The best of frerard smut

By deathspellls

17.3K 233 235

a compilation of the sexiest frerard smut scenes / oneshots ;) More

a story about two boys (hope is all we've got)
Tell me i'm pretty
It started with a video...
The Gangster and the Drunk
Please (don't) stop
Fake it til you make it

A very valuable resource

4.5K 61 114
By deathspellls

All credit goes to zerophile (deleted account) on livejournal

The show that night had been great. Frank couldn't even remember a time that the band had played better than they'd played tonight. Everything, he thought, had literally gone perfectly.

He grinned at his misty reflection in the bathroom mirror. A perfect show, and it was a hotel night. Not that he'd be getting much sleep – even after getting to the hotel, semi-unpacking his things, sharing a cigarette with Gerard and showering, he could still feel the adrenaline zipping through his veins. After a show like that, everything felt electric, and it wasn't something he knew how to turn off.

But even without the prospect of a restful night's sleep ahead, Frank was looking forward to spending the night rooming with Gerard. Being alone with Gerard was nice. It was easy. On tour, you were stuck with critical mass of people from sunrise to sunset. Gerard was weird, introverted and often hard to read, but he was Gerard. Frank didn't know anyone else whom he was more comfortable around.

And, of course, Frank could think of a couple other possible reasons why being stuck in a hotel room overnight, by themselves, was an appealing prospect.

Turning away from the mirror and opening the bathroom door into the hotel room, Frank pushed that errant thought out of his mind. It wasn't good to think about things like that. No matter how Frank secretly felt about it, what he and Gerard did for stage purposes was just that – for stage purposes only. Gerard had made that clear over and over. This thing Frank had – this Gerard thing – was something he needed to get over, something that was best not to think about.

Frank pushed these thoughts quickly. He'd been at this long enough that he'd learned to block them out, at least while he was around Gerard. He dug through the drawer under the television where he'd deposited most of the contents of his suitcase, finally pulling out a pair of ratty pyjama bottoms and slipping into them quickly. Frank was always one to unpack his clothes in hotel rooms, whereas Gerard just left his in his bag, or, more often, scattered all over the floor, along with CD's, comics, loose papers, and various other strange belongings of his.

Gerard was laying on one of the room's two double beds with his laptop open, resting on his thighs. He was still wearing his stage clothes, although his tie and jacket had been discarded and were now lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. He'd taken off his shoes, and his socks were plain, worn white, ruining the effect of his outfit and making Gerard seem...Frank couldn't think of the word. Home-y? It made Gerard feel like home. Less like a rock star superhero and more like the normal dude that Frank knew on a personal level, outside of the band. The way Gerard looked, lying like that, made that buzzing inside him that he'd been feeling since the show flare up again, a soft heat rising to his cheeks.

It was only when Frank hopped up casually onto the bed beside Gerard that he noticed the expression on Gerard's face, and all emotional reflection brought upon by the singers choice of foot attire was forgotten. Still staring transfixed at his computer screen, Gerard's face was a mask of something between stark horror, mortification, and morbid interest. Drawing his eyes away from Gerard's face, Frank tried to lean over his friend's shoulder to see what he was looking at. "What's that?" Frank asked, his voice coming out satisfactorily casual.

Seeming only then to realize that Frank was even there, Gerard slammed the screen shut and held the laptop shut over his lap, leaning away from Frank. "Nothing," he said quickly, his eyes still carrying within them that glint of strong embarrassment. Frank noticed that he seemed even paler than usual, which was saying something. "How was your shower?" Gerard asked, directing his gaze somewhere below Frank's eyelevel and sitting up further on the bed.

Frank was so taken aback by Gerard's strange reaction to whatever he'd been looking at on the computer that he didn't even register Gerard's question, or any innuendo he would normally have attached to it. Gerard never acted like this, awkwardly avoiding conversation and shying away from him. If anything, Gerard was usually the one who initiated the physical contact when they were in private, the tactile little fucker. Now he was practically leaning off the bed trying to get away from Frank. Frank couldn't help but feel a little injured. Trying not to let any of the hurt be heard in his voice, Frank asked, a little more forcefully this time, "What were you looking at?"

Gerard shook his head, his eyes flickering around the room. "It's nothing." When Frank didn't say anything, Gerard finally looked at him, his eye contact forced and obviously straining. Frank held his gaze obstinately. "Really," Gerard said, in not at all a convincing way. "It's nothing."

