you," Bella defended her friend, her voice tinged with frustration and determination. I knew accepting her invitation to come here to see him would lead to trouble. Bella's words elicited laughter from Paul and the other man, as if fear were a sign of weakness. Anger flashed across Bella's face at their reaction. With a slight shake of her head and a swift motion, she swung her hand around, delivering a hard slap to Paul's face. A sharp "clap" echoed as Bella's hand connected with his cheek, causing him to recoil slightly. His expression shifted from surprise to anger, his breathing quickening in response.

"Too late now," the boy to Paul's right remarked, his tone laced with defiance. I glanced at Bella, who remained fixated on the man before us.

"Both of you get back," Sam warned us sternly, his voice carrying a note of urgency. Paul's breathing grew heavy, his chest rising and falling rapidly as if he were on the verge of exploding.

"Paul, calm down, now!" Sam's voice was urgent as he glanced between me and Paul. However, Paul's breathing only intensified, becoming rapid and heavy. His teeth were bared, a clear sign that he had lost control of his anger. It was evident that he had reached a point of no return, teetering on the edge with no way back.

Paul extended his body, contorting it as he leaned forward. In an instant, he lunged toward Bella and me, his form shifting into that of a massive wolf. His fur was a dark grey, with patches of black seamlessly blending into the shadows. Both Bella and I instinctively stepped back, our eyes widening in shock. Paul's teeth were sharp and menacing, a deadly weapon poised to strike anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path.

My knees buckled under my weight as I stood there, frozen in place, watching Paul stalk toward us. The reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks, confirming the stories my Grams had told me about shape-shifters. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my wrist as Bella pulled me along with her, urging us to flee from the impending danger. It felt as though Paul was ready to pounce and devour us whole. My legs moved almost instinctively, barely registering that they were carrying us away from the danger. I kept pace with Bella as we ran toward the safety of the house.

"Bella! Charlotte!" Jacob's voice echoed from the house, urgency clear in his tone as he leapt over the fence and sprinted toward us.

"Jake! Run!" Bella's voice pierced through the chaos, but Jacob ignored her, sprinting towards us with determination. As he drew closer, he leapt into the air, his body transforming into a light brown wolf mid-jump. Bella and I tumbled to the ground, our eyes locking on Jake. Amongst his fur, I noticed streaks of ginger intertwined with his natural colouration. From his newly transformed form, Jacob let out a thunderous roar that echoed through the air.

Both Bella and I remain sat, our eyes fixed on the intense standoff between Jacob and Paul. Their growls reverberated through the air as they lunged at each other, teeth bared and fur being bit. They wrestled on the ground, biting and snarling, with faint whimpering sounds emanating from Jacob. Yet, with a swift manoeuvre, Jacob gained the advantage, knocking Paul off and sending him tumbling through the air before landing with a thud, his claws digging into the soil. They circled each other warily, and at that moment, I knew I had to intervene.

Unnoticed, I focused my gaze on both of them, letting my magic surge. Suddenly, they began to whimper, lowering their heads as if battling an unseen force. Bella's gaze met mine, not accusatory but thankful, acknowledging the intervention. My heart raced against my ribs, each beat echoing my fear and concern. As the fight escalated, I felt myself teetering on the edge. The wind intensified, sending leaves swirling around us in a chaotic dance.

Today, control seemed elusive, like a slippery eel in the river of chaos. Pushing further could lead to disaster, a consequence I couldn't afford. So, I released my hold over them, letting it dissolve like mist in the morning sun. Instantly, their whimpering ceased, and they returned to their primal stances, no longer under my influence.

I sensed eyes upon me, and I mustered the courage to confront them directly. My gaze locked with Sam's, and it felt as though he could see right through me, recognizing the source of that flicker of magic. The once powerful wind subsided, leaving behind only a gentle breeze.

Before anyone could intervene, Paul and Jacob resumed their fierce battle, seemingly unaffected by my brief intervention. Paul lunged, Jacob countered, and with a powerful swipe of his paw, Jacob sent Paul tumbling down the hillside. They crashed through the underbrush, snapping branches and tearing through the foliage as they vanished into the depths of the forest.

"Hey. Take Bella and Charlotte back to Emily's place," Sam directed Jared, and Embry, now that they were not blocked by wolves. They moved to comply, Sam cast a lingering glance in my direction before darting off in pursuit of Jacob and Paul.

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag," Embry remarked casually as he approached Bella and me. Bella seemed dazed, while I was lost in contemplation. How could I have revealed my abilities so recklessly? Sam was the only one, besides Bella, who seemed to truly notice what I was doing. Could he smell it? Could he taste the magic in the air? Questions swirled in my mind, demanding answers that seemed to slip through my grasp.


Bella drove us to Emily's place, following directions given by one of the boys. The atmosphere in the car was tense, the silence between Bella and me palpable. The boys in the back were animated, directing Bella with enthusiastic shouts as we approached our destination. When we arrived, they leapt out of the car with a 'call', leaving Bella and me alone in the front seat, still wrapped in silence.

"Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay," Bella's suggestion to check on Jacob echoed in the car, drawing attention away from my internal turmoil.

