Quiet Lauren/You

By Art__Leah

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Just a little Y/N x Lauren story. Read it to find out more More



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By Art__Leah

When we arrive at our room we see Lauren and Y/N. Lauren is holding Y/Ns hand and squeezing it every now and then, while Y/N looks a bit uncomfortable because of the students looking at them. "Hey guys. How was your weekend?" Mani asks but before they can answer we get interrupted by our teacher. "Good morning class. Please take your seats everyone. I may introduce you to our new student Victoria Loren Kelly." Our teacher announces and the girl besides him smiles embarrassed showing her dimples.

Your Pov.

"Tell us something about you and then take a seat, please." "Ähm, so I'm Tori and I like music." She quickly says and looks around the room to find a place. Of course there are only three free seats and one of them is beside me. Please take any seat but not this. Please take any seat but not this. Please. Not that I think she isn't nice or something like that, but I just don't want to have her sitting next to me. It will freak me out. I won't be able to concentrate because I will overthink everything and fear her not liking me. I also fear that she likes me and thinks I'm acting like a bitch towards her. There is just nothing good about her sitting next to me. Maybe except seeing her dimples. I like dimples. But I have Lauren so no dimples for me. Which is no problem because Lauren is hot, cute, intelligent and likes me.

But you know fate hates me and Tori takes the seat next to me. Lauren arranged to sit on my other side so I'm not so alone. "Hey I'm Tori. It's nice to meet you." The cute dimples girl introduces herself again and smiles at Lauren and I. "Hey, I'm Lauren and that's Y/N. Y/N is not a big fan of talking to people she doesn't know. Which makes it kind of complicated to get to know her, but she's great. Really great." Lauren says smiling and places her hand on my thigh. "Oh, okay. I don't mind. I'm kind of bubbly so there isn't really a place for her to talk, mostly when I'm nervous because then I start talking and just can't stop. Like right now and I just want to and..." Even to my surprise I speak up. "Just chill." I hope she doesn't think I'm annoyed. I just want her to relax and feel good. "That was great." Lauren whispers in my ear and I can feel myself blushing because her hand is on my thigh, she is whispering in my ear and all in all she is really near to me. "Are you two together?" Instead of answering I just smile and Lauren nods after placing a soft kiss on my neck. "You're so cute together." She awws and starts to pay attention to what our teacher is saying. I like that I spoke to her, I kind of like that she thinks Lauren and I are together and I think she's hella cute. Before I also start to focus on the topic that the teacher tries to explain to us I place my hand above hers.

When the school day is finally over Lauren looks kind of off. "Is something wrong?" Lauren abruptly turns to me and smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Everything is fine." But I know that it isn't. But why is she lying to me. Did something happen when she wasn't with me? Doesn't she like me anymore? Is she hiding something from me? All these thoughts keep crossing my mind and I just can't talk to her about it. So I just nod and start to walk again. Lauren tries to hold my hand but I just can't. All these thoughts make me go insane. Lauren looks worried at me and tries to talk to me but I just ignore her. I know I'm not being fair but I just can't do anything about it.

Laurens Pov.

The last two hours Y/N and I had to go separate directions and I was left with Ally and Camila who kept looking at each other with guilt in her eyes. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" I ask them and hope that it's nothing serious. "There's nothing to talk about." Mila says a little bit too quick and Ally chirps in asking why I think that something is going on. "Okay, you two. You are really bad liars and you look at me every two seconds like you killed my family and now you're truly sorry because of it." I say raising my eyebrow, knowing that they won't last any minute longer. "Okay, you can't tell that we told you and you can't tell Y/N." Ally states and I wonder what they are about to tell me. "So we kind of maybe planed a little party for today and yeah." "Wait that's it?" I ask but while asking I realize what it really means and look at them shocked. "Why?"

Now I'm walking home with Y/N and I think she is really pissed or hurt because of me not telling her what's up and I probably have to tell her even if the girls don't want to.

When we reach her house she doesn't even wait for me to follow her. She just picks up Snickers and walks upstairs to her room. She didn't even realized her mother standing in the doorway of the kitchen, but I do. "I'm going to talk to her...if she lets me." "Just don't give up. She can be really stern." Her mother tells me and gives me a thumbs up. Standing in front of her room I feel strange. I had relationships before and when they were mad at me they would yell at me and I would yell at them but Y/N is just ignoring me but not in the 'I ignore you because yelling is too good for you' type of way. More in the 'You really hurt my feelings' type of way, without a hint of wanting me to suffer. I knock. Nothing. I knock again. Still nothing. I carefully open the door and see a really sad looking Y/N cuddled up with Snickers on her bed. If she wasn't sad I would say that she looks so cute.

"So, listen. I know you are probably hurt and mad at me but I promised the girls not to tell you and I wouldn't if I was able to look at you without thinking I did this to her. I promised to be there for you and now I'm the one who is hurting you. I have hurt you and I can't live with that." After these few sentences I sit down on the edge of her bed. "Camila and Ally didn't want to tell me the thing at first too, but you know that nobody can resist me." I joke and Y/N seems to smile. "So they planned a little party for us. Nothing too big. A few of our friends coming to celebrate you becoming part of the crew and they also want to celebrate us being together. They promised me that it is nothing big. I told them that it is probably a bad idea, but they said they thought about that too but that it's going to be fine." I ramble and to my surprise I get cut off from Y/N grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me on top of her.

Guess who turned sixteen last week ><

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