Shadowmantle:The ElfinMage S...

By lunasglaive

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What happens when you break a rule in Shadowmantle? They eliminate you. What happens when a Prince and a Prin... More

××Chapter One××
××Chapter two××
××Chapter Three××
××Chapter Five××
××Chapter Six××
××Chapter Seven××
××Chapter Eight××
××Chapter Nine××
××Chapter Ten××
××Chapter Eleven××
××Chapter Twelve××
••Chapter Thirteen••
••Chapter Fourteen••
••Chapter Fifteen••

××Chapter Four××

102 22 4
By lunasglaive

Maria's POV

"Maria, you gotta trust me on this, I'm doing all I can to trace your mother's lineage" dad said standing by the door. He came in 'bout five minutes ago but I wouldn't talk to him and now that he had brought up the topic, I have no other option but to talk.

"But dad, this is like our second month here" he stepped closer probably to sit beside me but with the look on my face he backed away.

Is he even trying? Is he lying to me? He never goes anywhere, always at this rotting cabin and here he is, telling me that he's doing all he could to find my mother's relatives. Does he take me for a fool?

"I met your mother in the woods you know, I was staying here then, doing some work for my company. She was so beautiful, she had this tanned skin that glows in the sunlight, her ebony black hair....." he chuckled " was so short, tease her all the time and her brown eyes....."

"Dad!" I said louder than I planned to "I don't want to hear any of that, please" I said in a softer tone. "Hearing all of that makes me sad, it makes me want to cry, you don't know how it feels, not having a mother, it breaks you from the inside, and it hurts more when you talk about her like that" I buried my face in my palms, sobbing.

Dad rushed towards me, holding me in his arms "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry" he kept on saying. I felt safe in his arms, he was my father afterall. And I don't want to lose him, that bond we share I know I can never have with anyone, that vibe, that kind of love that I will get from no one else.

" It's okay dad, I know you're doing your best and I'm sorry" I said wiping away my tears.

"It's alright little bunny" he said tickling me.

"Stop it" I managed to utter in between laughs. See what I'm talking about? He's like the best dad ever, who would want to lose a dad like him. How did I managed to get angry at him? Remind me, why was I even angry at him?

"I'll go prepare breakfast, okay? Just get ready and meet me down stairs" he said, already opening the door.

I nodded clutching the necklace around my neck, the only thing I have that belongs to my mother. All it took were a few words and then peace found its way into our home. It still bothers me but true strength is smiling when you want to cry, laughing to hide the pain, and going on, no matter what.

Home? Did I just call this place home? I did, so I guess I'm home.

I took a shower and wore denim jeans, a white hoodie that has on it "I Speak Fluent Sarcasm" written in black, bold letters, cool right? And finally, I wore my favourite black boots. And then headed downstairs.

The aroma of something delicious met me on the wooden stairs that won't stop squeaking. "Ummm" I inhaled deeply, I smell eggs and herbs. I already know what dad cooked. It's one of his favourite dishes.

"Egg salad with herbs and pickles" dad said as I entered the kitchen, he was setting the table.

"Sandwich it is" I said, sitting down. Dad is the best cook I know, he spent most of his life alone so it was no big deal. And as it has always been the salad tasted great.

"I'm going into town, wanna come? " Dad asked after the table was cleared.

As much as I love to I can't, I promised Damon that we'll meet today. "Sorry dad, I can't, I need to go practice"

"You practiced yesterday, didn't you?"

"I did and I was terribly bad, I need to practice more" I lied, and believe me when I tell you that I felt horrible.

"Guess I'll see you in the evening then"



Damon's POV

I sat on a branch eating breakfast, I mean eating an apple, yeah that's my breakfast for today. I had spent five hours just sitting here, waiting for her to show up. I was a fool to not have asked about the time we're meeting but I don't care as long as I'll get to see her, I'll still be cool with it if she showed up at midnight and she'll still meet me here unmoved.

I didn't sleep all night long, I'm sorry to say that I spent the night on that tree, the one outside her cabin but I don't regret it. I was only looking out for her, what if rogues or something else attacks them? I'd be there to help, it's my responsibility to protect her. I won't be able to live if anything happens to her. And I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to, so don't judge me.

It was the little things she did that chipped the walls around my heart bit by bit until she had all of it in the palm of her hand. Things like the way her eyes lit up when she sees food, the different expressions on her face when watching a movie, the peaceful look on her face when listening to Adele and everything about her. I learnt a lot about her yesternight.

I want us to be together forever. I want to tell her that I'm a werewolf but I'm scared of what her reaction would be. I want to tell her everything, make her understand, mark her and claim my property today but I can't, I will but not today. Never force the vibe, let it come organically.

"There she is" I said to myself, smiling. I watched with keen, examining eyes as she makes her way towards the stream like damn, just look at her, who wouldn't fall in love with her. I smirked wickedly, I'd like to see someone try. I'm sorry to say but I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. She's mine, only mine.


