One Direction Love Story

By CiCiPhillips97

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Just imagine your sitting in your History class with your teacher yelling at you when all of a sudden you and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven pt. 1
Chapter Seven pt.2
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (FINAL)

Chapter Thirteen

305 4 0
By CiCiPhillips97

A few weeks have gone past and Zayn and Jessica are going out as are Niall and Rayne. Liam still hasn’t asked Freya yet and I’m thinking it’s because of me. Rayne and Freya were out shopping and Niall was in his room playing his guitar and talking to his family over Skype while Harry and I were watching a movie on the couch with Louis, Amber and Liam when we heard someone groaning. We both looked at each other. “What was that….” Harry said as another groan came out. “You don’t think that….” Harry shook his head, “I doubt that it’s Nialler.” Liam said instantly thinking what we were thinking. “So it’s Zayn…and Jessica….?” Louis asked sitting up from his lying down position with Amber. “Well…I really doubt Niall would do that…and plus Rayne isn’t here…” Harry said looking over his shoulder at the hallway. “Yeah and plus I seriously doubt that Rayne would do anything like that.” Stated Amber sitting up as well, “So…it’s Zayn and Jess…” I said from behind Harry when suddenly another groan came from the hallway…and this time…it was a girl’s… My eyes flew open wide and everyone else’s did as well. “Just to be sure…I think we should call Jess…just in case…” Said Amber reaching for her phone sitting on the table, I quickly put my hand on top of hers, “What are you going to say? Hi I was just calling up to see what you were up to? You need to think of something.” Another groan filled the air, “God, this is so awkward.” Liam said with a nervous laugh. Harry and Louis agreed with him. “Okay I’ll just say that I’m too lazy to go and ask her and I’ll say I’m calling to see if she wants….Chinese or pizza. There, satisfied?” I gulped and nodded my head. Amber dialled in Jessica’s number and put the phone on loud speaker. We could hear it ringing from here. “Zayn, stop! Yeah?” She sounded out of breath and was panting. We were all crowded around Amber. I was nearly falling off the couch but thanks to Harry’s hand—wait that’s…Louis’s hand on my waist… I quickly looked back to Amber who was playing along with the plan she made. “I don’t know. Zayn do you want anything—” She stopped mid-sentence with a quick intake of breath.

I just shook my head and hid my face in Harry’s shoulder. “Say goodbye!” I whispered to her as a groan sounded out over the phone and in the hallway. I saw Louis biting his lip trying to contain his laughter and Liam covering his mouth, tears streaming down his face which was pink from trying to hold back laughter. “Okay…well I’m gonna hang up now.” Said Amber and flipped her phone onto the couch. “I can’t believe them!” Laughed Louis, causing Liam to finally break his code of silence. We all ended up laughing our heads off. Harry’s phone vibrated beside me, the ID caller read ‘Mummy’. “You have your mum down as ‘Mummy’?” I asked him, he blushed a little and shrugged before answering it, “Hello? Oh hi Mummy.” He said, which caused me to giggle, “Oh really?” Harry covered his hand over my mouth. “That’s cool! So can we have it for a week? Awesome! I love you.” And with that he hung up. We were all staring at him, “What was your mum calling for?” asked Liam wiping his eyes, “Well, Mum just told me that the bungalow is free this week. So we are leaving in about…..NOW!” He jumped off the couch making me fall off…..but not before Louis’s arms wrapped around my waist and caught me before I fell. I was basically in a dipped position but was down so far that I could feel my hair touching the floor; our faces were so close together. “You okay?” my hands were resting on his chest and he lifted me off the floor, I nodded my head. I was now standing up fully and we were still standing close together until we both heard Harry’s voice from my room. “Clarissa….why do you have a….G-string in your room that looks like something Amber would own?” I blinked a few times and stepped away from Louis and ran into my room with Amber while trying to get rid of the sensation of his hands on my bare skin.