Frank still said nothing. Gerard blushed.

Frank sprung for the laptop, his hands shooting out and trying to grab it from Gerard's lap. "No!" Gerard almost shouted, without even a trace of comedy. For a while, the two of them grappled for control over the computer, Gerard strangely focussed on keeping the laptop close to his body.

"Oh my God, just tell me!" Frank shouted at him, his legs getting tangled with Gerard's and the bed sheets, hands still prying at the laptop, which Gerard still had a good grip on. "What could it possibly be that's that bad, dude?" Frank relaxed his grip, calming his struggle and trying momentarily to disengage from the tangle of Gerard's limbs and hotel blankets. Gerard said nothing, letting Frank untangle himself. It was as he was watching Frank that he relaxed his grip on the laptop, and Frank sprung.

The laptop was out of Gerard's grip and into Frank's hands before Gerard even saw Frank coming from the other side of the bed. Frank let out a triumphant squeal in the same breath as Gerard released a loud noise of defiance, trying to grab back the laptop from Frank. But Frank had already scrambled to the opposite edge of the bed and was hugging the computer to his bare chest, giggling madly. Frank flashed an evil grin over at Gerard, who's face was red with what might have been aggravation, or...

Frank happened a look at the area that Gerard had, until now, been somewhat successfully covering with his laptop. "Oh my God," Frank laughed, making Gerard's blush deepen even further. "Oh my God, are you looking at porn? Dude, it's nothing to be ashamed of, why the big secret? Have you got some weird kink or something that I don't know about?" Frank turned away from Gerard and was about to open the screen when Gerard said quietly from the other side of the bed, "Please don't."

Frank looked back at Gerard, sensing a note of seriousness in Gerard's tone that he hadn't detected before. Gerard's jaw was set and his eyes steadily focused on the hotel wall, his hands resting tensely on his knees. He didn't look at Frank as he said, "Just don't. It'll just be awkward."

That was what did it. As much as a big part of Frank wanted to respect Gerard's wishes, especially after being asked so seriously like that, he couldn't resist at that point. He needed to know what Gerard possibly thought could be awkward between them – after all the things they'd done on stage, every weird conversation they'd had, sexual or otherwise, after every secret they'd shared. Frank had to know. With a strong twinge of guilt, but an even stronger feeling of victory, Frank opened the laptop. Gerard cringed, and Frank mumbled 'Dude, how bad can it be?' before focusing his eyes on the screen.

There was a moment of silence as Frank took in what he was seeing. He scrolled down. Then, before he could think about what he was doing, Frank burst into hysterical laughter. "Fuck off!" Gerard shouted, now sporting a blush that resembled a severe sunburn. The singer pushed himself off the bed and launched himself across the room over to the window and dragged the curtains open, as if trying to escape the situation. Frank couldn't quiet his swells of hysterics, and had to talk between gasps of air as he addressed Gerard. "Dude, you're reading fan fiction? About –oh my God, it's about us. Oh my God." And then he couldn't talk anymore, because the bubbling laughter had taken over again, and he could hardly breath.

Frank had to admit that relief might have caused some of his reaction. After all, what if Gerard really had been into something weird, something that would have made Frank look at him differently? Not that this wasn't weird. Not that the fact that Gerard had gotten hard over this wasn't weird.

Gerard was suddenly lunging across the room again, over to Frank's side of the bed. Gerard's embarrassment had, some time between getting up and coming back, turned into full-fledged anger. He wasn't shouting anymore, but instead looming – literally looming, he was tall – over Frank.

Gerard placed his hands lightly on the laptop and looked directly into Frank's eyes, with the kind of focus he'd feign in photo shoots, that sharp, cutting glare he could produce so easily. When he spoke, he wasn't shouting anymore. Instead, his voice was quiet, and it carried a kind of grim, steely direction that made that same adrenaline go rushing down Frank's spine again.

"Give me. The fucking. Laptop."

But Frank wasn't going to be deterred that easily. Now that he'd gained control, how could he just give it back without some kind of a fight? Frank felt that frenzied laughter rising just beneath the surface again, but he held back, a smile still playing on his lips. Looking Gerard back directly in the eye, he leaned forward and said "Never".

