The Doctor's Heart

By jazzxprowl4ever

17.5K 528 16

Doctor Goldeneye Riza lived on a lone, snowy island in the new world. She was taught to be a trauma surgeon a... More

Her Captain, The Dork
A Doctor's Order
A Frustration of the Situation
Forgive and Forget
The Social Structure of a Hospital
A Heartache or Two?
A Sea of Blood
A Scare
The First of Many?
The first loss
The Departure
Training and Teaching
A New Island!
Unknown Assailant

The Attendings of Faith Hall General

1.3K 40 0
By jazzxprowl4ever

Riza woken to a fairly peaceful room, unlike her normal mornings of running women trying to get ready for the day in a haste with makeup flying everywhere. Nor a sleep deprived Nat who stumbled in from a night of 'fun'. Just a calmness, a calmness that unnerved the trauma surgeon. A calm before a storm hit, she didn't like it. Riza couldn't decide what was the storm yet but a storm it was.

She hopped out of bed, going to her small cedar truck she stored under her bed and pulling out the soft deep azure scrubs her kept stored in the bottom. She had to reach past several years of memory. A torn lace wedding dress stained with mostly tequila, several worn leather diaries, a lighter baby blue pair of scrubs and a fairly new and slightly used prom dress to get to the scrubs of Faith Hall General. It had been a while since her intern years. That hospital made her into the woman she was today. She changed, slowly. Feeling nostalgic about wearing her old scrubs. How many times had this shirt been pulled off in haste to well... A sly grin tugged on her lips. As heated memories played in her mind. Or these draw strings been yanked at, post haste. She laughed to herself before more sobering memories plagued her. And how much blood did she had to scrub out of this uniform after an emergency trauma case? Rize remembered that it had been drenched with blood after a severed artery. Riza hummed a familiar tune to herself as she slipped her feet into those clunky white shoes. Extremely comfortable and soft but not pleasing to the eye. She finished the look with a white lab coat with silver threads that spelled Dr Goldeneye Riza MD, head of Trauma.

Riza eyed herself in Nat's mirror. She looked like a surgeon again. Dressed for the OR. Ready for surgery, prepared to save lives. She looked like herself. To finish off her old look, she twisted the mass of purple hair up into a tight bun. Pinning it in place with a rubber band and a few pins. Chasing the stray violet strands away with a couple more pins. Riza stared at her face, she looked so different from her resident years. Older and sterner, not so innocent. A knock startled her out of her trance. "Yes?" She asked, smoothing down her scrubs.

"Are you ready, Riza?" Benn's voice echoed through out the empty room.

Riza casted one last look at her appearance and said, firmly and strode purposely to the door. "Yes, I'm ready." She opened the door and looked at a tired looking Benn. "I'm guessing you're ready too?"

"Yeah." Benn answered, sounding equally tired. The tall man pushed off the walls that he had been leaning against with his bulky arms crossed. "What's with the getup?"

"It's just my old scrubs." She answered, feeling a bit defensive about her sentimental clothes. She started walking down the hall that led to the latter. "Let's go, I need to see my persons."
She murmured as she climbed.

"Persons?" Benn echoed.

"People who understand me when I don't understand me." Riza answered, bringing a hand up over her eyes to shield herself from the harsh rays of the sun. Slightly surprised to find none of that. Her eyes found the image of the seaside town and the fishing port. Her island was a wintery island that always seemed to rain half of the year or it would snow the other half. Only a handful of days out of the year had no rain or snow whatsoever. Those were very few to come by.

It was raining now, soft drops pelted the water surrounding the Red Dawn and the docks. A thick mist curling around the island and the ship. The moisture dampening her skin before a drop of rain could. She moved to the side of the ship, her gaze lingering on the large ferry boats that would travel from island to island. They carried passengers who worked on the largest island in the archipelago but lived elsewhere. And the smaller fishing boats would dodge the massive and extremely slow ships to reach their fishing spot. Riza had treated a lot of the fishermen on her island, coming into her ER for one reason or another. All related to fishing, of course. All of them knew her by name because of their frequent visits. A handful died on her table.

Riza pressed her lips together and turned her gaze to the coast. A mass of houses littered the  lush greenery of the island. She couldn't see the hospital from here. Or rather she couldn't distinguish the building from the others. An ache settled itself in her heart. She could feel Benn move to her side and Shanks to her other.  "You're up early, Captain." She commented, her eyes never leaving her home island.

