🔥Burning Love💕-The Devil An...

By TevarAnisha

41.5K 3.1K 4.5K

Ragini Raj the most beautiful girl of Shimla is in love with her childhood bestie whom she last time met 16ye... More

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Dare To Stare😉
Vote For This Book Please🙏
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Alone With Mr Devil
Some New Feelings☺
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Awakening The Beast Inside Him👿

1.1K 93 187
By TevarAnisha

Hey sisters thank you so much for the votes & your continuous support😘

This chappy dedicated to one of my most favorite writer cum my sweet sister Silent writer aka our Fizo sis😘

Thank you so much much for this amazing cover pic Fizo sis💖💖


Here is the next episode

RagSid were still having a cute eye look which got disturbed by Sanskaar

Sanskaar-Sid till when will you stand here like this?And you Ms Ragini Raj oops I mean Ms Waitress you should go & do your job now, Principal didn't gave you the punishment of playing a stare game with Sid.

He spoke out of frustration

Ragini looked into his brown eyes trying to to figure out how many shades he owns

Some time ago he was the one who protected her from falling & now he is the Same guy who is insulting her by calling her an waitress

Ragini looked nowhere rubbing the index finger of her right hand over her rose bud lips in order to controll her frustration resisting herself from bursting out in anger

Sanskaar narrowed his eyes at her & noticed her act

Though his brain wanted to understand why is she doing that but his attention caught only one thing

Her cute lips which she rubbed with her finger

His throat became dry when he remembered their accidental kiss

"Shit" Sanskaar hits his fist on his forehead closing his eyes in frustration

God damn she is his RIVAL not his Love Interest than why can't he get rid of this attraction

Why can't he controll his heart when it keeps wanting to feel those soft petal like lips against his rough one?

Sanskaar-Am I getting obsessed with her?

He thought in his mind while noticing Ragini's move

She was busy with her job bowing her head in insult

For a moment Sanskaar felt bad for putting her in this insulting situation

Here kept looking at her with guilt growing inside him

Some one grabbed his arm pulling him closer & came out of these thoughts

Sidhant-Sam this is enough yaar pls stop it now, just look at her she's already bearing an insulting punishment for which she's not even responsible now please don't insult her more!I beg you please leave her in peace!

Sanskaar looked away not knowing what to answer

He sat on his chair silently stealing glances of Ragini who was serving the orders of the other students

Sid was also doing the same thing
Some times he was talking with Manik & Laksh and some time looking at Ragini without anyone's notice

A guy & a girl was sitting on their chairs gossiping about RAGSAN's affair & why Ragini got this punishment

The guy looked at Ragini then called her & gave her an order of a plate of sandwiches & cold drink

Ragini noded & went to the cook

He gave her the food, Ragini took it went to serve it on his table

First she was about to keep the cold drink on the table but the guy held the glass, holding Ragini's hand tightly looking at her

Ragini looked at him in shock

Being a girl she didn't took much time to understand what he was trying to do the

She clenched her jaw with extreme disgust & pulled out her hand from his grip

The guy smiled actually smirked looking at her
& his stupid girlfriend was so busy clicking her selfies that she didn't noticed her boy friend's cheap act

Ragini stepped back a little & placed the sandwich plate on the table just then her breath hitched for a second when she felt a touch on one of her bare knee
Ragini jerked & stepped back

She widened her eyes & looked at the same guy

And obviously he only touched her knee
He was looking at her with a shameless smile

As if he has done a Oscar winning job

Blood boiled like volcano inside Ragini's veins

She gritted her teeth roughly & felt like knocking him out by a solid punch

She clenched her fist in extreme anger and took a step near the shameless guy who was busy with checking her out
She was about to raise her hand to give him the hardest punch which he never tasted in his life
But she stopped on her track when she thought about the current situation

She is caught with Sanskaar at her room last night
And everybody stupidly concluded that she is having a affair with him
Every body is gossiping about her so called shameless act according to them
& also she got a punishment from Principal to work here as an waitress

So basically everything, every damn thing is against her favour

Now if she punches him & reveals his cheap act in front of all then may be these brainless students will accuse her back without trusting any words of her & she will face more insult

Ragini closed her eyes to controll her anger & wash off the disgusting feeling of that indecent jerk's touch

She mentally prepared herself not to create a scene here

But of course she would not leave this jerk face

She would surely teach him the best lesson of his worthless life when she would get him in alone

Ragini walked away from there giving him a rage full glare

The stupid guy thought nobody noticed his sin except Ragini but..

