Highschool (Zane x reader)

By RoseDoesFanFiction

139 10 10

y/n is a girl, her mother had always let her play with the romeaves, but y/n was great friends only with Zane... More

explaining the sister thing

the park

19 2 2
By RoseDoesFanFiction

Hello everyone, Rose here, now I know nothing about high school in America and england, here where I live, we don't have high school, it's kinda just school but with no homework, so sorry if I get things wrong

Your pov

The day has ended, and I made friends, good job y/n
Anywho, time to get ready, aphmau invited me to go to the park with her, and I'm glad, OK y/n go get ready, i entered. Dad isn't here, as usual

Time skip brought to you by, must uptade- Facebook status *dies*

I'm dressed in (a band shirt with jeans/a skirt and a shirt/a dress/an anime shirt and jeans or leggings or pants)
I checked myself in the mirror, I looked, OK I guess, OK to the park

Time skip brought to you by, the hat fic (if you don't know it, don't read it, please, don't Google it)

I got to the park and saw aphmau waving at me, I waved back and went over to her, she was with Zane
Aphmau:"hey y/n"
You:"hi aphmau, hi Zane"
Zane:"h-hi, you l-look beautiful"
You:"th-thanks, you look great" I blushed, I'm pretty sure I did, and so did Zane, his blush is adorable. I heard aphmau fangirling behind us, geez, I thought Kawaii-chan was the one that fangirled and shipped people
Aphmau:"*gasps* YOU GUYS, LOOK, I NEED TO GET THAT ADORABLE PURPLE KITTY" she said as she looked at the claw machin thingy, whatever they're are called, I also saw a/an f/c f/a plushie, Zane saw me staring at it
Zane:"do you want it? "
You:"yeah, but I'm not really good with these games"
Zane:"I can get it for you"
You:"Zane, that sweet but, you don't have to, really"
Zane:"nope, I'm getting it for you"
He put in a coin, and tried to grab it, he did, how, is he human, everyone fails at that
He gave me the f/c f/a
Zane:"that was easier than I expected, here you go" he said as he smiled, I could see a little bit of pink on his cheeks, even though his mask was covering up most of it, I wonder why he wears that mask
You:"hey Zane? "
Zane:"yeah" he said and looked at me
You:"why do you wear that mask? "
Zane:"w-well, I don't like my freckles so I wear it to cover them up" (don't hide them honey, cuz you're beautiful just the way you are *song referene*)
Aphmau came up to both of us with a purple kitty
Aphmau:"it's getting late, we should get back home"
You:"o-ok" I didn't want to leave, not yet
Zane:"c-can I walk y-y-you home y/n?" He asked blushing adorably
You:"of course" I said and smiled, we said bye to aphamu and went over to my place
The walk home was silent until Zane broke it
Zane:"I had fun today, I hope we can do this more often"
You:"me too, oh, there's my house"
Zane:"see you tommorow"
You:"yeah, and Zane"
You:"thank you, for everything" I said and kissed his cheek, I saw him blush, and I blushed too
Zane:"b-bye y/n"
You:"bye, Zaney" i said and walked into the house

Well that was short, sorry it sucks

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