A Second Chance (Under Editin...

Door Purplepulu

437K 16.9K 2.9K

Tsuna was supposed to be dead,but fate has another plan for him. Waking up into a parallel world where everyt... Meer

Reborn Again
Devil's Child
Ladro di Cielo
Reborn Enters!
Observation Day 1
Buried in Secrets
Flashback to the Past
The Reason Why....
Figlio di Diavolo
Gokudera Hayato
Just another Day
The Rain Guardian
Let's Hang Out!
Enter: Marshmallow Addict!
The Lightning Cow
The EXTREMELY Loud Sun and the Shy Bomb
Bucking Horse Dino
Another Precognition
Fuuta De La Stella
Undergoing Preparations
Rokudo Mukuro
Diary Entry #27: The Life of A Forgotten Child
The Messenger & The Message
Onward to Battle!
Special Chapter: A Day to Remember
Meeting with Vongola Nono (Tsuna)
Meeting with Vongola Nono (Cielo)
Face to Face With the Varia
Battle for the Rings: Sun & Lightning
Battle For the Rings: Storm & Rain
Battle for the Rings: Mist
Battle for the Rings: Disappearance
Battle for the Rings: Brothers
Battle for the Rings: Intermission
Battle for the Rings: Recovery
Battles for the Rings: Sky (そら)
Battle for the Rings: Conclusion
Extra: Ignorance is Bliss
The Calm Before the Storm
The Giglio Nero Famigila
A Battle of Strength
Back in Time
Day 1 Of The Arcobaleno Trials
The Arcobaleno Trials: Sun and Cloud
The Arcobaleno Trials: The Missing Sky Arcobaleno
The Arcobaleno Trials: Reborn's Trial
The Arcobaleno Trials: Verde's Trial?
Journey Across the Stormy Seas
Box Weapons
Air Bikes
The Tartaruga Family
Choice Battle Starts
Open Box Carnage
A Sudden Turn For the Worse
Right Back Where We Started
Special: Valentine's Day! <3
Let's Go Home.
Now They Know
Where I Stand
Tying Up Loose Ends
Farewells & Goodbyes
A New Beginning
A Mundane But Peaceful Life
The Bonds of A Family
Extra: The Skylark's Memories
Last A/N I SWEAR!!!

The Start of Another Conflict

5.4K 221 43
Door Purplepulu


Thanks for all comments so far! I seriously love you guys out there! I wanna give you all a great big hug!!<3
It's 5am here and I'm going craaaazzzzzy from lack of sleep!! Hahahahahas!!Here's another chapter for you guys!! Enjoy!!!


-Tsuna's POV-

I crawled through my window and into my bed exhausted.

Ahhh!! I can't believe I attacked my own brother!!! What was I thinking?!

My Cielo persona really gets overboard when I get too into the character I'm playing. Back then, I think it was necessary to scare him a bit, to teach him that there are stronger people out there that are willing to kill him without a second thought. And he better watch that mouth of his if he doesn't want to piss off anyone, especially those stronger than him.

But now, back to normal Tsuna, I panicked over how I treated Natsu then.

Noooo!!! I'm such a bad brother!!

Lambo stirred a little as I got into bed with him. Still sleeping, he snuggles closer to me while muttering my name.

I smiled at him and felt my eyelids drooping. I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.


The next few days pass by normally and finally the weekends are here. Normally, most people would spend their weekends with their family, like on a picnic or the park, etc. But no way am I going to be stuck in the house with them, it's too suffocating to do so. So sneaking out from my window, I went to the nearby park. I sat on the bench and stared at the sky as I watch the time slowly past.

I'm a coward for running away but I'm too tired to face them right now.....


-Normal POV-

"YO Natsu!" Yamamoto greeted the sleepy teen still in his pajamas.

"Eh. Why are you here so early on a Sunday morning?" Natsu yawned.

"We came to pick you up!" The raven-hair teen smiled.

"We?" Natsu was puzzled but he tilt his head and saw Gokudera was standing by the gate with a scowl on his face.

Natsu scowled back at him.

"Quickly get dress so we can go meet the girls. They are waiting for us at the cafe." Yamamoto said.

So Kyoko-chan is coming too. At least that makes it worth coming along, otherwise I wouldn't want to hang out with a bunch of guys in a cafe on a Sunday. Natsu smirked but then turn back to a scowl when Yamamoto ask.

"So, where's Tsuna? I wanted to invite him too. The girl wanted him to come along too."

