Queen Of The underworld FF Ju...

By YeceniaRivas

8.6K 146 30

Park Scarlet 18-year-old girl. Royal Demon princess of the underworld, Daughter of King Hades and Queen Maria... More

°{3}°:I Don't Need Your Protection
°{4}°: David The Assassin
°{5}°:King Jeon
°{6}°: I Lost It
°{7}°: Fallon.
°{9}°: Let's Make a Deal
°{10}°: Chosen One
°{11}°: Great Mating Season
°{12}°: F
°{13}°: Marked (M)(EDITING)
{14}: Cousin!?
{15}: Daddy


475 9 0
By YeceniaRivas

Scarlett POV

After I was left alone I felt nothing.....broken...tired..weak...pathetic.....worthless.....
When I was young I went through depression alone I had my ways of resolving it, I taught myself how to go through it...but now I don't care anymore. Without my soulmate, I can't live on. I went to the bathroom and equipped a dagger...I point it to my heart
"I...should..have done this...a long ...time ago., "I said to myself..before I could move someone grabbed the blade out of my hand and threw it somewhere I looked at the person

I looked at him surprise I couldn't sense him........I was so closed out that I was off guard.
I look away not wanting to look at him

"Scarlett......" he said sounding angry I stay still. This has happened once before when I was 14 I didn't know how to overcome my feelings. But the idea of my mate leaving me destroys me.

"Don't ever try to do that again, " he said I slowly look at him and I see his worried expression I felt tears welled up my eyes....he hugs me and comforts me

"Ssshh... it's okay....I'm here " he said

"I'm sorry......I thought you left me......" I said lowly, Jungkook loosens his grip and I feel him on me, I don't look at him feeling disappointment at myself for ever thinking of such thing. He pulls my chin and kisses me passionately

"Don't ever think that... I will always be here... Ok, " Jungkook said I nodded and then Jungkook picked me up I wrap my legs around his waist, he brings us to our bed, he lay me down then lay next to me I snuggle up to his chest and fell deeply into darkness.


I woke up with a really bad headache. I turn over to my mate in just his boxers......not gonna lie...I was getting aroused by watching him..... I got up and ran to the bathroom I took a cold shower and equipped a skirt and shirt. I went to wake up Jungkook but do not see him on our bed. I felt arms creep around my waist I knew this feeling very well...He started kissing my neck

"Jungkook..." I moan

"hey baby.." he said in his husky voice, damn to hell is sexy, I turn around and hugged him

"I'm sorry about yesterday, "I said looking at his bare chest he lifted my chin

"It's okay luv but never do that again okay I love you and I can't live without you, "He said kissing my forehead I blushed I felt something warm inside.

"I love you too, "I said Jungkook Grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom while I was waiting I thought of yesterday, there's one question I have Where Did Jungkook go when he left?

Jungkook came out of the bathroom looking hot ass hell with wet dripping hair and a towel covering his lower half while drying his hair

"Hey, Jungkook..."I called

"Yea luv.," he said I looked at him

"where did you go yesterday?"I asked he tenses up and looks at me

"I went somewhere, "He said I stared at him blankly

"where" starting to get annoyed

"Look, Babe, I went to....my parents grave...."He said looking away I walk towards him and backed hugged him

"o I'm sorry kookie, "I said He turn around and kissed my forehead and went back to the bathroom to get changed. He comes out all dressed in some jeans and a black shirt and his black timberlands 


"Loooveeee birddsss Come out we have business to deal with, "Namjoon said

"ALRIGHT WERE COMING OUT "I screamed I looked at Jungkook and walked towards him and started nibbling his lower lip

we started kissing for a pretty long time enjoying his soft lips on mine, Jungkook pulled back 

"Scarlett did you know you make some cute noises when your sleeping," Jungkook said giggling I blushed and smacked him really heard 

"okay you wanna play like that"  Jungkook said smirking then attacked me tickling the fuck out of me 