"I hope Paul sinks his teeth in him. Serves him right," While the boys engaged with one another, I remained lost in my disappointment, blocking out their conversation, wrestling with the aftermath of revealing my magic so freely.

"Charlotte, I need to talk to you about something," Bella interrupts my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. I offer a silent nod, signalling that I'm ready to listen. "Well, you see... um... you know Edward, right? Well... he's a vampire," Bella struggles to articulate the words. I take a moment to absorb the revelation before nodding in understanding.

"I see. Well, if werewolves are real, why not throw vampires out there too," I remark, gesturing with my hands. Bella looks at me shyly, but her smile is reassuring, a silent acknowledgement that she knows I'll understand. However, I keep my thoughts to myself, already harbouring suspicions about Edward and his family. Her telling me now only cemented what I knew in the back of my mind.

"Come on in, you, guys! We won't bite," Embry called out, drawing our attention back to them.

"Speak for yourself," Jared remarked with a sly grin, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he turned away and headed into the house. With some reluctance, both Bella and I stepped out of the truck. I circled around to the front to meet her, and together we walked side by side towards the house.

"Oh, hey about Emily, Sam's fiancé," Embry started as we paused a few steps from him. "Don't stare. It bugs Sam," he cautioned us before turning and heading inside.

Bella and I exchanged a quick look before proceeding cautiously into the house, where we could hear the sound of a woman's voice and her laughter echoing through the rooms. Bella and I positioned ourselves on opposite sides of the door frame, hesitating to step inside, unsure of whether we were welcome to enter freely.

Emily pivoted on her heels to confront us, her warm smile faltering slightly as her gaze met ours. Across her tanned complexion, deep healed noticeable scars marred her skin, bearing the unmistakable signs of claw marks. Our eyes were drawn to the scars, momentarily captivated by their presence, before we quickly averted our gazes.

"Who are these?" Emily inquired softly, her eyes flitting between Bella and me.

"Bella Swan and her friend Charlotte. Who else?" Embry replied casually between bites of his muffin as if we should be known to her.

Emily emitted a soft "hmm" before addressing Bella, "So, you're the vampire girl." Her gaze was keen, assessing, as her eyes lowered up and down Bella.

"So, you're the wolf girl," Bella replied nonchalantly, pushing off from the frame and strolling a few steps inside, her hands tucked into her jacket pockets.

Emily let out a soft chuckle, her features relaxing. "Guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one," she murmured as she carried a plate full of muffins to the table, setting it down on the wooden surface. Jared instinctively reached for another muffin, but Emily quickly grabbed his hand before he could take it. "Save some for your brothers. And ladies first," Emily chided Embry and Jared playfully, giving them a gentle shove as if they were mischievous children who forgot their manners. "Muffin?" she offered, gesturing towards the plate on the table.

"Sure. Thanks," Bella replied graciously on behalf of both of us as we stepped further into the room.

"Leave it to Jacob to find a loophole in Sam's gag order," Emily remarked with a knowing tone.

"He didn't say anything to us," Bella clarified, reaching for a muffin from the plate. The aroma of freshly baked muffins filled the air, tempting me to do the same.

"That's a wolf thing," Embry explained with a hint of pride. "Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them or not. And check it out. We can hear each other's thoughts," he added, his smile conveying the excitement of sharing this unique aspect of their werewolf nature.

"Would you shut up? These are trade secrets. Damn it!" Jared exclaimed, his eyes flicking to Bella. "This chick runs with vampires," he added, his gaze locked solely on Bella.

"You can't really run with vampires," Bella remarks, eliciting a snigger from me as I picked away at the muffin in my hand and popped a piece into my mouth. It was a decent muffin. Emily joined in laughter at Bella's comment, finding it amusing as well. "Cause they're fast," Bella adds with a grin.

"Yeah?" Jared began, leaning in a bit. "Well, we're faster," he added, a sense of pride evident on his face once again. "Freaked out yet?" He added, eyes flickering between the both of us, but he landed on my gaze last.

"You're not the first monsters I've met," Bella replied. It was my first encounter with any kind of supernatural beings besides witches.

"Jake's right," Sam announced, his voice echoing through the air as we turned to see him outside. "You're good with weird," he added, nodding at Bella and me as he stepped inside. Making his way to Emily, they exchanged a warm greeting before sharing a passionate kiss. It was evident that even after all this time, there was still immense affection between them. He showered her with kisses all over her face as if she were the most beautiful person in the world to him.

As I watched Sam and Emily share their affectionate moment, a genuine smile graced my lips. Their love radiated purity and sincerity, evident to anyone who cared to observe. It filled me with a warm feeling, a sense of hope for my own future. I wished for a love like theirs, someone who would gaze at me with adoration in their eyes, and shower me with kisses, just like Sam did with Emily.

The sound of approaching footsteps snapped me out of my reverie, and I turned my head towards the door to find Jacob and Paul laughing and gently nudging each other. Paul stepped inside the house, while Jacob lingered by the doorway, leaning against it casually.

"Sorry," Paul said with a smile, though I couldn't quite discern if it was entirely sincere. Despite that, his demeanour appeared genuine enough. He returned to the muffin he had taken, but my attention shifted to Jacob, who nodded at both of us. It was a silent invitation to step outside for a conversation. Without a word, we followed him out, ready for a discussion.


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