Awakening Evil

By APBailey1994

22 0 2

In this story, Princess Luna is faced with her inner demons, but she only has the will to suppress them for s... More

Awakening Evil

22 0 2
By APBailey1994


"Princess Celestia we must go! Nightmare Moon approaches!" Princess Twilight said to Princess Celestia with urgency. As Twilight said this to Celestia, her heart had been beating wildly resembling a jack hammer, her eyes darted from where she had to run, and back to Nightmare moon again. She wanted to run as fast as she could without stopping for anypony else, not even Celestia, but her sense of affection for her mentor compelled her to stay.

Twilight began to sweat as Nightmare Moon closed in. She had been getting antsy with anxiety as she noticed her hunter getting closer and closer. Twilight had only one thought in her mind to flee and never look back, even her instincts told her to, but she suppressed the urge to run, so she could be with Celestia, to guarantee Celestia's safety. Nightmare Moon prowled closer and closer never faltering like a beast stalking its prey, Twilight continued to grow fearful as she saw her fast approaching. Alarm bells sounded in her mind as the distance between Nightmare Moon and her shortened "CELESTIA WE MUST LEAVE! NOW!" She screamed in fear.

"NO! I will Defeat her, now run your life has yet to begin, be safe, prosper this is my burden to carry. NOW GO!" Celestia stated fearlessly with an expression of determination, confidence and vengence; the expression she had could inspire fear in the bravest of warriors. She did not fear the predator, she only cared for Twilight and the rest of Equestria, and her purpose to protect them like the mother they saw her as, she could not; no, would not fail, and she became emboldened by power. She knew she could deal with her corrupted sister once more.

"Let me help you, Princess! He was my friend to!" Princess Twilight stated defiantly stricken with fear and sorrow, knowing she could very well die here this day, but that did not matter, she could not bear the thought of losing her mentor in battle. She would not allow her to perish here. She would die before her mentor did. She was fearful, but fear cannot beat the power of love and friendship, "I'm Sorry Celestia, but I will not obey you this time. I will stand and fight. I WILL NOT LET YOU DO THIS ALONE!" Twilight continued slamming her hoof down in defiance with an expression of bolstered bravery, and a tone that even surprised her.

"Twilight, my faithful student, I'm sorry, but you have no choice in this matter; I hope you will forgive me, but I cannot risk having you die!" As Celestia finished her compassionate sentence, she teleported Twilight and her friends away. Celestia Regretted having to force her beloved student to flee, but it had to be done, if she were to survive and Twilight were to die on her behalf she could not bear with the grief. Even as she thought about it, it caused her heart to ache, and a tear to fall. She loved Twilight too dearly she could not lose her; if she were to, she had been sure she would lose the will to live. She had already lost her sister, her best friend, and if she lost her faithful student she would not be able to continue living, these dark thoughts panged her mind for several seconds, causing her to cry lightly.

As Celestia stirred from her morbid thoughts, she focused on the task at hand, and she thought to herself "Okay sister dear, I fix my mistake this day." As Celestia thought this she unfurled her beautiful white wings, and took flight for the final showdown.

"So you are ready to fight Celestia," Nightmare Moon said as she flapped her black wings to alight herself.

"Yes it is time to repair the wrong that I have done to you, I'm sorry," Celestia replied panged with guilt. She hated doing this to her dear LuLu, but it had to be done, to save Equestria and her ponies. as she remembered the first time she had to do this, a tear rolled down her snout and fell to the ground below. She felt her heart break once more just like before it was a surreal feeling of déjà vu, but she also remembered the pain like it was yesterday, especially the loneliness that followed when she did it the first time.

"Your wrong HA, don't make me laugh your wrongs are beyond forgiveness you are going to pay for what you caused"

"This is my final mistake to be rectified." Celestia said as another tear rolled down her muzzle, and as it did the heavens opened up and it began to rain like they too were stricken by grief. As it started to rain upon them, it added to the somber mood. Celestia did not want to go through with this, but she knew she had to, she could not banish her this time, she had to condemn her to death, and that made the sadness she felt multiply tenfold. Celestia began to silently cry at the thought, her tears were masked by the somber rain, she cried like a river of sorrow unable to be sated by any stop; they would endlessly flow. This was an ancient sisterhood, soon to be torn by flames.

5 days earlier...

Luna was doing her royal duties when she felt something was wrong, the air had a familiar thickness to it. She felt this feeling once before, but she could not recall where she felt it, and that concerned her, she did not like it when she forgot things; what was worse was that she could of sworn it was of dire importance to remember "What was this thick feeling of lingering evil." she thought.

She decided to ask her sister what she thought of this feeling, or if she even felt it in the air. Her sister had also been doing her royal duties, sorting through the mountains of doctrines and political reports. She often hated doing this job, but she knew that it had to be done and because she was the princess of Equestria, and she knew that she would always draw the short straw. Sometimes she wished she could hand her throne to Luna, and go on holiday and live like a filly without a single bit of responsibility. Unfortunately, Celestia had a job to do although, monotonous she had to do it she had to raise the sun each day, deal with politicians during the day and had to do paper work for the entire day "another day," she sighed at her boring, and monotonous life.

Luna's sister was named Celestia, and she too could sense the thick feeling in the air, and she figured that a great evil was closely approaching. In reaction to her perception, she ordered more frequent guard patrols, and more guards posted around the castle, it felt familiar to her and that's what worried her, and a night earlier she had a nightmare of Equestria in flames. in that vision she saw the rest of Equestria enslaved by this mysterious villain, and she could feel her sisters lance pierce her in the chest. as she was pierced; she suddenly woke up in a cold sweat with laboured breathing. The dream felt so surreal, it felt more like a premonition. The revelation spooked Celestia, and she was not easily spooked. She had been truly afraid that night.

This thick feeling although Celestia figured it was evil, reminded her of a time where she nearly died, but she couldn't remember why she almost died, or what it was that nearly killed her, her mind felt clouded and slow as if she were walking through a tar pit. She couldn't fathom why though, Celestia suspected that it was the thickness doing it. She knew that it was a type of spell that she could not break, and it scared her. Celestia decided she had better check on her sister in the library. Celestia had ordered her sister to study up on the latest political changes, so that she could take over the court during the night, due to the amount of request they would receive.

Her sister had been studying for weeks in preparation for it, and Celestia was surprised that she had not burnt out yet. "Lulu, how are you today." Asked Celestia

"I'm afraid, I feel a dark thickness creeping in. Can you feel it?" Replied Luna with a concerned expression upon her maw. She had been growing more worried as the day continued on; something was off, the day seemed to go fast, and it felt eerie for a spring's day, it was un-natural almost like something evil had been watching her. It felt like it was creeping in closer slowly stalking her. Luna had checked over her shoulder several times today, feeling like she was being watched from the shadows. Her paranoia had set in moments before Celestia entered the library adding to her fear.

"Yes I believe it's an evil spell, as for who cast it, I don't know, but be on your guard. I can't risk losing you again." Celestia cautioned with a slight hint of fear and worry in her expression.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You worry too much sister," Luna reassured Celestia feeling a little safer and less paranoid with her around.

"I just don't..." Celestia replied as tears formed in her eyes, and she began to sob lightly.

"Now, Tia don't get teary I'm not going anywhere." Luna concluded as she gingerly wiped a tear off of her sister's face. Filled with a sisterly love that could not be broken. Not even by the strongest trial, they were sisters and they had been for over a thousand years, and nothing would ever change that.

After the day ended, and Luna was asleep, she had a nightmare so to speak, and she witnessed Equestria in flames, and standing in front of the flames, was an alicorn she knew far too well. It was the one she never wanted to see again it was her inner demon, her arch nemesis within herself. It was; Nightmare Moon.

"Your sister may have thought she killed me, but how can you kill something that is bonded with you Luna, or should I call you, Nightmare Moon. I'm going to have to borrow your body, fight me if you want, but you will not prevail. Just to be sure our meddlesome sister does not interfere with my plan I'm going to curse you, so that you will not be able to tell your precious sister, or even your irritating and pathetic friend. TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" she spat with a venomous tone, before reciting her curse.

"Banvishvadom gerenteal faradear montaragon." As Nightmare Moon said this in the dream, a black aura formed around Luna, and absorbed into her body. Nightmare Moon continued "now you cannot mention your revelation to your sister. Now to take over your body, I need to collect something for my arrival."

"You shall not take me over. Not again Nightmare Moon." As Luna said this to Nightmare Moon in her mind, she focused her willpower, and pushed Nightmare Moon back to the inner depths of her consciousness. "You will not suppress my influence forever, you will fail." As Nightmare Moon said this she faded away.

As Luna woke up the next day she didn't remember what happened in her dream or that she even had a dream, but something rang in her head that would not dissipate from her mind, the words "You cannot suppress my influence forever you will fail." The voice that rang in her mind was familiar, but she could not place it, and she could not understand why those words were in her head. Still she thought she had heard them before. She tried, but she could not remember where she heard them before.

Luna walked up to her sister with the intention to tell her the words that rang in her head like daunting bells. But when she tried to, she couldn't say anything. "What is it Luna, is something wrong?" Celestia said concernedly to her sister, as she noticed that something had been perplexing her, and she felt a dark aura lingering around her it resembled the same thickness that hung around.

Luna Tried to speak for several seconds but when she tried her mouth opened but nothing came out, it didn't even move the only thing she could say was.

"Oh, it's nothing." Luna did not know why this happened, or even how it happened, she could not even think of how it possibly could have happened. She searched her mind for the answer, but it was like a labyrinth nothing made sense in her mind any more, even her telepathy failed, and this only worsened her fear.

"Okay." As Celestia said this she could only think something had been wrong. Then she thought to herself "It's unlike my sister to act like this, something strange is in the air I need to find out what this means," As Celestia finished her thoughts she headed out to the library, and as she did she continually worried about her dear sister, and it only worsened throughout the day. She became even more stressed when she could not find any information on what had been happening to Luna, and this only worsened her concern. Celestia had researched the entire Canterlot Library and by the time she had finished, it was nightfall. As she made it to her chambers to get some rest, she could not sleep, she could only toss and turn filled with woe and concern, about her sisters worsening condition.

Chapter 1 Day 2

After the recent dream, Luna could not understand why she could not speak to her sister about what she heard. Luna had been still very concerned, and she found herself continually looking over her shoulder with a mixture of fear and paranoia. She could not understand what was happening, she felt like she had to tell Celestia something, and she felt if she didn't something bad was bound to happen.

What was worse was the evil feeling she had been feeling around her, it had only worsened it was stronger now and this put her in a state of fear that she could not shake off. She had to try something, anything; anything to let her sister know about the dream. So she decided to head to the library and find out if it was a curse, and if it was how could she break it, or was it something much more villainous, something purely evil, waiting in the shadows watching closely for its prey to falter, and its moment to strike. Luna searched for hours trying to find information, gradually becoming scarcely more paranoid and fearful. Luna had now gotten to the point of unyielding panic, she eventually deduced that the information didn't exist, and this only worsened her sense of panic, but as she deduced this she had thought that maybe the princess of magic could help her gain understanding on this matter.

Luna travelled to Ponyville with great haste to seek out the council of the Princess of magic and friendship, Twilight Sparkle; she knew that if anypony could help her, it was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight was going about her business; sorting out her own Royal duties, dealing with the mountains of friendship problems that had accumulated over the last week. She was a lot older now and she closely resembled Celestia's height, her wings had fully developed and they were twice the span of Rainbow Dashes wings, but Rainbow was still the best flyer in Equestria, and she had the trophy to prove it.

She had won the Equestria winged race by a landslide; but unfortunately she couldn't fly all that much anymore, due to an accident when fighting a second dragon recently. The Dragon swung its giant tail and hit Dashes wing, it then proceeded to hit it repeatedly crushing her right wing until it was nothing but dust.

Twilight attempted to heal it using her magic, but she could only partially heal it. She could fly, but she couldn't fly the way she used to. If she attempted to, a sharp pain would shoot through her wing, and she would plummet to the ground. Due to this Rainbow Dash was no longer the same Dashy. She was now in an endless struggle against depression. Dashy spent many nights alone in Cloudsdale crying for hours, she was distraught. Rainbow Dash had thought of ending it all on many occasions, she thought her life was over , and she had nothing to live for. She could no longer be a competitor in the Equestria Wings Tournament. On one fateful day when Rainbow Dash had made her mind up to end it all, Scootaloo came to Rainbow Dashes house in Cloudsdale and as she was about to drink a vial of poison to kill herself Scoot dashed in, knocking the vial to the ground shattering it, before slapping Rainbow Dash across her face, before bluntly saying as her eyes began to tear.

"DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I HAVE LEFT. YOU ARE MY BIG SIS. YOU TAUGHT ME TO FLY, TAUGHT ME TO DO TRICKS. YOU ARE MY B.S.B.F.F." Scootaloo said breaking into tears. "Dry those tears squirt, awesome ponies don't cry; I was being silly. That's all, don't worry I'll be fine." Rainbow Dash said in an attempt to hide her true motives, trying to comfort Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash was a changed pony, now she was riddled with sadness and depression. She was no longer what she once was, she was merely a husk welcoming death. When she lost her ability to compete, she lost the will to live. Succumbing to depression. "I won this for you." Scootaloo said as she ceased her sobbing and showed Rainbow Dash a gold trophy with a set of wings on it with writing reading 1st place of the international E.W.T.

