Wait Another Day (Ender Incia...

By LoveBraves11

1.7K 69 45

The offseason was supposed to be a relaxing time, yet the weeks following the Atlanta Braves World Series win... More



99 7 7
By LoveBraves11

"Andrea! HEY, Andrea!" Remi rushed into her boss' office, flash drive in hand. She was nervous and it showed when her shaky hands laid it down on the desk in front of her, "Ma'am, I have one request for my book. It would mean the world to me if you could use this as the forward.."

Andrea looked over top of her glasses and took the flash drive. She paused for a second, before she glanced up at the younger woman, "What is this, Remi? I need to know before I agree to anything."

"Can you just trust me, and do this for me, please? I don't know what else to do-"

Andrea took off her glasses and ran a tired hand down her face. Remi wouldn't give up, she knew that much, but what she was asking was huge. Everything, including forwards, was supposed to be approved by a board. Andrea sighed, and knew Remi deserved this much, she had given up a lot to write this book on time, "I'll look at it and see what I can do."

Remi gave her a small smile and a nod, "Thank you. That's all I can ask," She debated saying something about it all, but decided against it quickly, "I'll see you in the morning."

"See you then." Andrea shook her head. She knew exactly what the forward was about and part of her felt as if it was a bit risky, yet the other part loved that her girl had grown into herself so nicely. The last thing she wanted was for Remi to end up like her. Alone and surrounded by nothing except work.

Remi felt exceptionally good about her chances to get the forward published. She knew Ender would read her book and know that it was to him. A small smile appeared as she thought about their time again, but then it disappeared as quickly when she checked her notifications and realized he'd never followed her back. Deep down, she was confused, but part of her wanted to think it was just too painful for him. She gathered her things and began her daily walk to her car. It was the time of day where she'd sit there for a moment, and check his social media. She had tried to cut back, but for the life of her, couldn't, "Alright, Ender. What are you into today..."

She held her breath, as usual, while she waited for it to load. Much to her surprise, he'd uploaded a new photo and she smiled at the look of happiness on his face. It was an older picture, probably from last season, but just seeing him had her feeling some type of way once again, "Ready to be back at it." She read the caption out loud. It already had over a hundred likes and twenty-five comments. It was impressive when it had only been posted for not even five minutes. Remi had sworn off reading comments and gazing through his followers, but she had to. Nervous, she opened the comment section and began to scroll. Most were just emojis, some in Spanish, others were from a few of what she assumed to be his teammates. She was starting to feel relieved until she went a little further down. Lots of girls, really pretty girls, telling him how great he was and how much they adored him. Sure, they were fans, but who knew if he would actually be attracted to them, or had even been with some, "Okay, that's enough, Remi-"

She was so distracted she didn't even realize she had a visitor by her window. Remi jumped when she heard the knock on the glass.

"Talking to yourself again, Remi?" Colin was smug as he reached for the door handle, "Can I just get in on the passenger side? We need to talk."

"Fine. Make it quick," She reluctantly agreed and locked her phone so he couldn't see. Ever since she'd come back to work, he'd been there. Her company had hired Colin to oversee an upcoming project, which had nothing to do with her, but it didn't stop him from irritating her, "What do you want?"

He sat down and glanced over at her. She was disconnected from him, as usual, but he didn't care. Remi needed him, and he knew it was only a matter of time before she came running back, "So, how have you been?"

Remi stared down to where his hand landed on top of hers. Quickly, she jerked her hand back and glared, "Make it quick."

"Have dinner with me," Colin suggested, "I'll make it worth your while."

"No," She bluntly answered, not giving it a second thought, "If that's all you wanted, I have somewhere to be."

"Where? Your empty apartment? Cute."

Remi glared at him, "It's better to be alone than to be with a jerk like you. Now if you'll excuse me... I have SOMEWHERE to be."

Colin still had a smirk, but not one she enjoyed seeing, it was more of the type a creep wore. Which is exactly what he was, "Suit yourself. I could advance you even further, but if you don't want that..."

"I don't want it. I don't need it. I'm doing just fine for myself, thank you," She spat, "Now, get out of my car before I call the police."

"Something is different about you," He remarked, "You're feisty. I like it. Either way, I'm going to find out what's going on. I may have to put a stop to it..."

"COLIN," She hissed, "Out. NOW."

He held his hands up and shrugged, "Okay, okay, I'm gone. But just remember what happens when you don't give me what I want. Bad things accidentally happen. Wouldn't want that this time, would we?"

