Devoured Destiny (Completed...

By ChaeWinacott

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"And you certainly feel like a human girl..." Jones trails off while he torments me by caressing the side of... More

Part 01 - Down The Gopher Hole. (EDITED)
PART 02. -A Different Breed - Vampires.
Thought Three. - A Deathly Encounter.
Thought Four. - Oh, Jones.
Thought Five. - Alluring Gypsies.
Thought Six. - Flashback.
Thought Seven. - A Bargain.
Thought Nine. - Dispute.
Thought Ten. - A Lullaby of sorts.
Thought Eleven. - Neven's Perspective.
Thought Twelve. - Home sweet Home....Not.
Thought Thirteen.- Interrogation Time.
Thought Fourteen. - A State of Shock.
Thought Fifteen. - Bitter confusion with a tad of lust.
Thought Sixteen. - Bloody Tears.
Thought Seventeen. - Regret. (Jones' P.O.V.)
Thought Eighteen. - Knitting sweaters. (Neven's P.O.V)
Thought Nineteen. - Humanity in a Nutshell. (Ariels Perspective)
Thought Twenty. - Inferno.
Thought Twenty-One. - The Privilege Of A Kiss.
Thought Twenty-Two. - Monroe.
Thought Twenty-Three. - Payback time.
Thought Twenty-four. - Nevenlon's Perspective.
Thought Twenty-Five. - A Rubber Ducky Moment.
Thought Twenty-Six. - Mornin' Sunshine!
Thought Twenty-Seven. - Naked adventures. (PART1)
Thought Twenty-Eight. - Naked Adventures. (PART2)
Thought Twenty-Nine. - A New Beginning.
Thought Thirty. - End of Part One.
Author's Note. (UPDATED)
Thought Thirty One. (Begining of Part Two) - 'Little One.'
Thought Thirty-Two. - Persephany.
Thought Thirty-Three. - Backing up. (P.1)
Thought Thirty-Four. - Backing Up. (P.2)
Thought Thirty-Five.- Breath-taking.
Thought Thirty-Six. - Abort Plan.
Thought Thirty - Seven. - What isn't mine.
Thought Thirty - Eight. - Time flies & sh!t hits the fan.
Thought Thirty-Nine. - Panic.
Thought Forty. - No such thing as simple.
Epilogue - Never-ending Quest.
A/N (announcement)

Thought Eight. - A Few Hours In Jones' Shoes.

3.8K 40 6
By ChaeWinacott


This girl drives me insane. She is so disastrous; in all of her lives.

That never changes. 

Oh, and the fact that theres always the other guy around too... we have never been fond of each other. I mean, he loves her and I...

Well I'm still not sure why I allow the thought and image of that woman consume so much of me. She always has this effect on me. 

Why did I hurt her then?

I shut my eyes as images of her flying through the air, by my own hands, fill my head. 

I was so angry. 

I am angry. 

Why is she back again?


This has to be the fortieth time she has been reincarnated. Every time she comes back to my world, it's like I feel her presence before I even run into her. Or, she runs into me. She's always running into me with that scared little expression of hers. 

A walking disaster.

I shake my head in amusement and feel my easy going  grin form on my face. 

I knew it was her again after the first time we ran into each other, or rather, she ran into me; and I threw her into a boulder. 

Her hair is different. Still long, but a sweet brown. I have seen her hair so many different colours, and in a variety of styles. She has had ghostly white hair, jet black, blonde, and my personal favourite, fiery orange. One time her hair had been fiery orange, with luscious curls that would reach her sweet little ass. 

I mentally shake my head. 

Seriously, dude? Get with it.

Her eyes are what always gives her away. 

Those emerald eyes.

Oh, and when any sort of emotion passes through her, there is a very visible tinge of oceanic blue. 

Heck, it's like swimming in the ocean, and I have a fear of drowning. 

I keep a normal pace as I continue to walk towards the eerie circus like tent. 

Personally, I'm in no rush. 

i'm only doing this for Ariel, and could care less about this Neven guy.

And theres the fact that I hate those gypsy hags. 

