The Leader Who Conquers Time...

By theconquer

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The Leader Who Conquers Time (not finished)

12 0 0
By theconquer

We have our moments in our life time to become leaders and to become followers. Becoming a leader will always have many qualities that people will always have. In ourselves, we have to prove to ourselves to become a leader but also we need to prove to others that we need to become a leader. As a leader, people need to step up in our live and show the world who a person can do. Becoming a leader is not always easy to do. As a leader, the person needs to follow their heart and show the emotions to others. Being a leader has their own identity and can sow their own personality. Becoming a leader, we need to focus on the here and now. Every individual

Our story begins of how a special someone in my life have influence me in so many ways that I am able to understand the world in so many ways. While growing up I was able to learn different lessons that I can apply to every day life. I grew up in a small town in Quebec where everybody new each other so well. Everybody new about each others business. Trust me I didn't want to go back to that town.

It was a nice warm summer breeze where people are just sitting on the porch in the next house across the street where my mom was outside watering the plants. My two older brothers were playing in the back on the swing set where we use to plan a lot. I was playing in the sand box where I can build sand castles and pretend to be in a fairytale kingdom. I always have a good relationship with everybody. My parents will always be there for us when we need them the most.

That day when my father came back from work. My mother looks at him and says screaming and worrying ''What happened to you?'' ''Do not tell the kids about this but something is coming. We need to protect the kids no matter what'' my father said. ''I do not understand'' my mother said. ''Listen to me! Something happened at work and the company's secret is going to be out. I am the only one who holds the secret of the company'' said my father being cautious of his surrounding.

''I will get the kids'' my mother said as she puts down her stuff and went inside to get us. After playing on the swings, my two brothers came and join me in the sand box. My mother came out from the back door in a panic. ''Kids hurry up and come inside quickly! Your farther is home from work'' my mother said. My two brothers and I got up from our sandbox. We run towards my mother on the balcony where we have to take our shoes off. My father came in to the house and saw us coming in.

''Sweetie you take the two boys downstairs into the basement. You stay here Melinda'' my father said. All three of them went downstairs and went straight to the basement. My dad kneels down on one leg and says to me ''Melinda what I want you to do is to take care of this bracelet for me.'' ''Why daddy I have to take care of it'' Melinda said with curiosity. ''This is going to protect you for the rest of your life. Keep it safe'' my father said as he got up.

Then a loud sound came banging out of the front brown door. My father turns around quickly and saw the door being forcefully opened. Down stairs where my mother and my three brothers were, somebody already came into the house. My father turns around in my direction and went pass by me. He opens the back door and pulls me away from where I was standing. ''Father what are you doing to me?'' Melinda said loudly and my father could hear me in my voice. Then I can start to cry.

He puts me outside on the balcony. ''Go hide and do not enter into the house. I want you to run to your Aunt Marina. She will protect you and trust her.'' my father said he closes the door and turns around. I spotted a hiding place on the balcony facing the window. There was trap where I can see what is happening inside the house. I hide under the tarp where it covered our balcony table.

Inside the house, I saw people crash down the door and put my father in handcuffs. My mother and my two brothers came up from the basement downstairs and joined my father. All four of them were handcuff and the men carry them away in front of the house. I didn't know what was happening at the time. I was confused and wanted to know the answers. I came out of the tarp and run straight to the font where I hide behind the bush beside the front porch. The men put my family into a truck and they left in a hurry.

I came out from hiding and went straight to the sidewalk where I saw the truck turning the corner in the distance. I started to run for my life. I ran from corner to corner, street to street where I finally reach my Aunt Marina' house. I went up to her doorstep and ring the doorbell. Her house was always a sanctuary for me. I was always feel that the place was magical and was able to feel that the house can tell its own history. I love this house for all my heart.

The framework of the house was made of wood. The whole was painted white except for the roof which was painted green. The front staircase was so beautiful. It was of white marble that mix with the black color. Once at the bottom of the stairs, Their was a white marble pathway that leads to the sidewalk. Also there is a pathway that connects from the drive way to the main pathway. There were huge windows and there was a huge balcony. The door was white with a window in the middle. Once you open the door, you will see a grand staircase that leads up to the second floor where all the rooms are. On the first floor of the house lays the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room. In the middle of the house lays a wooden hallway that connects the main areas of the house on the first floor.

Once I ring the doorbell from m Aunt's house, there was no answer. I thought to myself that my Aunt Marina was at work for the day or which it was a day in the middle of the week. Then all of a sudden, I turned around and say a black car driving up the street. The black car stop in front of the house and the person seating in back saw me. The person rolls down the window of the car. He has black hair and was wearing a fancy glasses.