"I'm so p... WWWWAAAAIT THIS IS THE E.W.T TROPHY, you competed in the Equestria Wings tournament, and won it for me. What time did you get?" Rainbow dash said as a glimpse of her old self started to show. "A 4.00 minute track time" Scootaloo said smugly, "Not bad but not as good as yours truly, I hold the record for the E.W.T, but keep trying squirt you will get there." Rainbow Dash said as her true self showed once more even if it was for a split second. This made Scoot so happy that she elatedly flew up in a looping motion. "I swear to you Dash that I will win every race I do. You're my big sister, best friend, forever, and I want you to be happy."

As Luna arrived at Twilights palace, and the ever growing Ponyville; it resembled a small city now. She knocked on the door, and an adolescent Spike answered the door. He was the same height as Luna now, he had glistening mauve scales, large wings and he was now a master of the sword. He learnt this from Twilights brother when he would visit to escape from his duties as a prince, and being a father for a day.

Shining Armour and Cadence had an alicorn foal they named Radiant Heart. He had his father's strong physique and poise, and his mother's loving nature, and his father's blue eyes, with a pure white coat he was quite the handsome colt. He had even managed to inherit more power then Twilight. His mother and father first noticed this when he literally blew the roof off of his room with a simple levitation spell. The amount of time Shining Armour spent repairing the Castle, was astonishing he was now a master at building now.

As Luna entered the castle she asked if Twilight was available to speak to, Spike replied, "I'll get her for you." As Spike said this in his now deep and smooth voice he travelled to Twilights chambers, he told her that Luna had come to visit her and as he did she couldn't get away from her friendship reports fast enough.

"Luna it's nice to see you, how are you? What brings you here? Is something wrong? Is Equestria in danger again?" Twilight Asked with concern.

"No, no Twilight, I'm guessing you have been feeling the dark thickness as well. Celestia has taken precautions to prevent it from putting anypony in danger." Luna replied

"That's good, I was worried, but I do sense something is wrong, there is a thick aura around you, has something happened to you," Twilight Asked Luna with concern

Luna wanted to answer Twilight, and tell her about the words that rang in her head, but when she started to speak she couldn't say the words to Twilight, and this worried her.

"Luna?" Twilight said as she tilted her head in perplexity

"I want to tell you but I can't," As Luna said this her concern grew even further, and she began to panic. Why couldn't she speak, why couldn't she tell her friends the ponies she trusted about her concerns and worries?

"Why?" Twilight said as she tilted her head.

"I just can't sorry" as Luna said this she teleported back to her room her mind swimming with woe and confusion.

Twilight thought to herself as Luna teleported away, "This is not good, first that evil feeling, and now a mysterious Luna; what is going on? I must talk with Princess Celestia." Beginning to feel concern and panic course through her. She had no clue what was wrong with Luna, but she knew something was, and it was evil she had a faint memory of the feeling she felt, but it would not come to her like her mind had been clouded by magic. She tried to break the spell with her magic, but failed against the ancient sorcery.

As Luna returned to the library, she continued her studies, attempting to find answers about why this was happening to her. With increased panic and determination but she found nothing.

Twilight had finished her royal duties for the day, and she took flight and started to head to Canterlot, in an attempt to find out why Luna had visited her, and acted so out of character when she visited her. She needed answers, and she knew who to ask, she had to ask Celestia. Twilight had been getting increasingly anxious throughout the day. She saw images of a great battle and the feeling of death lingering, approaching, skulking like a thief in the night, waiting for a moment to strike.

Once she made it to Canterlot, she approached the castle, as she did the guards made way for her and opened the giant doors, and Twilight made her way through the castle. She arrived where Celestia was residing on her throne. She had just finished her own royal duties as Twilight arrived.

"What a lovely surprise, it's nice to see you Twilight. How are you?" Celestia greeted

"Unfortunately, I have come here to ask you about my concerns for your sister." Replied Twilight with seriousness. That scared Celestia

"What is wrong?" Celestia said with an unusual seriousness that was rarely seen

"She visited me today and she wanted to tell me something but what she wanted to say she couldn't. What is wrong with Luna?" Twilight explained with a serious tone that never wavered throughout the sentence.

"The same thing happened today, early in the morning with me. Unfortunately, I don't know. But I will find out, that I promise." Celestia said as her happy expression morphed into an expression of seriousness and fear mixed with concern and worry, she knew she had to find out, she knew it was dire.

"I will help you she is my friend as well." Twilight said as the tension built in the air.

As nightfall fell, and Luna was asleep, Nightmare Moon came back in a dream.

"So you withstood my attempt this day, but you will fail. So how do you like my curse Luna? Is it irritating to try and speak about your dreams to your closest friends and our dear sister; only to fail? Do you give up yet Luna, are you going to fight me still, because if you do, you will fail. You cannot win against yourself ha, ha, ha, ha."

"You have no power over me Nightmare Moon, now be gone." As Luna said this, she forced Nightmare Moon back to her inner consciousness. But she felt in her heart the words her alternate self said were true, she was gradually losing power and this frightened her even more; she knew her time was short and she had to fix this by herself, and now she understood why, she was cursed by ancient magic, powerless to break the spell. It was the only time she felt helpless, vulnerable, and frail.

Chapter 2 - Day 3

The next morning arrived, but this time, something had changed in the same thickness that masked Equestria. It was now so powerful that it was influential, some of Lunas appearance had started to change ever so slightly. Luna now had smaller pupils, and her teeth had slightly changed to a jagged look, and her pelt had changed to a dark grey. When she walked out of her chambers, and wherever she walked, she felt its influence and so did everypony else. She would receive looks of fear wherever she went.

It reminded her of the first time she re-joined her sister, how they shunned her and only felt fear towards her. Luna felt a new mixture of emotions now, it was a mix of sadness, despair, panic, paranoia and great evil approaching. The mixture of emotion had been un-yielding, she couldn't sleep at all. Luna's mind had been swirling like an ocean of panic and fear, she did not like the way she felt today. She knew this was an omen, a hidden threat waiting in the shadows, an evil thing lying in wait, a creature watching her every move. Luna knew that something terrible would happen soon, her sense of concern would not dissipate.

No matter how hard Luna thought of it she couldn't figure out why this was happening, luckily she remembered the previous nightmare she had. She knew that she suppressed it, but Luna began to second guess herself when she started receiving these looks of fright from the ponies around her, she had not found any answers by the time these three days had past, and she wondered if she was able to talk to her sister yet about this occurrence, and her dream.

Celestia had gotten up to raise the sun as she normally did, although it was more difficult than it was normally, she could feel a foreign power trying to keep the sun down and the moon up. Celestia became worried when this happened; she wondered who didn't want the sun to rise and why they didn't. She felt like she knew the answer to this question, but whenever she tried to think of it her mind would fail to gain any insight on this matter.

When she would nearly grasp the answer she would become sapped of energy, and she would forget what she was seeking, and this; she was even more scared of. Celestia's fear continued to ever grow more and more, as similar things began to happen to other ponies and veteran royal guards, that had been around for years, or who had heard stories of the past from their fathers and grandfathers. But it seemed that everyone who might have known this answer could not reach it.

Celestia became filled with concern as the latest signs came to light; she was now becoming even more fearful she felt death lingering, she could sense a great anger approaching and a blood lust that would not sate. This was a bad omen and she knew it, she had to get answers and she needed to get them soon; she had been getting the same nightmare for the last 3 days it was of a great battle, and she would wake up with a fright at the sight of a set of electric blue eyes flashing at her with slits for pupils. She recognised the eyes but she could not remember where or who those demonic blue eyes belonged to, and every time she would wake up a maniacal laugh would reverberate throughout her mind.

Twilight had been tossing and turning all night, feeling like something evil was trying to grasp her. Twilight new what this was, it was a sign of a great evil coming over the land, she too was also forgetting things from past events. She couldn't remember a small section of her memories, and when she looked at a book she had been keeping to remember things easier, the page she knew that she recorded the memory in, had been blank. There wasn't even a pen mark on it, or a number, or even the date anymore, and this made Twilight become even more so worried then the rest of the ponies in Equestria. Twilight felt the pull of dark magic at work, and she knew magic. The magic resonance felt powerful, ancient, mystical and that scared her; first the strange occurrence with Luna, now this powerful thick dark energy hanging around. Twilight new this was a bad omen, and something evil was approaching, she paced around her palace stricken with fear at what might be approaching.

Ever since her ascension, and years of fighting antagonists, Twilight had developed a special talent where she would be able to sense when the balance of harmony had shifted. Twilight suspected it was because of her element of harmony and being the Princess of friendship. After Twilight studied similar events in the past for a whole year, she was certain of this. However this time she could feel this powerful shroud all too clearly, she knew she would have to warn Celestia after she had finished her royal duties, and after she warned Celestia she knew that she would have to remain on guard for evil influences due to a certain event, when Twilight was corrupted by King Sombra many years ago.

After Luna had returned to Canterlot Castle, she ventured to the royal Dining hall, as she did her sister stopped her and asked.

"Luna, why do you look like this, and why is that black aura surrounding you?" Celestia asked with Concern resonating through her voice. Celestia had been spooked at Lunas changed appearance, and her aura that surrounded her, it was not natural; it was dark, evil, and daunting. Other than her sisters change, she had been stressed about her nightmare over the past 3 days, it felt so surreal and the laugh that plagued her mind, a laugh that she had not heard for a long time; masked by this mysterious dark magic an insidious thickness lording over Equestria.

"I want to tell you, but I can't, I don't know why, I just can't." Luna replied with a desperate tone. Luna wanted to desperately tell her sister. Luna had been going mad with fear at this stage, she was confused and desperate. She felt like an animal trying to claw its way out of a deep pit to save itself from a certain and painful death. Luna pleaded with herself to let her speak, but her please were not heard only a sickening image of a black alicorn, with electric blue eyes with slitted pupils, and an unyielding sense of danger, and a purely crazed laugh, resembling a serial killer with a strange fetish of destroying ponies for pleasure. The image only became more potent as she continued to fight it, Luna felt vulnerable, weak, and useless riddled with paranoia, fear, and now confusion.

"Why not, we are sisters, and all that we have, is each other. How come you can't tell me?" Celestia pleaded with Luna, nearly tearing she loved her sister dearly, and she could not understand why she did not trust her, or why she would not tell her anything.

"I don't know..." Luna replied as a tear reached the corner of her eye. Feeling her sister's heart breaking and as her sister's sadness emanated from her. Luna had felt like she betrayed her sister.

"Fine, if you don't wish to talk to your family. Then do what you will!" Celestia said her voice filled with mixed emotions. Celestia felt a sense of betrayal heart break despair and anger as she teleported away heart broken.

"If only you knew my dear sister... if only" Luna thought to herself as a tear rolled down her muzzle. As Luna thought this she could only feel like she betrayed the only one of her family left a sense loneliness set in, Luna categorised herself as betrayer of hearts, a lone wolf shunned by all.

Luna walked into her chambers after being shunned from her sister and everypony in Canterlot as she entered her chambers, standing in the physical realm was Nightmare Moon and she said.

"The clock that strikes midnight is close approaching, and tonight I'll take what already belonged to me, ha, ha, ha. When the time strikes... the Nightmare will rise again. So enjoy your time while you have it Luna, soon you will be mine, and you will become Nightmare Moon."

"You will not prevail over me Nightmare Moon, if I can't count on my sister's help, or Twilights help, then I'll stop you myself, and I'll make sure you never show your face again Nightmare Moon." Luna replied with determination and venom thick in her voice. Luna wanted nothing more than to destroy the Nightmare that lived inside of her being, she only had that one goal, and it was to defeat Nightmare Moon.

"You seriously believe that you can stop me without help, ha, don't make me laugh, you are powerless to stop me Luna, but by all means try seeing how far it gets you; Ha, ha, ha." As Nightmare moon finished what she was saying, Luna fired a bolt of magic at Nightmare Moon, but she vanished, and all that echoed in Luna's mind, was her evil laugh. That evil laugh only drove Luna further into insanity, and only fuelled her desire for revenge, she could only think of how it would taste, the taste of vengeful victory, seeing her greatest enemy beneath her hoof, crushed by her wrath, the thought swelled in her mind taking it over. The seed of revenge had been sown and reaped She could vividly feel it, she could feel the power of revenge well in her.

As Twilight finished her royal duties, she took flight, and flew with haste, to Canterlot to warn Celestia about what she sensed in the air. She made it to Canterlot, and made her way up to the giant door, and once the guards opened the doors she briskly trotted towards where Celestia and Luna would be.

As Luna was walking she noticed Twilight trotting towards Celestia's location, and as Luna saw Twilight, she had a sudden urge to attack Twilight, and her feelings towards Twilight were not friendly, but vengeful. Luna's eyes started to change into Nightmare Moons eyes, as Luna felt this start coming upon her, she subdued it before it was too late.

