Percy Jackson- Two Lives

By Gaiaraven

395K 10.6K 4.6K

A great hero has passed but only one half on his life has been completed. More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapters XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV

Chapter IV

22.3K 614 171
By Gaiaraven

I opened my eyes and I felt horrible and I had no idea why. I thought back to what had just happened and that's when it hit me, I had died. I finally observed my surroundings. I was in a very plain room, I was lying on a bed but other than that, there was no furniture. The walls were a dazzling white colour, with diamond-like gems shining through the walls.
I heard someone outside my room, running through the corridors. I got off the bed and went to open the door. I slowly slid the door open, just and the figure ran past. I grabbed the wrist of the figure and yanked it inside the room. The figure turned it's head towards me and I was surprised at the face I saw. Annabeth.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her, I truly wanted to know why we were not in the underworld.
"Seaweed Brain? Is it really you?" she asked me, while cupping my face in her hands. I just nodded, enjoying the warm feeling of her hands on my face.
Suddenly there was a large crash outside the door. A man stumbled through and looked at us apologetically.

"I'm sorry about that. I might of ah... tripped," he sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck, looking very embarrassed. I took this opportunity to look him over.

He was quite a tall man and had blacker then black skin, with stars and galaxies freckling with skin. They looked like they were constantly moving.

His eyes were like a star exploding, with millions of colours flickering all at once.

He had an incredibly strong aura, probably meaning that he was a god, but the aura was even stronger than Zeus' and that was saying something. I suddenly realised who this man was and I bowed.

"Lord Chaos," I said while bowing.

"Oh stop with the bowing, you have done enough in your life to not have to bow to anyone," He said and I stood up surprised.

"Me? I've done nothing," I exclaimed and this time both Chaos and Annabeth stared at me in shock.

"Fine, fine. I might have done a few things but please don't give me a lecture!" I pleaded, I hate lectures.

-Percy, As you probably know, you are dead. And yes, I am talking to you in your mind now listen. I can't bring you back to earth but I can bring Annabeth. She could live again and see all her family and friends, or I send her to Elysium. You on the other hand, are not so easy. I did not bring you here, something stronger then fate did. So, what is your choice?- I heard in my head and I recognised the voice as Chaos'. I looked over at Annabeth and in a millisecond I decided.

-Chaos, is it possible that I tell Annabeth that I am gone and I will never see her again, so that way she doesn't wait for me?- I ask him. I really didn't want Annabeth to think I am forever gone but I couldn't make her wait, especially if I don't know if I will ever see her again, but now she can move on in here life.

-Of course-

I turned to Annabeth.

"Annabeth, I have to go now. You have been given another chance for life. Go and live your life on Earth fully and forget about me."

"What about you?"

"I am too far gone. I cant come back. I am well and truly dead. Goodbye Annabeth," and with that I kiss her one last time and nod to Chaos and Annabeth starts to glow and fade.

"Seaweed-brain!" is all I hear as Annabeth disappears and a tear rolled down my cheek. I turn back to Chaos and he is looking at me with sympathy.

"Now lets get to why you are here," he says gently.

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