"Thought I'd see my doctor and first mate off." Shanks replied, a smile in his voice. Riza glanced up at the man, he looked like he did get any sleep. She could see dark lines under his eyes. Riza felt the sharp sting of guilt, he'd been worrying for Johnny. She knew it. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, you two."

Benn snorted, next to her. "Sure, Shanks."

Riza didn't respond like she would've. Shanks turned his gaze down to hers. "You need sleep." She stated, simply. Her heavy gold gaze resting on him.

Shanks laughed, pushing off her worry. "I'm fine, Riza. Healthy as a horse. You have bigger things to worry about."

Riza turned to him and pressed her index finger to his chest, pushing. "Yes, I do have a lot on my plate. I'd have a lot less if I didn't have to worry about my idiotic captain and more for my patient. And healthy as a horse isn't a term I'd use for your current health, have you seen how much alcohol you consume?  I have, it's very unhealthy. Sleep. Now. I'll wake you when Johnny's labs are done. Or I'll have Nat drug you and she can. Understood?"

Benn whistled, low behind Riza. "She's a little firecracker, isn't she?" She could practically feel the smirk in his voice.

"I'll drug you too Benn, I have before." Riza threatened and Benn didn't said another word about her feistiness. She kept her gaze trained a level gaze on Shanks, who was silent on the empty deck.

"I'm fine." He echoed.

"Shanks, please. Just accept the damn diagnosis and sleep."

"I think that's mutiny, Riza." He pointed out. The woman huffed at him, removing her finger. A smile tugged at his lips, remembering the night prior. "Aye, aye, Doc but I don't promise anything."

"Good, see you later." She said.

"No goodbye kiss?" He asked, a pout fast forming on his lips.

"Why, Shanks?" She asked, wearily. Slightly aspirated at her immature captain.

"Luck and all that." He chimed back with a sly wink. "We, pirates are a superstitious bunch." 

Riza giggled, finding the sound odd coming from her own lips. Yet, she found herself placing hands on his shoulders to balance herself as she stood on her tip toes. Shanks' hand fell to hover over her hip, not touching. She could feel the muscles tense and relax under her palm. Riza stretched up to brush a kiss on his scruffy cheek right below the jagged lines of his famous scar. Warmth spread across her form as she pulled away from him, "See you soon." Riza murmured, not looking into his gaze. "And get some sleep, please."

"See you." Shanks said, watching her join Benn on the gangplank. "You want a kiss too, Benn?!" He called and laughed when Benn flipped him off.

"I think that's mutiny, Benny." Riza mumbled and earned herself, a sharp elbow into the side.

Riza took the lead, walking down the docks. Her feet clunking about on the worn, damp boards. She nodded and murmured greetings to the fishermen she knew. They echoed that they were happy she was back. Benn followed close behind her, he acted like a towering figure that fishermen whispered about after they passed. "How far are we?" He asked once their feet touched solid ground.

"Ten minutes? Probably?" Riza guessed, "I didn't normally go to the hospital from this way."

"What are Johnny's surgeons like?"

"Bundles of joy." Riza drawled, sarcasm leaking in her voice.

"C'mon, Riza."

"There's me, Dr. Brown, Dr. Jones, Dr. Roseberry and probably Dr. Booth. Surgeons aren't the friendliest bunch. We're assholes who hold scalpels. Adrenaline junkies who get off on the thought of a complicated Arthymia. We don't follow a typical social protocol." Riza rattled off the names as if they were second nature to her as if they meant nothing. She was honest about how surgeons were. Riza can't go long without a scalpel in her hand or doing something. "Johnny has a team of surgeons at his side." She could see the hospital now. Big and beautiful. Painted with creams and blues, the neutral colors were broken up by stainless steel. She sighed.

"He'll live?"

Benn wasn't one to lie too, so Riza answered. "I hope so, I really do."

"There's the woman of the hour!" A voice boomed.

Riza turned to see a man approaching her and Benn. Riza grinned, she recognized that salt and pepper hair anywhere. Or that smile, she added. Or that body. Damn, he was still looked like that. Dr. Heartstealer, all right. Benn tenses, a hand falling to his pistol. "It's alright, Benn. That's the other doctor that Johnny might need. Dr. Marcus McLane." Riza muttered. "There's the man who owes me a drink." She continued louder for Mark could hear.

"Aw, don't be like that." He pouted. "Hello to you too, Dr. Coldenheart." He laughed at the face she made, a rumbling chuckle that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Dr. McSexy." She chimed back as she moved to him, walking in strides as she reached him. Riza let out a laugh as she was scooped off the ground and into Mark's arms. She held fast onto him as he spun her around and set her down. She beamed a cheeky, tongue in teeth grin as she met his striking blue eyes as they twinkled down on her and reached up to plant a chaste, friendly kiss to his lips. There was a reason that he was known by Dr. McSexy. The nurses knew it and the doctors. If Riza remembered correctly, the nurses petitioned against the plastic surgeon and his escapades.