Twilight briefly looked to her right, and saw Luna standing there in agony, so she changed direction and headed towards Luna. As she reached her she asked.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, with a mixture of concern and fear in her voice. She cared for Luna like her own sister, and she hated seeing anypony in agony. Considering Luna's current state she was even more worried, and she became further worried when she remembered a dream she had about some pony close to her dying.

"Ye- Yes Twilight, Celestia is in the Courtroom finishing up he- her Duties, you should hurry she has to visit Griffonia after she finishes her duties."

"But she mustn't, I must warn her, what will happen in her backyard." As Twilight replied, she couldn't help but notice that Luna's voice was slowly changing, and it seemed like she was struggling with something. She wanted to know why, but she had to stop Celestia from leaving Canterlot. When she reached the court room she burst through the doors and yelled with great urgency.


"Go where Twilight?" Celestia said as she tilted her head in perplexity. Celestia wondered what had Twilight so spooked.

"Luna said that you had to go to Griffonia for something." Twilight replied a little calmer now.

"I don't have to go to Griffonia. It is unlike Luna to lie, I wonder why she did that, she has been acting so weird today." Celestia said as she put her hoof to her chin thinking to herself, "why would Luna lie?"

"That wasn't the half of it, when I was talking to her in the hall, the black aura was so powerful it was nearly suffocating, and her voice kept changing, and she looked like she was in pain." Twilight Said to Celestia with equal worry and confusion.

"How strange, this morning I spoke to her and she wouldn't answer any questions, what's going on with her. Anyway, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Celestia said in her regal tone getting straight down to business

"I believe Equestria is in danger, there is a great evil amongst us, I can sense it. The balance of harmony has been shifted exponentially, we must prepare, I haven't felt like this since Sombra's return." As Twilight said this, a panged expression crossed her face as she remembered what she had to endure when she was under his control. Some very devious stuff happened to Twilight but not just Twilight, but Flash Sentry also. Twilight swore to never disclose the details to anypony, not even to Celestia.

"This is not good, I'll take immediate action. Stay safe Twilight, last time something this evil occurred, we nearly lost you." Celestia said as her heart broke a second time. As she finished her sentence a tear fell to the ground. Twilight did not know about what Celestia actually knew, and when she remembered all the stuff King Sombra Forced her to do, she could not help but become moved by compassion towards her dear student.

"I know that, I won't allow it to happen again, I'll make sure of it." Twilight said with doubt lying in her mind. She doubted that she would be unaffected by the affairs she had predicted to occur, she knew it would be life changing, but the exact thing that would be life changing; she did not know.

"Can we ever be so sure?" Celestia wisely concluded, showing how many years she had been around in this world, and her experience as a leader.

As nightfall fell, something strange happened to Luna, and all of Equestria, a shadow flew over Equestria that put everyone into a deathlike sleep. As it did Luna had a dream, this time she saw herself flying over Equestria, but it was not her flying, it was Nightmare Moon, she tried to stop her with her mind but she failed without avail. She witnessed Nightmare Moon stealing strange items from previous antagonists; she stole Sombra's Dark Crystal, Starlight Glimmers Equality Staff, and a single piece of hair from discord, Tirek's amulet, The Alicorn Amulet and a single hair from Chrysalises mane. Then she found six obsidian fragments but before she could complete whatever she was doing, Luna took over her own body again, and forced Nightmare moon back into her inner consciousness, then she said to herself

"I don't know how much longer I can hold her off, I need to destroy her." As she said this a voice she didn't expect to hear from again for a while, spoke.

"You cannot withstand my influence for ever Luna, I will prevail over you." Nightmare Moon threatened with a venomous tone. Nightmare Moon had become indignant and frustrated at Lunas over all will power, it had been taking longer then what Nightmare Moon expected, but she could feel her power growing stronger every day.

"No, you will not! I'll destroy you." Luna Replied with false determination, she knew that her power was wearing thin, and she knew that soon she would have to confront her in one final stand-off.

"You will try." Nightmare concluded, before vanishing again.

Chapter 3 Day 4

The next day arrived, and things were only worse. Luna now had a dark grey pelt, her pupils had nearly formed into slits, and the aura that surrounded her was now visible not to only unicorns and alicorns, but visible to the naked eye. Luna received threatening looks from the guards, as she walked past and the ponies that she passed shuddered and ran away in fear.

Luna's sister, Celestia, had been in bed after she raised the sun, because when she did, she had struggled against a mighty force, sapping her of her energy. The force was so familiar, but she couldn't remember why or what this meant and Celestia began to only worry more so. She could not fathom how she was becoming weaker every day the shroud lingered, and her energy felt like it was being used to feed this dark energy.

Celestia had no clue what was doing this; all she knew was that she could no longer raise the sun with the same ease. It scared Celestia; she felt powerless, and she could no longer even hold herself with the same energy afterwards. If she didn't rest after using her magic to raise the sun, her magical energy would be too weakened to sustain her life force, and she would die. The dark lingering thickness had drained her of her alicorn magic, and Celestia didn't know why or how, but she knew whatever was approaching, would test the fate of Equestria.

Twilight felt the balance of harmony shift dramatically; it was more towards the evil side of the spectrum now. Alarm bells were ringing in her mind, she had decided to warn her friends about the strange occurrence, and tell them to prepare to fight for Equestria once again. The first of her friends she saw was Rainbow Dash, who had been doing her duties to control the weather. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted with an urgent tone.

"Hey Twi. What's with the urgency? Chill out a bit, and breathe." Rainbow Dash said as she came to Twilight's level.

"No time to breathe Dash, there is a great evil approaching Equestria. And we must prepare for the fight of our lives." Twilight said, panicked from what she foresaw. She was horrified, paranoid and worried; she knew that one of her friends would die in the coming fight.

Twilight could not stop thinking of her dream, where she saw a silhouette lying lifelessly on the floor of the battlegrounds, with an alicorn's silhouette standing over the lifeless corpse, its hoof crushing its skull, and within a spilt second, she saw a sudden flash of electric blue eyes appear and disappear again.

Twilight also remembered another part in her dream. She was standing in a graveyard and a storm orchestrated its presence; the storms winds howled, and its rains pelted, as streaks of light shattered the darkness, as thunderous cracks echoed, and its fork lightning skewed. With each flash of lightning, Twilight saw a tombstone with one of her friend's names marking it, and when she finished reading each name, she howled in a longing anguish. Shortly after her anguishing cry, she heard a maniacal laughter echo in her mind. Soon after that, she woke up in a cold sweat.

"An epic evil attacking? Pffft, that's nothing! I could handle that with my eyes closed. Especially with our totally kick ass new elements of harmony." Rainbow Dash said with unwavering confidence.

Twilight noticed her smile, a smile that Twilight hadn't seen in many years since Rainbow Dash's injury. This brought Twilight some joy to see her friend smile once again. After she warned Rainbow, she headed to Pinkie's shop, where she knew that she would be baking. Once Twilight arrived, she was greeted by a really excitable earth pony named Cheese Sandwich.

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to Pinkie Pie's and Cheese Sandwich's hooooooooome!" Cheese Sandwich greeted in an excitable sing song tone as a party cannon went off, before Cheese Sandwich continued. "Hi Twilight!"

Several years ago, Cheese Sandwich had married Pinkie Pie, and they had been in a steady relationship for several years now. They had attempted to have a foal at one stage, but Pinkie had a disorder that would not allow her to conceive young, but despite this, Pinkie Pie had never lost her fun loving, party making, and random personality, and it only intensified by being with Cheese Sandwich.

"I need to talk with Pinkie. I have urgent news." Twilight answered with seriousness, thick in her tone.

"Okay, I'll fetch her for you." Cheese Sandwich replied as he dashed inside the house, leaving only a dust cloud version of himself in his wake. As Twilight waited, she thought to herself "Celestia's grace I will never get use to how energetic this place has been since Cheese Sandwich moved in with Pinkie."

"Hey Twilight. Doyou wanna try my rock slice, its greaty, great, great, its crunchy, and chocolaty. I already know what you're going to say Equestria is in danger once again, you need my help, and you believe one of your friends will die, and you had a dream telling you all of this." Pinkie Pie said her voice sounding like a machine gun.

Twilight tilted her head perplexingly. "How did you know all of that?" Twilight stated, dumbfounded. "Because I know everything" Pinkie Pie replied shiftily as she slowly walked inside her home and closed the door before repeating "Everything." In a whispered tone.

After the strange occurrence she witnessed, she travelled to Rarity's house, and when she arrived, she saw Rarity going about her business creating dresses for a large list of celebrities. Rarity had been awarded the title of best designer in Equestria, and every superstar celebrity pony, would go to her for their designs. She had managed to become the single richest unicorn in Equestria, and most of the time, she would give her earned money to charities or to her friends, if they needed it. Rarity had little time for anything else, being the best designer in Equestria.

"Rarity, I have something urgent I need to tell you!" Twilight said bursting through the door with panic etched on her face. Rarity's cat got scared by the sudden intrusion and leapt onto the roof of Rarity's shop. Rarity used her magic to lower Opalescence down to the ground. "Oh my Twilight, you scared Opalescence half to death, what's the matter dear?" Rarity asked, slightly surprised at Twilights intrusion as she tried to calm the aging Opalescence.

"I foresaw an epic fight approaching, and I have been feeling a dark energy lingering for the past 3 days, and it still lingers now. I have been forgetting things for a specific day that I cannot remember. I believe that we are on the eve of battle Rarity; be prepared." Twilight said in a serious tone, so serious that Rarity became spooked. Rarity felt uneasy about what Twilight had told her, and she felt a shiver up her spine at the thought of another war. In the last war, so many ponies died against Sombra's army, and it nearly claimed Twilight's as well. "You-Your not saying th-that war approaches again, ar-are you d-dear?" Rarity said as she went wide eyed with fear.

"Quite possibly, Rarity. Be ready for the time, and when it comes, we will need you." Twilight said in a dead serious tone. In the silence that followed, you could hear a pin drop.

After several seconds, Twilight calmed down Rarity, and made her way to Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack ran the apple family farm. A year earlier, Granny Smith had passed away, and it was up to Apple Bloom, Applejack, and Big Mac to run the farm.

Apple Bloom was 18 now, and she and her friends became royal friendship guards for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Apple Bloom had managed to get her Cutie Mark, and her Cutie Mark was an apple in the centre of a kite shield. She got that Cutie Mark from realising her purpose was to help ponies everywhere with their problems, and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders got a similar mark to hers. Each of them had the same kite shield, with something uniquely describing them in the middle of the kite shield.

"AJ, I have to tell you something urgently!" Twilight urgently ran towards AJ while yelling her message.

"What's all the ruckus bout, Twi?" Applejack said, fixing up her Stanton hat. "This 'Ruckus' is about the fate of Equestria; I had a premonition, and it told me that a great evil is coming, and one of my friends will die. I'm afraid it's true even though I do not want it to be. I feel it in my heart that it will come to pass. I can feel it also in my surroundings. A dark energy lingers, and it's growing stronger every day." Twilight said with a mixture of panic, sorrow, and fear.

"Now Twi, quit yer worryin. Aint nopony gonna die, not while we have the Elements of harmony at our side. But sure'nuff, I will prepare fur the varmints arrival."

After Twilight had told every one of her friends in Ponyville about what was approaching, she headed out to the edge of the Everfree Forest, where her friend Fluttershy was living. Fluttershy had overcome a lot of her timidness, but she was still timid. It was just a lot milder than what it was originally.

"Fluttershy, are you there? I need to tell you something urgently." Fluttershy opened the door and greeted Twilight kindly. "Hello Twilight, but, um you know, what's the emergency?"

"Fluttershy, we need your help. We are on the verge of battle, and I fear one of you may die if I do not warn you of what I have foreseen. A war is approaching." Twilight explained with a tone so serious, that it caused Twilight to think that Celestia had been making a royal decree in front of her.

"A war?" Fluttershy squeaked with fear, showing her original timidness as she began to tremble at the thought.

"Yes, as unfortunate as it is, it is the truth. I saw it in my dreams and I need your help, no, Equestria needs your help." Twilight pleaded, feeling more concern for Fluttershy as she continually protested Twilight's plea.

"I don't think I can, you know, help you, Twilight." Flutershy replied to Twilight with a tiny voice nearly inaudible to the naked ear. Fluttershy's fear, and worry, were growing, but there was a new emotion mixing within her; It was guilt. She felt guilty that she could not help her friends out in this time of need.

"Please think of your animals, and all the animals in Equestria, counting on you to save them and all of the ponies of Equestria, I need your help; We need the element of kindness."

"Ok, Twilight. I will , you know, try to help you and the animals." Fluttershy reluctantly surrendered as she thought of her precious Angel, and all of her other animal friends. She knew that if an evil tyrant would take over Equestria, all the animal would be scared, and lost, and that didn't sit right with Fluttershy. Fluttershy was overcome by a motherly nature, as she agreed to Twilight's plea.

