
By phannyboiz

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Potter: I love you, Dragon. More



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By phannyboiz

Dragon: Are you okay Harry?!

Potter: yeh, what do you mean?

Dragon: are you kidding? Hagrid just about got you killed today!

Potter: oh, the occamy? No, I'm okay I read up on them, They're very defensive of their eggs and can be aggressive to anyone who approaches them, plus it was in colder climate than it's used to as it's from the Far East and India, so it was probably cold and maybe a bit scared. They're not used to being in large groups. 

Dragon: Merlin, how do you know all that?

Potter: I've read 'Fantastic beasts and where to find them' we got it in first year Dragon, surely you remember something from it?

Dragon: well yeh but not down to the flipping word. 

Potter: it isn't down to the word! 

Dragon: You're smart Harry, but don't be a show off.

Potter: shut up

Dragon: make me ;) 

Potter: will I ever find out who you are? We've been talking for nearly two months now.

Dragon: but what if you find out then hate me?

Potter: I won't.

Dragon: Can you promise that?

Potter: yes. 

Dragon: who would you most like me to be?

Potter: what do you mean?

Dragon: if you could choose someone that was me, who would you choose?

Potter: Dragon, I just want to know who you are. You could be Colin Creevey and I'd still like you.

Potter: ...Well maybe.

Dragon: Don't worry I'm not Colin. He's really annoying, I mean everything about him makes me want to punch him. 

Potter: play nice. 

Dragon: I don't do nice. 

Potter: y'know... I feel like I might know who you are anyway.

Dragon: oh dont say that..

Potter: why not?

Dragon: well.. I'm not exactly confident. I act like I am, but I'm really not. Messaging you.. when you don't know who I am means I can be myself... if I really messed up or you got angry at me, you wouldn't know who to blame... It made it so much easier to talk to you..

Potter: Dragon... You have nothing to b afraid of. There's nothing I want more than to meet you. 

Dragon: can we just wait a few more weeks?

Potter: Of course Dragon. 

Dragon: Thank you Harry.

Potter: it's okay. 

Dragon: so you still need help with that Astronomy homework?

Potter: yeh, it's the essay on Jupiters moons, Europa's covered in mice right?

Dragon: omg no Harry, Professor Sinistra said it was covered in ice, not mice. You bobblehead 

Potter: ohhh that makes more sense than mice

Dragon: You are sooo going to fail this class

Potter: ugh dont remind me. 

~ This time skip is brought to you by all the fucking research I had to do to write this chapter I mean honestly fucking hell ~

Dragon: Okay, it looks good. 

Potter: thank you so much, if you ever need help just ask and I'll try my best

Dragon: well...

Potter: yes?

Dragon: do you think you could help me find some way to tell my friends I'm like hella gay?

Potter: well, that's a hard one because none of my friends know. 

Dragon: How are you gonna tell them?

Potter: well, I'll only tell them if they need to know, for instance if I get into a relationship. 

Dragon: do you plan to?

Potter: well, maybe. If you are who I think you are, then possibly. 

Dragon: well that could be a very good or bad sign.

Potter: it could indeed. 

Potter: Now, it's 1AM, so go to sleep. We have potions first tomorrow. 

Dragon: Don't remind me.

Potter: Night Dragon Xx

Dragon: Night Harry Xx

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