Gerard stayed dead still for what seemed like a very long moment, still maintaining that steely death glare, and for that minute Frank almost thought Gerard was going to pounce on him out of anger. Not that he would have minded. But Gerard didn't. Instead, Gerard backed away slowly, and, still keeping his eyes trailed on Frank over his shoulder, slowly walked away from the bed, disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.

"Dude, come on!" Frank's laughter was gone, and he suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation of remorse. Not cool, he thought to himself. Now Gerard would never trust him again. He'd never been one that could just leave well enough alone. Still holding the laptop, almost without thinking about it, Frank went over to the closed bathroom door. "Gerard, come out. Come on, don't be stupid."

There was silence from the other side of the door. Frank listened hard for any detectible noise, but there was none. "Gerard?" He shouted, and then rolled his eyes, realizing how stupid that was. Gerard was just being immature about this whole thing. "Gerard," he said again at a normal volume. "Dude, it's not a big deal. Can you just come out? I don't see why you're so upset about this. You think everyone else doesn't look on the web once in a while to see what people are saying about them?" He knew that wasn't really the point, but it was the only thing he could think of to make this less weird, to prove to Gerard that he wasn't judging him. Still nothing from the other side of the door. Then a rustle of something. Frank waited, but still Gerard didn't say anything. He didn't make another sound. Finally Frank hammered the door with his fist, one sharp, annoyed rap. "Gerard, stop being such a fucking diva and come out!"

The door opened suddenly, and Gerard walked out calmly, striding past Frank to go sit on the edge of the bed where he'd been before. He looked completely calm. He turned on the bedside light and pushed himself farther up onto the bed, until his back was resting against the headboard. Gerard looked at Frank evenly, all traces of embarrassment or anger vanished, and said simply, "You're right".

Frank blanched. He'd been expecting an argument, maybe even a scrap. But Gerard wasn't someone who you could really predict.

"Okay..." Frank said experimentally, standing awkwardly with the laptop still balanced on one arm. As he was shifting from foot to foot, deciding what to do now, he heard Gerard start talking again.

"It's not a big deal. Ray sent me the link as a joke and I clicked on it. So give me back my laptop and go to bed. We have to get up early in the morning."

Frank giggled, completely ignoring most of what Gerard had said to focus on one detail. "Ray sent you that?"

Gerard shrugged. "He thought it was funny."

This was just too good. "Did you think it was funny?" Frank almost purred, finally surrendering control of the laptop by putting it down beside the television, far enough away from Gerard that he couldn't get to it without going through Frank first. Frank sidled up to Gerard, feeling like he was approaching some kind of line that he knew he wanted to cross, but didn't quite know if he should. Gerard looked painfully uncomfortable again.

Frank went over to Gerard's side of the bed and sat down, fixing his eyes on Gerard. Heart beating faster than he would have wanted Gerard to know about, he reached out and put a hand tentatively on Gerard's knee. Gerard didn't flinch away, but a muscle in his jaw twitched, and he was directing his death glare somewhere above Frank's head.

"I don't think you found it funny," Frank said quietly, a smile on his lips, and God, he sounded seductive, even to his own ears. He could feel his heart pounding in his throat, and knew he had to concentrate on keeping the mood light. He was just messing around with Gerard after all, trying to piss him off. This wasn't actually... that was to say, Gerard didn't actually feel that way about him. Keep cool, he thought. He was encroaching on dangerous territory here.

Gerard was frozen under his touch. Desperate for some kind of reaction and nervous that he'd already pushed Gerard too far, Frank crawled up on the bed. Gerard's eyes flashed over him quickly then looked away again. Pretending this wasn't happening. But it was. And now Frank was the one looming over Gerard, leaning on his knees. Still Gerard ignored him. It was only when Frank, trying to mentally slow his thundering pulse, actually reached over Gerard to put his hands on the headboard, so that he was literally on top of the older man, Gerard had some kind of reaction. He tried to squirm out from under Frank, without touching him or talking to him, and failed miserably. It was the cutest thing Frank had ever seen. But, instead of managing to get out from under Frank, he only knocked his knees and sent the younger man off balance. Before Frank knew what was happening, his chest was in contact with Gerard's, their legs tangled together. Gerard's hands were strong on his bare shoulders, whether breaking his fall or trying to push him off, Frank didn't know.