As Twilight was running around Ponyville, Celestia had gotten up after recovering her energy. She sought out Luna to ask her, if she would tell her what was happening with her. When she found her, she asked,

"Luna, why can't you tell me what's wrong? Let me help you." Celestia pleaded with tears in her eyes, afraid of what might be happening to Luna, her precious sister, the sister she loved so dearly. She felt like she was losing her again and she could not live with herself if that happened again, for the injury from when she had banished her sister remained after all those years, and although it was clouded, the feeling never changed.

"You can't help me, no one can, I must do this on my own." Luna answered with determination and sadness in her voice. Luna knew that she might not return to the world of the living the way she was now; it worried her. She feared death but she feared the harm of Equestria even more so, and that's when Luna made her resolve to stop any enemy to take over Equestria, even if it meant that her life was the price. "That is not true, you have friends now, you can rely on them, and you can rely on me." Celestia pleaded with her sister, nearly breaking into tears and losing her composure.

"I know, but this is a fight you cannot help me with." Luna replied with a heavy sadness in her voice. Luna felt alone, isolated, and singled out, with no escape except to fight her way out of the situation. "Who are you fighting?" Celestia pushed out of concern for her beloved sister. "I can't tell you, but once I get rid of this problem, I can, and I will tell you everything, but for now you must trust me Tia." Luna explained to her sister with a heavy heart. Luna knew that this would hurt her sister, but she knew she had to, to protect her beloved sister from further emotional harm.

"But how can I trust you when you look like this, and wherever you walk, a dark shroud follows." Celestia explained, as she felt her heart breaking and her tears welling.

"Did you hear that Luna? Your sister doesn't trust you;does that surprise us? When has she ever trusted you? Even if she knew what I was planning, she would not believe you ha, ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon said to Luna through her mind. Nightmare Moon had been attempting to manipulate Luna's answers.

"Go away" Luna said to herself through gritted teeth, feeling her anger boil from the sudden intrusion that cut in to the conversation. "What did you say, Luna?" Celestia asked, perplexed. "I SAID GO AWAY!" Luna shouted in her royal Canterlot voice, confusing Celestia's voice with Nightmare Moon's.

"As you wish," Celestia said, as she tried to hold her composure as she teleported away, feeling betrayed, hurt, and hated by her sister. The sister she would gladly throw her own life away for. She felt like her heart had shattered into a million pieces, as she entered her chambers and fell on her bed, finally losing her composure and beginning to cry.

"Wait..." But as Luna said this, Celestia had already left. She felt a blazing anger well in her depths, and a hatred so powerful that it cracked the marble floor, scaring a guard pony, causing him to flee from her.

"Ahh, my power has nearly taken over you Luna; soon your body will be mine, and Equestria will be cast into shadow. The time of night, is nigh, ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon stated, filled with bolstering confidence and the feeling of being immortal and uncontested by anypony.

"I'll make sure your plan ends here, Nightmare Moon." Luna said in her mind, filled with an undying rage and desperation to stop the demon inside of her taking over her mind and body. Luna had to; she had to save Equestria before it was too late.

As Luna fell asleep this time, she was the one seeking out Nightmare Moon, and when she found her, Luna was greeted by Nightmare Moon. "So you are brazen enough to challenge me, Luna; you will lose. It's time,I take over what is mine" Nightmare Moon announced as she approached Luna filled with unyielding confidence. Nightmare Moon felt god-like and unstoppable.

"No, it's time to rid this world of you for good, Nightmare Moon." Luna stated with a voice of venom and hatred towards her alternate self.

"You will try, ha, ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon concluded smugly as she charged Luna.

Chapter 4 Shroud of the Moon

she fired a beam of blue light, as she did, Nightmare moon teleported out of the way, and re-appeared above Luna and fired a dark blue beam at Luna. Luna predicted this and dodged her attack, and as Nightmare Moons beam made contact with the ground, it exploded creating a haze of dust and dirt throughout the dream scape that appeared to be Luna's and Celestia's old castle, in the Everfree forest. Luna felt both good and bad memories from this place. Memories of happiness, and joy, but memories of pain, fear, and isolation as well. She could remember the night she turned into Nightmare Moon, and how she nearly destroyed this castle, and nearly killed her own sister, and hurt her so badly forcing her sister's hand to banish her to the moon.

"Luna, do you recall this place?" Nightmare Moon announced from amongst the dust from an unknown location. "Yes, I do, it's the place where you were born, my sister's and I's old castle in the Everfree Forest." Luna growled, knowing how powerful she use to be when she was in the form of Nightmare Moon. Luna had never felt such a strong anger before, and she would not stop until she destroyed Nightmare Moon completely, to rid the world of this wicked alicorn she had created.

Luna was alert; watching for the slightest hint of movement, expecting another attack from her former self. she waited in fearful suspense, as the dirt and dust settled.

"Do you really think you can defeat me Luna?" Nightmare Moon threatened feeling unstoppable, she knew that Luna could not hope to win, she knew that this was her territory, and no pony could hear Luna scream for help. No one was coming this time, she was a goddess, and she knew it.

"I will Nightmare Moon. I created you, and so, I shall Destroy you." Luna growled again, when suddenly a tornado appeared below Luna, picking her up and tossing her into the air, causing Luna to free fall, and as she was falling, Nightmare moon fired a beam of dark blue light, sending her through the wall of the castle, and out to the Everfree Forest.

Luna got up shakily, with droplets of blood dripping from her wings and mouth. She looked up at Nightmare Moon, with a half closed eye, and she noticed that she was casually flying towards her.

"Luna, you can't best my power" Nightmare Moon cackled, feeling great pleasure about torturing her weaker counterpart. She loved to torment the ponies of Equestria, and Luna was her favourite, but she would take even more pleasure in crushing Twilight, after she escaped Luna's mind.

Nightmare Moon thought of making Twilight scream in agony, and she shuddered with pleasure, at the thought, she could envision the bloody mares head crushed underneath her hoof, slowly dying and screaming in pain. She imagined watching Twilights life fade away, and she fantasized about the silence that would follow, and the limp corpse of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Nightmare Moon had hated Twilight, and wanted revenge ever since Twilight and her friends banished her for a second time.

"I-I must t-try..." Luna said weakly, as she said this she gained some of her strength as she thought of her new friends, and how they had saved her from her own nightmare. As she thought this, she thought to herself "it's my turn to help them, I will defeat this Nightmare."

"How quaint; you're going to try and stop me." Nightmare Moon said mockingly, as a sadistic smile crossed her face.

"I-I w-will," Luna said weakly struggling to stand. Luna knew that she would not survive Nightmare Moons next attack, she knew that she would lose, but she would die with valour, in one last attack, to end all others, to stop the nightmare within herself.

"HA! Try it," Nightmare Moon said in disbelief, as she fired another beam of magic at Luna, but it was blocked by a spell shield. Once Nightmare Moon noticed this she became indignant.

"y-you ar-aren't the o-only one who can control t-the weather" Luna threatened weakly as her second wind came around, and as she said this a giant storm cloud appeared above Nightmare Moon, and as it did a powerful wind howled, and a thunderbolt fired directly at Nightmare Moon, hitting her unaware. As Nightmare Moon had been hit, Luna fired another beam of magic this time hitting her directly only to reveal, a severely pissed off Nightmare Moon, surrounded by a shield, created by six levitating black gem-like objects, that had a red aura surrounding them.

"I didn't want to reveal these yet, but you leave me no choice, these are the elements of chaos created from obsidian and six evil objects. Now that you know of them; you won't survive the next attack, these are the items that can, and will, destroy the ancient elements of harmony forever ha, ha, ha. Now feel the full power of chaos Luna." as Nightmare Moon bellowed a sadistic laugh she fired a charged beam of red light at Luna.

Luna attempted to fire another beam at the red beam of light, but her beam was cancelled out, and as it was, Luna felt time slow, and she saw her life flash before her eyes, she saw her sister's wedding, and her mate, and she saw her very own mate and wedding.

A wedding that Luna would never see, she saw her foal and what he looked like. She saw Ponyville turn into a great and majestic city, she saw Twilight's friends ascend to alicorn hood, and get their own families, as she saw this last scene, she felt a hot pain strike her in the chest. She then knew that she was about to die, as she felt herself hit the Forest floor Luna looked up, and she had one more glimpse of a sunset, as she did a tear rolled down her muzzle and she thought "Celestia I love you. "

Luna had only felt regret as she thought of how upset her sister was, when she only tried to help her; and how she told her to go away. Luna was pained by these thoughts, and she welcomed death, she had nothing to live for any more. Luna failed her sister, her friends, and Equestria. As Luna's thoughts ended, her vision faded, and Luna let deaths cold embrace takeover, she knew her time in the world of the living, was up, and her story, was at a close.

Nightmare Moon started to take control of Luna's body, and banish the last few lines of defence that Luna had forged. Afterwards, Nightmare Moon sent a nightmare to all the ponies of Equestria, showing her resurrection, and what she had planned to do to Equestria.

Twilight awoke with a shock, seeing that Luna had been mortally wounded. She got up and took off with haste to alert her friends about what had happened, but Twilight was amazed to see that all of Ponyville had been aroused from a slumber, and she thought with a great calamity of emotions, she was fearful, filled with a sense of urgency and confusion, "This does not make sense; it is not possible that everypony had seen the same dream as me. I must hurry, this is not good." As Twilight gathered her friends together, they set out to Canterlot to save Luna, Celestia and Equestria.

As they arrived, something was wrong, the only guards that were up, were the Luna guard, but they weren't the same they had red eyes, and red auras surrounding them, and their armour had a red tinge to it. Twilight asked the guard to let her enter, but when they spoke they used the old language, "Thou shalt not enter thine palace!" after the guardpony stated that no one will enter the castle, they suddenly drew their spears, and charged Twilight. This caught Twilight off guard, and she was about to be impaled by a spear, but Rainbow Dash intervened, and jumped in the way and as she did, she round housed the spear snapping the point off, then flip kicked the guard, knocking him out.

As she did another two guards attacked, but this time Twilight was prepared, and she fired a beam of magenta light at the guard, knocking him out. Fluttershy had nearly been cleaved in half by a Luna guard wielding a short sword when she froze in fear, but luckily AJ saved her with a swift apple bucker's kick, sending the guard through the door shattering them. As they entered the castle, standing before them were several guards, and they had the same aura, and eyes as the first three. Twilight said to her friends.

"Rarity protect Fluttershy. AJ, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash come with me, we have to win this fight to save the royal guard, Luna, Celestia and Equestria." as Twilight said this, the girls gave a nod of approval. When they started to charge another several guards teleported in and as they did Spike dived through the stained glass window, shattering it, and after he recovered from his roll he said

"Girls go save the princesses, I'll handle these chumps." After he said this, the girls continued through the castle, to where they knew Celestia and Luna would be. Some of the guards tried to follow but to no avail, Spike made sure about that, by flipping over the top of the guards then sweeping his large tail underneath them knocking them to the ground. Spike then continued, in a challenging tone "So gents, who's first." As spike said this he gave a deathly glare and made the guards hesitate briefly.

Chapter 5 An unexpected Revelation

As the girls made it to the courtroom they were greeted by another several guards, this time the guards were unicorn guards and they were Luna's elite Guard none the less, even Luna's captain of the guard Midnight Shadow had greeted them there. They all had the same red aura and eyes as the rest.

As Twilight realized this, she started to wonder what could be turning these once loyal guards to enemies. All Twilight knew, was that the guards had been corrupted, and manipulated by something evil. She resolved to do some research on this after this was finished. She was confused and feeling concerned about what was happening in Equestria.

Twilight had been thrown from her thoughts when a bolt of magic barely missed her. She retaliated by firing a bolt of magic at the unicorn that fired the first shot. The guard pony attempted to block her power, but he was no match for an alicorn, and as his spell shield shattered. Midnight Shadow flew at Twilight, kicking her in the side. Twilight had not expected this, and she received the blow in full, knocking her back and causing her to become prone.

As the elite guards converged on Twilight to bind her, they were brought to an abrupt stop by AJ's lasso. AJ, threw the guards into the air with her lasso, and as they were airborne, Rarity fired a bolt of magic at them, sending them into a wall, knocking all three out cold leaving 4 guards; one being the captain.

Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate, she immediately engaged Midnight Shadow. She hastily flew into the fray in a fly kicking motion, but Midnight Shadow anticipated this, and took flight in a rotating motion then converted that motion into a round house kick; countering Rainbow Dash and knocking her back several feet, causing her to lose control. But Rainbow Dash recovered, using the spin out technique that she'd learnt at the wonder bolt academy.

As she recovered, she charged again, but this time it was too quick for Midnight to dodge, this time she landed an uppercut in a rotating motion. As she wheeled around, she used her rotation momentum, to form a powerful roundhouse kick, kicking him in the now revealed stomach causing him to cough, then she continued to rotated a further one hundred and eighty degrees, then followed up with a rear flip kick, knocking him downward, and causing him to hit the floor so hard that it made him bounce.

Twilight and Rarity combined their beams together, creating a mega beam, as Rainbow Dash was finishing up Midnight Shadow. They fired, and blew the last three guards away, and destroyed the door that was blocking them from the court.