 “That is mine!” Said Amber grabbing the lingerie off him, he just grinned cheekily, “Clairdey- Cat doesn’t own a pair of these!” she waved them in front of me, I backed away from them and ran into Liam. “Watch out!” he said, his hand resting on the small of my back. “Sorry but she was waving her undies in my face!” I pouted; he just laughed and patted me on the head before walking into his room. “Why are you going through my clothes?” I said entering back into the room as Amber left, “We are all staying at the bungalow for a week. Do you want to wear what you’re wearing right now for a week?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I looked down at my clothes; Denim mini shorts and t-shirt. “I guess not.” I said and walked over to him and started packing my bag. “Go do your own I’ve got this.” I said pushing his hands away. “Okay see you in a few minutes.” He planted a quick kiss on my lips and left my room in a swift move of curls. I was packing my bag when I knocked off my reading book. I sighed and bent down to pick it up when another pair of hands appeared in my vision. I looked up and saw bright blue eyes…Louis...but these blue eyes had blond hair to match. “You’re reading Romeo and Juliet?” Niall asked me handing my book and adjusting the duffel bag hanging off his shoulder. “Yeah…it’s my favourite Shakespeare play.” Niall laughed, “Can you recite any of it?” I wrinkled my nose, “Yeah but it’ll kind of embarrassing….”  He shook his head and grabbed the book and flipped to a random page, “I bet you can do it.” He said flipping through the pages, “I mean I know the play off by heart cause I did it at school and I was Juliet but—” “You played Juliet?” He said looking up at me eyes wide open, I gave a nervous giggle and nodded my head. “That’s cool. Here, this part is a Romeo and Juliet part.” He said pointing to the page he stopped at, I just shook my head as he cleared his throat. “What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.” He looked up me, meaning I had to say the lines I just sighed, “Ay me. Oh Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo.” I said, Niall smiled widely at me, “She speaks! Speak again bright angel!” I giggled, “Deny thy father and refuse thy name. If thou wilt not be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” He laughed and closed the book and handed it to me. “I would have loved to see you do that in a real performance.” I gave him a hug and he gave me a kiss on the head and helped me with my bags.

We all piled into the car, Harry and I in the front, Amber and Louis in the back with Freya and Liam and then Rayne and Niall in the backity back-back with Zayn and Jessica. We were just mucking around in the car laughing and cracking jokes, until the boys ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ came on. All of us girls looked at each other, squealed like fan girls causing the boys to crack up laughing and started singing along to our favourite parts. Rayne’s favs were all of Niall’s part, Freya’s was Liam’s, Amber’s was Louis’s, Jessica’s was Zayn’s and mine was Harry’s. When it came up to his solo, Harry looked at me and we sang it together. Everyone awed at the end of it and clapped causing me to go bright red. “Rissa you never sing unless you’re mucking around.” Said Freya pouting a little, “Yeah,” agreed Jessica moving closer to the seats in front of her, “What have you boys done to her? Put her on confidence boost pills?” joked Rayne, I poked my tongue at her and she cracked up laughing.

It was getting dark and I was getting sleepy. No one was talking loudly they were just talking quietly amongst themselves I felt myself drift off to sleep on Harry’s shoulder.


I was walking down the corridor. The same one from my nightmare where everyone died, a cold wind blew my hair in my face; I pushed it behind my ears and hugged myself. I heard an evil little giggle. I spun around to see…the fan girl that threw the rock at Amber! “What are you doing here?” I said backing away from her; she held a long pointed knife in her hands. “Shame what happened to Niall…” She said very casually as she made her way closer to me. “How do you know about Niall?” my voice shook a little. I wanted to get away from her. “Just like what happened to the Niall in your dream hun? He nearly drowned…and so did the Niall in real life…” Suddenly there was a big gust of wind, I shielded my eyes and as I felt the wind die down, I looked up again and saw that the girl had disappeared. I looked around the room and couldn’t see anything. I heard something shuffling behind me and saw Louis’s burnt face.

End of Dream

I bolted up right and smacked my head on the top of the car roof. “You right Clarissa?” I looked beside me and saw that Louis was sitting next to me. “Yeah…where’s Harry?” Louis pointed beside me and I looked and saw Harry peacefully sleeping. “Did you have a bad dream again?” I rubbed my head where a smacked, “yeah…stupid scary movies…” I couldn’t tell him that I think the reason why Niall nearly drowned was because of a dream I had. I trust Louis but I think that might spin him out. “Well are you okay now?” He rested his hand on my leg, shivers and goosebumps rising under his touch. I shoved down a shiver with all of my will power. “Yeah…I’m good. Are we nearly there?” Louis scanned my face, I’m not sure what for though but after a few moments he looked back to the road. “A few more minutes.” I nodded and whipped my eyes and shook my hair out. The cabin filled with the scent of my shampoo and conditioner. Roses and lavender with a hint of honey, “Looks like we’re almost there.” Said Louis pointing at a street sign. I nodded and leant against his shoulder but then instantly remembered Harry and snuggled up to him. “Hmm what?” He groaned waking up a little groggy, “Nothing…go back to sleep.” I whispered to him and snuggled into his neck; he wrapped his arm around me and rested his cheek on top of my head.