Gerard smelled like stage sweat and cigarettes, and Frank was half naked and fucking on top of him, and oh God, this had gone way too far, he couldn't handle this. Frank could feel himself getting hard and he tried to shift in a way so that Gerard wouldn't notice. What had he been doing again? He had to focus. Frank knew he couldn't drop the ball now, he had to keep going. If it hadn't been awkward before, it sure as hell would be now.

Without thinking about it too much, just letting his body go into autopilot, Frank felt his hands come down on Gerard's sides. Gerard was warm underneath his touch. Don't think about it. Frank shifted on top of him, pushing Gerard down further on the bed so that he was almost flat. Gerard protested, trying to wriggle away from him, but Frank held him down. "I don't think you found it funny at all," Frank said, and he heard with subdued mortification that his voice was unsteady. He hoped Gerard would think this was due to suppressed laughter instead of him trying to hide that this was hugely turning him on. "I think," he said more steadily, "you were enjoying it a bit too much."

Frank brought a hand up to stroke the side of Gerard's face exaggeratedly, trying to be funny, trying to lighten the tension that he could feel threatening to collapse his chest. This had been such a stupid idea. Gerard's jaw was set in a firm, hard line. Trying to get away from Frank's hand, he started squirming in earnest, and it was all Frank could do not to be pushed off. But Frank decided that if he was going to go through with this (whatever this was) he was going to do it right. Determinedly, he held on, dropping his full weight on Gerard and fisting a hand roughly in his hair.

"You know, Gee," Frank almost hissed into Gerard's ear, "I've heard that in these 'fan fictions', you tend to top. But I personally don't see it." Gerard's hair was in his face, and Frank could feel his body shaking. Then, without warning whatsoever, Frank felt everything move underneath him, and he was pushed, lifted –

Frank was on his back in the sheets, Gerard straddling him with his legs, his face livid. His dark eyes bore into Frank's with an expression that, quite frankly, terrified him, but also made his heart race. Gerard had one hand placed beside Frank's head so that he could lean over him, and the other was spread flat across Frank's chest, and oh, Frank thought, those fucking hands.

"Seems like you put a little too much thought into how I'd be in bed," Gerard said in the drawling, arrogant voice he would use sometimes on stage, when he was getting the crowd riled up. It was that persona – Gerard's strong, sexy stage presence – that was here now, no sign of shyness or inhibition remaining. "Your heart's beating real fast, Frankie. Maybe you're the one that's enjoying things a little too much."

Frank's heart dropped. This had been such a fucking stupid idea.

Gerard shifted above him so that he was still pushing down on Frank's chest, but now had his knee firmly placed between Frank's legs. Without any warning, he leaned down, exerting pressure. An embarrassingly loud moan escaped Frank's his lips, Frank unable to contain it.

Just let me die here, Frank thought, mortified. He could feel every drop of blood in his body that wasn't contributing to his boner rise up into his cheeks, colouring them scarlet. But still, he met Gerard's eyes.

"You're one to talk. Instead of getting off on reading about fucking me, why don't you actually do it?" Frank spat. He hoped his voice sounded mocking as opposed to pleading. "You've got me where you want me now, don't you? Go ahead. No one's stopping you."

Gerard didn't flinch. His expression remained unchanged as his hand moved slowly down from Frank's chest to his abdomen, grazing the soft skin there. His delicate, cold fingers began lightly tracing circles around Frank's tattoos, just about his drawstring. Frank could practically hear his heart pounding in his chest. And hot as Gerard's forceful side was, it was completely and utterly unpredictable, and more than a little frightening.

Without looking up, Gerard asked Frank in an almost offhand way, "What do you want me to do?"

Frank's mind was a perfect blank. Whatever he'd been expecting, it wasn't that. He opened his mouth to say something, but his brain was two steps behind. What was he supposed to say now? Should he be honest with Gerard and tell him how he felt? Or take the sarcastic approach and tell him to get the hell off? But Gerard saved him by answering for him, still in that falsely light tone.

"Do you want me to tell you what happens in the story? You seemed to be awfully interested before." Gerard's hand stopped tracing his tattoos, pausing just below Frank's navel. Absently, Gerard began toying with Frank's drawstring with his index finger.

"Yeah." Frank breathed. That was when he realized fully that he no longer had any control of what was happening. It was all Gerard.