Nightmare Moon had been fighting Celestia, as Twilight and her friends stormed the castle. The fight between Celestia and Nightmare Moon was not looking good for Celestia. Nightmare Moon said to Celestia, as Celestia came to the realization, that she was losing this fight.

"Oh dear Celestia, you look a bit tired, shall I give you a break ha, ha, ha. I know, how about I break those pretty white wings of yours? ha, ha, ha," Nightmare Moon sneered evilly.

"Y-You will not win," Celestia said to Nightmare Moon, looking worse for wear. Celestia had never felt so fatigued before. She was losing, and her power could not match Nightmare Moons power, she did not have the strength any more. Celestia realised that her power had weakened in her old age, and she could no longer protect Equestria, she had to instate a new guardian, to protect Equestria and her ponies.

"Ah, but you see; that I already have, look at you, you're pathetic, you can't hope to beat me... after all, the only way you did before, was with the elements of harmony, and you no longer have the power to use them. Speaking of which, the element bearers should be here soon; I can't wait to see your dearest and most faithful student, to see you like this ha, ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon stated cockily.

"I can s-s-still stand, and I-I will defeat you" Celestia replied struggling to stand up. She knew that her chances were thin, she knew that she could no longer beat this threat, but she would stand and fight to the bitter end.

"You jest, you can hardly stand, and you still think you can stop me. Ha don't make me laugh after all your sister is lost because you weren't understanding enough towards her, you are pathetic Celestia." Nightmare moon stated bitterly, convincing Celestia that it was her fault her sister was lost, and she could no longer bring her back.

"I-I know this was my m-mistake and mine a-alone an-and for this I'll defeat y-you." Celestia struggled to say, weak from exhaustion. Celestia had convinced herself long before Nightmare Moon tried to convince her, that it was her fault. She was blaming herself for everything. Celestia thought to herself, saddened by Luna's miss fortune, "I must repair this mistake that I have created, I must save my sister, if she can truly be saved."

"I Think it's time to defeat you. Ah, I know I'll banish you to the sun just as you banished me to the Moon. Oh how ironic, yet so fitting for the mighty Princess Celestia, the princess of the sun. But that will have to wait, I have guests to greet." As Nightmare Moon said this, she charged her horn and fired at Celestia.

Celestia tried to defend herself with her own magic, but to no avail. She had been spent, and she didn't have enough magical energy to combat Nightmare Moon. As her beam failed she was hit by the full power of Nightmare Moon, and as she was hit, she was blasted through a stain glass window in her castle, and into the royal garden outside. It was Celestia's favourite place in the royal Palace. She took one look at the garden, and she noticed the rose bushes, and the elegantly crafted hedges, and brilliant water features, but eventually she passed out in the garden, to spent from the fight with Nightmare Moon.

As Twilight blasted the door, and the guards along with it, Nightmare Moon caught the guards and the pieces of shrapnel with her telekinesis, before throwing them at a marble pillar cracking it and killing the three guards on the spot.

"That was quite the entrance Twilight. I have been expecting you." Nightmare Moon commented smugly, feeling like a goddess.

"Nightmare Moon... this is impossible? How are you here? You were destroyed!" Twilight replied with a mixture of confusion and shock in her tone. She thought her friends and herself defeated Nightmare Moon forever, but she was standing there right before her, in physical form, so many questions spun a web of confusion in her mind, but one thing clicked in her mind, Celestia was missing.

"How am I here? Well you didn't destroy Luna, and I am Luna, one cannot destroy one's self without harming the same self ha, ha, ha. How disappointing that you do not know such common knowledge, and you were Celestia's favourite pupil." Nightmare Moon Explained smugly.

"CELESTIA! Where is she, Nightmare Moon?!" Twilight said as she charged her horn, as her voice boomed altered by magic with both anger and concern.

"Oh, she is just napping in the garden, I'll finish her after I finish you, and your annoying friends ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon snickered evilly. Nightmare Moon was over confident, and feeling unbeatable. She saw herself in a godlike light.

"No you won't Nightmare Moon, your Tyranny ends here. Girls let's show her our new look." As Twilight said this, she transformed into her element harmony, her appearance changed.

She now had a longer mane and tail, and there was a third colour in her mane and tail, it was a yellow streak in the centre of the two original colours, purple and pink. Her wings had also changed, they now had mauve at the start of the wings, transitioning to pink, and then pink, transitioned to purple. As she finished her transformation, her friends followed suit, they now had altered colours to their wings tails and manes also changed.

Chapter 6 Fall of Harmony

"Oh no it's the elements of harmony, please Twilight have mercy." Nightmare Moon pleaded with Twilight sounding sincere. Nightmare Moon loved Twilight's confident expression; it would be so much better when she quashed her confidence. It would make her victory all the more rewarding.

"No, it's time to be banished Nightmare Moon. Enjoy your imprisonment for eternity." As Twilight said this, she and her friends began to hover, preparing to fire the elements of harmony at Nightmare Moon. They were about to celebrate the defeat of Nightmare Moon, when they heard a chilling chuckle that they weren't expecting hear.

"So naive Twilight, ha, ha, ha," Twilight heard the evil maniacal voice, she knew it as Nightmare Moon's voice, but she didn't believe it was. She thought she was hallucinating. "WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE!" Twilight stated shocked. Something didn't add up; the elements had never failed before. Twilight was confused, dumbstruck, and shocked; she did not know why they failed. Her mind began to go over thousands of scenarios, trying to find the missing link.

"Now let me show you the meaning of power Twilight." Nightmare Moon threatened in a maniacal tone. As she said this she reappeared behind Twilight and her friends and released a bubble of magical energy, scattering the main 6 along the floor, causing them to become prone.

Twilight looked up, bleary eyed at where Nightmare Moon was now standing, and she thought to herself. "How is this possible, how can she be so powerful? It doesn't make sense. Maybe we missed something, maybe it was an illusion? Nightmare Moon has created illusions before." Twilight then said to her friends, "C'mon girls let's try it again, this time give it all you got."

"Not this time, it won't work. I am far more powerful than you could ever imagine." As Nightmare Moon said this, the mane 6 had already fired for the second time, and this time Nightmare moon fired back with a red beam cancelling the rainbow beam out, and hitting Twilight and her friends

Twilight became confused when she saw Nightmare Moon firing back at them, she became even more perplexed as a red beam cancelled the rainbow beam out, and hit them; sending them prone once again. Twilight couldn't understand, she was normal again and she looked around and saw her friends unable to stand, weakened completely, and also back to normal again. Twilight also noticed the elements of harmony in their original form, however, they were different, they had changed to the colour grey, and she could no longer feel the magical energy emanating off of them. Then it clicked in her mind, she realised that the elements had been destroyed.

This realization only scared Twilight more, Nightmare Moon was so much more powerful now and she could not figure out how. She had defeated Celestia, and destroyed The Elements of Harmony, as well, and this only instilled more fear in Twilight, Twilight thought to herself. "What has Nightmare Moon become, she was more like a god now. How can I defeat a god? Should I run? Should I fight? I don't know what to do?" As Twilight thought this she stood up fear written clearly on her face.

"The elements, they are gone, destroyed, how is this possible? How can we defeat Nightmare moon now?" She thought aloud." Twilight had lost all confidence and moral and she felt hopeless to stop this tyrant and she thought to herself. "Is this the end? Am I going to die here?" Twilight's mind was riddled with doubt and it would not waver.

"Yes Twilight, how perceptive of you, I said you will not defeat me, you are so very naive ha, ha, ha," Nightmare Moon stated before breaking into a maniacal laugh. Twilight started "We will beat you, Nightmare Moon, there is the six-"Seven of us my faithful student, we will defeat her together." Celestia added cutting off Twilight. "Celestia, did you have a nice nap in the garden ha, ha, ha" Nightmare Moon taunted smugly.

"Try to if you want, but you will lose, that I can assure you of." Nightmare Moon retorted, feeling immortal.

As the conversation ended, the mane 6 and Celestia initiated the fray, to stop Nightmare Moon for carrying out her dastardly deeds, and ruling Equestria with an iron fist, bringing forth an eternal night.

Twilight charged her horn and fired at Nightmare Moon, but she was too quick, she evaded the blast and Twilight missed, and as she missed, Rarity had fired, and Nightmare Moon created a shield and blocked Rarities blow as well. As she did, Celestia teleported behind Nightmare Moon, and attempted to fire at her. But Nightmare Moon dodged the blast, and Celestia's blast was heading for Twilight when suddenly, Rainbow Dash pushed her out of the way and received the blow in full, causing her to hit a wall; becoming unconscious.

Fluttershy ran over to Rainbow Dash's side, to check if she was okay, and unhurt, but just before she reached Rainbow Dash. Nightmare Moon appeared in front of her, horn charged and she released a bolt of magic at Fluttershy, and it hit her at point blank range, sending her flying through a wall and out to the Canterlot castle hall. Luckily, Spike had been resting there after he had just finished off the last of the guards, he saw Fluttershy in the air unconscious, and he took flight in his exhausted state, and caught Fluttershy and plunged to the marble floor cracking it. After he gently put Fluttershy down he flew to the courtroom, where he knew that Twilight and her friends would be to help them out, for he feared that they were in danger, and he swore to Shining Armour that he would protect Twilight. It was the only way Shining Armour would teach him how to use a blade.

When Spike arrived at the court room, things didn't look good; Rainbow Dash had been knocked out and Twilight Rarity and Celestia were barely holding their own. Apple Jack looked worse for wear, as did Pinkie Pie. Spike charged in, thinking he had the element of surprise, but when he swung his swords he hit nothing but air, and became confused. He was broken out of confusion when he heard Twilight yell out "Behind you!" he wheeled around but didn't react fast enough, and it was too late, Nightmare Moon fired at him, and he was sent straight to the marble floor, smacking his back on the floor with a great slam.

The castle vibrated a little as he hit the floor. He was winded but he got up and drew his sword once again. As he did he took flight to meet Nightmare Moon in the air, and breathed the hottest flame he could muster at her, but Nightmare Moon just chuckled and blocked his flames with a shield she created, but as she did she was temporarily blinded from the flames and as the flames cleared she saw Spike slicing down for her, but she reacted much quicker than her corrupted guards. She turned the elements of chaos into a myriad, of weapons and she blocked Spike's blades. The two were locked in a fray of melee weapons, the sound of steel against steel rang throughout the castle. As the tussle continued, Spike managed to out skill Nightmare Moon, and he was about to strike her down by the sword, when suddenly, Nightmare Moon tricked him with a clone.

He realised this too late as his blade hit nothing but air, he barely had enough time to react, as the real Nightmare Moon had already been flying above him with her horn already charged. She released the charged energy, and he barely blocked the flow of magic with his sword; as the magic hit his sword, it shattered.

As it shattered, Nightmare Moon teleported underneath him, and kicked him in the back sending him upward to the roof, causing him to slam into the ceiling. Then as he started to fall, she teleported above him, and fired another bolt of magic at Spike, sending him downward where he collided with the marble floor again, making him cough up blood.

He got up once again, hurting, but he did not want to fail Twilight's brother. As he rose he grabbed his swords before he realised that one of them had shattered; he was amazed, his swords were indestructible, he couldn't understand how it got destroyed like simple glass. But he knew he hadn't the time to think of this, he had to concentrate. So he threw the broken blade away, and yelled out.
"Twilight, Celestia, Pinkie Pie and AJ, get out of here. I will buy you some time, go now; don't argue. Just take Rainbow Dash and go quickly." Spike commanded.

Twilight started "No-"-Go I will be fine, I was trained by your brother." Spike ordered cutting off Twilight. Spike knew what she was about to say, but he did not want her to get hurt, and he did not want to tell her brother that she died in battle, because of his failure. Spike thought as he was fighting Nightmare Moon "I know I cannot win, but I will die happy knowing that she is safe. As long as Twilight is alive and well, we have hope. Good bye my old friend, it's been fun." As Spike thought this, he accepted his fate, he knew that he would not make it out of this alive. This was Spikes last heroic stand.

Twilight and her friends, along with Celestia, were reluctant to leave, but they knew since Spike became the captain of Twilight's guards, he was insistent, and protective over Twilight and the others. It appeared that Spike took on some of Shining Armour's traits when he was trained by him. After Spike knew that Twilight, Celestia and the rest were safe he said. "So Nightmare Moon, looks like it's up to you and I. Shall we dance?" Spike mocked. "Mock why you breathe, because you won't for long; you have already lost ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon threatened as she sadistically laughed."Bring it on you evil witch." Spike growled, Filled with valour and determination he knew he would fail, but he was going to give her the fight of her life.

Chapter 7 The setting of the Sun

As Spike stood his ground, Celestia and the main six had been escaping. Twilight had tears in her eyes ever since they left the castle; she feared that this was Spike's last stand. As she ran with Celestia and her friends to try and find a safe place to regroup, Twilight noticed Celestia turn around looking towards Canterlot Castle.

