Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson

By NaomiTheWriterr

349K 8.4K 2.3K

NOT EDITED This is a girlxgirl story. If your not cool with that then leave.... please (I realize that seeme... More



14.8K 391 129
By NaomiTheWriterr

Mania's Pov

The next day I was at the grill. I decided to sit at a table. I was messing with my phone, still learning how to use the damn thing. My food was in front of me slowly getting cold. I drank some of my coke and sighed.

Mortal living was getting frustrating. I had to pretend to be someone I wasn't. I hated not being able to be the goddess I was.

I put down the phone and saw Klaus and Rebekah enter. I almost dropped the drink. Compose yourself Mania. For Zeus's sake, she's just a woman. I saw Klaus look over at me and smirk. He said something to Rebekah who turned to look at me. I blushed and looked alway.

Mania chill. Is she coming over? Of fuck she's coming over? Look busy.

"Hello Mania." The beautiful voice belonged to the even more beautiful Rebekah.

"Hey Rebekah." I said. She smiled and sat down.

"How's your day going?" She asked. I connected my eyes to her pretty blue ones.

"Good, great Now." I subtly flirted. There we go Mania, get that confidence back. I saw her cheeks turn a little pink. It was adorable.

"W-Well that's good, how did you enjoy the party last night?" She asked me. I smiled at her.

"It was amazing, Klaus told me you worked hard on it I was very impressed. You looked very beautiful." I told her. She blushed again.

"Thank you, you looked beautiful as well, I um, I should go, I have things to do but it was nice seeing you again." She said and left, as soon as she came. It saddened me. I didn't want her to leave. She was like a glimpse of light. I watched her leave and sighed. Next thing I new Klaus was in front of me.

"What do you want Klaus I'm not having the best day." I said running a hand through my hair.

"I can tell my sister just left." He teased. I gave him a look.

"I don't understand her, she seems like she wants to talk to me but once she does she leaves." I said confused.

"She asked about you, you know. After the party she asked who you were. Looks like she might fancy you as well." He said. I chuckled.

"I wish, I don't think she's into women though." I said sadly. He was the one to chuckle this time.

"You never know. Why don't you two hang out tonight? You can ask her if she fancies you." He said. I liked the idea, but that nervous feeling came back.

"I don't know-"

"Your coming over then." He said. My eyes widened and he left. I grabbed my drink and went up to the bar. Matt saw me and came over.

"Hey Mania."

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to be hanging out with Rebekah tonight." I said. He smiled at me.

"Awesome! Is it a date? Does she like you-"

"She doesn't even know yet. Klaus said I was hanging out with her tonight, I don't even know when to come or if she wants me there." I said. I looked at Matt panicked.

"What if she doesn't want me there?" I asked nervously. He laughed at my reaction. My face changed from nervousness to a playful glare.

"Look Mania your an amazing person, she will want you there." He said reassuring me. I hoped so. I wanted to see Rebekah again. Hopefully soon.


I sat at home watching more Archer. I was in love with this show it was so funny. I looked at the clock and it said 7:30. I made myself a sandwich and ate it happily.

As I watched and ate I heard a knock on my door. I got up and went to the door and opened it. Klaus stood there smiling.

"I'm taking you to my house." He said. I looked at him weird but nodded. I let him inside.

"Let me change." I said. He nodded and I went into my room. What should I wear? I needed to change everything. I stripped off my clothes and put on black and purple bra and panties, a black crop top and blue high waisted jeans. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone. Wait, make up. I went into the bathroom and made my hair magically curly. I applied a thin layer of lip gloss and some eyeliner and mascara. Ok, I looked good. I went back out to see Klaus waiting on his phone.

"Alright let's go." I said. He looked up at me and smirked.

"All dressed up? For me?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." I said and we left my house and I got in his car. It was silent. I never realized how close I lived to them.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me. I looked over at him.

"Depends on what it is." I said and he glanced at me.

"Why did you get cast out from Mount Olympus?" He asked me. My smile faded. I looked away and towards the road, I could see his house down the road.

"I would rather not talk about it." I said, he nodded and pulled up into his house. We got out and I felt myself get nervous. I haven't even seen her yet and I'm so eager to get in. Klaus let us in and he called out for Rebekah. I hoped she liked what I was wearing.

"What is it Nik?" She asked coming down the stairs. I gulped and saw her. She was so beautiful. Her eyes locked on mine for a second and then they traveled down my body. I saw her blush and then move her eyes back to her brother.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us? You know we were just going to- oh wait look at the time Elijah will be needing me by now." He said. He turned around and went for the door.

"Wait Klaus-" I said but I was cut off by the door closing. I turned back to Rebekah to see her looking at me. I cleared my throat and looked down.

"We can still hang out if you'd like." She said to me. I nodded immediately. She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. My feet took off and we went up the stairs and I followed her to her room.

"We can watch a movie or something." She said once we got in the room. I looked around and smiled. The room smelled like her, like roses. I nodded and sat on the bed. I slipped off my shoes.

"What movie would you like?" She asked, turning around. I blushed.

"I um.. I actually haven't seen any movies, I'm not well accustomed to mortal living." I said. She looked at me confused and then sat next to me.

"What do you mean mortal living? Your are not human?" She asked. I nodded. She was close to me. Very close. My heart was beating quicker than before.

"I-I.. I'm a Goddess." I told her. Her eyes widened. She came a bit closer.

"You look like one." She whispered. My eyes widened. I don't think she meant for me to hear that. I blushed profusely and smiled shyly at her.

"Which one are you then?" She asked me. I looked away. What if she pushed me away because of the goddess I was. What if she didn't like that?

"I- well, I don't want to freak out or push me away or anything." I said. She gave me a small smile. She touched my arm and I felt that electricity. My eyes locked with hers again.

"I won't judge you Mania." When she said my name I couldn't help but answer her.

"I'm the Goddess of Madness, Insanity, and Death. I was cast out by Zeus five months ago and have been here ever since. I tried finding my way back, but I'm stuck here." I told her immediately. I felt like I shouldn't lie or keep anything from her. She nodded.

"Your still Mania, your title doesn't define you." She said. My jaw opened a little, shocked. No one has ever said that to me. I didn't think I could be so attracted to someone. I smiled at her.

"T-thank you, Rebekah." I said. She smiled and got up and put in a movie. I moved to the covers and sat on one side of the bed. She came next to me and got under the covers. I watched her get comfortable.

"You can lay with me if you like." She said. I blushed and got under the covers with her.

The movie started and I looked over at her. She watched the movie intently. I think I was paying more attention to her than the movie.

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