The Hostage

By taniaprestidge88

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Eileen remembered that night her brother Damon disappeared: She was waiting for him to come home so she could... More

Jackson Tate
Sumile Place
Happy Haley Productions
Police Station
Extra Help
Cold Angel
Cold truths
Jackson and the visitor
Shamir the Sir
A Pit of Vipers

Jackson Tate Secret

8 0 0
By taniaprestidge88

Eileen decided she would go see Jackson whilst Samson visited Ruby at her studio. Eileen parked across the street and stepped out onto the footpath. The leaves crunched under her boots as she walked towards the building. Leaves fell in her hair as she walked into the building and signed into the guestbook. 

"Ah hello. Here to visit someone?" A lady asked curiously.

"Oh hi I'm Eileen. Here to see Jackson. Just a sister of one of his friends." Eileen confirmed before Jenny walked with her to Jackson's room

"Jackson changed a little bit since someone last saw him. He's a little more upbeat now but he has been obsessed with the case of his friend's disappearance. Do you know what that is about?" The lady, a middle aged women with long sandy blonde hair, asked. 

"Not really...Cathy." Eileen responded reading the name badge before they stopped at Jackson's room. Cathy knocked on the door.

"Cathy if that is you piss off. I don't want to deal with anymore of experimental treatments that you put me through." Jackson yelled which made Eileen look at Cathy, who flushed an embarrassed look

"You have a visitor Jackson. Eileen?" Cathy spoke quietly.

"She can come in. You can't." Jackson ordered and with this Cathy walked away and Eileen opened the door quietly.

"Jackson?" Eileen greeted him nervously.

Jackson turned his head to the direction of Eileen's voice and reached out his hand. Eileen took it and nervously sat on Jackson's bed.

"I'm so sorry Eileen. There has always been talk of trying to improve my condition but there were many attempts that I just don't want it anymore." Jackson spoke as he closed the door behind her. 

Eileen looked at Jackson. Tears formed in his eyes before he turned away, grabbed a tissue and wiped his eyes. Eileen watched Jackson and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. 

"Anyways how has everything been for you?" Jackson asked as he heard Eileen make herself comfortable on his bed, crossing her legs and holding his hand.

"Things have been well. My partner and I are trying to solve Damon's case. But a few things are still out of place." Eileen started and sighed before she looked at a picture of Damon and Jackson on a yacht with glasses of drink in their hand. She chuckled "Damon placed a lot of trust in you. That photo looks like you guys had a good time."

"We did. A lot. We trusted each other too. In fact, he trusted me with his last project which I believe you and your partner watched?" Jackson asked curiously

"The Heart Song one? Yes I did. He had a crush on Ruby this whole time. But why is there a copy on your USB? Did Damon lose his usb often?" Eileen asked Jackson curiously.

"Not really. They just kept getting misplaced or borrowed. When he finished that  movie he noticed Angelo and Jean staring through the window. I spoke to him and he told me he didn't feel that his work was safe with them around. With Angelo maybe safe but Jean was different." Jackson explained as he sighed heavily.

"Sounds uncomfortable it is bringing back bad memories." Eileen spoke, observing the way Jackson fidgeted with his fingers.

"Well Angelo was a friend of a friend and he helped out when he could. He had a mental illness and we accepted him for it. Times when he needed new prescription he would get a meltdown and act out of character, which is probably what happened when he argued with Damon. Anyway, Damon said he didn't want the project ruined because he knew Jean had a crush on him and was desperate for him. He told Angelo several times and he told Jean but she never stopped. He knew if anything happened and the project was in his USB Jean would sabotage it." Jackson spoke then added "he then came up with a plan."

"Which was?" Eileen asked curiously

"We switched USB's. I bought two Thor hammer usb's and on the trick one he would carry it held no documents while mine held the documents vital for him. Of course we switched every now and then to confuse Angelo and Jean but on the last day we made the switch. I had his work and he held the written assessments we both had." Jackson confessed "Hence why when the police saw the contents of the usb they saw nothing. When he disappeared I kept his stuff mixed in with mine that day and I needed it for my projects. I didn't know whether to tell police or not to reopen the case. I tried once but they said movie projects can't reopen the case. Only a case in recent times that is similar to that case could reopen it. Hence why, unfortunately, Angelo is missing which caused it to reopen Damon's case." 

"It was as if Damon knew..." Eileen started before Jackson interrupted

"It feels that way. Mind you Damon felt like with Jean clinging to him she would be stalking him. He felt that a couple of times and came to my place before he went to yours later when he was sure she was gone. Sometimes he stayed over. It might have looked strange to some people but he was my friend and I wanted to make sure he was safe. Susan understood. Unfortunately she left me because I got really depressed and she couldn't handle it. I needed her there when Damon was gone." Jackson revealed as he felt for the picture frame. "Damon was like a brother to me. He means a lot to me. It kills me that every time I think about it I go 'what if I went with him?' or 'what if I suggested we both go to my place?' He might still be around."