Celestia watched as bursts of magic and flames shot through the castle, and as she watched, she was filled with sorrow. She noticed Spike and Nightmare Moon burst through the castle, and she helplessly watched, as Nightmare Moon used one of her created spears, to bash Spike in the side of his head. Then she witnessed Nightmare Moon follow up with a beam of magic, sending him to the ground, but luckily Spike recovered using his own wings, and fired a green fireball at her, but she teleported away and his fireball hit Canterlot castle, setting it alight.

Celestia was moved with sorrow as she watched Spike fight for all of them, she knew that Spike would not last long against Nightmare Moon; she was too powerful. But she watched and thought, "I should not let somepony sacrifice themselves for her. I'm selfish I was the one who created this problem. I should be the one stopping her not Spike." Celestia kept continually blaming herself, but she was shaken from her thoughts, when Celestia saw what she wished she hadn't.

Celestia watched Spike being hit again by a magical blast, finally knocking him out, then the inevitable end came. As Celestia witnessed Spike's death, she collapse to the ground in tears, knowing that Spike's blood is on her hooves, and as Celestia realised this, she thought to herself. "I ran I should fought. I should of fought even if it meant my death, you will pay, I'll make you pay Nightmare Moon." Celestia's mind became riddled with guilt then the guilt turned into anger, hate, and revenge. She no longer cared for what the cost of it was anymore. Nightmare Moon had killed Twilight's closest friend, and hurt Twilight. To Celestia, that was unforgivable; no one could hurt Twilight without feeling Celestia's wrath.

Nightmare Moon channelled her magic to speed herself up, and she drew her spear, as she charged at Spike with impossible speed. As she did, she impaled him, the sound of steel cutting into flesh sounded Nightmare Moon thrived on the grisly sound. She began to sadistically laugh at her handy work. Once Nightmare Moon and Spike landed on the ground, she ripped the spear from his corpse, and looked at the dying dragon. Nightmare Moon watched with a sadistic grin upon her face as the life left his eyes. As she saw Spike die, she turned to where the main six and Celestia were, and she let out a crazed and sadistic laugh, then she announced.

"Run all you want, you cannot hope to hide, I will cast the world into shadow. I will kill you Celestia, then I will kill your precious Student and newly crowned princess Twilight. Then I will enslave her dear friends as my personal play things ha, ha, ha!"

"No! Your destructive onslaught stops here." Celestia yelled back. Her anger was burning inside of her, she felt the urge to kill, and she wanted to kill. She felt her magic become twisted, she no longer cared if she used dark magic or light magic she just wanted to see Nightmare Moon crushed by her hoof.

"Let me help you, Princess!" Princess Twilight chimed in, filled with a yearning for vengeance. Twilight was hurting badly and she wanted all the more to defeat Nightmare Moon. When she watched Spike being impaled, her heart broke inside, and she began to cry feeling sick in the stomach about what had just happened. He was gone, and he could not come back. She looked at her friends battered and damaged, and she began to feel withered and frail, overcome by grief. Twilight desired vengeance, she did not want to kill Nightmare Moon, she only wanted to suppress her, and save Luna.

"No Twilight, you have yet to live your life. Go. I'll repair this mistake of mine." As Celestia said this she thought to herself as she turned towards her sister and unfurled her beautiful white wings and took flight and met her sister to make her final stand. "Today an alicorn dies. I will kill that witch."

"No I will not leave you, she killed my oldest friend." Twilight replied defiantly. Feeling upset by her loss.

As Celestia said this to Twilight, she teleported Twilight, and her friends somewhere she knew they would be safe.

"So you are ready to fight Celestia. You should not have bothered to save your dearest student, and her friends, I will find them." Nightmare Moon said as she alighted herself.

"You will not harm her Nightmare Moon!" Celestia stated with a powerful glare of hate. Celestia wanted to kill Nightmare Moon, and she could only see hatred towards her. What made her hate her even more was when she threatened Twilight, this only further fuelled Celestia's anger. Celestia was so filled with hate and anger now her mane flicked wildly and her glare never wavered.

"You cannot hope to defeat me Celestia, your student will die by my hoof, and her friends will be enslaved. That's a promise." Nightmare Moon Threatened. Nightmare Moon felt invincible, she defeated all who opposed her, and she thought that Celestia would not stop her now.

After the conversation finished, Nightmare Moon fired a dark blue beam at Celestia. As she did Celestia fired a beam of golden light in retaliation. The two beams met in the middle, and exploded, cancelling each other out, creating a black gem in the middle of the field, and as the black crystal hit the ground, it shattered into a million pieces. The two Princesses charged each other, summoning their power and met in the middle, as they fired their magic at each other again at point blank range, sending each other flying.

As Twilight and her friends appeared in the centre of the Everfree Forest, Twilight kicked a hoof in frustration. She knew that Celestia had teleported them to the Everfree Forest to protect them, when they were all ready to throw their life away for Celestia, she forced them to flee. Twilight could understand why she did it, but she did not want it; she did not want to be protected like a young filly. Twilight then rallied her friends, and they banded together then started to head back to Canterlot Castle. Twilight rallied her friends and charged out of the Everfree Forest, her friends behind her. She wanted to seem strong, un-phased, for her friends although she was quaking with fear.

Celestia fought with everything she had, filled with a blood rage aimed at Nightmare Moon. She wanted to destroy her make her suffer the same pain that she caused Twilight Sparkle, she wanted to see Nightmare Moon in tears of anguish, she wanted to see her blood, she wanted revenge for her sister and for Twilight and Spike. She wanted to destroy the threat of Nightmare Moon, so that nopony else would suffer her tyranny. She felt only hatred, revenge, and suffering. She wanted to kill her, wanted to destroy her, wanted to wipe her from existence. She would not stop relentlessly fighting until she did. For the ponies of Equestria and for Twilight.

What Twilight didn't know was that Celestia's feelings were more than mentor and student; she loved Twilight like her own daughter, and she decided that she would tell Twilight after this was over, but first she had to win against her sister's alter ego, even though she knew that her chances were slim. Nightmare Moon was far too powerful, she had the power of the elements of chaos, and the power of Luna, let alone her own power.

Celestia was shaken from her thoughts, as she noticed that she was being charged by Nightmare Moon, lance at the ready. She reacted by blocking it with her own sword, that she had summoned moments before. Their weapons were locked together, and they were staring at each with a look that could kill.

"Well looks like I won't have to hunt Twilight and her friends after all." Nightmare Moon stated as an evil grin crossed her face
Celestia dashed backwards, distancing herself, then she looked over to where Nightmare Moon was looking, and she saw Twilight and her friends fast approaching, and her heart dropped as she realized that if she failed, Twilight would not stand a chance. Celestia's eyes began to glow white as she turned back to Nightmare Moon, and she said; her voice filled with power. "You will not take her from me; I'll destroy you!"

"So it seems that you have deeper feelings for Twilight then what I thought. Then I will leave you barely alive, and force you to watch me kill her slowly in front of you ha, ha, ha." Nightmare Moon sadistically said as she broke into her fabled maniacal laugh.

A scheme came into Nightmare Moon's mind, she would kill Celestia in front of Twilight, and make sure she saw it so that she could mentally torture Twilight further and devastate her. She wanted to destroy Twilight both mentally and physically, but she would not make it a fast death. She would make sure it lasted, she wanted to torture her slowly, and once she would nearly die, she wanted to heal her, then do it all over again for 1000 years.

The same amount of time she had been trapped on that godforsaken moon, and on the thousandth year she would kill her. Nightmare Moon could imagine the torment, and fun she would have with Twilight.

Celestia charged her horn, forming a bubble of bright yellow light around herself, before detonating the bubble and sending Nightmare Moon crashing through the now ruined castle of Canterlot, before teleporting to Nightmare Moon and releasing a potent beam of magical energy, blasting a crater in the ground. Nightmare Moon anticipated this, and she teleported out of the way before taunting Celestia once more. "Did I touch a nerve ha, ha, ha?"

But Celestia didn't reply she just charged at her, with her sword drawn; ready to plunge it into Nightmare Moon's chest. She was filled with a protective rage, like a tigress would protect her cub, she did not want Twilight to be harmed in any way, she loved her too dearly, and she would protect her with her own life.

As she hit nothing, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest, and as the clone vanished, she noticed Nightmare Moon hovering some distance away from her, laughing maniacally.

Celestia looked down at her chest, and protruding from it was her sister's lance; it had impaled her. Soon after she noticed the lance, she felt a strange tingling sensation, she knew she was engulfed in telekinesis. She was levitated to Nightmare Moon, who was still hovering, and Celestia was brought in close to Nightmare Moon, before Nightmare Moon spoke. "You are naive Celestia, you became blinded by rage, and that, is, what brought you to your downfall. I'm going to enjoy torturing Twilight, such a pity you won't be able to see it ha, ha, ha, ha." As Nightmare Moon said this, she threw Celestia towards Twilight, and Celestia landed in front of Twilight, then she announced to Twilight and her friends. "Don't worry, you will join her shortly Twilight. Except you five I have something planned for you ha, ha, ha."

As Twilight and her friends made it to the now ruined Canterlot castle, she witnessed the unthinkable she saw her mentor being impaled by Luna's lance. Then she saw Celestia being levitated towards Nightmare Moon, afterwards she saw Celestia being thrown towards her barely alive. As Celestia landed in front of Twilight, Celestia turned her head towards Twilight.

"T-Twilight, I a-am sorry, I - I failed, b-but with my l-last breath, I n-need to t-tell you tha-that I l-l-love you like my own daughter." Celestia was barely able to speak without coughing out blood.

"It's okay, I love you too. But now you must rest." Twilight said breaking into tears, as she knew that these were Celestia's last words and as she realized that she loved Celestia. Celestia weakly nuzzled Twilight, and Twilight nuzzled her back, with a tear falling to the floor, as the life left Celestia's eyes. As Celestia perished she said to herself in an undertone, "Why... Why did you have to die?"

Twilight could not hold back her tears, she could not remain strong anymore, and she was crushed and devastated. Twilight did not want to live anymore, she wished she could rewind time, and change fate's cruel touch, but she couldn't change fate; she was not that powerful. Twilight's sorrow and sadness soon converted to rage; she wanted to avenge her mentor. Twilight wanted to give Nightmare Moon a taste of the pain she felt, to teach her the meaning of suffering.

"You have killed my friends, my mentor, and her sister! I will not let you take any more lives this day!" Twilight stated filled with hate. As she said this to Nightmare Moon, Twilight felt a familiar feeling well up in her, and she felt the familiar surge, and then all the sudden she transformed into her element of harmony, and she managed to turn her Element stone into a pink sword, and her eyes turned bright white.

As Twilight transformed her friends formed their ranks and were ready to fight alongside her, and as they readied they heard a maniacal laugh, and standing before them was an army of both Nightmare Moon's soldiers and Luna's soldiers.

Chapter 8 Twilights' Shroud

As this happened, Twilight spoke in a different tone, a tone filled with power, pain, and determination, which would inspire fear in anypony. But Nightmare Moon was not fearful; she just chuckled at Twilight as she spoke.

"MY NAME IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE, AND YOU HAVE DESTROYED ALL THAT I CARE ABOUT, NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOUR JUDGEMENT, YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH; I AM THE MEANING OF MAGIC AND POWER." Twilight was filled with grief and anguish and it had pushed passed the edge and her power was at its full strength.

Her power was intense, it was like an oppressing entity. if you didn't have magic, it would crush you. Twilight's friends and the soldiers of Nightmare Moon fell to the ground at how powerful she was; they could not move. Twilight had changed the atmosphere; only an alicorn could withstand the pressure of her crushing magic aura. Her friends may not have been able to move, but they would not be harmed by Twilight's raging power, due to their ability to wield the elements of harmony, which was a powerful and ancient magic

"HA, HA, HA! You're the meaning of magic and power. HA! You will fall, like everyone before you Twilight Sparkle." Nightmare Moon retorted in a tone of disbelief. Nightmare Moon was concerned about the massive magical aura she threw off, but she felt unstoppable, how could a mere young alicorn defeat her, she had been around for years, she had confidence in herself. She knew she was a goddess, she could feel it.

"Your judgement has been made, and now you will face your destruction, and I will restore harmony to Equestria." Twilight said un-wavered by the taunt of Nightmare Moon. She no longer felt fear or anything else, her power had taken over her mind, and the surge of power was too great for Twilight to handle.

"So try it Twilight Sparkle. Defeat me again. I will return stronger, and I will be stronger than you will ever be." Nightmare Moon thought she was the most powerful being in Equestria; she was immortal, untouchable by any simple alicorn.

"You will not return this time, your havoc ends here. FOREVER!" Twilight stated as she teleported to Nightmare Moon, blade drawn no longer holding back, stopping Nightmare Moon from making another reply. Twilight was un-phased by Nightmare Moon she was blinded by power, it was as if her body had been talking and moving on its own.

Twilight swung her pink sword in an agile and vicious strike, Nightmare Moon scarcely expected this. She barely blocked the vicious blow. After the vicious strike Nightmare Moon realised that Twilight was something else, she was no longer the princess of friendship; Twilight had become the ultimate killing machine: unfeeling, cold, callous, calculated, with only one desire, to destroy her.