Before I wanted to go up to him, another bright pink car came up behind and popped out my Aunt Marina. ''Melinda don't approach them. There very dangerous to approach'' Aunt Marina said. Without saying a word I run towards her with confidence. I went into the back of her car and buckle myself. As she went into the car she did the same thing and starts to drive u to safety. We passed the black car and went to turn the corner at the end of the road.

As we turned the corner, the black car followed us. My Aunt looks up in the mirror and says ''Are you okay sweetie. Listen to me, that bracelet that your dad gave you is a time machine. Only you have the power to control that power. Those men are after the bracelet and they will turn everybody against you.'' My Aunt pressed the peddle and the car went fast like a roller coaster. We turn corners and passed people.

Finally we turn a street and  lost the men in the black car. ''Finally you are safe Melinda'' Aunt Marina said as we approach the building where she was working. This building looks like a museum in which the walls and columns are made of stone. On top of the columns there is a special design that was recreate from the ancient buildings of Greece. Inside of the museum, the floors and the walls are made out of white marble and mix with the color black. The main floor of the museum has different exhibits for different things to show the public. On the second floor of the museum lays the secrets behind the items that the people see in the exhibits.

My aunt brings the car into the parking lot. Both of us went outside of the car and went inside. ''Auntie why are we going to a museum? What is so special about it?'' I said. ''You will see Melinda. Follow me and you'll understand'' Aunt Melinda said. Both of us went inside the building. Instead of going upstairs we went to a place where we went that I never knew before. We walked past the last exhibition of the museum and went into an elevator that I never saw before.

It has an old mechanism that I never saw before. ''Aunt Marina why I am the only one who can protect the bracelet?'' I said with curiosity. ''Melinda you have to understand the truth about the family. Our family doesn't come from this century. Even though you are born here, your family was born in the fourteenth century when New France was just small. On their journey to the new world, your parents have carried with them a small bracelet. Everybody was after it. Now thanks to your father, you and only you have the power to control the time. When I first encountered your father and your mother, I did not know who there were and now they left me no choice but to protect you and train you on how to use your power'' Aunt Marina said with seriousness.

''When do I know how to use the bracelet?'' I said. ''When the time has come Melinda, you will know. For now you have to train. I'll train you on how to use the bracelet'' Aunt Marina said as they finally reach the basement. The doors of the elevators open side ways and they both stepped into the room. The basement was white and then suddenly the colors change on the walls. There were different computers that can be touched but you can switch the computers from one to the other. ''This is so cool''  I said with open eyes. ''Well your father and mother started this facility. They both went to great lengths to protect that bracelet'' Aunt Marina said.

''There you are Marina. This must be the child that you told us about'' said the mysterious voice. ''Alfred nice to see you again'' Aunt Maria said with a smile. I was staying behind my aunt for which who on earth is this guy. He was the same high as my aunt. Alfred was adventures and smart. He always looking for new discoveries and likes to meet new people wherever he goes. ''Follow me'' Alfred said as he turns around and went to Aunt Maria's office.

Once arrive to Aunt Maria's office, Alfred offered to give a tour to me. ''Good idea Alfred. I have to report in the superintendent. See you soon Melinda'' Aunt Marina said. Alfred and I left to go get a tour of the place. Everywhere I go, I was fascinated about how technology became important in daily life. He shows me different gadgets that we can use on different missions. Once I got use to my surroundings, I was able to start my training right away. I couldn't believe at first I was chosen to protect time and to protect the bracelet.

Since I was eight at that time, my powers have become stronger than anything else. It started to spark more every day and every year. My Aunt Marina took me on her missions. After sixteen years of training with different specialist I have gotten stronger than ever before. On the day of my birthday, everybody gave me cards, gifts and chocolate like there is no tomorrow. After the party, I went to go to my aunt's house to visit her.

I went to drive her car and parked it. Once I got out of the car, I remember on that very day my very own family was taken from me. I remember how that man that was in the black car was looking at me through his black glasses. I had to know the truth about what happened. Wherever they are, I hope my family will be okay for the time being. I closed the door of the car and went straight to the door. I ring the door bell and my Aunt Marina opens the door.

As always no matter who comes into the house, she always dress nicely like there is no tomorrow. ''Aunty, nice to see you'' I said with a warm heart. ''Nice to see you too young one. I am glad that you came over to visit. Come in Come in before you catch a cold young one'' Aunt Marina said. I came into her house. Once I came, she closes the door and we both walks to the kitchen table. ''Aunty what happened to my family?'' I asked with curiosity. ''No matter knows Melinda. I have tried to find your family all this time but no clues have showed up'' Aunty Marina said as she poured the tea. The aunt put the tea and the tea pot on the table and sits down. ''There has to be a way to find them. It looks so easy to find people'' I said with confidence. ''Not when people are missing for years'' the aunt said with doubt.