Here was so wrong bcoz a pair of blood shot eyes noticed his every sin

The guy was unaware of the fact, what storm he invited for himself

Ragini went to the canteen owner & asked a permission for an emergency leave for the day saying she isn't feeling well

He gave her the permission to leave the place

Ragini rushed out of the place with her beautiful eyes which is already welled up with hot tears

At Room 43(At Evening)


Ragini is crying & hitting her fist on the bed remembering how she faced a huge insult today

Ragini-I would not leave that here, if I can teach a lesson to the Dark Angels than I can also teach a good lesson to that Jerkface!Come infront of me you vile creature and will surely face the biggest lesson of your life!

She wiped off her tears ragefully preparing herself to punish him next day

At Boys Hostel

The same guy who misbehaved with Ragini was standing in the Vera Dana of the hostel talking to his girlfriend on phone

Just then he noticed a shadow beside him
He turned behind just to meet HIS REVENGE FUL GLARE

The guy widened his eyes in fear & the truth phone got slipped from his grip

It fell on the floor & broke into pieces but more than his poor phone he will be broken


At Store Room

The same guy fell on the floor like rubbish falls into dustbins

His eyes were looking completely black bcoz of the deep wounds on it

Blood rolled down from his injured forehead getting mixed with tears & sweat drops

He looked at HIM with pleading eyes

His body was tired due to continuous merciless beating all over his disgusting body parts

HE smirked at him Beastly leaning towards his questioning eyes

The guy-Pls leave my, why are you beating me like this?I didn't went against you!I never insulted you then wh...


"Because I showed the guts to touch HER, WHO IS MY CONCERN"

The devil spoke out with a dangerous whisper

The moron was facing his death

The Lucifer of the Dark Angels

The Sanskaar Kapoor

Sanskaar clenched his jaw digging a poisonous stare into the moron's scared orbs

The guy-Please I'm sorry never knew You like her, I just thought..

Sanskaar gripped his nape harshly pulling him closer toh him giving a murderous glare

Sanskaar-What did you thought?That you can look at her with your lust filled eyes?And after all these, you will be fine with your every body parts still attached with your worthless body?

The guy looked at him being more scared now

Sanskaar-I dislike her or like her, that doesn't means I would let any b*****d touch her or insult her!You got that?

The guy noded his head surrendering himself

The guy-I would never touch her, infact I would never touch any girl I promise!

He spoke with his fear filled shaken voice

Sanskaar started laughing loudly like he is listening some kind of poor joke

Sanskaar-Do you think I'll trust the words of a b*****d like you?And I'll leave you hearing your promise?You know what I would not depend on your word.I will make sure that you don't stay in a state that you can again repeat your sin.

He stepped back looking at him gritting his teeth angrily remembering Ragini's teary eyes at the canteen after the hurtful incident

Sanskaar knelt down on the floor & and picked something in his hand

The guy's eyes popped out seeing the THING in his hand

Though he is beaten up to such a level that his body is not supporting him then also he tried to walk to run away from there before Sanskaar reach him

He tried to take a step only to be dashed against the wall by the Devil who was awakened bcoz his evil sin

The guy's chest was harshly pressed against the wall and Sanskaar's one hand is gripping his one hand pinning it against the wall

And Sanskaar is holding a big hammer in his right hand

"No No Nooo please, please forgive me I will ask forgiveness from her please don't do this to me, I beg you" he pleaded to the Deaf devil who was not even listening a single word of him

Sanskaar looked at the hammer smilingly

Sanskaar-Your this hand dared to touch her right?So more than you, this hand deserved to be punished!