Blow after blow Nightmare Moon was becoming overpowered. Twilight swung her sword left and right with vicious strikes. Nightmare Moon was losing ground with each blow, and she was growing weary from Twilight's onslaught.

Twilight then swung a ferocious and powerful blow, shattering one of Nightmare Moon's spears, and as it did, Twilight charged her horn and fired a beam of magic with such power that when Nightmare Moon attempted to block it, her shield shattered with great ease. As the beam hit Nightmare Moon, she was sent flying towards the ground.

As she hit the ground she created a crater, causing her to become winded and as she was winded she looked up, and saw Twilight charging her about to impale her. As Nightmare Moon realised what was about to happen, she teleported behind Twilight, and as she did, she saw Twilight impale the ground. She took the moment to strike, and fired the most powerful beam she could conjure. She released the magic and as she did, Twilight reared with great speed before blocking it with her sword, reflecting it back at Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon blocked the reflected blast, and before she could make a counter attack, Twilight was already battering her again with a barrage of strikes; Nightmare Moon could only defend against Twilight.

Twilight teleported behind Nightmare Moon, and fired a mighty blast of magic sending her to the ground again, but this time, she caused Nightmare Moon to cough up blood. Nightmare Moon tried to get up, but she could not stand anymore. She looked up at a casually flying Twilight, expecting the worse, with the bitter taste of defeat on her lips.

Twilight landed beside the motionless Nightmare Moon, with blood dripping from her mouth. "Now I will fulfil your judgement, Nightmare Moon!" Twilight stated in a powerful regal voice, as she levitated her mentors lance over to Nightmare Moon. As Twilight was about to execute Nightmare Moon, something strange happened. Twilight collapsed and said to herself in a distorted voice, as her magic created a phantom of another alicorn, what looked like herself in every way excluding her eyes.

"This... is... not... me..." Twilight struggled to say, as she fought an oppressing spirit that had taken her over. She did not know what it was that had controlled her, but she had to fight to gain control of her body once more.

"Why would you stop what your heart desires? Let your power out, let it flow, let me destroy your enemies." The other voice said through Twilight.

"No you will harm Luna, one of my dearest friends, she is still there I feel her presence."

"You are fooling yourself, she is gone! The only thing that stands before you is an evil, and callous tyrant."

"Get out of my mind!" Twilight yelled in her regular voice. As she did, a flash of magenta light occurred, and as the light dimmed, standing there before Twilight were 3 alicorns: Nightmare Moon, Luna, and another alicorn, that she had never seen before.

All 4 alicorns looked at each other perplexed, they were all on edge ready for one of them to make the first move, the tension was high and the power was greater. "Now that I'm free from your mental control Twilight Sparkle, I'll show the world true power, and crush all who oppose me, my name is Twilight Shroud, and the world will learn to fear it." This new alicorn was an exact replica of Twilight except her eyes were green, not purple.

"Twilight Shroud, I like you, how about we join forces? The stars and the moon as one, help me destroy your inferior self, and rule Equestria with me! Or be destroyed with the weak." Nightmare Moon chimed in. Nightmare Moon saw Twilight Shroud appear and say what she had said, and she saw an opportunity. Nightmare Moon had a scheme to have Twilight Shroud as an ally, but then after they defeated the others, she would kill Twilight Shroud and rule over Equestria herself.

"How did this come to be Twilight ah... Twilights; WHAT HAPPENED TO CANTERLOT CASTLE, MY SISTER, AND SPIKE?!" Luna commented as she just awoke from her comatose state, severely confused. Twilight Shroud answered Luna, "I broke free of the weak and pathetic pony unworthy of power, you see before you."

Then Twilight Sparkle added, "Nightmare Moon broke your will and awoke once again, she killed Spike and Princess Celestia..." Twilight Sparkle hesitated when she mentioned Celestia's name, she was still filled with sorrow. Luna flew over to Twilight and comforted her, but as Luna was comforting Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Shroud interrupted. "How touching." As Twilight Shroud said this, she fired a beam at the two of them; Twilight Sparkle reacted by shielding both her and Luna using her unlocked alicorn powers.

"Good, you're smart, Twilight Shroud; you joined the winning side." Nightmare Moon commented, feeling unstoppable. Her plan was falling into place, and she would soon win this conquest.

"Yes I have, haven't I?" Twilight Shroud stated as a manipulative smile reached her face, "Let us separate the weak shall we, Nightmare Moon?" Twilight Shroud had a plan of her own that she wanted to follow. She cared not for anypony she would hurt by following it; they were expendable and they were all pathetic.

As the conversation ended, the silence erupted into chaos as magic was fired against magic and sword glinted against sword; the sound of a vicious battle echoed throughout the battlefield.

Chapter 9 A war of Gods

Twilight Sparkle engaged her alternate self in conflict, where as Luna fought to the death with Nightmare Moon, now that they had their own bodies. The fight was horrifyingly brutal, and epic; the air in the battlefield was intense, and thick. It felt as if you made one false move, you would be killed.

Twilight Sparkle fired a bolt of pink magic directly at Twilight Shroud, but Twilight Shroud teleported behind Twilight Sparkle, and kicked her several feet back, then fired a beam of tainted black magic. The two Twilights were basically evenly matched, they thought the same and felt the same things, and the only opposites between the two were one was callous and cold and the other was caring and compassionate, one had purple eyes and the other had green eyes.

The beam of magic was charcoal black, with a green aura surrounding the exterior of the beam. The beam of magic Twilight Shroud fired was blocked by Luna, who happened to be close to Twilight Sparkle at the time it was fired. Twilight Sparkle and Luna were in perfect synergy; their team work was remarkable since Luna's revival. It was like they could read each other's thoughts before they happened.

Twilight Sparkle had teleported behind Twilight Shroud, and as she teleported behind her, she released a wave of pink magic sending Twilight Shroud veering uncontrollably through the air. As Twilight Shroud had been veering out of control, Luna fired a bolt of her navy magic at Twilight Shroud, but to no avail, as Nightmare Moon intercepted the blast, blocking it. Then she created six copies of herself around Luna surrounding her. became briefly confused at this strategy. She needed a counter strategy, and she needed it fast.

As this occurred, Luna yelled out "Isilme Dae!" and as she did, the moon rose, and the heavens opened up, revealing the moon in full. As they did, Nightmare Moon noticed Luna's horn start to glow white and her eyes also began to glow white, and before Nightmare Moon could react, a great white light exploded from all around Luna, wiping out all of the copies and hitting Nightmare Moon, causing her to fall to the ground. As Nightmare Moon hit the ground she felt weakened, and her body could barely move, her eyesight was blurred, she could only make out shapes and colours, and she could see a flash of light whenever she blinked.

Luna fired another beam of magic at Nightmare Moon before she recovered from the previous attack, and Nightmare Moon received the blast head on, pounding Nightmare Moon into the ground, causing it to crack. Luna retrieved her lance from the ground where Nightmare Moon had fallen, Luna was about to deliver the killing blow, when Nightmare Moon recovered suddenly, and teleported behind Luna, and announced, "Dae anar!" and a darkness came over the land.

It was pitch black, blacker than coal, everyone had been blinded except Nightmare Moon who could see as clear as day "You're not the only one who can use ancient magic. Now Luna, it is time for me to end your life, for good this time. HA, HA, HA," Nightmare Moon announced amplifying her voice with magic and making her voice resound around Luna from all directions, in an attempt to confuse her.

As she said this, a blast of blue magic shot out of the darkness, hitting Nightmare Moon directly; her guard had been down so Nightmare Moon could not defend herself quick enough, and Luna's bolt of magic hit her directly, sending Nightmare Moon careening out of control. She hit what was remaining of Canterlot castle, breaking through the ruins, and becoming winded, causing her spell to break, allowing the light to return. "You talk too much, witch." Luna said with venom in her voice before continuing, "How dare you use my late sister's magic against me."

"Why she's dead, she has no use for it any more. Ha, ha, ha," Nightmare Moon said thriving at the death of her nemesis.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK SO CALLOUSLY ABOUT MY SISTER IN MY PRESENCE, I WILL KILL YOU?! THAT I CAN ASSURE YOU OF!" Luna concluded as her eyes turned bright white once again, and a powerful aura emanated around her, cracking the ground where she stood. Luna then stated her voice filled with godlike power, "You have forgotten about one thing, Nightmare Moon, my sister and I had a close bond, a bond so close that when she would perish, I would be given her power; it was a spell she cast on me when I was a filly, only now has it activated. YOU WILL DIE, BY MY SISTER AND I, AS ONE. THIS IS THE LUNA ECLIPSE."

"HA, how cute, just see how much power you have." But as she finished her sentence, her jaw dropped as Luna began to levitate with the earth surrounding her, and she watched as Luna's cutie mark changed to a crescent moon in front of the sun, and she watched as Luna's coat turned the purest white that was so bright that it was blinding, and her wings turned white and she developed an aura of gold around her, and her eyes also changed; she now had one electric blue eye, and one magenta eye. Luna's spike in power made both Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Shroud stop fighting and turn towards where the great magical pressure was coming from, both Twilights' jaws dropped in a simultaneous fashion, as they looked at the newly transformed Luna.

After her transformation, the surrounding rubble around her that had been levitating with her was launched at Nightmare Moon, like a barrage of cannon fire. Nightmare Moon just shielded herself, but as she did, Luna had disappeared from sight; then suddenly, a bright gold light came down from the sky, hitting Nightmare Moon, sending her to the ground, causing it to crack further.

Nightmare Moon struggled to get up. Bleeding from her mouth, with cuts on her body, she thought to herself, "This power, its unstoppable; I must steal it." As she looked up and saw Luna levitating there, she summoned her elements of chaos, and she announced, "Karthus tal regnerack montaragon seldom." and as she said this, her elements of chaos started to spin around Luna, and then a second later, six black beams of magic fired at Luna. Luna felt her energy being drained, and she couldn't do anything, except to accept what was happening to her. After several seconds passed, then Elements of chaos returned Nightmare Moon and then shot her with 6 blue beams, which were twisted with golden beams.

Nightmare Moon collapsed onto the ground, and started laughing hysterically, and as she did, her eyes began to glow green, and her body was surrounded by a green aura. Soon after the transformation, the elements of chaos shattered and Nightmare Moon stated with a tainted tone, "SUCH POWER, HA, HA, HA, WHY DID I NOT KNOW OF THIS RESERVE LUNA, YOU WERE HOLDING OUT ON ME, LET'S TRY IT. TIME TO JOIN YOUR SISTER LUNA!" As she said this, her horn began to charge, and her eyes started to once again glow green. As Nightmare Moon released the charge of magic, Luna reacted by teleporting out of the way using her last reserve of power. Luna watched the devastating beam cut a line through Canterlot all the way to Ponyville, setting it alight.

"HA, HA, HA, you cannot hope to win now, I will destroy you all, to inculcate my rule with my new ally, Twilight Shroud," Nightmare Moon yelled, her voice sounding like a pure demon lord of hell. Nightmare Moon was invincible now she had more power then what anypony could dream of. She felt like she could do anything. Her mane and tale whipped wildly coursing with magical energy.

Twilight Sparkle and her alternate self-had been fighting for hours now, and they both had been giving it their all. Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Shroud had been evenly matched in skill, with both swordsmanship and magic, and they knew exactly what the other had been thinking, or planning before it happened; it was practically a stalemate, a test of endurance.

Twilight Sparkle charged Twilight Shroud with her sword drawn, and Twilight Shroud did the same thing, meeting in the middle, swords locked together. Twilight Sparkle fired a beam of magic at close range, and as she did, she caught Twilight Shroud by surprise, hitting her, and casting her to the ground. As Twilight Shroud careened to the ground, Twilight Sparkle thought to herself, "Thank you Spike." As Twilight thought this, a tear rolled down her muzzle, as she remembered that he had died protecting her. While Twilight Sparkle was lost in thought, she was attacked by Twilight Shroud, with a bolt of magic.

Twilight Sparkle recovered from the blow, and stared at her enemy and said, "Elen Lanta" and as she finished saying this, an asteroid plummeted at Twilight Shroud. Twilight Shroud anticipated this, and announced, "Arrna Tinechor". As she did, a shield of lightning surrounded Twilight Shroud, arcing off every now and then.

As it arced at the asteroid, it destroyed it into minor pebbles, then arced like crazy, hitting all the pebbles before disappearing. As they stared at each other, they charged their horns and released a potent beam of magic, so powerful that the ground began to levitate and a black aura surrounded Twilight Shroud, and a pink aura surrounded Twilight Sparkle, as their beams clashed in the middle.

Chapter 10 The final Fight

The two beams after an oppressive tug of war of power between Twilight Sparkle and Twilight Shroud Exploded, creating a crater in the ground and vaporizing the remains of Canterlot Castle, sending the two flying either side of the crater.

Twilight Sparkle teleported behind Twilight Shroud and kicked her to the ground, but Twilight Shroud recovered and fired a black beam of magic for a second time, this time hitting Twilight Sparkle knocking her sword out of her grasp, it landed in the ground hilt up, Twilight just controlled it with her telekinesis and made it fly to Twilight Shroud from the ground aiming for her stomach.