"That's not something I'm ashamed of, Riza." He said, releasing her. "Where's my cherry?" He teased.

"I still don't have my drink, do I?" Riza shot back. She looked over to a wary Benn that still had a grip on his pistol and said. "Meet a friend of mine, Mark. Mark, this is Benn Beckman. The first mate of the Red Hair Pirates."

"Ah, the crew that stole Dr. Coldenheart from us." Mark said, good naturally and reached his hand out in greeting which Benn took.

"She made that decision all on her own but Shanks also made up his mind about having her as our doctor." Benn replied with a sharp nod of his head and a firm shake of Mark's hand. Riza frowned at him, Benn wasn't a talker like their captain but he was normally more polite. Everything about Benn screamed tense.

"I did..." Riza muttered, glancing at both men when it clicked." Can we go in? Or do I need to wait while you two measure?"

Mark turned the charm back on as he shone a brilliant grin at her, "Eager for a painful death?" He asked with a flash of white teeth. Riza glowered, he seemed to enjoy her destruction

"Are you?" She retorted, stalking past him and up the short steps. "We don't have all day. So keep up, Plastic."

Benn was quick to follow. "We weren't-"

"Yeah, y'all were. I know Mark and I know you. You let him get to you, awfully easy." Riza muttered as she strolled in the hospital through the double glass doors. Men had to be men, Riza thought. Benn growled, something that sounded like 'revoking her lab rights'. Riza snorted. "So? Shall we?"

The two men followed her and harsh antiseptic met her nose, Riza smiled. She was home. She looked around and froze.

"Goldeneye Riza!"

Shit. Could she run? Riza's smile fell off her face as her gaze landed on the shorter woman. Riza backpedaled, bumping into Benn who laid a large hand on her shoulder. He steadied her and held her in place, keeping Riza from fleeing. She needed to escape. Large brown eyes drilled holes in her, pining her in place with a stern, expectant look. Booth Lavinia had mustered the look and it was just as terrifying as it was when she was an intern or even more so. Riza never seen Lavinia so furious in her life. "Lavinia." She whispered in greeting, hating how meek she sounded like a scolded kitten.

"Don't Lavinia me, Goldeneye!" She growled, "I thought I raised my interns better than that! I thought Danny would be the last one to be a foolish imbecile! No, no! You just had to be one too, didn't you?! You could have been great! You would have been the best! And you, Goldeneye Riza, threw it all away! I am ashamed and humiliated!" Lavinia snapped, the older woman's voice rose an octave as she continued. A bitter guilt rose in Riza but she wordlessly stared at her teacher. Talking wouldn't help now, it was best to take the lecture with a stoney face.

Riza could hear Mark laugh behind her, she was tempted to hit him. Benn remand silent but the presence of his hand on her shoulder tightened. Smart man. Riza thought, scornfully. "So?" The chief of surgery barked at her and Riza jolted.

"So?" Riza echoed, cluelessly.

"Your patient! Where is the patient that you need treated?" Lavinia glared, her small dark hands planted on her wide hips. "Well?" She snarled, remising a fierce lioness.

"O-on our ship." Riza stuttered, not quite believing Lavinia. She was accepting Johnny as a patient just like that. No fighting? Or arguing of any kind? She had been ready to twist the former chief's arm to take Johnny. Riza expected some resistance.

"Why is he there?" She inquired. "Can we treat him there? To the best of our surgical abilities?"


"Then get him here, Riza. We have a room ready for him." Lavinia said, she seemed to deflate but a sharp edge remained in her voice and a flame in her narrowed gaze. "Bring his chart and meet me in my office. The chief's old office. Then, you'll go up the HR for some paperwork. I have assembled a group of interns for your disposal that was kindly, donated to your cause. Find them before meeting me, so they can start their tasks. They'll run any and all the tests you need and do anything else the VIP patient needs. Don't go easy on them, remember when you were an intern?"

"How could I forget." Riza mumbled.

"Good." Lavinia rose an eyebrow. "Well?" She turned and stared at four young adults sitting in the main waiting area. They jolted to their feet and scampered over. Riza purses her lips, those must be her interns. Lavinia nodded and strolled away, her pristine lab coat billowing behind her.