"Okay," Gerard said. He let go of the drawstring and moved his other hand to Frank's shoulder, so that he was leaning over him, their faces uncomfortably close. Gerard's eyes bore into Frank's, and as he talked, he began to shift his position so that their legs tangled together. "First," he began, his voice a sultry drawl, "you blow me backstage after a show." Frank felt Gerard's hand start to travel down his left arm, and shivered. "Then, I take you back to the hotel where we're staying, and I return the favour."

Gerard's voice was so low now that it would almost have been inaudible, had his lips not been mere inches from Frank's ear. "And then...and then, I turn you around and fuck you so hard you aren't able to walk the next day."

Frank whimpered, and Gerard pushed himself up a bit, still staring into Frank's eyes, staring into his fucking soul. Though his gaze was a little softer now, there was still an intimidating darkness behind his eyes. Frank was breathing hard under him, and his skin had broken out into a thin sheen of sweat. "You've wanted me for months," Gerard said with a terrible bluntness. Frank opened his mouth to protest, but realized how futile that was at this point, laying here practically moaning for Gerard, with a ridiculously obvious erection, getting turned on by the idea of his best friend wanting to fuck him. He was never going to live this down for as long as he lived. So instead of arguing, he just murmured, "Yeah".

There was a moment of quiet, and then Gerard laughed softly. "I meant in the story."

Well. Just when Frank had thought he would never be more embarrassed in his life, Gerard had proved him wrong. While Frank tried to think up something to say that would make him seem like less of a perverted asshole who went around molesting his band mates in hotel rooms, Gerard spoke again, and that soft laughter was still present in his voice.

"I've wanted you for even longer."

"In the story," Frank finished for him, looking anywhere but at Gerard. He honestly wished he could just curl up in a ball somewhere and forget he'd ever been born.

Again there was that moment where neither of them spoke. Then Frank heard another of Gerard's soft laughs, and a single word. "No."

In a flash, their eyes met. Stage Gerard was gone, and in his place he'd left the shy and sincere face of the Gerard Frank had known before the band had 'made it'. "Not in the story," Gerard said, and then, painfully slowly, brought his lips down to gently meet with Franks.

Gerard's lips were so soft and calm against his own that at first that Frank could not even register what was going on. There was such a difference between their sharp, argumentative outbursts and, just, this. This was the best thing Frank could have ever imagined – better than the harsh, dirty sex talk Gerard had spat at him, or the tense battle for control on the bed. Frank and Gerard had never kissed like this before. It wasn't even because they weren't on stage that it was so different, so intimate. It was that Gerard's lips were warm and careful, each movement like a secret between the two of them. It was that Frank could feel Gerard's heart beating through the thin layer of cloth that was the only thing separating them.

Frank's hands shook as he brought them up to Gerard's top button and began to slowly undress him. Gerard deepened the kiss as Frank's hands moved steadily downward, until finally Gerard's shirt was completely undone and their chests were pressed together.

Gerard curled his arm around to gently stroke Frank's hair. Frank couldn't believe any of this was happening. He didn't know what to do with his mouth, his hands, his thoughts. Luckily, Gerard was in control of the situation. Gerard's hands were roaming everywhere on Frank's body, trailing from his hair down his arms, tracing the remembered lines of his tattoos, going back up and trailing down his sides and down to the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. Gerard kept control of the kiss as well, moving his lips against Frank in a way that made him want to scream. Finally, when Gerard gently sucked Frank's bottom lip into his mouth and began making circles with his thumbs on Frank's lower abdomen, Frank gained some control over his body and broke the kiss.

Gerard gave him a soft, questioning glance, but Frank just shook his head, not trusting his voice, and squirmed out from under Gerard. Gerard sat up and used the opportunity to shrug out of his shirt. Frank watched Gerard carefully. His skin under his shirt was so white and smooth that he almost looked more naked than other people could look. Maybe, Frank considered, it was because Gerard didn't go around shirtless that often. He was usually so private about his body, which made this, right now, a sign of complete trust. Frank found himself reaching out a hand to touch Gerard's chest. His tanned skin and dark ink stood in stark contrast to the pale expanse of Gerard's skin.

"Gee," Frank said, and Gerard smiled timidly. Smiling back at him, Frank gentle pushed Gerard back onto the bed. Gerard went down without a fight, unspoken questions written on his face.