Twilight Shroud anticipated this and parried the blow with her own black sword, which she had created from a shard of black crystal she found. They fought and fought, pushing each other to and fro; the battle was epic to witness.

Twilight shroud fired six bolts of magic at Twilight sparkle, and Twilight Sparkle with keen accuracy fired six back and landed them perfectly, before using her magic to summon a storm, causing the sky to turn black; as black as night. The wind howled and thunder echoed throughout the land, and as it did, the same pink aura had enveloped Twilight Sparkle once again. Twilight Sparkle had no idea what it was, all she knew, was that it was something powerful welling inside of her.

Luna and Nightmare Moon saw the sky turn stormy and dark, and then they felt a surge of power so powerful, that it caused both Luna in her weakened state and Nightmare Moon in her godlike state, to turn their heads to watch the display of power unfold. The two watched in amazement as they witnessed sparks of black, white, and pink, shatter the darkness. Luna was awe struck by Twilights power growth the magical pressure she threw off matched Nightmare Moons magical pressure, Luna began to find it hard to breath from the major magical pressure surrounding her, she began to think that she would pass out.

Luna looked at Nightmare Moon she was distracted but felt too weak to do anything, except wait for her time to come, the time when she would join her sister. She saw Nightmare Moon turn to her before stating with a voice booming with power, Luna, it is time for you to die like you were always meant to." As Nightmare Moon stated this, she started to charge her horn for the killing blow, but as she did the light illuminating her horn failed, and faded away. Nightmare Moon became confused at what had just happened she had the power she was not fatigued and she was not out of mana.

"What?!" Nightmare Moon said shocked, and as she did, she heard a voice echo throughout the battlefield "THAT POWER IS NOT YOURS TO COMMAND!" As Luna and Nightmare Moon heard the familiar voice they both said in unison, "It cannot be." A few seconds later Nightmare Moon screamed in agony

As she did she fell to the ground and the power she had left her, and her own power was diminished, and standing there surrounded by a pink aura above the weakened Nightmare Moon, was Princess Celestia with her eyes glowing, "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" Luna shouted as she felt her power returning to her, with the added power from Celestia and Nightmare Moon.

"The reason this has happened my dear sister; is because Twilight is unlocking her full potential, she is the bridge between the living and the dead. I'm sorry dear sister, but I am truly dead and I cannot return to you, but Twilight can allow my spirit to traverse the dimensional plane, I always knew she had this power lying dormant." Celestia Said, her voice was mystical and wise sounding.

"HOW DID YOU BEAT NIGHTMARE MOON SO EASILY?!" Luna yelled still trying to grasp what she had been told "In this version of myself my power is limitless. I must go now Lulu Goodbye, I will watch over you, now rest, let Twilight handle the rest." As Celestia faded away Luna fell asleep in a deep slumber.

Twilight Shroud created a spell shield and blocked the ball of energy, but as her spell shield shattered a lightning bolt struck her, causing her to fall to the ground. Twilight Shroud recovered and charged her horn and fired a beam at Twilight Sparkle once more, and Twilight Sparkle retaliated by firing one of her own. Twilight Sparkle charged as she did sword drawn increasing her speed with each foot she travelled, until she went so fast that she created her own Sonic Rain Boom, using that momentum in an attempt to impale Twilight shroud, with her sword.

Twilight Shroud evaded by teleporting away from Twilight Sparkle's amazing speed, created by magic. As she did Twilight Sparkle Impaled the ground, and her aura was now so visual that it lit up the darkened sky in pink, and it would not fade and she looked around and she saw all of the greats, and all of the previous ponies that had perished over the years, including Luna's and Celestia's Parents, and her own parents .Twilight Sparkle also noticed that time stood still. As Twilight Sparkle looked around she saw her late lover Flash Sentry who protected her from an enraged Dragon twenty years ago. When Flash Sentry died for her, she held on to the remorse of being unable to kiss him one more time or being able to be with him a little longer.

Twilight Sparkle began to think being an immortal was more of a curse then a reward, she felt only guilt for that fateful day Flash said "I love you." for the last time, as he died in her hooves. Since Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn she had nearly lost her friends numerous times, and she now had nearly lost them again. She had lost her mentor and nearly her mentor's sister. Twilight started to feel old as she thought of the past. Death followed her, and she knew it would not be the last tango with death either, and that burden weighed heavily on her shoulders.

She started to cry when she saw him, and then broke into tears when she saw her mentor, "Twilight my faithful and dearest student, and my adopted daughter, you have reached your peak in power, you are the bridge between times past and times to come. Your true talent is not only for making friends, but you are the lord of magic, and no one can contest your power, no pony will ever be stronger then you in magic. Even your alternate self will not contest you; you are the chosen master of magic." Celestia explained. Celestia had been proud of her Students final ascension. So proud that she wanted to embrace her in a close embrace, but she had died, and she could no longer feel the touch of the living.

"You're even more powerful than me Twilight Sparkle." Star Swirl The Bearded cut in. Then Celestia continued, "You must find me in the past and tell me the time has come, and I will teach you. Now save Equestria like we know you can, and please tell the ponies of Equestria I'm dead, and even hold a funeral for me, I don't want them to know that I'm alive in spirit, it would be too hard for them to accept it. Keep it between you and Luna. Take over my throne, look after my beautiful ponies. Now make an old mentor proud."

"Go on Twilight, I know you can do it, it was great to see you again, remember we will always be with you." Flash Sentry concluded.

As the talk with the fallen ended and time resumed, the fight continued and as Twilight Sparkle recovered, she looked at Twilight Shroud and calmly said, "Yield or I will force you to yield" Twilight Sparkles calmness spooked Twilight Shroud. She was too calm it didn't feel right, and Twilight Shroud replied with a hint of fear in her voice, "I will not yield, but I will return." As Twilight shroud teleported away, it began to rain.

Twilight Shrouds last line had Twilight Sparkle concerned, she said she would return, and that meant she was going to attack again, but when she was ready. Although Twilight was confident in her new ascended powers, she had to be careful. There is a vast universe out there with different races what could be more powerful than her, what was worse was she could no longer sense Twilight Shrouds presence.

Chapter 11 The Somber Rain

Luna had awoken to see the weakened Nightmare Moon lying on the border of death with only enough magic to sustain her life. Luna knew Nightmare Moon would not pose a threat ever again. She had lost her power and she could not regenerate it. Luna said to the now weak Nightmare Moon, "You are too weak to fight. Surrender, and Twilight might show mercy to you. Although I would not." Nightmare Moon weakly replied through gritted teeth, still exhausted from her power being stripped from her body, "I will yield to Twilight." As Nightmare Moon said this, Luna banished her sword and picked up Nightmare Moon with her telekinesis, before gently placing her on her back, then teleporting to where Twilight was.

Luna dropped Nightmare Moon off of her back and nuzzled Twilight gingerly, before speaking. "Nightmare Moon has surrendered, and she will submit to your rule." Twilight replied, shocked. "My rule, what... why, I'm no ruler." Luna replied gingerly, "You are, do you remember what Celestia said?" Twilight replied understandingly, "Yeah, she said to look after her ponies. But that can't mean I'm the new ruler." Luna continued with her reply. "Yes Twilight, my late sister and I had talked about it before your ascension. She wanted you to take over the rule, if she would perish. You are her protégé; you are the new princess of Equestria. My only job in the event this might happen is to teach you how to rule justly and kindly. I know you can do it, I have watched you grow for longer then you know."

Twilight was shocked, she did not know what to think, she was first the princess of friendship then she was a bridge between dimensions, and now she was the new Princess of Equestria. Twilight felt like her world had been turned upside down, but her train of thought was disturbed when Luna embraced her once again; before she spoke "Don't worry Twilight you will learn, and you will prosper. I know you will." Luna said before breaking into song.

"You have achieved so much in your life time,You have fought through battles and trials,And you have already learnt the lessons,The same lessons my sister and I learnt from our ma and pa,This is where you play your part,This is where your destiny has led you,You are the ruler that has been decided by fate,And now it's time to play your part but do not fret,Because you have your friends and family by your sideYou have fought the demons inside of you,The same as I and my sister have,And we believe in you we know you will do well,You will do well in your partAs Celestia did and you shall followThe day we said that would turn around has comeAnd that day is nigh."

As Luna finished her song, she spoke in her regular tone. "Twilight, trust me, I know you can do this." Twilight replied still shocked but filled with understanding, "Ok, I'll try to do my best, and I will take the lead."

Twilight turned to Nightmare Moon and remembered what she had done to Equestria and Ponyville, and as she did, she started to see the guards of Canterlot shake off the evil influence. Twilight then ordered the guards to bind Nightmare Moon and take her to the dungeon, well what was left of the dungeon anyway. The guards were all too happy to oblige.

Twilight then added as they were carry Nightmare Moon away, to meet her at the town centre of Canterlot. "Yes Ma'am." The guards replied, well trained, and disciplined.

After the guards took Nightmare Moon away, she told Rainbow Dash to tell all of the ponies in Ponyville to meet her at the Canterlot town centre. Rainbow Dash flew as quickly as her terminally damaged wings would carry her. She heralded Twilight's request to all of the ponies of Ponyville, and as she did the ponies started to filter towards Canterlot, a lot of them were curious to what exactly happened. They noticed smoke filtering out of Canterlot, and there was a giant crater cutting through Ponyville. As the last of the ponies filtered into Canterlot, Twilight had set up a podium.

Twilight hushed the murmurs of the crowd by raising a hoof, before announcing with a voice amplified by power, "Ponies of Equestria, I have some bad news to deliver to you all;we have lost a beloved and cherished figure in Equestria. Celestia has been murdered in the heat of battle with Nightmare Moon... she died protecting us all, she loved us all dearly, and she gladly sacrificed her life for us; it is a hard truth to swallow. I tried to save her but I failed; I only wished that I could rewind time and prevent this disastrous tragedy from unfolding. I feel like I have failed you all. But Equestria will rebuild, and it will have another ruler. In Celestia's final request, she asked me to take her place; I do not want this responsibility, and I know that I can never replace our dear mother. As my mentor and friend's final request, I begrudgingly accept this responsibility. There will a funeral for her and my dear friend, Spike, tomorrow at dawn." As Twilight said this, she fully realised the true pain she felt towards the loss, they all shared.

As the dawn sun rose, there was a morbid scene. It was raining and everypony who heard Twilight's announcement, met Twilight at the remains of Canterlot Castle. The ponies who saw this sight began to gasp at the carnage the battle had reaped. The ponies of Equestria wore black on this grim day, Octavia had brought her cello, and the guards lined the funeral walkway.

Twilight walked with a golden coffin, with a diamond lid, that was created from Rarity's rarest collection of diamonds. Twilight had enchanted the coffin so that it would withstand the harsh elements. The coffin contained Celestia in her glory; her mane had been cleaned and brushed, and her wounds were healed. She looked like she had died peacefully; Luna wanted her sister to look this way when she went under the ground, in front of the statue of Celestia. The statue was crafted showing Celestia at her happiest; it was crafted with a kind smile and compassionate eyes.

Twilight walked in between the line of respected guards, which wore golden armour with Celestia's cutie mark on it. They had just polished their armour before arriving. The guards raised their swords in an arch, showing respect for their late ruler. The florist ponies dropped rose petals as Twilight walked, and as she walked, Octavia played her ; as she passed the lines of ponies, they bowed formally before Twilight and Celestia. It was a bow of respect for the new Princess of Equestria, and one of a somber nature as they paid homage to the late Princess of Equestria.

After Celestia was lowered into her grave, Twilight amplified her voice, reciting a poem she wrote.

"As the sun sets and the moon rises bringing forth the new night and the new day,
A fallen queen surrounded by roses falls to the clutches of death,
Peacefully sleeping for her to never wake,
Fallen to an enemy of unnatural birth,
Murdered by her cold touch as vengeance is carried out,
She sleeps eternally waiting for a moment to awake,
Which she will never see as moons pass and suns set,
A mother of her children lost to the abyss."

As Twilight recited her poem, she struggled to hold her tears at bay. She wanted to go and hide in her room and mourn, but the weight of a crown began to weigh on her. Twilight knew she had to do this, she knew she had to be the brave one, so that others may mourn before she could mourn.

When the next day arrived, it was time to rebuild the fallen empire, and to clean up the aftermath of an epic battle won, and for a new Queen to take her place upon her throne, and to begin to learn the lessons she needed to learn to rule like her mentor once did.


Twilight Shroud had her sights set over Equestria, using a scrying orb. She watched Twilight undergo her lessons taught by Luna, as she thought to herself aloud, "Yes Twilight Sparkle; enjoy your peace while you can, but it will not last." As she said this, a mysterious deep and dark voice came from the shadows behind her. The silhouette resembled a unicorn stallion with a wild mane. "She will learn that not all of her demons are truly gone. Ha, ha, ha," As the mysterious voice heartedly laughed, a pair of evil red and green eyes began to glow for only a second. "Indeed my love." Twilight Shroud purred evilly in agreement.

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