CodeLyoko: Season Five (Compl...

By minkswriting

14.8K 343 50

Xana has been defeated and the Lyoko warriors; Odd, Yumi, Jeremy, Ulrich, and Alieta, can live a life with ou... More

CodeLyoko: Season Five (Editing)
Back On Lyoko; A Sign
Xana Here
Chapter 6
Xana Attack; William
Stuck on Lyoko; The New Girl (Edited)
Xana's Strength
New Program; Xana's New Lair
Volcano Sector
Part 2 of the Volcano Sector
Xana's Attack
Day Of The Test
Battle of The Bands, Practice for the Dance
The Guardians and The Imposers (Edited)
Saving the Warriors
The Mission
Final Chapter B4; Season Six
Message to The Reader

Watching For Xana's Sign

850 19 2
By minkswriting

HEY!!!!! Okay now that I have your attention, lol check out the video to the right  --->

Odd Della Robia:

"Whats up with William?" I asked

"He looked like a hologram, like he was virtual" Yumi and Ulrich said at once.

'It could be something with the supercomputer" Ulirch said.

"Or Xana" Aelita added.

"No it can't be either" Jeremy said. I shruged unsure of what's really the problem. Well as long as things are ok I thought. I jumped into the pool. Water splashed hitting Ulrich, Jeremy and Alieta. I rose to the surface laughing.

"Odd!" Ulrich yelled. Yumi laughed, Ulrich was in front of her when I jumped, so she didn't get splashed.  Ulrich jumped in the pool and chased after me. He may be a pretty good swimmer but he doesn't have my energy or magnificent strength I thought.

"Ha, ha!" I laughed, but then bumped into Jeremy. Ulrich caught up, and Jeremy and Alieta both stood in the pool glaring at me.

"Oops, sorry guys, I- hey!" I exclaimed as they splashed me until I thought I'd drown, and Jim yelled at us to kock it off. I gasped for air when they stopped.

"That's what you get Odd, you deserved it" Alieta said.

"Yeah, yea" I mummbled. Ulrich slapped me on the back while he and Jeremy laughed. Yumi sat by the edge of the pool watching the scene with a smirk on her face.

"Pool is closed!" Jim yelled. Everyone cleared out and we headed to the locker rooms. William was the quickest out of the pool and entered the locker room first. I looked for any sign that he was Xanafied, what I called people under Xana's control. I, on purpose, roughly bumped into him, just to see how he'd react. He reacted quickly and moved away from me.

"Hey watch it Odd" he snapped.

"Sorry" I appogized. His arm appeared to blur, not looking very solid. I tried to keep a straight face and not look shocked. William turned away and went towards his locker.

"Did you see that?" I asked Jeremy once I was sure William wouldn't hear.

"Yes I definetely saw it; he seems to be virtualized" Jeremy spoke quietely. "Interesting" 

"What's going on, do you think the super computer is back on?" I asked.

"No I can't get a signal while it's shutdown. I wonder if I should go back and turn it on" Jeremy said.

"You sure that won't do something bad. I mean the super computer is powerfull and dangerous" Ulrich pointed out.

"I know, once at the school we can all talk about it" Jeremy said.

"Should we tell William?" I asked.

"It might be a good idea, but after we discuss it with the others" Jeremy said.

Once at school we headded to the cafeteria and grabbed dinner. I grabbed a large serving of meatloaf, the lunch lady knew how much I ate and would usualy agree to give me larger servings.

"Is it Xana? I asked Ulirch.

"I don't nkow, but whatever it is pretty wierd" Ulrich said.

"Maybe we should check the super computer" Aelita suggested.

"Might be a good idea. Lets vote on telling William and bringing him to the factory" Jeremy said. "Say 'I' if you think he should come with"

"I" Aelita, Yumi, and I said.

"I'm not sure he should come, although if he does we need to keep an eye on him" Ulrich said. We nodded in agreement. We all scarfed down our dinner; I finished first as usual and even managed to finish my dessert.

"Yo William" Ulrich called. William looked up, Ulrich motioned for him to come over. William sat down looking curious.

"William, somethings happening. You seem to be... virtual" Aelita said.