"YAHhh JUNGKOOK SCARLETT HURRY THE FUCK UP" Namjoon yelled banging on the door

"We should go before they break our door," Jungkook said I giggled

He held my hand and walked out of the room we walked to the royal hall. We walked in and first thing my eyes lay on is my bitch of a cousin Tania Akiba she is not royal but she is a long cousin of our family her father comes now and then to our kingdom to discuss with my father about the Dark Angel's and their whereabouts,Uncle Jose is very nice and serious but Tania is the opposite she is a total bitch everytime I get stronger she decides to get even stronger which always fucking pisses me off. Since we were little she would always try and beat me in everything I do when I had a crush on someone she would date them and I would be sad for days because I thought I would never find anyone to love which now I have Jungkook and I'm going to have shown her who I really am. Last time I saw her was five years ago. Tania turns around and looks at me and then at Jungkook she stared at him like if he was some piece of meat she licked her lips I tensed up, She looks at me and smirks This bitch. Jungkook looks at me,

"You ok Luv," He said I didn't say anything the one thing in my mind is to fucking kill her I ran across the room to try and grab her but I was held down by Tae and Jhope

"UHH LET ME GOO "I Screamed Tania looked scared but covered it up

"Wow what a beast you are.." she said smirking

"LET ME GOO LET MME AT HERR" I Screamed and try to get loose from Jhope and tae's hold on me, Jimin ran to me

"Scarlett I know you hate her but I think this ain't gonna fix anything chill out, "He said I stopped struggling, The boys let me loose I controlled my breathing I felt Jungkook grab my hand

'Scarlett calm down luv I'm all yours Stop being jealous' he minds linked me I blush a bit, how the fuck did he know?

'Shut up I don't like her at all' I said through the mind link

'yea I can see that' he said I looked at him, he smiles at me then lets my hand go and went to go handshake with the boys while I and Tania were facing each other ready to rip off each other's heads off.

"hey it's been a long time Rose," she said calling me by my middle name

"yea why you here. Shouldn't you be with your mom Tayla" I said she turn bright red

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU KNOW I HATE THAT NAME!"She screamed she got the boys attention

"yea that's the point, "I said

"Oversize bitch," she said 

"pig" I replied back

"Big tittie bitch, " She said 

"thanks at least I have some, " I smirked her face turned red, She actually has a nice body she has a decent bust but she has a slim waist which she tracks a lot of the boys. Her body is like a model's body.

"yea right Princess of the dead" She knows about everything the only reason she knows is that of her father, he was there when we fixed the castle, she knows how I killed the Fallon and she thinks I killed my mother which is something I would never do but then again it was my fault...

"Shut your mouth, you don't know what happen that day so I recommend you to keep your mouth shut or I will use force," I said sternly her eyes go wide as she looks at me

"Scarlett my daughter...good morning" father said walking in with my uncle Jose

"Good morning father, "I said walking up to him and giving him a hug

"Alright everyone I have an announcement, there is a word that darkar is after the gems of elements-"father was cut off by Jimin

"Wait, Dad you mean the stones that are hidden and that are never to post be found, "he said I got a little confused I don't remember the element stones, huh??

"Yea son those stone, they are Fire, water, lightning, earth, air, Shadow and light. now these stones were made by the great King Astran your grandfather" father said wait,  my great grandfather what the

"King Hades, so we are to post to guard it?"Jin asked

"Yeah kinda Jin just that we are going to have a celebration next week for the royal family being together and our family from different kingdoms will be coming to meet next in line for the ruler of the underworld," my father said and smiled at my brother. I looked at Jimin he looked uncomfortable what's up with him

"Yea.," he said. Quietly

"So what's going to happen because of course, we can't just let him walk in, "Jhope said

"Well Darkar would never show himself not even when we're gonna have a lot of demons in one place -"I cut off dad

"He is gonna send someone else in his place so we're gonna have to keep a close eye for any suspicious people, "I said in my serious tone my father nodded

"We'll talk more about it tomorrow, "my father said leaving us in awkward silent

I looked at Tania she is smirking but she started walking towards the boys but before she could say anything I butted in

"C'mon boys we got work to do, "I said walking to the direction of the library they followed along leaving Tania behind

"Thanks, princess "Jhope said I nodded

"Where are we going?"Tae asked

"We're heading to the library, "I said

"For what ?"Tae asked

"To find more about the element stones and My great grandfather so it can give us more information on what it is since father didn't say shit about it and might as well go look for it, "I said I felt Jimin hold my hand
"Baby princess I don't think this is a good idea, "he said looking at me

"Well I don't care at this point we have to prevent Darkar from getting the stones so we have to learn the history of the stones," I said but Jimin butted in