He stated calmly & when he completed his sentence

The sinner's loud screams echoed in the closed empty Store room as Sanskaar started hitting the hammer on the back of the guy's palm

His hand started to bleed

Sanskaar smiled happily as his heart started becoming light seeing this guy's pain

Sanskaar's heart was paining like hell from the the time he witnessed Ragini's insult, her innocent tears

Now after punishing this moron, Sanskaar's heart felt a relief

After hitting the hammer for 4times finally he left the guy & sat on the floor beside him

Sanskaar-You what's really wrong?Having desire for someone is acceptable but bcoz of your dirty desire hurting the person, touching her against her wish is a unforgivable sin.And you committed the same sin twice.
So your first punishment is over.

"First Punishment!He meant one more punishment is left?" His heart asked him as Sanskaar kept looking at him with piercing gaze

The guy is already in a state that his whole body is shaking in pain & fear & his voice left him alone

Now SANSKAAR 'S statement gave one more shock to him snatching his soul out of his body

Sanskaar-Aaah what to do I can think of forgiving you but can't forgive your bl**dy hand!

He spoke out sending chills into the guy's spine

(so he has a spine also?I got to know it now)

Sanskaar threw the hammer away of their eyes sight & took out another thing from the pocket of his jacket

The guy screamed at the top of his voice

The guy-Dont please let me go, don't do this to me, You can't do it I will complain to the principal against you

Sanskaar smiled & noded his head hearing his stupid threat while tossing the WIRE CUTTER with his one hand to another

The brainless poor coward infront of him who is not even able to look into Sanskaar's desperate brown orbs, is just now gave him a weak threat that he will complain about his deeds??

It's really very hilarious
How can he think that he will try to do it & Sanskaar will let him do that??

And incase the coward successfully does it then will the The Devil, The Sanskaar Kapoor will leave him easily??

Sanskaar stopped playing with the wire cutter while chewing the chewing gum In his mouth

Sanskaar spotted the chewing gum in a corner & the very next moment he lungs towards the coward captivating his right hand's thumb in his grip

The coward guy who was thinking that Sanskaar got scared hearing his weak threat, and he would not hurt him again felt a heart stopping pain in his thumb when Sanskaar pressed the cutter around his thumb

The next moment again a painful echoed in the empty store room & his hand kept bleeding terribly

Sanskaar stood up taking a deep breath & threw away the cutter on the floor

The guy was still screaming in pain

Sanskaar neared him & bent to his level while patting his shoulder pitifully

Sanskaar-Dont worry You will get used to the pain slowly slowly.Btw I forgot to tell you something . what's your name BTW?Pranab right?

The guy noded looking at him then looked down not able to meet Sanskaar's smirking eyes

Sanskaar-Pranav Next time you try to even lay your nasty eyes on her, and I can guarantee you I will scoop your eyes out of this sockets & remove your creepy existence from this world!

He stated giving him a threatening glare while pointing at the Pranav's fear filled eyes

Then he stepped back & walked out of the place leaving the scared soul alone with his bleeding hand which has only 4 FINGERS now and his thumb was laying on the floor with blood pool


As soon as Sanskaar stepped out of the store room a shadow started following him

He was so lost in Ragini's thought that he did not realize it

The shadow kept following him till his hostel room

When Sanskaar went inside his room the shadow hided behind a piller

Sanskaar closed the door & the shadow was about to leave the boy's hostel but Manik noticed it who came out of his room to go inside Sanskaar's room

He felt suspicious & ran behind the the stranger

The stranger got alerted & started running fast to leave the place

Manik-Hey you stop there, who are you & what are you doing near Sam's room??

He shouted running behind the stranger who's face is covered with a mask & the person is wearing black clothes(men's attire)

Manik almost held the stranger's hand but he pushed Manik away and successfully went out of the boy's hostel

Manik hits his fist against a wall as he could not catch the stranger

The stranger came out of the boy's hostel & hided behind a tree

The stranger took off his jacket & then removed his mask

And the stranger revealed to be A YOUNG GIRL
(played by Riya Sharma)

She smiled with a winning smile

The girl-Finally I saw you Sanskaar, finally my long wait is over!Now you can't run away from a part your past!Now you will be near to me 24x7.Good Job Sanjana!

