He was a jock, She was a nerd...

By GloryRestoSalva

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(this book is a twist on the song sk8er boi by Avril Lavigne) Jessika Hastings has hated Luke Collins ever s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

chapter 3

108 6 0
By GloryRestoSalva


"You know Jessika?" Luke asked me.

"Yeah she's my... uh... cousin?"I said but it sounded more like a question. Damn it!

"Oh okay" he said. Thank God he's dummer than a brick.

"Well, Jess we got to get going" Emma said.

"Yeah okay, well it was nice meeting you Luke" Again where's a barf bag when you need one. "Well bye"


Chapter 3


-Jessika's POV-

-On the way home-

"What was that all about with Luke?" Emma asked as soon as we got to the car.

"Oh, about that, he was flirting with me" I said shuddering at the memory.

"He was what?!" Emma asked.

"Flirting with me" I said.

"I heard you the first time!" Emma shrieked.

"Then why did you made me repeat it?!"

"Cause I wanted to make sure I heard you right" she mumbled, but I still heard her. "By the way, what was that all about when you said that 'Jessika' was at home cause 'she' was sick?"

"Well...um...you see...he...uh...didn't recognize me?" I stuttered. What? Don't judge, if it was you in my position, with Emma's accusing green eyes, you would've stuttered too.


"He walked over to me and started flirting with me and I got nervous so I lied and told him my name was Jessie, which technically is not a lie since you guys call me that all the time" I said as fast as I could, but she still was able to realize what I said. I thought she was going to shout at me, but what came out of her mouth shocked the hell out of me. She bursted out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Isn't this the part were you shout at me and act like you are my mom and all that"

"Wow, you know me so well, but I'm laughing cause Luke was flirting with you" I looked at her confused. What's so funny about that?


"And what I mean is that you guys hate each other and you get a makeover and he flirts with you and it just funny how he didn't recognized you"

"Whatever" After that the rest of the ride home was quiet. When we finally reached my house we went directly to bed.



         It was Tuesday morning. I woke up at 7 am and went to do my morning routine which consist of taking a shower, getting a pair of sweatpants, a baggy hoody and my pair of black worn out converse. I put my hair in a messy ponytail, brush my teeth and went downstairs to grab an apple.I went outside to start my walk to school. I noticed there was a moving van parked next door. I guess someone's moving in next door. Well, it's about a time, it's been almost a year since the last neighbors moved out. I really missed Jenna, she was like my best friend even though she was older than me by a year. I walked all the way to school. I made my way to my locker like always. On my way there I got push, called things and I just try to ignore them, but everyday it gets harder. I finally made it to my locker. I took out my books for first period. I made my way to English class.

        Classes went on as usual and before I knew it, it was lunch. I made my way to my locker and like always people pushed me and made me drop my books and they scattered all over the floor. I kneeled down to collect them. All I heard was laughter and people saying stuff like 'nerd' or 'loser' or 'trash' and on and on. As I was collecting my books someone kneeled down and helped me collect them. Everyone went to have lunch.

"Hey you okay, love?" A deep voice with a thick British accent asked, clearly a boy.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I mean it's not the first time" I said quietly, not looking up. I shrugged and made my way to my locker.

"What do you mean it's not the first time?" he asked.

"Well, what I mean is that this is everyday thing for me" I said quietly, taking my lunch out of my locker.

I went to the cafeteria and looked around for Emma, I spotted her at our usual table. I sighed as I made my way to my only friend.

"Hey Ems" I said as I sat down.

"Hey Jess, do you want to come over to my house after school?" she asked hopefully.

"Sorry, I can't, I have to work on the Chemistry project with Luke." I said sadly, I mean seriously, I would go to anywhere instead of that idiot's house.

I made my way to my next class which was Music class. That was one of my favorite class besides Spanish that is. When I enter the classroom  

I made my way to the very back seat and waited for the rest of the class to come in. I saw the teacher came in, by now everyone was at their seats.

"Okay class settle down, now before we start today class, let's welcome our new student Jace Tomlinson." As she said this, the boy who helped me earlier stood next to her looking uncomfortable.

 "Jace, you can take the seat next to Jessika. Jessika, raise your hand please." He smiled when he saw it was me and made his way over.


(After School)

After the final bell rang I made a beeline straight to my locker, as I approach my locker I saw Luke leaning against the locker next to it. I finally made it to my locker, when I was about to stop in front of it Luke stood in front of it.

"What do you want Luke?" I sighed, I can't wait for this project to be over and we haven't even started yet. He stared at me like I was crazy for talking to him that way, but I honestly don't give a damn. I'm tired and I just want to go home and sleep until I have to meet up with the jerk to start working on the project.

 "Well nerd, I was just here to let you know at what time you can come over and that I'll text you the address."

"Well... at what time shall I be there?" I asked awkwardly after a couple of minutes.

"Come over at around 6"

"Alright" and with that we exchanged numbers and went our different paths.

As soon as I got home, Erika basically shoved an apple pie tray into my hands and said to go next door and welcome our new neighbors. I groaned but made my way back out the door and to my neighbors house.

I knocked on the door and stared down at my shoes. As soon as the door opened I started talking. "Hi, I'm Jessika, your next door neighbor. My sister made this as a welcome to our neighborhood present. If you need anything we are right next door" and after that I looked and almost drop the pie at who the person inside was.


Sorry It's been soooooo looooong since I've updated this story but I had gotten really lazy and barely used wattpad. so yeah sorryyyyyyy

Who do you think it was??

hope you like this chapter. I'm going to try and update next week.

Oh and if you have any suggestion as in who should play Jessika please leave it in a comment. Thank You!!! :)






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