Aboard The Fantasy (One Direc...

By BerliozKitty

29.1K 387 58

What would you do? If you were offered the opportunity to show off your latest art works on a cruise ship? If... More

Aboard The Fantasy (One Direction Fan Fic)
Chapter One - Wonderland
Chapter Two - Meeting the Boys
Chapter Three - Dancing with Harry
Chapter Four - Crazy Morning
Chapter Five - Oh I Don't Sing
Chapter Six - Do You Know Who We Are
Chapter Seven - Our Secret
Chapter Eight - I Really Want To Play
Chapter Nine - Cha Ching
Chapter Ten - Late Night Snacks
Chapter Eleven - Loosen Up
Chapter Twelve - Our Song
Chapter Thirteen - Smash
Chapter Fourteen - Boo Bear and Kermie
Chapter Fifteen - Hitting the Beach
Chapter Sixteen - Is This A Secret
Chapter Seventeen - Interrogation
Chapter Eighteen - Stay Crazy
Chapter Twenty - Now or Never

Chapter Nineteen - Last Day

937 16 4
By BerliozKitty

I've never done a little note before a story before so....hi...um...thanks for the 1000 reads you guys are great. I love you all. This story is coming to an end there will be only one more chapter but don't worry I have already started the sequel. Please give me some feedback and ideas for the next book. Thanks. Love from BerliozKitty.


Everyone was sitting around a table on the pool deck, people watching then Shayla said, "I can't believe we only have one more day on this boat. " 

"We only have one more day on the boat?" Louis said sounding slightly panicked.

"Yeah." She said leaning away from him. 

"What's wrong with you?" Zayn said giving him a confused look. 

"Nothing I just was kind of zoned out for a second."

"Alright." Shayla said awkwardly. 

"So what's going on today?" Harry said taking the copy of the newspaper on the table. "There is bingo at three in the theater." 

"As fun as that sounds I'll pass." Shayla said flicking the straw in her drink. 

"There is going to be a hairy chest competition at twelve thirty." Harry continued.

"Oh god, no." Louis, Shayla and Niall said in unison. 

"Okay, aren't we picky today." Harry said scanning the list of events. "Here we go, the do-whatever-the-heck-you-want option."

"That one." Liam said putting his empty glass on the table. 

"I vote we go back to arcade." Zayn suggested. 

"Ready for round two of air hockey are we, Zayn?" Shayla teased.

"Oh yeah." 

"Let's go."

The six of them ran hectically through the boat until they reached the arcade. Shayla and Zayn ran over to the air hockey table and instantly started playing. Liam and Niall started playing a motorcycle racing game. Niall and Liam were getting pretty competitive when Niall fell off the simulator.

"Careful Niall." Louis called from the other side of the arcade.

Niall laughed and got back up on the simulator and finished the race.

"I win." Liam cheered as he won the race.

"No fair, I fell off." Niall complained trying not to smile.

"You fell off a stationary bike." Harry laughed.

"Don't judge me."

"Woo!" Zayn yelled after getting the winning point in his air hockey game. "So much for kicking my butt."

"I would have won but I busy laughing at Niall." Shayla said sitting on the floor laughing.

"Hey!" Niall said walking over to her.

"It's okay, I still love you." Shayla said smiling.

"That's better." He said helping her off the floor.

She walked over to where Harry and Louis were standing. She stood in front of Harry, "I challenge you." She said poking him in the chest. "To that." She said pointing to one of those alien killing games.

"What is that game?" Harry said looking at it.

"No idea. But I bet I could beat you in it." She said picking up a gun.

"Game on." Harry said picking up the other gun.

"One question."

"What's that, love?" Harry smiled.

"How do you play?" She said turning to him.

"No idea." He said starting the game.

They watched as aliens are started jumping at them, they started shooting but didn't get very far in the game before Harry yelled, "How do I reload?"

"You press the button." Shayla shooting an alien.

"Which button?" Harry said looking at the plastic gun confused.

"The orange one on the side."

"Oh. Got it."

Their game ended and the scores were scrolling up on screen.

"Team Harry 91 857 points." Niall said in his announcer voice. "And for team Shayla...91 861 points."

"Yes!" Shayla cheered giving Liam a high five. "I won."

"But I didn't know how to play." Harry complained.

"Neither did I." She argued.

"Well, there is only one way to settle this." Niall said.

"Which is?" Harry said waiting for his answer.

"A game of Tron." He said pointing to the big black machine in the corner.

"I get to be red." Shayla called running over to the machine.

They played in the arcade until noon, which at almost exactly twelve o'clock Niall said they should go get lunch. Harry, Liam, Louis, Shayla, Zayn and Niall made their way down to the buffet today they were serving Chinese food, so Niall was very happy, but let's be honest Niall would be happy no matter what kind of food there was. They all filled a plate, Niall and Shayla's plate being a little bit fuller than everyone else, and took a seat by one of the large windows that framed the ship.

"I can't believe we only have one more left on this boat." Liam said trying to figure out his chopsticks.

"I know." Shayla said in depressed tone.

"You know what we should do?"Zayn said.

"Get pictures." Shayla suggested.

"How did you know?" Zayn asked.

"I'm psychic." She said sarcastically. "We should get the pictures before dinner."

"Why?" Niall asked with a mouthful.

"It's formal." Harry answered for her.

After lunch, they went to the room for a second to change then were back out on the pool deck.

"This is a good way to spend the last day." Shayla said walking around the edge of the pool.

"I agree." Liam said jumping in the water.

Suddenly Louis came up behind Shayla and attempted to push her into the pool but she grabbed his hand in time to pull him into the pool with her. When he and Shayla lifted their heads from under water she turned to him and laughed, "Don't push me, 'cause I pull you in again if you even try."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Louis said sarcastically.

"You should be."

"Shayla you're wearing a Hello Kitty bikini." Zayn teased.

"And it is very frighting." She said trying not to smiled, but failing.

"What time is it?" Liam asked.

"Five thirty-ish." Harry guessed.

"Should we eat soon?" Liam questioned.

"Yes." Niall answered quickly for everyone.

"I guess we are going to dinner." Shayla said getting out of the pool.

Shayla was blow drying her hair as she scanned her closet for something to wear. She pulled on a black strapless dress that ended just abover knee over top of that she put on a black and white striped blazer.

She walked down stairs and was surprised when only Harry, Niall and Liam were ready. She sat down on the end of the couch to wait for the others. They came down stairs shortly after.

"Let's go." Niall said practically pushing them out the door.

They got down outside the violet dining room and there were about eight photographers lined up. They walked over to the first photographer they saw and quickly got their pictures. Because they could hear Niall's stomach growling. Once they ordered and got their drinks Louis lifted his glass for cheers, "To the Fantasy." Shayla smiled at him and they all tapped glasses and took a drink.

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