She patted her own shoulder smiling like an idiot like she found some long Lost treasure

At Morning

Ragini was walking towards the canteen while thinking about a good plan to punish the guy who insulted her

Just then Pranav appeared infront of her

Ragini raised her fist to hit him but the poor coward who is already scared seeing Ragini in front of him closed his eyes & stepped back far from her

He didn't opened his eyes as SANSKAAR 'S warning echoed in his brain

"Next time you try to even lay your eyes on her and I'll scoop your eyes out of this sockets"

Pranav didn't wanted to repeat the same mistake again so he didn't looked at Ragini again & started running from there In a hurry while keeping his eyes still closed

Ragini felt really weird seeing his weird act

Ragini-Arre before I can hit him, why he looked so scared of Me and ran away like this??What's going on?He acted like I tried to kill him!

Ragini played with her hair in confusion thinking about Pranav's act

It's her habit to play with her long silky hair whenever she is confused

A pair of eyes were admiring her cute expressions & her beauty standing far from her

It's Sanskaar

Ragini smiled cutely white raising her invisible collar

Ragini-good job Ms Raj, You made him scare of you today so definitely he would never repeat his cheap act again with you!But dhat I could not give my hand the pleasure of beating him black & blue!

She made an sad face pouting like a little baby

A a wide smile appeared on Sanskaar's lips who was noticing each & every rare expression of Ragini being completely Lost in her
His heart started racing so fast that he felt he will loose his consciousness at the moment

Ragini passed her hands through her silky hair walking inside the canteen

She went to the canteen owner & asked him if she can start her job

Just then she noticed no one is there in the canteen so she doesn't needs to do anything for now

Sanskaar walked inside & went inside the kitchen while giving a mild smile to Ragini

Ragini twitched her lips & looked away rolling her eyes

Sanskaar smiled like an Romeo caressing his own hair admiring her cuteness

Sanskaar was cutting onions looking at Ragini & She was looking at him with a questioning look

Ragini(in mind)-Uff why is this pervert continously gaping at me with this weird smile?Can't he stop staring at me for a while? It's so uncomfortable!
OMG I think he is planning something against me!

Her thought got disturb as she noticed Sanskaar wincing in pain looking at his bleeding finger which got hurt by the sharp knife when he was lost in Ragini, and was cutting the onions unmindfully

Though Ragini was unaware of the truth that her presence is the only reason of his bleeding wound but she felt really bad seeing his injured finger blood dripping from it

She quickly ran towards him not able to controll the newly discovered pain in her heart which she felt for the first time

Sanskaar looked at her with his popped out eyes as Ragini puts his bleeding finger inside her mouth and started sucking the wound with her wet lips without realizing her sudden act in order to stop the bleeding

Ragini looked at shocked Sanskaar, still keeping his finger in her mouth

His lips were trembling feeling the the sensation through his body feeling the touch of her soft wet lips on his rough skin

He never felt this kinda feeling before

RagSan shared a deep intense eyelock
Where there is no hatred
There is something else
Something new feeling growing inside their souls

Screen freezed on RagSan eyelock

To Be continued....

Thank you soooooooo much sisters for the votes & your constant support😘😘

1.1k reads on this ff😱😱
I still can't believe it

Thanks to the silent reader also who helped me to reach this stage😍😍

From now the chappies will be either shorter or I'll post a little irregularly

Choice is yours tell me what to do??

I'm using watty on my dad's phone so I won't be able to post longer chapter regularly so sorry for that but I really don't have any other options🙁🙁

If you liked this chappy then please vote & comment
And sorry for less RagSan scenes in this chappy as I had to write Sanskaar's scenes more in this chappy

And BTW what do you think about Sanjana's character??

Happppyyyy Diwali In Advance sisters💖💖

Love you all😗😗


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