Frank was nervous, so much more nervous than he'd ever imagined he would be whenever he'd allowed himself to fantasize about this moment. Gerard was lying there on the bed before him, and Frank was between his legs now, kneeling there, about to unbutton Gerard's fly –

"Is this okay?" Frank squeaked, and Gerard just moaned and nodded in reply. A grin passed over Frank's face.

He made short work of getting Gerard's pants and boxers off, and then Gerard was lying there, completely naked, completely Frank's. Gerard dug his heels one by one into the mattress, dragging off those stupid worn socks and kicking them off into the sheets.

Frank had seen Gerard naked before, of course, but only fleetingly, and this was so much different. It felt a little strange, but amazing, exhilarating. Leaning down between Gerard's open legs, Frank realized with a twinge that Gerard was bigger than he remembered him being, and currently rock-hard. For him.

Wasting no more time, Frank opened his mouth around the tip of Gerard's cock. Gerard let out a strangled moan as Frank swished his tongue around the head of his throbbing member. Gerard tasted like sweat and sex. Frank moaned around Gerard and slid his mouth lower, experimenting by moving his tongue in different ways against the taught skin of Gerard's dick. He felt Gerard's hands fist in his hair and heard him swear under his breath. As Frank began to suck in earnest, the trail of obscenity's spouting from Gerard's lips came faster and louder.

"Fuck, Frankie, just like that. Oh, shit. Fuck, Frank." And it went on like that. Gerard's head was thrown back against the pillows and his fingers were tangled tensely in Frank's hair. Frank looked up at Gerard from under heavy-lidded eyes as he continued creating suction with his cheeks. He wondered if it was weird that he thought Gerard was beautiful while he was doing this to him.

Frank kept going until Gerard's breathing hitched and he moaned "Come on Frankie, I'm not gunna last."

Frank wasn't exactly practiced in the art of blowjobs, so it wasn't surprising that he initially choked when he lowered his head over Gerard's cock and took as much as he could of it in his mouth. To his credit, he recovered quickly, relaxing his throat muscles as much as he could. He'd been waiting long enough for this and he wanted to do a good job, for Gerard. And it helped that he knew Gerard was appreciative – every flick of his tongue brought a new string of moaned profanities. Gerard was practically coming undone, and it only made Frank want him so much more.

Frank finally relaxed enough that he could let the head of Gerard's dick hit the back of his throat, so that nearly his whole length was in Frank's mouth. Frank felt Gerard's hips buck slightly, and he could tell that Gerard was fighting not to thrust into his mouth. Frank bobbed his head up and down and moved his tongue in ways that made Gerard's hands fist harder in his hair and his breathing come out in gasps. What Frank lacked in experience, he made up for in enthusiasm.

Urgently, Gerard stuttered, "Frankie, I'm – unf." And with one final thrust, he came down Frank's throat. Determined to make this the best he could for Gerard, Frank swallowed it all, sucking Gerard lightly through his orgasm. When he was done, Frank wiped a hand over his mouth and came up to lie beside Gerard.

Gerard lay there for a while, breathing hard, and Frank watching him, totally content with the taste of Gerard still on his lips and the feeling of Gerard's fingers tangled in his hair and the forefront of his memory. Frank watched as Gerard's breathing eventually calmed, watched the lines of his face smooth out into an expression of complete calm. Gerard blinked open his eyes and looked over at Frank.

"Frankie," he breathed. "Why the fuck didn't we do this sooner?"

Frank couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't want to fuck things up."

Gerard let out a shaky laugh too. "I guess you didn't have to, I did it instead."

Frank shook his head slowly. "You didn't fuck anything up," he said quietly.

They lay on the bed together like that for a little while, letting what had just happened sink in, until Gerard made a little 'oh!' noise and sat up.

"Frank, I'm sorry, I didn't even...Here, let me..." Gerard's hands were on his shoulders, and he was pushing him down onto the bed, and for Frank it was like the whole thing was brand new all over again. His erection had never fully gone away, but he'd at least been relaxed. Not now. He was fully hard again almost as soon as Gerard had gotten him down on his back, and the nerves were back, too. His hands were literally shaking, which he knew was ridiculous, this was Gerard they were talking about, after all. He just still couldn't believe this was happening, and Frank wanted it – wanted Gerard – so fucking badly.

Gerard was looming over him, his hands on Franks hips and a goofy yet still somehow alluring smile playing on his lips. "Ready?" He asked, and was untying the drawstring on Frank's pants before Frank had given him an answer. And then they were off, discarded somewhere on the ground, and Frank was completely exposed in front of Gerard.