Grotesque creatures.

I reach the tent and wait for the gypsy 'mother' to come out and greet me. I know she can smell anyone coming within twenty feet of this location. 

Anxiously, I kick a pebble around with my feet. I'm getting restless, hurry up hag, need to feed soon...

Suddenly I snap my head up and look at the cloth drape that is used as a door, as I hear a continuous shuffling noise behind the drape. 

"Well, common! Show yourself already!" I grow more impatient with every second that passes. 

One of the gypsy woman raises the drape and throws their finger out at me, cooing me to come forward. 

To go inside the tent.

Like bloody hell.

"Let's cut to the chase shall we? Show yourself." I can almost taste the authority and booming confidence that my voice withholds. 

Damn, I'm good.

She finally pulls the remaining drape to the side, allowing me to see her face as she steps out of the tent and into the dark night. 

This is the longest night ever.

Exhaustion is dawning on me quite quickly. 

The woman is Zabella, of course. The gypsy 'mother' - a leader of sorts. 

She appears beautiful, alluring, but I'm smart enough to see past these things. Gypsies are noting but enchantments in flesh, trying to bait their next prey. 

"Zabella." I nod in greeting. 

"Jones." She smiles her delicious smile, and throws in a wink. 


Perhaps if I wasn't aware of what she really is and really looks like - I'd jump on that. 

But not with the knowledge I have about her. 

Not happening. 

She must understand my expression of utter disgust and get the point, because she moves on with our little conversation, placing one hand on her braided her, and the other on her small hip. 

"What is it that you want Jones?" She is impatiently tapping her foot on the dirt ground, which makes me sort of pissed. 

I'm the one that's starving, saving some guy I don't even know, and I'm the one having to face a disgusting, good for nothing gypsy

At least she gets the pleasure of looking at my handsome face that isn't going to peel away at any moment.

This is all real, baby.

"I need the boy, Neven." 

Zabella quirks her eyebrow and gives me a sideways grin. 

That would be so sexy, if she wasn't an ugly hag of a monster under all of that. 

Just my luck. 


"You speak french? Oui! Neven. The boy you probably enchanted to make him stay with you."

Gypsies remind me of big spiders. Their tent, is their web. You enter, you risk being stung and enchanted, leaving you dazed and oblivious as they secure you in their web. 

"What do you want with my boy?" 

"I need him." 

"Well, if you need him, perhaps there should be a price on his head." She rubs her pointer finger and her thumb together, indicating a reward. 

"A price?" I allow the rage and instinct to take over my mind and body. I feel my face scrunch in anger, and hear my voice go an octave lower, as I release an angry hiss towards the gypsy. 

Her face stays amused. She thinks it's funny to piss off a vampire, and send him into overdrive? 

I can see red all around her, like the haze of fury that engulfs me right at this moment. 

"Well you didn't come here thinking that I'd just give him up, did yo-"

Before she can complete her question, her eyes are bulging from the amount of pressure I continue to place on her neck as I strangle her. 

I would eat her if I wasn't sure that she would poison me. 

A putrid smell erupts from her as I continue to squeeze, tighter and tighter. 

I suppress a disgusted noise that threatens to escape my mouth as each individual pore on her face oozes a thick, mustard yellow substance. 

"Ready to give him up Zabella, dear?" I wince for using the term 'dear'. Such a creature does not deserve a nickname, in mockery or not.

"I will  squeeze until your ugly head pops off, and then I will do worse to all of your little gypsy minions that get in my way... and I will enjoy it, Zabella." 

She quickly starts shaking her head, as much as she can with me strangling her still. 

"F-f-fine. You can have the boy. I wanted the girl anyways, but since she escaped, the boy was to make up for her." 

"Unfortunately for you, you can't have either." 

"Very unfortunate." 

I let her go, releasing my grip on her neck. My stomach churns at the disturbing sight of Zabella, her face like a hundred zits popped simultaneously, and still  oozing. 

Worse then ghouls. 

I watch Zabella as she goes back through the drape and runs along. The drape closed after her, but I can hear the shuffling of feet and faint cries of protest and complaints. 

