Hidden Bruises (vhope)

By mythic_megan

73.4K 3.1K 575

" once a fucked up life, always a fucked up life" - jung hoseok. Warning!! This story contains a lot of depre... More



2.4K 103 12
By mythic_megan

(Hoseoks pov)

It was finally time to leave the hospital. I hated that place. Everyday i had to do a full body check for new scars, and I've practically gone insane without being able to hurt myself. Its pathetic, its like... I cant function unless im doing something to destroy myself. So i stopped eating, but that didn't last long, i needed some real pain to bring me back.

They made me get a therapist to. I didn't talk to her though. Not one word. If i do then ill be diagnosed with something, that's their goal. Find out what's wrong with the kid who tried to kill himself so we can give him some happy pills and not have to deal with him again. More money for us

They don't care about me. That bitch probably had 1000 other people she has to deal with. Im supposed to keep seeing her even though I've left the hospital. I know taehyung will make me go, he... He cares. I know he does.

But sometimes, i don't want him to. I don't want the guys to care about me. If nobody cared, i wouldn't feel bad for trying to kill myself. I saw that argument yoongi and jimin were having. They came into my room fucking balling and chanting how sorry they were.

Im trapped. I feel like they would be better off with out me, but if i died i know how sad they would get. Taehyung and i kissed!! We fucking kissed!! I cant die now, but at the same time i just want to leave. There's no way i can be happy. I guess its just my fate.

I walked out of the hospital in silence with taehyung and his mom. I never asked why his dad was never home. I don't want to bring it up, i would cause more harm than good.

As we got into ms.kim's car, and began to drive back to their house taehyung finally talked.

" im sorry for not visiting you after... After that day" he said. None of the guys came to visit after yoongi and jimin had that fight. " they've made up now. We jist thought... You'd need some time alone and.. You know... I didn't know what to say after we.. Yeah"

His face went red. He was talking about the kiss. Remembering the scene in my head, i blushed as well. It was the first time since that day that I've felt something other than well.. Nothing.

Taehyung has been a strange person to me. He was the first one to find out about my parents, he cried the most and hugged me when they found my self harm, he took me in after my dad went to prison and my mom died, and he kissed me.

Most of my troubles were solved by taehyung. He always helped me. He always wanted to be around me. He.. Kissed me. How long has taehyung liked me? Do i like him back?

I cant. I've already caused enough problems for him. If he does like me, then he should stop. Im not worth the trouble.

As i was lost in my thoughts, i fell asleep. I hadn't been sleeping very well lately. More like I've been forcing myself to stay up. I guess it was how i would try to hurt myself when there was no blades available.

I woke up to taehyung shaking me. We were home.

" come on. You can sleep in our room, but im not dragging you out of the car" taehyung said with a smile. How could he still joke around like that when i was so stupid? He should hate me, but instead he treats me well. I don't know why he waste his time on me.

I pulled myself out of the car, and slammed the door behind me. I dragged my feet as i walked from the sleepiness that gripped me. As soon as i got to mine and tae's room i flopped on the bed.

Taehyung covered me with a blanket, and i almost instantly feel asleep.

New part!! Woohoo!! Its been a while, hasn't it? Im glad i finally got back to this story, i really do like it. I know not much happened but i felt like it needed a calmer part to combat all the "action" that's been going on. Thanks for reading!!

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