Remi ignored him and kept her gaze forward. She heard the door shut and quickly cranked her car and backed out of the parking garage. Now she needed a shower because the thought of even being close to him made her feel extremely dirty, "Ugh." She had to mentally beat herself up that she had even allowed him to speak.


A couple of weeks had passed and Ender wasn't doing any better. After dropping Chance off at his brothers, he met up with Ozzie and the two started their trek to Spring Training. It was a few days early, just in case Ender decided to go to Miami, but it had been so long, he worried he'd be too late and end up pursuing something she honestly didn't want. Each day that passed it was becoming evident, "Hold up, Oz," Ender sighed as they came to the last stoplight in town, "Can you turn in here for a minute? I got something I need to pick up last minute."

Ozzie shrugged, "Sure, bro. We got time."

Once inside the shopping area, Ender headed straight for the bookstore. He rushed inside and smiled at the large table in the middle of the floor that promoted her book. He traced his fingers along the cover, which was a cabin in the snow. All the feelings came rushing back, his doubts disappearing for the time being.

"You should go see her, man," Ozzie put his hand on Ender's shoulder and peered down at the book.

"Are you going to buy one or not?" Dansby came up beside of his buddies and nudged Ender, "I advise you do."

Ender was shocked to see Dansby and it diverted his attention for a second, "Dans? Why are you here?"

"You know I love to read," Dansby smiled as he picked up a book and placed it in Ender's hands, "You should love to read too. Especially the forward."

"You read this book?" Ozzie mused but was quieted with both glared at him, "Sorry, I understand you reading it, Ender, but Dansby-"

"It's about our best friend here," Dansby grinned, "Honestly, it's the best thing I've ever read. You should read it too, Oz." He placed a copy in his hands.

Ender took a deep breath and followed it with a nod, "Alright, let's get on the road."

"To Miami, right?" Dansby followed along as Ender headed towards the cashout. Ozzie followed just behind, nodding as he walked, "Because you are so in love, and she is so in love-"

"She doesn't want me, but thanks for the encouragement," He paid for the book and turned back to his friends, "Don't worry, I'm not going to crack. Two-hundred and twenty hits this season. I promise!"

Dansby laughed, "So if you get the girl you can shoot for two fifty?"

"Be real," Ender mused as they approached the car, "I'll see you in Orlando, alright?" He quickly gave him a hug and got in the car.

Ozzie shrugged and moved around to the driver's side, "Guess this means I"m driving."

"Yeah, he REALLY needs to read that-" Dansby pointed with urgency, "Trust me," His voice got lower as he looked to Ozzie, "He's going to Miami. Even if he doesn't want to, you're going to 'end up there', right?"

Ozzie smiled, remembering the plan he and Dansby had come up with the night before, "Yes. If I die, know you were one of the best teammates I ever had."

"THE best," Dansby corrected, "See ya, man."

Ozzie got in the car and started it without a word. He noticed Ender reading, so decided not to interrupt. He had no idea what the book said, but with Dansby's excitement, he could imagine it may be something to change Ender's mind.

Ender nervously flipped through the pages, worried about reading the forward that Dansby was so persistent about. He knew Dansby wouldn't lead him to be hurt, but also, it could be something else that he had perceived wrong. He didn't want to get his hopes up. After a few more minutes of procrastination, he finally moved to the front of the book and braved himself to begin reading it.

First of all, I want to thank every one of you for reading my book. If not for my fans, I wouldn't have even had a desire to continue. You guys keep me going day in and day out. As much as I truly appreciate that from my heart, this forward is dedicated to someone else. Someone who actually took the time to get to know me. Someone who inspired me without even trying. Someone who helped me when I didn't even know I needed it. And most of all, someone who showed me what love was so effortlessly that it had to be real. Even if only for that moment, it was real. It was the only time in my entire twenty-six years of life I have ever felt it, and I will never forget it. You know who you are, and without you, I would not have had the courage to write this book and give it the ending it deserves. I hope wherever you are, your dreams come true, and that you are genuinely happy. I hope that someone loves you and makes you feel the way you made me feel, even if I can't be her. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.

Take a chance. Do not be afraid to fall, I will catch you.

Ender gasped softly, he felt himself becoming emotional. She was talking to him. She'd take the time out of her very busy life, to write this FOR HIM. She'd gotten it published in the front of her book, for him. He didn't even care that he was crying, "Ozzie, I think you better go to Miami-"

"Already on it, bud. Already on it."

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