Gerard leaned back and took a moment just to look at Frank. Frank knew he was blushing, but he tried to keep cool and look straight back at Gerard. He didn't know if it should have been awkward, staring at each other's bodies like that. It didn't feel like it was. In a weird way, it felt almost...normal. Like a next step.

Frank watched Gerard's face intently as Gerard appraised him. His expression was focused, but gentle, the way it was when he looked at a subject he was drawing. His eyes were not judgemental, but kind. After a while, Gerard's gaze traveled up and reached Frank's, and Frank smiled at him. Gerard smiled back, and leaned down without a word.

Gerard's hand was warm and perfect around Frank. He let out a low moan upon contact. Frank could feel the adrenaline buzzing around under his skin again, a thousand times better than it had been during the show, better than it ever would be at any show ever again. Just the thought that Gerard was about to blow him sent shockwaves of nervous energy through his entire body. He could feel Gerard's hot breath against him, teasing him, and he could barely see Gerard anymore from the way they were on the bed, but he fucking wanted to, he wanted to see every part of him, feel every part of him –

"Gerard, wait," Frank spluttered, sitting bolt upright. Gerard's head shot up, and a look of total concern crossed his face.

"Frank, did I do something wr– "

"No. You didn't do anything," Frank hurried to explain, scrambling up to Gerard and just leaning against him. And Gerard reached an arm around him, just casually, like he would during a normal day, and Frank's heart almost exploded with want. "Gerard, I just, let's just do it now. I want you."


"Fuck me, Gerard," Frank almost whined, letting himself fall back on the bed and pulling Gerard along with him. "I want you so fucking badly." Frank pulled Gerard's body closer, as close as he could get him. Gerard was lying on top of him, his elbows on either side of Frank's head to hold himself up. Frank ground up into Gerard and watched lust flicker across Gerard's face. He liked what he saw and felt. Again, Frank moved his hips against Gerard, more forcefully, and they both moaned. Gerard bucked his hips sharply and Frank officially couldn't take it anymore, Gerard was driving him insane.

"Gee, do you have–"

"Yeah," Gerard grunted, and lifted himself up off the bed. Frank was suddenly by himself, the hotel air cold against his sweat-sheen skin. Frank watched Gerard rummage through his bag, throwing its contents around haphazardly, before he finally turned and came back to the bed, holding a small bottle in his hand.

Gerard climbed up on the bed and smiled down at Frank. He swung one leg over him, mounting him, and Frank relished the sweet contact of skin on skin. Gerard's breathing was already laboured to match Frank's own.

"Are you sure about this?" Gerard asked a final time. Frank let out an exasperated moan. "Gerard."

"Okay, alright." Gerard said. Frank bucked his hips in response. "But I'm not gunna go easy on you just because you're in the band."

"Guh," Was all Frank could say as he watched Gerard lube up his fingers. Gerard reached his hand around Frank and looked straight into his eyes. His dominant stage persona was back, dark-eyed and glowering. Frank felt Gerard's wet fingers against his hole, and Gerard smirked. "You like that? I bet you do," he nearly whispered. Frank shivered.

With no further warning Gerard plunged his index finger as deep as he could into Frank. "Fuck, Ger – uhhh," Frank spluttered. Gerard's face was pure sex, all dark and focused. There was an evil smile in those dark eyes as Gerard slowly dragged is finger back out, pushing two back in its place, making Frank was a mess of little moans and sighs.

"That's right, Frankie," Gerard said as he scissored his fingers inside Frank, opening him up. "Moan for me."

Frank did, and when Gerard's fingers curled inside him and brushed against his prostate, his moan turned into a hiss. Frank squeezed his eyes shut and mouthed Gerard's name.

"Sorry, Frankie? I didn't quite catch that," Gerard purred, pulling his fingers slowly back out. "Speak up."

Frank could feel Gerard's fingertips resting lightly, teasingly, over his asshole. He felt so empty inside after Gerard had removed himself, so breathless and full of lustful want. "Gerard," he said loudly. Gerard looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Yes, Frank? What is it?" His voice was so calm and dominant; Frank felt like if Gerard so much as brushed him right now, he'd come on the spot. "What is it that you want?"

"I want..." Frank stumbled.