"What? What do you mean I appear to be virtual? Does this have something to do with, Xana" he said lowering his voice. He looked frightened, but only just a bit.

"We don't know, so we are going to the factory to check it out" Jeremy said.

"Allright" William said. We quickly put our trays up and abrupty left the cafeteria. I looked back at the cafeteria and gasped.

"Uh oh, Sissy is comming!' I said. We raced towards the gym, for there was a passage to the sewer in the boiler room, which led to the factory 

"Going somewhere?" Sissy asked. Herb, Nicolas and she were standing infront of the gym doors.

"The park" I whispered. We doubled back to the park were there was also a passage.

"She's hot on our heels we'll never get there in time" Ulrich said.

"Split up" Jeremy panted. "Go to the Hermitage" Jeremy being the least athletic one was already out of breath. We split up. Ulrich and I ran, Yumi and William ran, and Aelita and Jeremy ran off to the hermitage. Herb followed Alieta and Jeremy, Sissy followed Ulrich and Nicolas followed along with Herb. The hermitage is where Aelita and her Father, Franz Hopper, escaped to in her early childhood years. They lived there until men in black nearly caught them; they escaped into the sewers, to the factory, and into Lyoko. 

The others still hadn't made it. I hoped they could loose Sissy and her little followeres. They defintetely will  thought I thought. We risked our lives, lied to our parents and teachers to cover up our secret; the factory, the super computer, Lyoko, and the fact that Aelita isn't really my cousin she's really an orphan Jeremy just created false records for her.

We were about to enter the secret door to the sewers when Jeremy and Alieta came running forth along with Yumi and William. Alieta looked up at the hermitage; looking at its old worn down state and nearly collapsed. She was obviosly having another flashback to what it used to look like.

"Alieta are you ok" Jeremy asked very worried about Aelita.

"Yes I'm fine" Alieta replied holding her forhead whle Jeremy helped her up.

"Come on they have to be somewhere around here" we heared Sissy's voice.

"It's so dark and scary thought" Herb and Nicolas said somewhere. I heard the sound of one of them getting slapped.

"Shhh..... you'll let them know we're here if they're near!" Sissy yelled at them loudly.

"Shhhh" Nicolas said.

"Lets go" I waved to Aelita and Jeremy. We rushed into the passage way shutting the door behind us. Alieta, once again had another flashback about the passage.  I grabbed the skateboard I'd left down here. Ulrich, William, and Yumi also grabbed a skateboard; meanwhile, Jeremy and Aelita picked up a scooter. Down the sewer we went. I jumped and grinded down a pole.

"Yahooo!" I yelled as I went down the pole causing sparks to fly. I landed on the pathway that went around the murky sewer waters. There was a cross I had to jump over where the waters turned. I jumped and just made it over. The others were behind me and soon we came upon a wall of iron bars and a ladder. I climbed up first followed by the others. I moved aside the metal cover and climbed up were I stood on a bridge leading to the factory. William stood in front of the factory when suddenly he clutched his head between both hands and fell to the ground.

"Noooo" he whisperd quietly

"William are you ok?" Yumi asked; William didn't respond he kept shaking his head in his hands and whispering something.. William was out of it for 3min before he opened his eyes. He was sweating and he looked genuinly scared.

"William what happened?" Aelita asked.

"Nothing, just a memory" William said. I held out a hand and pulled him up.

"Thanks Odd" he mummbled.

"You sure you allright?" Ulrich asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" William mummbled. We slowly entered the factory. The stairs leading down only went four steps down to were they had been ruined and only part of the metal fraim stuck out. There were four thick ropes hanging down.

"Well lets go' Jeremy said quietly.  Jeremy, Aelita, William, and I jumped over the edge, caught the rope and landed firmly on our feet in front of the elevator. I looked up at Yumi and Ulrich. I could read lips and tell what they were saying.

"You still have vertigo?" Yumi said quietly to Ulrich. Ulrich had vertigo, a condition that made you dizzy and loose your balance when at great heights.

"What, me? No" Ulrich said. He clutched the rope and reluctantly slid down; Yumi came down next. We all stepped into the elevator. Jeremy pressed the big red button and slowly it went down.