"You mean we can't play anymore?"

"Why Zabella? Why?"

"Awe, he's so cute though!"

I roll my eyes in frustration. 

Stupid whining gypsies. 

I wipe my hands on my designer jeans, hoping to rid myself of any remaining yellow guck. 

Shit, my designer jeans. 

I had bargained with a faerie for three years to get these! 

I look up as Zabella strides through the drape again, except this time she holds an unconscious Neven over her left shoulder. 

"Great... he's dead." Zabella practically chucks Neven to me, as I barely hesitate and catch his limp, lifeless body in my arms. 

I check for a pulse. 

Good, still alive; just barely. 

Zabella chuckles and retreats back to her web.

I throw Neven over my shoulder, using my speed this time, and the paved path. Retracing my steps, without having to go through the forest. 

I don't know where Neven lives, but he needs food and sleep, to survive. His pulse is barely audible, and his blood is calling to me. 

I haven't fed in a day, or so. 

I've got an idea. 

If I were to take a tiny bit of his blood, I could possibly determine what kind of creature he is, to make sure that my blood won't be poisonous to him when I feed it to him. 

Letting my fangs pop out at the idea, I slow down and come to a complete stop, kneeling down on the path. Looking around, there is nothing near. The forest edge is on either side of the path, surrounding us. I lay Neven down. 

Turning into the divine monster that I know myself to be, I sink my fangs into Neven's wrist. 

Taking my first gut wrenching gulp I retract my fangs and spit out the remaining blood that still lingers in my mouth. 

I drop his bleeding wrist to the pavement. 



Not right, at all. 

Wiping my mouth I remain kneeling next to his limp body. 

What is he?

Well, it's either allow him to die, or try to feed him my blood. 

I don't so much care if he dies, but Ariel would surely be upset and then not willingly come with me tomorrow. 

Gritting my teeth I force my fangs out again and launch them into my wrist, allowing my deep crimson red blood to flow freely out of the two puncture marks. 

Lowering my arm, with my wrist held out, I lift his head with my other arm; forcing my wrist into his mouth. 

I watch silently as my blood flows down his throat. 

So odd.

I'm usually taking the blood from someone, not offering mine like a damn blood bank, that those grimy humans have in their world. 

Suddenly Neven's eyes start to flutter and I quickly retrieve my wrist and pull my sweater sleeve down, covering my open wounds. 

His eyes continue to flutter, but not fully open. 

So I poke him. 

Right in the centre of his forehead. 


Then his nose. 

Then his forehead again. 

I can hear his pulse, it's strong and strumming along now. 

This is somewhat entertaining!

I poke him in the nose- 

And he scares the living shit out of me! 

His eyes dart open and he grabs my finger just as I'm about to poke him in the forehead again. 

"Quit it!" Neven's voice is raspy, and annoyed. 

"Haha, thought you could feel that. It was quite amusing for me!" 

"Funny, bloodsucker." Neven pulls himself up and sits on the path, he roughly puts his hand through his hair. The guy looks exhausted. 

He still needs to recuperate. 

Why the hell do I care?


"Wait, Jones... you did drink my blood, didn't you?"

Why does everyone always have to ask so many questions? They can't just say, 

'Jeez, Jones. Thanks for saving my life. I will be forever grateful!'

Of course not. 

"Look, Nevelle." I stand up and throw my hands in my sweater pocket, looking down at him. 

"Neven." He smugly corrects. 

I intentionally say his name wrong to get at him. 

It works. 

"Yeah, sure Neven. Anyways, I had to do what I had to do. You know, to make sure you lived. Would you rather be dead?" I pause to add the desired effect that I want. " Because I can quickly arrange that for you." 

I start walking away from him. 

I need dinner. 

I need sleep. 

I might even need a cigarette. 


Neven catches me off guard and yells over his shoulder at me. 

"Thank you!" 

"You taste like demon shit, by the way." 

With that, I turn my super speed on and dash to my right, into the beckoning forest where my next meal awaits me. 

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