"Who knows. He's always not around whenever Tou-san is back. That coward." Natsu said and went back inside the house to change.

After a while, the three of them were on their way to Namimori shopping district. They passed by a park and notice a boy with gravity defying brown hair flowing in the breeze, sitting on the bench.

"Tsuna-sama!" Gokudera yelled and ran towards him.

The teen looked up in alarm but after realizing who it was, he put on a smile for them.

"Hey guys! What brings you here?"

"We're on our way to meet up with the girls at the cafe. You should come too! The girls were asking for you but you weren't in the house. What are you doing here anyway? And alone." Yamamoto asked.

"U-um, I was admiring the skies from here. It's a nice weather today."

"Really? I thought it was the same as yesterday."

"It would be better if there's a storm coming. I wouldn't mind a little rain and lightning too." Tsuna muttered while staring distantly into the skies.

"Eh, but that would just ruin the day. Most people like it when the sun's out."

"Well, the sun is always out. Just hidden behind the clouds but it's always there. Just like the mist, you can't see it if you don't look hard enough." Tsuna continue to mutter.

"Eh?" Yamamoto had a confused look on his face.

"Ignore him Yamamoto. I think he's having another one of his crazy predictions again. He always talk cryptic when he gets that. He's stupid if he thinks we're falling for that again. Just leave him in his crazy world." Natsu said and walked away.

Yamamoto looked from Natsu to Tsuna with a helpless look. Gokudera just glared at Natsu silently.

"He's right you know. You should just ignore me. I would only bring you trouble." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Yeah? Then why do you look so sad when you say it?"

Now it's Tsuna's turn to be puzzled.

"I'm no stranger to fake smiles. I'm a master at it remember?" Yamamoto smiled as he recalled that rooftop incident. "You helped save my life. How could I just leave you alone now? Especially when you're like this?"

"Like this?" Tsuna asked with a frown.

"You're lost. You're depressed." Yamamoto pointed it out and Tsuna had a shock look on his face. "Just as I had been then. So this time, let me help you just as you helped me."

"Nice, baseball idiot!" Gokudera who had been quiet this whole time finally said. "That's right Tsuna-sama! Let us help you with your troubles! Don't bear it all alone."

Yamamoto, Gokudera..... Tsuna thought with a heartfelt smile. These guys.... No matter how much I try to push them away, they kept coming back. My heart had already decided that it's impossible to live without them but still.....

"Besides, if you're worried about your family, don't worry! My family is even more messed up than yours!" Gokudera said all this with a great big smile on his face and Tsuna sweatdropped.

I can't believe he said something like that with a smile....But still, he's trying to cheer me up in his own way.

"Thanks guys. But I'm fine." Tsuna said but notice the look of disappointment on their faces.

"Um, Maybe one day, when all of this is over, I'll tell you guys about it. But I can't talk about it right now." He quickly added and they nodded their heads in understanding.

"Alright. But promise us that you'll come to us for help if you ever need it."

"Alright. I promise." Tsuna said but in actuality.....

Sorry guys, I can't promise that. There's a lot more going on right now then you'll ever know. Dangerous things going on that I'll never forgive myself if I ever drag you guys into it. I'm alright if you guys hate me for it. It's because I'm selfish that I wish for you all to live your lives well while I bear all the burdens.

"--na? Tsuna?" Yamamoto called and he snapped my head to look at him.

"I was asking whether you want to go with the cafe with us? It'll be fun! And there'll be cake!"

Tsuna ears perked up at the mention of cake.
"Okay. I'll go."

"Yes! Let's go Tsuna-sama!" Gokudera shouted in glee and pulled my arm, leading me out of the park and towards the cafe.

They reached the shopping district and saw the girls and Natsu sitting at a table outside the cafe. The girl's faces brightened up the moment they saw him.

"Tsuna/Tsuna-kun!" They waved.

"Hi Kyoko-chan, Haru, thanks for inviting me to join you." Tsuna greeted.

"No problem desu! I heard that they have the best strawberry cakes here and I wanted to try it with you ever since!"

"That's right Tsuna-kun. We're so happy you came today."

They both smiled at Tsuna and they all sat down to have some cake. Natsu sat close to Kyoko, trying to start a conversation but Kyoko was clearly not interested. Haru was busy stuffing herself with cake and the other two was busy bickering with one another.

Tsuna look on at his friends with a sad smile.
How long will this last? I'm not suppose to be here...