Eileen saw Jackson feel the rough edges of the wooden photo frame and hold it close to his face so he could see it. Jackson then looked in Eileen's direction"The police did come a few days ago asking me a few things about Angelo."

"Angelo?" Eileen asked caught off guard. "He was reported missing a few days ago and when we went to his place there was a ripped up photo of Ruby and Damon with 'Thief' written above Ruby. Also there were women clothing."

"Yeah the police mentioned that. Apparently they even asked where Ruby was at the time and whether she stayed with Angelo. She did arrange to meet up with him along with me but I declined, and waited outside at the coffee place 'maitre de coffee' around the corner from her work. Angelo wanted to celebrate four months of working in Digital Dan Studios. The only women Dan would mention, apart from our friends, was his twin sister. Or so we thought she was a twin."

"What do you mean...Jean isn't his sister?" Eileen asked curiously "There is only Angelo and Jean right?"

"Oh they are siblings. Just there is one other...apparently they are triplets." Jackson spoke before adding "Well Ruby thinks so. The lady who worked for her briefly looked very identical to Jean they could be twins, or triplets if we add Angelo."

"When did this happen? Do police know?" Eileen asked curiously wanting to know what Jackson was talking about. 

"The police asked if I knew a Kenny Clark who was formerly Kenny Sumile. Apparently she was a triplet sister to Jean and Angelo. The police apparently are beginning to search for the sisters but they aren't having any luck. Jean's place in Detroit is empty and Kenny was last heard to be living in Seattle one month ago but apparently left in a hurry. I did remember Angelo saying once that he had two sisters but they were separated and moved into foster homes because Jean tried to kill Kenny and him with a hammer but the foster father wrestled it out of her. Angelo managed to get in contact with Jean when they went to the same high school but never found Kenny."

"And mysteriously three months ago a Kenny Clark came in to work for Happy Haley productions and only left last week due to unforseen circumstances. Now with both sisters missing that's suspicious." Jackson spoke.

"That means police would be wanting to speak to Ruby about Kenny." Eileen spoke to herself before looking at Jackson. "Did Damon know about Kenny?"

"I don't think so. He did notice that Jean would be different on some days but that could have been due to her schizophrenia. She took a different course though, accounting. So whether or not she and Kenny got together to switch like we did with the USB's I don't know. It could be a possibility."

"At this stage anything is possible. It sounds like unless I find one of the sister's or Angelo himself we are stuck at square one." Eileen sighed and looked at Jackson.

"Well I do have Jean's address. Or the address of the house she bought when she was here. If I remember correctly Angelo did say Jean would come here every so often to get away from the hardships of Detroit. Police have searched it and found nothing of significance. You might though." Jackson spoke before he pulled out a small house key.

"You have a key?" Eileen asked Jackson.

"Well when Damon disappeared Jean tried to get me. She gave me a key and all. Don't know if she changed the locks but never know." Jackson spoke before asking "Are you trying to work behind the backs of police?"

"Not really but this is a personal matter. I want to find out what happened to Damon too and if I can find at least one of the siblings and they can help me that will make this all good." Eileen stated as she stood up.

"Well I have heard that Kenny also has schizophrenia. Like Jean. So be careful." Jackson warned Eileen before Eileen hugged him and left the building.

Just as she exited the building she got a call from the police. "Investigator Priestwich here."

"Miss Priestwich this is Officer Burley here, I believe you remember the Officer you met at Angelo Sumile's residence?" The brawn and familiar voice spoke to Eileen over the phone.

"Yes I remember. Everything okay officer or is there something you want to talk to me about?" Eileen asked, wondering what the officer would want from her.

"I was wondering if you would like to come to the station. I want, or mostly need, your help with the Sumile case. I want to know a few things that might put the pieces together." Officer Burley stated

Eileen felt uncomfortable. "Is the information that sensitive?" 

"We prefer you come here in person. Come here in the next hour please." Officer Burley stated.

"Okay I will be there." Eileen spoke and with this hung up the phone.

"Police?" Jackson asked Eileen, who nodded in response. Jackson took Eileen's hand in his and sighed heavily. "Please Eileen, be careful. I don't want you to disappear the way Damon did. It would kill me."

"I won't. I promise." Eileen spoke in a hushed tone and hugged Jackson tightly before she left the room slowly, feeling as if everything around her was a blur.

As she entered her car, without second thought she texted Samson where she would be before she drove to the police station. Whatever it was the police wanted her for, she hoped that it would help her solve her brother's case and quickly. 


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