''I want to show you something that will be useful for you and the bracelet. Your parents and I created to protect you'' my aunt said as she went into the amour that stood in the hallway. She took out a small crystal that came with the bracelet. Aunt Marina walks to the kitchen and sits next to the table. ''This came with the bracelet. Your father wants to make sure that this crystal was safe. If it gets into the wrong hands, then there will be chaos. Time will be corrupt'' the aunt said. '' Why didn't you give me this before?'' I said. ''You weren't ready yet'' Aunt Marina said.

Then, there was a knock on the door. ''Open up FBI! We know that the bracelet and the crystal is in there'' said the mysterious voice. ''Oh no it cannot be! They found out where it is. Follow me'' Aunt Marina said as both of us got up from the table and went downstairs of the house. ''Transport us Melinda. It is the only way we could protect both of us'' my aunt said. I shock my head with pride. Thanks to my training, I was able to open the portal to the basement of the museum.

I reached out my hand and a white and gold light came out of my hand and hit the wall of the house. “Let's go'' I said as I grab my aunt and we both went into the portal. After going through the portal, it closed on us very fast like there is know tomorrow. When the portal closed, the men came into the house of Aunt Marina. On the other side of the portal, we were safe and were free from the men. Thank god we both are in the basement of the museum.

''We are safe from them. Let us go to my office'' Aunt Marina said. As we walk towards my aunt's office, I felt something weird in the air. ''Aunt Marina something is wrong in the museum. We need to check the information in the database'' I said with cautious. ''Is everything okay Melinda. We can access the information through my laptop'' Aunt Marina said as we both entered into her office.

Aunt Marina went quickly to her desk and went on to her work computer. I closed the door of the office behind and went behind her desk. I watch my aunt with curiosity of all the files that was contained on her computer. ''Somebody is hacking into our system. Take off your bracelet and I will put the data inside it'' my aunt said. I took off my bracelet quickly and gave it to her. Then a small tablet came out of her work desk.

My aunt put the bracelet on the small tablet. Then a wire hook up with the bracelet and then all the company's data went into the bracelet I was wearing. ''Aunty are you transferring the data?'' I said worrying. ''Of course Melinda I am. The bracelet is one of a kind. It is able to contain unlimited data'' Aunt Marina said. About five minutes in the data was stored into the bracelet then the red alarm turn on in the building. ''Aunty'' I said worrying about the bracelet. ''Melinda take the bracelet and put it around your wrist'' Aunt Marina said with a panic voice as she stood up.

 I put the crystal that my aunt gave me and starts to glow. ‘’Marina we need your help down here’’ Alfred yells at her with courage. ‘’I think I know who it is. Melinda you need to go io the past. The man that you are going to encounter in the future is Cedric’’ my aunt said as she left her office in a hurry. 

‘’You must be Melinda’’ said a mysterious voice. ‘’Who? Who? Who said that?’’ I said. ‘’Look down at your wrist?’’ said the mysterious voice. As I look down at my wrist I saw that my crystal was glowing. ‘’You got to be kidding me. You talk and I think I am going crazy or I feel like fainting’’ I said in a panic. My heart is pumping like crazy. I did not know what to do.

 ‘’Relax will ya! You sound like Operah on Television!’’ tha mysterious voice said. I gave the bracelet an evil look. ‘’Relax woman! This is the scoop, Cedric is the type of person you do not want to mess with. He is after both of us. As your guardian, I am able to keep you safe. All the data that I have will help us to find us the answers to succeed. Can you head to safe area that we can activate a time portal?’’ the mysterious voice said. I nod my head and left my aunt’s office in a hurry.

 I run through hallways and corridors like there is no tomorrow. ‘’What is your name?’’ I said. ‘’Nobody gave me one’’ the crystal said. ‘’I see! I should call you Timer’’ I said with a smile. ‘’Thank you’’ Timer said. ‘’Here is a safe zone’’ Timer as I run behind the mattress and sat down.

 Cedric came into the room with his strong muscles and with his handsome look. All the girls, would stare at him with googly eyes. ‘’Where is it? Bring Marina here now!’’ Cedric said with a loud voice. The guards obey  and brings Marina to Cedric. ‘’Where is it Marina?’’ Cedric said angerly. ‘’I won’t tell you’’ Aunt Marina said.

 ‘’We need to get out og here’’ I said in a panick. ‘’Teleportation! Just say teleporate and your powers will do the rest’’ Timer said quietly. I took a deep breath and said the word ‘’teleporte.’’ Without any action, my bracelet starts to glow and its glow went through my body. All the soldiers, Cedric and Aunt Marina saw the light behind the mattress.

 A portal came in front of us. This portal has a golden aura around it and different sparkles lights up. The soldiers came closer and closer to the mattresses. I ran towards the portal and went into it. The portal closed quickly behind me. ‘’Where I am?’’ I said. ‘’There is suppose to be another portal open that we can directly go through’’ Timer said. 

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