After a while, Haru wanted to go shopping, dragging the protesting Gokudera with her. Whereas, Yamamoto wanted to look at some baseball stuff and dragged the scowling Natsu with him, leaving Kyoko and Tsuna behind at the table.

The awkward silence between them lasted for a while before Kyoko nervously spoke up.

"Hey Tsuna-kun, I'm sorry to drag you out today. I'm sure you have plans of your own right?"

"Ehhhh! No, you don't have to apologize! I'm happy I came so I should be saying thank you instead!" Tsuna frantically waved his hands in front of him in panic.

"Hehe.I'm glad you're still the same Tsuna I used to know. Ever since you woke up from a coma, you seemed so different from your usual self. You had this sad look in your eyes from time to time when you look at us and sometimes, I even thought you were going to cry."

Kyoko said but later gasped in alarm. "What am I saying? I'm sorry! I shouldn't say that when I don't even know you that well from the start. I'm only saying this from my observations. Sorry if I offended you." Kyoko bowed her head apologetically.

"No apologies needed Kyoko-chan. I'm happy to know that you're always looking out for me." Tsuna smiled.

"Kyoko-chan, why do you bother to hang out with that devil?" Natsu strolled over to us and glared at Tsuna. Anger flashed past Kyoko's eyes for a split second, unnoticed by Natsu but not Tsuna. Before Kyoko had a chance to say anything, a deafening sound assaulted our ears.


Kyoko screamed as the explosion happened near us, on top of a building.

"Look over there!" She pointed upwards and both Tsuna and Natsu turned to see a body flying towards them.

Tsuna sidestepped to the side as the body came crushing into Natsu, leaving both of them sprawled out onto the ground.

Tsuna and Kyoko looked down at them and saw that it was a boy who came flying down. He had dirty blond hair and looked about their age. When he opened his eyes, they notice he had blue ones.

"My apologies." He said and look down on Natsu who he was sitting on.

"Get the hell off me!" He yelled angrily and pushed the boy off him.

"Oof!" The boy stumbled and fell. But before he hit the pavement again, Tsuna grabbed him by the shoulders to heave him up.

"I thank thee." The boy replied with a weird choice of words. He looked at Tsuna and smiled. "It is thou!"

Before Tsuna could reply him, a loud yell was heard.

"VOIII!!!" A man with long white hair stood at the top of the building with a long sword in hand.

"M-my humblest apologizes, Master Sawada. I was followed." The boy looked downcast but kept a watchful eye on the swordsman. "We have only just met, yet I have placed thee in great peril."

He suddenly stood up and pulled onto Tsuna's arm. "Come with me!" But Tsuna shook it off, surprising the boy.

"Look." Tsuna told him sternly. "I'm not the person your looking for. He's over there." Tsuna pointed to Natsu who was standing there staring at the swordsman in shock.

The boy looked astonished, mouth agape.

"Doppelgänger?!" He said in alarm while Tsuna face palmed.

"Twins." Tsuna simply replied but the shock was still fixed on his face.

"Master never said he had twins!"

Tsuna sighed. What's new? I already expected this....but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt....

An explosion occurred just inches away from them but the blast from it flung both of them onto the ground.

"Natsu! Tsuna!"


Yamamoto and Gokudera came running towards him.

Tsuna coughed, a little disorientated from the blast. "No! Don't come closer!" He managed to croak out.

They hesitated for a moment and exchange a look with one another before starting forward again with a determined look in their eyes. 

Gokudera came to help me up while Yamamoto did the same with the other boy who had just lost consciousness from the blast.

"Get them to safety, Natsu will handle this." A voice commanded them.

Tsuna saw that it was Reborn who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and threw a pair of mittens at Natsu.

"Reborn!! Where the hell have you been?!" Natsu shouted at the infant and only got a slap on the head by him.

"It can't be help. I had to get the civilians to safety first."

Reborn was right. The whole area was now empty. Free of people that'll only hinder the fight.

"Voiii!!! Where is that boy!!? He have something my boss wants!" The man jumped down and pointed the sword at Natsu. "Tell me where he is brat! Or I'll slice you up into pieces!"

Natsu was pissed. "Bring it on sissy!"

Reborn only sighed and prepared his Leon gun, aiming it at Natsu. He shot out the bullet and it hit him in the forehead. Moments later, a dim flame ignited from his forehead and his clothes ripped down to his underwear.

"REBORN! I'll beat you like my life depends on it!!"

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