Stay Sane

By _alittlemadness

8.8K 521 383

She's the newest victor and now her life is about to get a little bit more hectic, if that is even possible. More

Stay Sane
Chapter 1: Victory Tour Twelve.
Chapter 3: Train Rides.
Chapter 4: The Hospital.
Chapter 5: Trips
Chapter 6: Finnick Odair.
Chapter 7: A Meeting
Chapter 8: The Reaping
Chapter 9: Trains.
Chapter 10: Rooms.
Chapter 11: Confusion.
Chapter 12: Snow.
Chapter 13: Splade.

Chapter 2: Victory Tour Eleven

801 48 40
By _alittlemadness

Sleep was unattainable. No matter how hard I tried to grab it, it still got away, laughing at me as it did. My mind was flooded with vile thoughts, once I managed to catch the little bugger, many of which wanted to make me throw up my food.

And all of the dreams included Corrin.

My heavy, sleep filled eyes flutter open and close again quickly as the blinding light streamed into them. And I swear, this must be the first time in months I have woken myself up.

And it feels damn good too.

With the lack of sleep I've had, I'm surprisingly full of energy. I jump out of bed and run straight for the shower, quickly throwing myself in. I wash, shave and sing for a good hour before turning off the red hot stream.

"You just about done, Sunshine? You've took all the hot water!" A knock rang out as well as a pissed off voice, Blight.

"You know, might get back in, I mean I'd much rather stay here than see you!" I mock, drying myself.

"Come on Johanna, he needs a shower, he stinks!" Another voice chimes in.

Now for some fun.

"Did Una get you all hot and bothered, Blight?"

An unidentifiable muffle then a groan comes from the other side.

"Yeah, I heard you last night, no need to groan."

"Get out, Johanna, I'm serious." Blight growls.

"Grow a pair, Blight." I laugh, swinging open the door, wrapping a towel round my frame.

"You do know where kids come from right?" Blight says, using hand gestures which is enough to put me off food for the next six hundred years.

"Stop it you two. You get in the shower, and you get dressed." Una says, business face on.

She gently pushes Blight towards my bathroom and me towards some clothes she must have laid out.

"Not in my bathroom, he doesn't."

Blight shakes his head but walks out anyway. Una perches herself on my bed, groaning as she does.

"Don't you start with the noises-"

"Shut up, Johanna. Get dressed."

"How far along are you anyway?" I ask, pulling on a yellow dress.

I never thought yellow was my colour, I was always too pale but being in the blistering sun for a few days in the arena tends to give you a nice brown glow. The dress has a heart shaped neckline which was perfect for boobless me. It is fitted down to m waist where it fluffs out and falls perfectly over my slim figure. It has chunky straps which meet in the middle of my back to create a bow.

"We think around three months, we have to get checked once we get to the Capitol." She says, smiling at her stomach before me.

"If you're that far along pregnant, then why aren't you showing?"

"I am slightly, I'm growing for sure. I tried to put on a shirt this morning that was a perfect fit, now it won't get over my enlarged boobs!"

I giggle as I pull on a black belt. I grab my hunky black wedged heels and walk over to the bed. I slip them on before jumping up and falling straight back down.

I guess I'm still crap at walking in heels, or even standing for that matter.

"Come here." Una helps me up.

"Thanks. Breakfast?"

"Dining cart."

We both go to the dining cart which is laid out full of food.

"I want to stuff my face in all that!" Una says exactly what I'm thinking.

We do just that. Blight joins in after a few minutes.

"What are you doing?" Blight asks Una.

"I need Ketchup!" She whines, pouring it onto her toast.

Both Blight and I grimace at her creation.

"What?" She asks, half chewing, half swallowing the awful creation.

"Nothing, nothing."

"I'm pregnant dipshit, what do you expect?" She lashes out and slaps a hand to her mouth as she realises what she said.

This continues for a number of hours before we have to leave the train.

"Now, Johanna, please read what Una supplied you with. Okay?"

I nod, looking over the cue card which is just mumbo jumbo to me.

We walk out onto the platform at district 11. It is so different to 12. There is still people dying of poverty but everyone looks so worked. It shows in their eyes, muscles and face. I hear a moo in the distance and giggle slightly before I see the Justice Building doors open, revealing a slightly overweight woman who had an extreme case of bedhead or just doesn't know what a hairbrush is.

"Ah hello, Johanna Mason, Una dear and my my my. Long time no see Blight!" She ruffles my perfectly done hair thanks to Una, gives Una a peck on the cheek and pulls Blight in for a snog.

"Ahem." Una raises her eyebrows at Blight.

"Oh sorry, are you two a thing, I didn't realise. I mean Blight never told me anything about you and when he did it was never anything goo-"

"We are most definitely a thing, thank you." Una comments, resting her hands on her "bump".

"A thing with a thing growing inside of you. How, um, how delightful."

"Anyway, are we ready to go, I mean, I'm on a schedule." I mimic Una but she doesn't say anything, I think she's still slightly pissed off with Hairbrush woman over there.

"Yes, let's go."

I walk onto the stage with my sheet in my hand. The first thing they do is congratulate me and hand me some flowers before I say some crappy words before leaving.

"Johanna, we can't stay we have to go." Blight says, taking me straight to the train.

His voice is strained and he looks as if he could burst into tears.

"What's wrong, what's happened?"

"Una, something's wrong. We're taking detour straight to the Capitol, the Victory Tour wll continue once we get there but for now, we need to get her to a hospital and quickly."

I don't say anything else, I just follow Blight.

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