"To the supercomputer" Jeremy said barely above a whisper; no one said anything. It's oddly quiet I thought. I hate it when its quiet, it's awkard.

"Like old times" I said, trying to break the silence. Jeremy pressed the button stopping the elevator. The Supper computer room was just below the Scanner Room which is right under the Lab Room. Jeremy opened a pannel in the elevator and punched the middle button twice, and then the lower left button. The door opened revealing a grean wall with a round lock on it. The round lock opened and then the doors finaly opened revealing the Super computer. Steam formed from the coldness of the room entereing the warm elevevator room.  We stepped in to the room. On the floor was a sort of hatch that closed over the mainframe of the supercomputer. It had the mark of Lyoko on it. The moment we stepped into the room the hatch opened and from the center rose the computers main frame. Jeremy stepped up to the mainframe while we stood back and watched. Jeremy seemed to be bracing himself almost. The room was dim, foggy and cold, it sent chills up my spine but I kept a straight face.

"It's allright Jeremy" Alieta said breaking the silence.

"Well okay" Jeremy said. He pressed a button and then a small hatch on the machine opened revealinga lever. Jeremy grabbed it, but wouldn't turn it on.

"Jeremy?" Aelita asked. He took a deep breath and turned it on. Light shone brightly from the supercomputer and there came a loud whooshing sound. I covered my eyes from the light until it dimmed, but was still bright. The room crackled softly with electricty that flowed through the wires again. William took a step back away from the supercomputer and gasped.

"You ok?" Yumi asked.

"I-uh, I-um yes I'm ok" he stuttered.

 I whistled shrilly. "Wow" was all I could manage to say. We went back up the elevator to the lab. Jeremy sat down in the swivel chair that automaticy went around the holomap that was still off, and towards to computer. Jeremy typed something quickly and the machine computer screen turned on. I watched William cautiously, but nothing happened though he seemed nervous about something. He seemed deep in thought. Jeremy typed something on the computer. 

 There is one large screen and 3 other screens angled toward the computers user; one on top, left, and to the right. The hologram map, which displays clicked on showing the first four sectors of Lyoko in 3D design. I couldn't help but smile at the familiar scense. It felt like we were getting the details on our mission to stop Xana right before we went to Lyoko. I sighed.

"What?" Ulrich asked.

"Just remembering all the battles and missions when we'd fight Xana"

"Seems like forever since we've been here, too" Yumi added. More like eternity I thought rolling my eyes.

"We haven't been here in two months, yet we still think and remember Lyoko like it was just yesterday" I said. "Looks like I was wrong, too" I added.

"Wrong about what Odd?" Aelita asked.

"Remember when we had just defeated Xana, and Jim had nearly seen us comming out of the sewers in the park. He asked what were up too and I said 'oh nothing at all, we just closed the book on an unforgettable adventure filled with heroism and danger" I repeated my words. (Odd says this in the last episode)

"Yeah and what about it?" William asked.

"I just think that adventure isn't over"  I said truthfuly

"Maybe" William muttered.

"I want to run a couple scans" Jeremy said after lots of typing and thinking.

"All right we'll head down to the scanners" Yumi said.

"We'll need to use a tower in Lyoko" Jeremy added. No one said anything.

"Well it'll be good to see Lyoko again" I said cheerfully. I missed being on Lyoko and I almost missed Xana. Even though Xana caused us a lot of grief I missed being a hero. Saving the world from his evil schemes, and saving my friends at the last momment. I was first to head down to the scanner room, the others were sooooo slow. The scanner room was just the same as usual. Three large, cylindar shapes with lots of wires running to the top of them.

"Allright everybody in" Jeremy said, his voice echoing down to the scanner room.

"Ladies first" I said bowing. Yumi and Alieta went in.

"Allright just like before" Jeremy said cracking his nuckles, his voice could be heard when he talked into the headset he wore. "Transfer Aelita, Transfer Yumi, Scanner, Virtualization"

Jeremy Transfered us all next, and we landed in the forest sector. 

"Well, were back. Back on Lyoko" I heard Aelita whisper softy to herself.

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