I stayed awake until Louis pulled up to the driveway. “It’s so weird begin here, like I remember it from the documentary and X Factor’s just like...weird seeing it in real life.” I said as Louis turned the car off, he gave a small smile before hopping out of the car. I shook Harry’s shoulder to wake him up, “Yeah...” He groaned sitting up, “We’re here.” I said to him rubbing his back trying to get him to wake up more. He rubbed his eyes and blinked, “Oh, we are.” He pulled me out of the car and walked me inside the house. “I can’t believe that I am actually inside this house...” I whispered to him, he gave a small laugh and wrapped his arm around my waist, “Come on, I’ll give you a tour, but promise me that when we go into the room that they showed on the documentary don’t scream.” I just laughed at him. “I won’t.” He smiled and grabbed my hand and showed me the house.

After everyone was awake and settled in the bungalow it was almost dark so Liam and Louis decided to light the fire. Harry and I were curled up on one seat under a duna like Liam and he was in the documentary. “It’s soooo cold!” I shivered into Harry’s chest. “I know!” said Rayne underneath a blanket with Niall, “Are you cold? I can get you another blanket.” Said Niall starting to get up but Rayne pulled him back down again, “I’m just fine.” She said as she snuggled into his arms, he blushed which made me laugh, Louis was watching me and I caught his eye. He had Amber on his lap and she was deep in conversation with Freya. I suddenly got out of breath again so I tore my eyes away from him. “So what are we going to do tomorrow?” I snuggled into Harry more feeling his hand rest around my waist and his chin on my head. “I don’t know...whatever you want to do.” Harry kissed the top of my head, I felt Louis’ eyes on me as he got up to check the fire, I tried to ignore them but it was so hard. “I want some chocolate.” I stated “oh yes!” said Niall sitting up nearly making Rayne fall off, he gripped her tight as she wrapped her arms around his neck giggling her head off. “Liam? Can you get us some chocolate?” asked Harry, Louis was prodding the fire making it grow bigger. Then it just suddenly happened.

The flame grew and lashed out at Louis, he flew back and the sleeve of his jumper was on fire. He screamed as did the rest of us. Zayn and Liam were beside him instantly, they ripped the jacket and his shirt off him and Harry dumped water all over him. Fire. Flames. Burns. Oh my dream...Louis was a burn victim...NO! Shut up Clarissa! You’re just scaring yourself silly. “He’s alright.” Said Liam walking over to us, I saw a root in the fire light underneath the grass. I was about to say something to Liam when he tripped over it. SNNAAPPPP! “Liam!” I screamed and jumped off the chair and ran over to where he laid unconscious. He was on his stomach, his head facing the left. It looked like he broke his neck. “Clarissa!” Harry ran over to me and dropped down to Liam, “Liam? Mate can you hear me?” He shook Liam’s shoulders, “Harry I think he’s neck is broken...” I whispered to him, “Why would you think that?” he said looking at me through his curls, “I heard a snap as he fell...” Harry just shook his head, “Zayn stood on a bunch of twigs back there.” I breathed a sigh of relief, “ow...” Groaned Liam, Harry helped rolled him over so he was on his back, “Is anything broken?” Harry asked him as he sat up, Freya came running over to us, she pushed me out of the way and I fell back on my elbows. Jeez I wonder what has her so worried about him now, seeing as she didn’t pay any attention to him before. “Liam! Are you alright? I saw you and Clarissa then I saw you fell. She didn’t push you did she?” I can’t believe her! Was she blaming me? “Yeah I’m okay. Why would you think that Rissa pushed me?” Freya looked stumped for a bit then flicked her hair out of the way, “it just looked like it...” she stood up, brushed her clothes and walked back over to the girls. “That was a bit weird.” Said Harry helping me sit up, I rubbed my elbow and grunted, “I wonder why she thought you pushed me...” Liam said rubbing his neck, “Freya can get really jealous, especially around boys so...yeah.” I said trying to avoid Liam’s eyes, Harry held down his hand for Liam who took and got pulled up. “You okay?” Louis said walking over to us, I felt the hairs on my neck stand up and I shivered. Harry put his arm around me and smiled down sweetly. I don’t think I’m going to be able to go through with this....

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