Aaron's POV

I spent the night thinking about my cousin, does she even have a name? I mean she wasn't even named when Tauriel took her but she ought to, whoever it is that she stays with most have given her a name, it's not like they are going to be calling her "unnamed" or something as ridiculous as that or worst.

I'm just worried about her. What if the guardians already know about this? What if they had already sent someone after her? they are the guardians, they see beyond the wall. I don't want to think about that, she is alright, she has to be, safe and safe at least for us, for her family.

I don't remember falling asleep but I sure as heck was woken up by a loud bang on the door and a kick on the chest.

"Wake up sleepy head, I can't believe you fell asleep" Layla huffed with arms crossed on her chest. She was giving me that look of hers that I hate.

I just lay there, facing the ceiling. It is on days like this that I ask myself "Are you sure that you want another female cousin?" I hope the other one is nothing like this savage here.

"Are you getting up or do you want another one of my morning dose" she meant every word, she would do that again.

"You don't have to" I said getting up, I wasn't up for any drama today.

"I thought so too" she said with a smirk plastered on her face, trust me all I want to do right now is rub that smirk off her face but like I said I ain't up for any drama.

"I don't like you, you know" I said grabbing my bow and quiver which I strapped onto my back.

"Of course, not everybody has to like me, I can't force you to have good taste" she said nonchalantly checking her finger nails out.

She said something clever, she always does. Girls and drama, I wonder how this is going to end for us. The two of us on a quest, sword of Damocles.

Bow and arrows? checked, sword? checked, hand dagger? checked, lap dagger? checked, ankle dagger? checked. All set and ready to go.

"You might want to hurry up, your father is waiting you know"

I looked at her with disbelief "Why are you just telling me?" everybody knows that father does not tolerate lateness especially from me the future king.

"What? You didn't know?" she said feigning surprise. "Not just the king but the queen and the little princess are waiting to say their goodbyes too"

"I hate you" I said walking out of the room.

"Of course you do, I love you too" she said sarcastically, walking behind me, I can practically feel the smirk on her face.

"Father" I greeted with a nod of my head. "Mother" I kissed her cheek.

"You're late" father said. They were standing in the hall, outside Elie's room, my little sister.

"Forgive me father, I......." I was going to say that I fell asleep but I decided not to, father would use that against me.

"Dawn doesn't stay forever, now go in and bid farewell to your sister" Mother said, gesturing towards the room with her hands.

I opened the door to the room slowly, I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. She was lying down on her bed, sleeping with a peaceful look on her face as if the world holds nothing but promises and good news. I sat on the bed, running my fingers through her golden, elfin hair, she looks just like mother.

"Is it true? Are you really going beyond the walls?" she asked

I was startled "I thought you were sleeping"

She sat up "Is it true?" she asked again

"Yes Elie, I'm going beyond the walls"

"Why?" being my only sibling, we were very close and I know that any minute from now she is going to ask me to either stay with her or if she can go with me.

"I'm bringing our cousin back, the ElfinMage"

Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp "She's alive" she whispered

"Yeah, and I'm bringing her with me when I get back. You can't tell anyone about this though"

"Yeah, I know but can I come too, please?" told you she was going to ask.

"You can't, it's too dangerous. Just practice hard, you'll go on your on adventures when the time comes"

She caught me in a bear hug "I'm going to miss you" she whispered

"I know, I'll miss you too"

We stood a few yards away from the wall, hiding in the the thick cover of the forest, it's still dark which makes it easier for us.

"Layla now"
"Aaron, the dust, get over there now" Father gave out orders. The plan is to distract the guards on watch while I sprinkle the pixie dust on them.

"Hey there" Layla said loud enough for the guards to hear, as they turned their attention to her I made my way towards them from behind, leaping into the air I blew the dust in every direction, I did that because the dust doesn't have any effect on us, elves. As I dropped down on one knee so did the bodies of the guards.

The dust will leave them unconscious for a while and it will wipe away any memory of this, we could've just kill them but that will only lead to suspiciousness.

"Now Arlen" father instructed. We brought him along 'cause he is the only one in Sille Edhil that can help us through the wall.

"Yes, your highness" Arlen the aged said. He placed his hands on the invisible wall and started chanting in the language of the guardians archkaïkos.

"Go to the wall, don't hesitate to go through when it opens" father said

We made our way to the wall as the chant grew louder.

"We're going to be okay" I said holding Layla's hand.

"Yeah, we are" she replied with a smile.

The loud chants accompanied by the whining wind and the rustling of leaves made me hopeful.

"F.E.A.R has two meanings" Layla said.

"Forget everything and run or Face everything and rise" I added. Meistre Vyr, our combat teacher taught us that.

And in unison we said " The choice is ours and today we make that choice, to face everything"

"NOW!" Arlen yelled.
I took one last glance at father, he gave me that encouraging nod.

Want it or not here we come. And the last thing I saw was darkness.

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