"What do you want, Frank?" Gerard asked forcefully.

"I want you to fuck me, Gee."

Gerard nodded without saying anything. He was biting his lip, hard, and Frank could see that he had one hand on himself, rubbing fast and steady. Frank wanted to touch himself, but before he could reach down between them, Gerard was lining himself up against his ass and carefully pushing himself into Frank.

Frank gasped as Gerard filled him. It hurt more than Gerard's two fingers had, burning and stretching but God, it was so good. A rough whine escaped his throat, and Gerard answered with a similar noise as he slowly, carefully, began thrusting into Frank's body.

"You okay?" Gerard asked between gasping breaths. His cheeks were rosy and his face was dripping with sweat. His eyes were intent on Frank's face. Frank realized that as rough and sexy as Gerard could be, he was still watching out for him, making sure he was comfortable.

Frank swallowed hard and pushed back into Gerard's thrusts, making him emit a gasping moan. "So good, Gee, so good," Frank mumbled, and Gerard let out a long, shuddering breath.

With renewed vigour, Gerard began thrusting in and out of Frank faster, pushing himself deeper. He found Frank's spot and angled himself so that each thrust would brush against it. Frank growled against him, hooking his hands into claws and scrapping his nails down Gerard's chest, leaving thin, red lines there.

"Fuck, Frankie, you're so fucking tight," Gerard said breathlessly, reaching down between their bodies to wrap his fingers around Frank's throbbing cock. Gerard jerked him roughly, in time with his thrusts. After what seemed like an eternity of excruciating pleasure, Gerard's rhythm became more irregular and he said, "Fuck Frank, I'm gunna–"

The sensation of Gerard coming inside him sent Frank over the edge. Waves of pleasure racked his body. He quivered against Gerard, feeling his thrusts become weaker until finally he was motionless inside him. They stayed like that while Frank rode out the last of his orgasm, Gerard still stroking him weakly. Then it was over, and Gerard pulled out gently, collapsing on the bed beside him.

Gerard draped a lazy arm around Frank. Their bodies were both sticky with sweat and cum, and both were breathing hard. They lay together until both their breathing had returned to a normal rhythm, then Gerard got up silently and went into the adjoining bathroom. When he came back, he had a fresh towel in his hand. Frank watching him through half-closed eyes as he crawled back up onto the bed beside Frankie and, without a word, began to tenderly wipe him clean.

"I love you, Gerard," Frank said, then froze. Gerard froze too, the cloth in his hand abruptly halting against Frank's skin. Frank exhaled slowly, willing the words to come back. But it was too late now.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I'm sorry, that just came out, I–"

"I love you too." The words came tumbling from Gerard's mouth in a rush. Slowly the two made eye contact. Frank was still frozen in place. After a short moment that seemed to go on forever, Gerard's hand slowly started moving again, travelling gently up Frank's chest. "I love you, too," Gerard repeated softly, and kissed him.

Frank was happier than he'd ever been in his entire life.

That moment seemed to go on for a long time, but it couldn't last forever. Eventually, Gerard got up to go shower, leaving Frank by himself with his thoughts. His heart was still thudding a bit, and he was in complete disbelief that this was real, that things had turned out this way.

When Gerard came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Frank had put on a fresh pair of pyjama bottoms and was watching the T.V. on mute. He turned to Gerard, who was wrapped in a towel and smiling at him softly.

"Remind me, later, to thank Ray," Frank said. Gerard bunched his eyebrows, not comprehending at first. Then a crimson blush spread to his cheeks as he remembered how that night's events had come into play.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't." Gerard sat down on the bed next to Frank and slowly, almost shyly, put his arm around the younger man's shoulders. Frank leaned into Gerard's warmth.

"You know," Frank began matter-of-factly "You might actually have stumbled upon a very valuable resource."

Gerard looked down at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it. How many other couples have a team of horny strangers on the Internet writing about their sex life? If we ever run out of ideas–"

Gerard shoved him roughly away and said "Fuck off!" and Frank just laughed. Then Gerard asked quietly, "So, we're a couple now, huh?"

Frank nervously fidgeted with the blankets. "We could be. If you wanted."

Slowly, Gerard leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of Frank's mouth. "I'd like that," he said.

That was good, Frank thought, as Gerard pulled him closer. Because he could definitely get used to this.

lol is anyone even reading these?

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