"Supposedly the stones were meant to protect the universe but instead darkar used it as a source of destroying it. So it was dangerous to do anything about the stones or even be near it "Jimin said I when did he do his research

"So why is it here then if it's so dangerous?"Jin asked

"Because of king Jeon the Queen and King Hades with Queen Maria And three other people
were the protectors of the stones "Jungkook said

"how do you know that Jungkook, "I asked confused this information is highly protected how does he know unless he is related to one of them which is highly unlikely

" The information wasn't hard to find," Jungkook said not looking in my eyes I let it go once we got to the library I went to Ms. Heart

"Hey, do you know where I can find information about the element stones created by my grandfather?"I asked she looked at me for a sec then proceeded to show us she walked us to this little podium with a book in the middle

"This is the heart of the library just place your hand on top of it and think about what you want to know about and it should do its thing," she said I nodded

"Thanks heart"I said I looked at everyone they were waiting to do it I went up to the book and place my hand on top of the book I closed my eyes and picture the seven stones, my parents and my grandfather name, I felt wind blow I open my eyes and saw multiple books fly to me but one got my eye the family grimoire I grabbed it I opened the book I read the first sentence

'As the king of the underworld, I create the seven stones to protect the universe from the darkness. I shall assign their protectors and should be handed down to my grandchildren '

'the stones were once our protection but now our destroyer'

'There shall be born a pure demon that shall be able to control the stones there should have a dark side and light side, the demon shall have a crest of the chosen one'-Grandfather

I am shaking I turn to Jimin

"Our grandfather has written this, "I said giving him the book he repeats what I read I looked at everyone they seem confused but shocked at the same time

"So what your great grandfather is saying is this generation shall have the pure demon that can save humanity from Darkar by using the stones, "Jhope said I nodded

"So it's either you or Jimin" Jungkook said looking at me I looked at him

"Alrighty, that's enough for one-day let's do something else, "Jin asked I thought for a second mmmm

"We can go to the amusement park," I said they all smiled I know what ya'll are thinking isn't the underworld like hell, Yes but it doesn't mean we don't have fun and it's always night here but hey we can always visit earth sooo

"wait you mean the amusement park on earth, "V said smiling I nodded

"YYYAYYYY LET'S GO LET'S GO"V and Jhope cheered I looked at Jungkook and smiled he smiled back he came next to me and held my hand.

"Well boys we'll meet in the royal hall in ten min," I said and started walking Jungkook following along to our room

We entered the room and I felt kisses on my hand I looked at Jungkook He smirked

"so who is this hot cousin of yours, "He said smirking I smacked his head

"shut your mouth that bitch is not hot at all only thing she is, is a spoiled brat and I hope she burns into ashes," I said starting to get angry

"so what's your history," Jungkook said kissing my cheek

"She has always wanted what I wanted since I was little we would always fight and when I was 14 she found out who I had a crush on and took him away from me which was fucking stupid I thought she was different but no she was a bitch. She assumes about me killing my mother when I know I didn't. The anger I have for her will never die."I said feeling so much anger

"baby, calm down...why don't you get ready and I'll go change in the bathroom," Jungkook said pecking my lips.

"Okay," I said I went into my closet and grabbed out a skirt and a crop top and some wedges I curled my hair and put on some light makeup I wait for Jungkook.and then I heard the door of the bathroom open and out came smoking hot kookie fresh out of the oven. dead-ass he is sexy.

"You gonna keep staring or we gonna go, "He said smirking look at me up and down

"Or I can strip you naked and make love to you, "He said at that moment I turned bright red and left the room Jungkook came out giggling I smacked his shoulder

We walked to the royal hall and there we saw the gang. They were all dressed up nicely

"alright guys ready to go"I said smirking they nodded their heads

"alrighty............As the daughter, if King Hades I summon the doorway to earth" I said The door appeared I open the door and in everyone went.

Once we got to earth we went to the amusement park in New York.V was so excited and Jhope as well

"Alrighty boys lets not get lost and let's not destroy anything nor bring to much attention to ourselves alright," I said

"Rodger princess, "They all said I giggle

This should end well ...hopefully


Thank you for all the people that have been reading this book. Winter break is coming so I'm going to be uploading more often.

Thank Army For supporting me And I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

I still don't know what their ship name should be

Scarlett& Jungkook




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