"Mark? Can you go with Benn?" Riza turned to Mark and an understanding looking Benn but there was a hardened look in his dark gaze. He got it. She mused. At least, most of what I warned them about. "Can you bring Johnny here? Go through the ER, it'll be quickest. I'll meet you later."

Benn nodded, "Will we see you alive?"

Riza scowled, "Hopefully." She watched the pair leave and turned to the doe eyed interns. "This is what Johnny will need and how you will do them...."


Shanks looked up from his seat next to Johnny's bed as the lab coats entered. A short woman seemed to lead the pack, herding them around Johnny's bed. She was short and round, her face was stern. His eyes lit up when he spotted Riza. Shanks had been worrying about her since Benn told them what had happened with the chief of surgery. "Mr. Red Hair, I am Dr. Booth Lavinia. I am the chief of surgery, here at Faith Hall General. I have assembled the heads of the surgical departments for your crew mate. He is the VIP patient in our hospital and we will give him the best care, we can."

Shanks nodded, solemnly. Riza had explained that to him. "You can save Johnny?" He asked.

"We'll try." Lavinia nodded, firmly. "Riza?"

"Alright." Riza bobbed her head and stepped forward. She smiled at Shanks and Benn but her smile seemed hesitant, Shanks frowned. She glanced back at the row of people wearing light blue scrubs that stood behind the darker blue scrubs. "My borrowed interns ran several tests on Johnny, confirming my concerns over his damaged organs. Johnny will require multiple transplants and several operations. The Attendings and I have been discussing the best course of action for Johnny and we have a course of treatment. The best option for him. This will be completed in stages. In the first stage, we will repair we can now. Bones and muscle tissue. This will be a joint surgery with general, ortho and trauma. Me, Lucy and Dr. Roseberry will preform the procedure, a cardio surgeon will be on standby if his heart gives us any issues. Dr. Jones Lucy is the head of general, Dr. Brown Mira is head of cardio and Dr. Roseberry Emily is the head of ortho." Riza paused, allowing the crew to absorb the new information and to ask any questions.

Mira was a dark haired woman with a nearly emotionless face about Riza's height and Lucy was a tall, dirty blonde with hazel eyes who offered a warm smile to the crew. Both woman stood close to Riza like they were offering support to her. The other doctor, Dr. Roseberry Emily stood next to a male doctor, she offered a crooked smile. Her lab coat's sleeves rolled up and folded across her chest.

"Why stages?" Benn spoke up from the other side of Johnny's bed. Shanks glanced at his first mate but he didn't look back. Benn's gaze skimmed over the group before them.

Riza pursed her lips. "We need Johnny to be strong. His body can only take so much at once and he'll need time to recover his strength before we proceed. Before we do anything, he has to want this. Johnny needs -has- to maintain a optimistic outlook..." Benn nodded his understanding.

"Don't get attached, Goldeneye..." A tall, handsome man chimed in from his place by the door. Mira and Lucy could've cut him with their glares. Every other doctor in the room shot hostile gazes at him.

Shanks saw Riza's nostrils flare and anger flashed in her golden eyes. "Why are you here again, Dr. Barton? Johnny doesn't need a neurosurgeon." She said in a harsh, clipped tone without looking at the brown haired doctor. "I think you can excuse yourself from my presentation and go save lives. And not waste your time."

Dr. Barton recoiled and looked to Lavinia for support with wide disbelieving silver eyes. "What can I say?" Lavinia smirked, her gaze content as her honey voice sounded. Her hands found seats on her hips as she looked at Br. Barton. "The sea has changed Dr. Goldeneye. What can you do?" She sighed and Riza rolled her eyes. Mira and Lucy maintained their professional facade but small smiles tugged on their lips. Dr. Barton slipped out of the Johnny's room without another word.

"Atta Girl, Coldenheart." A salt and peppered haired man mumbled to Riza, leaning over her shoulder. Riza snorted at him, Shanks narrowed his gaze at them. Just how close was Riza to all the doctors here?

"The next stage is the waiting game. We'll need to wait for organ matches. There is no telling when he'll get the organs he needs or if we'll get them in time." Riza exhaled. "That's why he needs to keep his outlook high. It can wear a person down."

Shanks felt ice form in the pit of his stomach, Johnny had to be fine, he had to get out of this. He would be fine. He had Riza and a team of surgeons on his side, fighting on his behalf. Shanks met Riza's molten gold gaze, firmly. He trusted her with his life and his crew's lives. Riza could do this, she was an extremely talented surgeon and fantastic doctor. That was why Shanks had wanted her to join his crew. Johnny had to live...

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